I saw Jaws in the theater in 1975. I was six years old. We were on vacation. At the beach. I was in the water the next day.
Posted by Lonestar-Boogie@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 94 comments

I was 6 and loved it. One of the characters (that got eaten) had my name and I thought it was so neat.
I stayed up late reading Peter Benchley’s novel the night before my first dive in Laguna Beach, CA when I was 13. We all circled up at a point out past the breakers at dawn. The sky was overcast and the water was black. It was terrifying.
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
That is crazy.
I saw it in the theaters when I was seven years old. It was terrifying. Still hate the open water.
There's no way I could have. I saw Poltergeist in the theater when I was eight. I made my mom move my bed because I was afraid of the closet sucking me in.
I was 14 when I saw it with my brother and his friend.
How?! 8 year old me was not allowed to see it, but hearing adults talk about it scared me so badly that I had nightmares about being hunted by sharks on dry land For a very long time.
I was living in Colorado when I saw it. Still have PTSD
Cape Cod drive in....
You are savage my man!
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
Meanwhile, I was afraid there was a Great White Shark in our swimming pool growing up after seeing JAWS.
For several years! Because that’s where they get you
The pool was always good-to-go UNTIL I was in the air off the diving board…then I would feel the freak outs!!
Jumping right into JAWS' mouth!
Me too
older cousin told me that sharks were in the deep end of the public pool, and that's why there were so few people there.
Fuck you Gary, I didn't brave the deep end til I was 10!!!
There is an “Asshole Gary” in every family
It is freakin known.
Same. Honestly I slept with my legs tucked up in case he bit the end of my bed off. 👀
Ha! Love that and you unlocked a memory for me too. Admittedly, I still don't like my legs to be hanging of the edge even as a middle-aged GenXer.
That's funny, Jaws didn't bother me when I swam in our pool but after I saw Orca for some reason that freaked me out when I swam.
I had a trouble taking a bath for a few years after standing in a line around the theater to see this when I was seven.
Similar situation to yours. I was ten years old and had to take the final swim test in the ocean for my Red Cross swimming certification the weekend after seeing the movie.
My older sister wouldn't go in the lake that summer. Jaws kept a lot of people out of the water for years.
Can confirm. Y’all are my people.
Jaws wasn't about the shark, though. It was a condemnation of the people in the town, and mob mentality. It was a lot more obvious in the book, of course. I remember everyone reading it in '74.
I was afraid of all waters for YEARS after i saw the movie.
I saw Jaws 3 in 3D while on vacation at the beach. I too was in the water the next day, but that’s because the only thing scary about Jaws 3 is that I paid money to see it.
I will always remember sitting with my younger brother (born in ‘68) and watching this in small town Nevada. The summer my dad died. My mom dropped us off to watch it alone. The scene where Hooper is diving and checking out the boat and the head pops out, sent my brother at least two feet vertically into the air. He was jumpy the entire movie after that. I think he entertained me more than the shark.
I was 8 and a thunderstorm flooded the theater and we got rain checks. Wasn’t worried about sharks there but a visit to the Gulf of “America” as some people call it now that same year and I was super scared.
Get out! I’m four years older, saw it and had to stay home from school for two days. 😂
I remember later that summer, going to the beach and people were frantically scrambling out of the surf when a harmless pod of bottlenose dolphins came swimming by. That movie really messed this whole nation up back in the day.
Are you me? We were on vacation in Florida but I was a bit nervous going in the water the next day.
We lived in FL. A block from the beach. Before the movie the local dove shop advertised. I was 10. Beaches were quite empty for many years.
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
We we're at Virginia Beach. I don't remember too much else from the trip. I do remember how the surf would pull you down the beach, even in the shallowest of water. Every once in a while I'd look up from playing in the water and see my mom about 50 feet away, waving at me to come back up to be in front of her. And I also remember there being a French-Canadian teen girl who was rather smitten with how cute I was at six years old. Good times.
Same (6), at the drive in, in Florida while on vacation from Canada with my parents. They were lucky I went in the pool the rest of that trip.
My aunt was reading this paperback when I was younger. She would set it down to go do something and I would immediately flip the book cover side down. I thought the artwork was extremely disturbing (at that age).
I grew up spending summers on Cape Cod. I was 8 when I saw this film and refused to get in the water for the rest of the summer.
