5080 no signal detected. 5080 detected in software when using igpu
Posted by ElainaTheWitchGirl@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 4 comments
Title. Its a palit gaming pro and i have a 1000w psu. I've checked if power cables are plugged in properly and they are. I plugged my dp cable into all 3 ports and none work. I used the igpu on my amd cpu with 5080 in and it posted, I went to a terminal and did a neofetch (i use linux) and it showed the gpu was detected. The rgb lights on the gpu glow. No display though. I really don't know what to do
ElainaTheWitchGirl@reddit (OP)
I don't like the current hacky work around of switching to hdmi 1 then waiting until the monitor realises that dp has a signal and switching to dp then Also having issues with resolution and having my os recognise my monitor. Worked fine before swapping gpus
ElainaTheWitchGirl@reddit (OP)
Solved ig? I updated the bios, didn't fix it. I plugged in an hdmi cable to test that. The hdmi didn't have signal so I figured since there were 2 I must be on the wrong hdmi. To my surprise the menu showed a signal on the dp I left in. I don't how this works but ig I'll have to have the hdmi plugged in to make it work ig
Maybe try forcing PCI Gen 4 in the bios. Have heard a couple reports of people running into weird Gen 5 compatibility with these cards.
ElainaTheWitchGirl@reddit (OP)
I did that. Forgot to say in post. I changed PCI_E 1 gen switch to gen4. There's also a PCI_E 2 gen switch, should I change that too?