is the Generic PowerColor Rx 7800 xt good?
Posted by AwkwardLibrarian7585@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 4 comments
I am looking into getting a radeon rx 7800 xt and my local micro center only has gigabyte and the generic powercolor 7800. Ive heard enough bad news about gigabyte’s radeon products so i am looking at the powercolor. Xfx swft is also an option from amazon but id rather not wait 2-3 weeks for it to get to me.
However, microcenter only has the regular powercolor, not the red devil or hellhound. Is the generic powercolor radeon 7800 xt good? Or should i hold out for the xfx swft?
the difference between any model (gigabyte eagle, xfx swft, xfx merc, power color, hellhound, etc) on a chipset (7700xt, 7800xt, etc) is like 3% at most. if microcenter’s 7800xt is decently priced, get it. no reason to do anything else.
side question: what *have* you heard about gigabyte’s radeon that makes you wanna stay away? cause i’m sure i can find just as bad reviews for almost every computer part manufacturer. everyone makes a bad batch at some point and they’ll get complainers online
AwkwardLibrarian7585@reddit (OP)
Ive heard that since they make both nvidia and amd gpus, their manufacturing is geared more towards nvidia cards, while they haven’t mastered amd cards. Certain specs and things they do arent as optimal compared to the amd exclusives. I forget the details exactly but its more of a hardware issue than it is a performance issue
What's wrong with gigabyte radeon products?
Overall performance will be nearly identical, plus or minus a few fps if any are factory overclocked.
Cooling may be better or worse, depending on heatsink design.
Without knowing exactly which GPUs you're comparing, it's impossible to say which is better or worse.
I would recommend getting a 3 fan model with full size heatsink if prices are similar.