That severed hand on the beach was a cinematic moment. Didn't matter what the rest of the movie was like. That one single shot was plenty enough to give nightmares.
I used to play the theme song whenever my younger brother would take a bath. He would freak out and come running naked out of the bathroom crying. I got into trouble so many times for that one. 😂
Me too, I was 5, wtf but I still swam in the ocean too. I lived by a local beach and it was on the east coast so dark water, just treading.
In fifth grade in elementary school the teachers decided to show this (over two or three days) at LUNCHTIME.
We were literally on vacation at Cape Cod that summer. Talk about freaked out going in the ocean 😂
I was eight and the theatre had a smoking section/room.
I thought Jaws was going to come through the toilet and bite my ass. I still swam in a lake, ocean, and pool. I would get freaked out some of the time, but not all of the time.
Gen-X watched a lot of scary ass movies and movies deemed inappropriate today.
In high school, we voted to watch Children of the Corn on a movie day, using a 20” TV on a cart.
Jaws is probably my favorite movie. Just a great adventure film. It's kind of ruined the beach for me, at least the being in the water part. I prefer staying in places where I'm the top of the food chain.
I was like 10 in Florida out in the ocean on an inflatable and all of the sudden the lifeguards started blowing whistles and hustling everyone onto shore. Maybe they put flags up or waved flags? I may not remember that part accurately but the whole thing on the shore was dramatic and everyone running out of the water to get on the beach. Except me. I was way the fuck out there because someone told me there was a sand bar and the water got shallow again, but where I was in that moment was too deep for me to do anything but float, so I’m like what the fuck is happening?
And then all these fish started jumping out of the water, some of them actually landing on my little raft thing before flopping off back into the water. I don’t remember that part being scary but I do remember it being crazy. Tons of fish just erupted out of the water. Turns out, they were trying to escape the sharks. Just tons and tons of sharks suddenly everywhere. I hiked every part of my body all the way on the shitty little raft and could see them swimming under the water and all around me. Some of them were thrashing about and some of them were just darting quickly under water and then some of them were just swimming like you would picture sharks just casually cruising around. I was convinced it was a feeding frenzy and I was fuuuuuucked. As many sharks as anyone has ever seen in once place.
So to make a long story shorter I managed to paddle as gently as I could to get back to the waves breaking and try to use that to bring me in, otherwise I was pretty much just going to be in no man’s land for the foreseeable future. It worked. I can’t remember if that took me 5 minutes, an hour or a week but I did get back to shore and the lifeguards absolutely chewed me out. Like dude, I’m just some hick kid from Arkansas, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do, did I almost die? And you’re mad at me?
Very true to our generation my parents were like a quarter mile away on the beach just chillin. When I walked back to them finally they had no idea anything was going on. Or at least weren’t panicked. I just remember them not having any follow up questions about where I had been.
Anyway, between that and Jaws you’d think I’d have developed a fear of sharks and I did a little bit for a minute but it didn’t last long.
The under water dead guy jump scare fu@ked me up for days. And that was on a 19 in TV. Can’t even imagine what that was like on the big screen as a 6 year old
Youtube has reaction videos that are hilarious fun to watch just for that one jump scare.
Dreyfuss sold it with that high pitched shriek
I was 4 and vacationing on the vineyard when they were filming. I barely remember but apparently I threw a fit when my parents let my older brother go watch them film but I was too young to go.
This traumatized my wife early on and she refuses to swim in the ocean since she was 17.
Yah, my dad took me to see it and I can still remember having to go to the lobby after some scenes. We still went to the beach that summer but I certainly was on the look out. I was happier at Disneyland.
I saw The Exorcist at the same age and was traumatized to the point I was afraid to sleep flat on my back because I thought I was more likely to be possessed by satan. 👹
Well, they killed the shark at the end so the water is safe now.
I used to watch this movie all summer long just to see if a white shark would swim along with me. Like freaking Free Willie. I was an odd kid 😂
High School, early '90s, for charity or spirit week or something, hey did "Jaws Night in the Pool."
First year they did it with dimmed lighting.
Then they realized having a bunch of teenagers have a pool party in the dark wasn't best idea.
I was 4 turning 5. I remember Cedar Beach on Long Island was so empty.
