Is now a good time to upgrade?

Posted by NoConsideration6532@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 13 comments

Hey guys!

I have a hand me down computer I've upgraded a bit over the years. The specs are as follows -

Motherboard - z97 deluxe (a pain in the ass actually because there is no blueprint, this motherboard came apart of prebuilt PCs)
Processor - i7-4790k @ 4.00 GHz with water cooler added later
GPU - 2080 Super
Resolution - 3440x1440 100 FPS Monitor

For the games I play this setup has worked out great. The first game I started to feel her age was Elden Ring, at which point I acquired the 2080 Super from a friend which fixed that issue. Now the reason I'm thinking of upgrading is Monster Hunter Wilds. The game runs terribly on beta and average of 35 fps on the benchmark tester (35 shitty frames with dlss on and what appears to be dynamic resolution with how things look loading in.)

It looks like my processor is about a 20% bottleneck. IDK if this would be enough to run MH Wilds well. If you guys think it'd be an easy processor upgrade fix I can try that. (a good value processor suggestion would be much appreciated in that case)

I'm always looking for a good deal though and I wasn't sure if right now is a good time to buy say the 4000 cards since 5000 are being released. I'd like to upgrade at this point too for some future proofing. I'd likely just replace everything if I go this route as I don't really like this motherboard, the case is old and has broken ports, etc. Is it worth sending it on parts, a bundle, or a pre-built right now? Or will it be better to wait a little bit for the rest of the 5000 series cards to come out and maybe even AMDs cards?

Thanks for any suggestions!