Join us to protest Project 2025 at City Hall Plaza on Monday!
Posted by Aesyric@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 59 comments

Posted by Aesyric@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 59 comments
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Where is the rally to celebrate project 2025? I want to hang with the winners.
The only people who win with 2025 are billionaires, and I really doubt they wanna hang with you.
Idk. I’m middle class, but gutting the IRS and USAID, and DoE sounds like a pretty great cost-saving measure for my wallet
Hey look everyone I found the guy who doesn't know 60% of the budget is social security/Medicare/Medicaid and 30% is DoD!
He thinks this will save money!
I think you have a severe misunderstanding of the US budget
Lol, you think cost savings are gonna be passed down to you? 😂
In the white house bathrooms, I hear there are convenient glory holes in each of the men's stalls. Enjoy.
Thank you for posting! See you there!
Also this channel is a bit of a sess pool... not always the best place to ask for support... look at the absolute garbage comments.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Yeah I am seeing my mistake, I just wanted to try and spread the word.
If even one person saw this in good faith and decides to attend, its not a waste I guess
I appreciate it and it helped me know it’s happening. Mission accomplished.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Thank you so much, I really needed that one
Totally get it.
The Left: “if we win you are taking the shot and wearing that damn mask or else, if we lose we will just have a meltdown.” What happened to the first 100 days?
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
I don't know what you are talking about.
I just want both sides to come together and stand up for our rights
Seems like an actual bot is in comments. Lol but love the energy. Turn its been pretty good recently. With council elections coming up of hope to see energy sustained and grow
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Love to hear it, I just found out about these and I'm going to start showing up.
Where can I learn more about council elections?
Maybe start with city's website and search for district council folk, maybe the Advocate, Texas Tribune, Dallas Morning News but most of their stuff is behind paywalls
Lol. I get down voted for sharing information 🤣🤣🤣
The trolls are really out of control these days. Take downvotes as a compliment.
Is this about the Luka Doncic trade?
Project 2025 is a great thing why protest
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
least obvious troll account
Yeah says the sayer of silly things 🤡
I’m starting to think these posts are from Russian bots!
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Definitely a real person!
Just trying to spread the word as much as I can, it is frustrating how little traction these protests are getting during what is an extremely dangerous time for america
"you think it's a dangerous time for America"
DOGE is literally so incompetent they accidentally tried to fire the office at the Department of Energy that oversees the manufacture and storage of nuclear weapons. Once they were made aware they rescinded the firings.
Is that level of stupidity not dangerous enough for you?
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Agencies that oversee election safety are being targeted.
Laws preventing us from bribing foreign officials are being heavily loosened.
Medicine and healthcare, including Medicaid, are facing severe cuts.
It is a dangerous time for all my fellow Americans and I don't want to see anyone suffer.
They aren’t getting traction because it’s the fringe left crashing out. The general public does not care.
People protesting a president who was elected openly saying Project 2025 wasn’t his platform?
I got an idea, I will run as a Republican, openly lie to the public, and then switch it on ‘em and go full tilt in another direction because I “tricked people”. How about running on the strength of your argument and following the laws set up where Congress performs the tasks they are supposed to instead of leaning on executive orders. This is not what a democratic republic should look like and if you don’t want democracy, go to Russia or China.
Have you READ project 2025?
If the candidate had said it was his platform then I would have read it cover to cover just like it did Harris’ plan. I began adjusting my families investments last year because I was very concerned about the 44% taxation that was in Biden’s plans and saw Harris potentially moving that needle higher. She backed off and lowered it to 28% for the immediate future in her written plans. She ran on a published platform that citizens could judge for themselves PRIOR to elections. Trump literally stood up there and said, “maybe we do this, maybe we do that, this is a good idea, this isn’t a good idea” but he openly said he has nothing to do with Project 2025.
To be clear, I am hyper aware of the agricultural topics discussed in P2025 because I firmly believe in regenerative agriculture as the most viable path forward. I work with a ranch where we had to build up enough profit to be able to ride out the financial storm of not making profits or having crop insurance for the years that it takes to transition a farm away from the monoculture model (the only way to receive crop insurance). Monoculture crop insurance is a disastrous government policy that makes farmers welfare recipients because if there is a disaster they need the insurance. If you have a polyculture farm and do not till then you can weather environmental disasters much better and still harvest some crops but you do not qualify for crop insurance. This means you have to have enough money on the sidelines for years as the biology of your farm rebuilds itself. Once you have rebuilt the microbiology your farm begins to turn a profit again. Most small family farms DO NOT have enough money to do this and simply “ripping the bandaids off” will cause numerous families to claim bankruptcy, giving away multigenerational land to large agricultural corporations. If the rest of the ideas promoted by the academic intellectuals who formed Project 2025 in a vacuum attempt to rip bandaids off in other sectors of public/private enterprise then I believe they lack the practical knowledge of what is going on at the ground level.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
I believe they do, and I don't think its a partisan issue.
Division is the oldest trick in the book for billionaires, them getting us to fight each other based on made-up labels is how they keep us in line.
I think Texans should come together
Don’t listen to these comments. MAGA is just being bad faith about their reality until it hits them soon.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Yeah for sure
I do wish we could mend division though, its the oldest trick in the book and its working so well against us right now
Do you know how retarded you sound?
Your orange boy is Putin's puppet. Christ. You worshippers can't see the truth if it was right in front of you. 😂
FREE ride home, courtesy of Uber-ICE.
Are there any protests planned in the outlying cities? I know I saw one for Denton.
So yall just gonna stand outside an empty building and hope they review cameras Tuesday?
The revolution will be unobserved.
And uncoordinated and undirected and ineffective
I always think of this when there's a protest in DFW.
Liberal logic, protest to keep illegal criminal aliens 🤪
It’s cold outside. If there’s warm beverage and a warmer lass, maybe I’d show up
On a weekday holiday when City Hall will be closed.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
More and more protests are happening, trying to get as many out there as possible
Choose one.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
I hear you, but I did not organize this, I'm just trying to spread the word.
But you are right, we need to do much more
Guys, I want to put an American flag upside down on a bridge on a highway. I'm scared but I need to do something. Have you done something like this? Is it against the law? Do I need permission??
be careful my friends, Trump has been deporting protestors across the country.
Deleting Twitter and all META accounts would make a bigger splash.
Aesyric@reddit (OP)
Aesyric@reddit (OP)