Will SIC (FO) hours on an A320 at an LCC outside the U.S. count toward the 250 PIC/SIC hours required under 14 CFR §61.159(a)(5) for an ATP certificate for U.S Airlines?

Posted by SDN_General@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 37 comments

Hey everyone, am asking this question for those of you who are familiar with the process.

I am U.S citizen (fresh CPL) but am planning to work as a FO at an LCC in a foreign country before I return to the U.S. The ATP licence required by the FAA to work for an airline requires a minimum of 250 hours of PIC or SIC who can temporarily act as the PIC.

I've had some people tell me that these hours logged in as a F.O might not count as legit hours required for the ATP license and all this time am going to log in is all worthless, so is this all true?