Is now a good time to upgrade?
Posted by NoConsideration6532@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 13 comments
Hey guys!
I have a hand me down computer I've upgraded a bit over the years. The specs are as follows -
Motherboard - z97 deluxe (a pain in the ass actually because there is no blueprint, this motherboard came apart of prebuilt PCs)
Processor - i7-4790k @ 4.00 GHz with water cooler added later
GPU - 2080 Super
Resolution - 3440x1440 100 FPS Monitor
For the games I play this setup has worked out great. The first game I started to feel her age was Elden Ring, at which point I acquired the 2080 Super from a friend which fixed that issue. Now the reason I'm thinking of upgrading is Monster Hunter Wilds. The game runs terribly on beta and average of 35 fps on the benchmark tester (35 shitty frames with dlss on and what appears to be dynamic resolution with how things look loading in.)
It looks like my processor is about a 20% bottleneck. IDK if this would be enough to run MH Wilds well. If you guys think it'd be an easy processor upgrade fix I can try that. (a good value processor suggestion would be much appreciated in that case)
I'm always looking for a good deal though and I wasn't sure if right now is a good time to buy say the 4000 cards since 5000 are being released. I'd like to upgrade at this point too for some future proofing. I'd likely just replace everything if I go this route as I don't really like this motherboard, the case is old and has broken ports, etc. Is it worth sending it on parts, a bundle, or a pre-built right now? Or will it be better to wait a little bit for the rest of the 5000 series cards to come out and maybe even AMDs cards?
Thanks for any suggestions!
I would do a bundle for cpu, Mobo, and RAM to DDR5 through microcenter if available or Newegg. I'd wait a bit for a GPU since a 2080S is still quite beefy, until stocks come back up now that CNY is over and factories in China are getting back up to speed.
NoConsideration6532@reddit (OP)
Thanks! That sounds like a good idea actually since I have a 2 TB M.2 I just got as well. Sorry I'm not really familiar with DDR5 is that just a better version of RAM available now?
Yes, DDR5 is the latest generation of system RAM available to general consumers. The difference in games compared to DDR4 isnt huuugggggeeeeee per say, but definitely noticeable
NoConsideration6532@reddit (OP)
Thanks! I think i'm going to go this route, rebuild everything in a new case aside from my GPU (since GPU market seems really bad rn) and my M.2. If I do this, how do I know the configuration I'm building won't bottleneck a higher end GPU? I'm thinking of going with a 5070 or higher down the line.
Do you have any bundle suggestions for this? Another commentor told me the bottleneck calculators are BS so now I'm not sure what to look for.
What's your budget?
NoConsideration6532@reddit (OP)
I wanted to keep it around $2k for the full build, but since I'm delaying the GPU I don't mind going over that. I'm thinking maybe $3k-4k final build. I don't want to do get any crazy (what I consider) overpriced GPUs just for the slight cutting-edge performance (like say the $2500 5090) but would like something with good performance to cost ratio. Looking at the 5070ti, even after its release though I have no idea when I might be able to get my hands on one and how much it'll be going for resale as I assume I won't be able to snag one for MSRP with all the bots.
I don't know much about computers so hopefully someone can say if these are a good deal right now.
It is a good time to upgrade. There are a lot of great values on Nvmes, Ram, Mobos, and CPUs. The only hangup is getting a GPU.
Wait on the rest until you get the GPU you want and then throw the rest together.
NoConsideration6532@reddit (OP)
Thanks! I actually have a 2TB M.2 I put into my PC recently. Do You have any suggestions for CPU's, Mobos, and RAM that's beefy and offers good performance to price?
32gb or 64gb Ddr5-6000mhz cl30 (get two sticks of 16 or 32 for dual channel)
MSI Tomahawk B850 or X870
7800x3d or 9800x3d
I don't think there's an easy worthwhile upgrade for that processor. you'd have to replace the motherboard and RAM anyway at which point you may as well replace everything else. But you could carry the GPU over and wait on that if you decide to wait on more of the new GPUs to come out.
The sticky on r/buildapcforme is a great resource for scoping out recommended builds at different price points. Def worth a look.
Also everyone here will tell you that bottleneck calculators are complete bs, so don't put any stock into that.
NoConsideration6532@reddit (OP)
Roger, what's a good way of telling if my PC has a bottleneck than? And thanks I'll take a look at the sticky!
Your computer will always have some kind of limiting factor-- often the GPU or the monitor. Sometimes the CPU. But generally as long as you're buying parts that are in the same tier and were introduced within a few years of each other you will end up with a fairly balanced system and don't need to worry about it much. Following recent guides and allowing the community to vet your build is also a good idea.
In other words, the concept of a "bottleneck" is a problem that is usually overstated. If you're thoughtful about your build it's probably not something you need to worry about much.