Saw it super young at my grandparents drive in. Later that night I’m taking a bath and I hear that music in my head. Next thing ya know I’m running through the house naked and screaming
similar story. first time to a beach. we got there really late so while mom and dad went out me and my nephew watched Jaws. niether of us went in the water the next day. i was 6.
I was 7. My older cousins just told our parents we were going to the movies without knowing it was Jaws. We were on vacation too but nowhere near the beach. We went swimming in a lake the next day and my cousin would sneak up on us underwater! Also, the head bobbing in the boat window scarred me for life!
My parents didn't let me see Jaws, I was 5. But my older brothers got to go, they were 10 and 15. I did go see Jaws 2 tho, will always remember the electrocution at the end, lol
I saw it when I was 5, and remembered it vividly. (Especially the head)
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
I saw Jaws 2 in the theater as well. I was 9 years old by that time. Since we saw it the weekend it came out, I got a promotional poster, which my parents put on my bedroom door, right across from the foot of my bed. The shark was literally the last thing I saw at night before I feel asleep. As much as the first Jaws didn't seem to phase me, Jaws 2 messed me up. I guess because I was older and understood more of what was happening. The girl getting swallowed whole by the shark was especially jarring. I had nightmares for two weeks. Finally I took the poster down, rolled it up, an stuck it behind my aquarium stand.
Hooper drives the boat
I saw JAWS on HBO the following year, live in the middle of my state and wasn’t able to go into a lake without worrying about something eating me for two years following.
I love this movie! I weirdly will hum the jaws theme when I’m in the water at the beach just to give myself chills!!!
That movie is why I won’t swim anywhere I can’t see exactly what’s underneath me 🙈😅
that's because 6 year olds are dumb and did t appreciate terror.
All kidding aside I'm jealous. I was 8 when it came out and Ive never seen it in a theater. I was completely taken by Sharks. Me and friends endlessly drew sharks - trying to do the best --- SO MUCH SHARK
I am so hoping they will do a theater rerelease this summer.
Same here!👍. But the theatre experience was hilarious with my aunt screaming. I was so embarrassed I went to the front row. 😂😂
My dad did the exact same thing to me. We very vacationing in Cape Cod. I was FOUR.
(This was my first memory of seeing a movie. To be fair, it was equally terrifying and awesome)
How many of us are now in our 50s and 60s and still afraid to go in the water?
This was the first horror movie I saw l although not until it was on tv in ‘79.
I didn’t swim for a year. At summer camp the counselors laid it on heavy. “Lost a camper last week to a shark” lots of kids hanging on the beach
I saw this movie when I was 6 and had just started swimming lessons. I believe most of my adult trauma response originates with that summer.
Half the time when I see this poster, I hear “I’m gonna eat that hairy leg…”
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
My friend and I started watching it as a comedy. It was his idea. There are some funny sequences in the movie, definitely. But he laughs when the woman swimmer is getting banged into the buoy at the beginning.
There really is quite a lot of unintentionally funny shit in that movie, honestly. I’m a huge fan of the Dark and Twisted.
then again I did have that chubby kid on a raft earlier today. s'okay, I've been swimming a lot lately. Mmm, yummy, mmm.
I watched it at home on TV and had swimming lessons in the deep end of the pool the next day. I was on the look out for a large gray mass gliding through the water.
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
The most popular song to play on the jukebox at our community pool was the Jaws theme.
Before. Mom no way dad said go ahead
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
Did one of the mods change my flair to Television and Movies? Thank you, it is much more appropriate from my first flair selection.
I was told sharks only eat girls
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
Was that before or after you saw the movie? Because the shark only ate one girl in the first movie. In the second movie, the shark was a much more equal opportunity eater.
Watched it at the drive-in theater.
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
I remember eating at a McDonald's across the highway from the local drive in and seeing it was playing. That was the only drive-in experience I had.
I was only 4 when it came out so too young to see it but this image is seared into my brain from advertisements and the back of my comic books.
Something that touches the lizard brain about it.
I remember watching it on tv one night as a kid and we had a little dog at the time whose name was Peanut. When Jaws came up close to the tv, the dog got scared and ran under it.
Lonestar-Boogie@reddit (OP)
My first dog was named Peanut!
I was 10 when it came out and I STILL don't like swimming at night.
The only water I’ll stay out of is Cascade Beach