The check ride seems impossible

Posted by Temporary_Access2385@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 76 comments

I’m a student pilot at about 55 hours. I’m prepping for the check ride and honestly… I don’t think I can pass. On the oral part I think I should be fine but it’s the maneuvers that I think are going to get me. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever had a day where all of my maneuvers I was able to keep within 100 feet. I’ll be close and some I will get but I’ll botch the very last steep turn and gain like 200 feet. My landings aren’t great either. Sometimes I’ll butter a landing but usually I don’t. I’m scared because my instructor is saying I’m 99% there I just need to clean everything up. I know this might seem like a can’t do attitude but I’m just being honest. I just can’t imagine myself having a flight with a guy I’ve never met and not making any mistakes. That seems actually impossible. Any advice?