[UK] Do stick and rudder skills pay your bills?

Posted by TechnoWellieBobs@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 24 comments

Hoping to receive gold nuggets from people who actually work in the industry to aid with career planning. Things I’m keen to learn about:

CFI - money aside, is this job really as bad as this subreddit makes it out to be? I tend to believe we don’t hear from the people that love it, but I want to confirm this.

Modular vs integrated ATPL

Drawbacks as a mega AV-nerd (rose-tinted glasses etc)


I’ve been fascinated by anything that leaves the ground for as long as I can remember. “Pilot” was always the answer when asked what I wanted to be when I get older.

I got older and accidentally built a decent career in tech. I’ve been very lucky with some of the opportunities that have come my way - I’ve had what some would consider dream jobs. But that sucks, because it’s not my dream.

Procrastinating for 9 years wasn’t on my to-do list but here we are, I’m now a student pilot.

My goal when our company sells is to make my living with a stick or yoke in one hand and throttle in the other. Not jumping between meetings and being someone that I am not.