[HELP] My RX 6600 is slower than my GTX 1080, is this normal?
Posted by ezpzza@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 31 comments
Just built my PC, Bought a used Gigabyte GTX 1080 8GB for $100, used it for a few days, then i bought a used Sapphire Pulse RX 6600 8GB because it's only $6 more than my GTX 1080 (i thought i'll sell my 1080 later)
Tested it for 2 days and run furmark and unigine benchmark (used DDU uninstaller in safe mode, because i switched from Nvidia to AMD) (also already tried a clean windows 10 reinstall)
First day Furmark 1080p test: RX 6600 = 80 fps GTX 1080 = 99 fps
First day Unigine Extreme HD test: RX 6600 = 93 fps GTX 1080 = 105 fps
The second day, i forgot what i did but my RX 6600 furmark score is 112 fps now (wtf how?), I tried running unigine again, but it still 90 ish fps (slower than my GTX 1080), Also my RX 6600 gets really hot (playing Elden Ring for 3 minutes will make it 80°C), The seller gave me 3 days warranty, so i won't be able to repaste it yet
Is this normal? Did i get a "bad" RX 6600? Also the physical condition of my Gtx 1080 is better than my RX 6600 (cleaner and less oxidation(?) on the mounting bracket) Which GPU should i keep? Thanks guys
The 1080 is near the end of its driver support if im not mistaken
The 1080 and RX 6600 are close enough in performance that one may be better or worse depending on the benchmark or game, imo.
Variables such as temp and cooling and CPU bottleneck could change the results either way.
What CPU do you have? What do temps on the 1080 look like?
Check for CPU bottlenecking: https://www.pcworld.com/article/1955495/pc-bottlenecks-cpu-or-cpu-limiting-gaming-performance.html
I would go by real world gaming performance instead, or at least use games you play to benchmark.
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
my cpu is Ryzen 5 4500,
my 1080 max temps is around low 70s (maybe because it has triple fans)
>I would go by real world gaming performance instead, or at least use games you play to benchmark
Elden ring is the "heaviest" game i have, so both will run 60 fps 1080p high easily lol
You're likely experiencing a CPU bottleneck, especially in more cpu intense games like elden ring. The 4400 is a pretty weak CPU, especially for gaming, since it has a very small L3 cache and relatively low frequency compared to even a 5600.
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
Oh i see,
so my Ryzen 5 4500 with GTX 1080 runs faster than my RX 6600 because my cpu bottlenecked my RX 6600 but not my GTX 1080?
Certainly could be the cause. Upgrading to even a 5600 would likely improve gaming performance. Read the article I linked to test for bottlenecking in your games.
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
"If your graphics card is utilized between 95 and 100 percent, the processor is strong enough and supplies the GPU sufficiently. If the GPU is used 80 percent or less, that means you’re hitting a strong CPU bottleneck."
But with my R5 4500 both my GTX 1080 and RX 6600 always run >95% GPU usage while playing Elden RIng (1080p high)
so it's not CPU bottleneck?
Maybe not. As I said before, the performance of the two is very close on average, so it's probably just variance between games.
I would still recommend a CPU upgrade. The 5600 is inexpensive especially if you go used.
Are you running a PCIE 3.0 motherboard. 3.0x8 on the 6600 costs some performance compared to 3.0x16 on the 1080. I'd be surprised if it's enough to see major differences I think it costs in the neighborhood of 5 percent.
That was what made me upgrade from a 6600xt to a 6700xt was not having a PCIE 4.0 motherboard at the time. (4.0x8 is equal to 3.0x16)
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
yeah still using my pcie 3 motherboard, but i thought it won't make big difference
It's like 3-5% difference.
I think it's smallish. There are articles about it.
It was just enough to bother me was all.
Oxidation on the mounting bracket? How used is the 6600??
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
Like this, it's not brown like rust Is this oxidation or something else?
Jesus fuck i hope to god your not going to tell me that was sold to you brand new????
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
nope, he told me it was used for gaming for 2 years (still has the invoice)
i bought it for $106 shipped,
by the way can you tell if it's rust or oxidation? how bad is it in your opinion?
Dude thankfully you didn't pay much for it. But from that pic it looks like it was like left out in the rain or submerged in something and they somehow refurbished it to work. I'd be ecstatic I was getting the numbers your getting personally. Even the fins of the cooler behind plate look all oxidized up.
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
am i screwed? do you think i should return it?
You’re fine. My 1080ti is oxidised for fucking days, the fins in it are bad, oxidised and like melted together ? I live near a beachy place. So that maybe can be a cause?
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
>> I live near a beachy place.
oh i see maybe that's the cause,
how many years have you used it?
About 3 years. :)
I mean. I'd say it worth what you paid. But I'd never purchased anything that looked remotely like that and take the chance. Like I said I'm shocked it works let alone pretty well for it's shape. Totally your call.
Overall the rx6600 will be a small bit faster. Usually in newer games where the 1080 just isn't getting driver optimizations. Keep in mind you are comparing a $200 modern GPU to a $600 in 1016 near top of the line older GPU.
But that's it. 1080 is superior to 6600 in several scenarios.
There is 5 years between these two cards, but 1080 is high-end and 6600 is entry level budget card. If you want more performance, you have to get 6800, 7700, 7800, 7900 or 3070ti etc...
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This sub seems to be so heavily AMD biased that I doubt you'll get a sensible answer. But surely keep the better performing, cleaner card.
just like all the streamers and youtubers telling their community to buy AMD while exclusively using Nvidia themselves.
Did you properly remove all Nvidia drivers before installing AMD ones?
ezpzza@reddit (OP)
yeah, first day i used DDU uninstaller,
second day i tried clean windows 10 reinstall
Benchmark results are pretty much worthless since they dont necessarily correlate with real in game performance.