Is the Ryzen 7 5700X3D worth double the price over the 5700X?
Posted by Pianopatte@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 88 comments
Hi, I am thinking about upgrading my Ryzen 5 3600. After looking at benchmarks and reading some opinions I am left with two possible CPUs: The Ryzen 7 5700X (120€) and the Ryzen 7 5700X3D (240€).
I have a 3080 RTX and I mainly play single player games like Cyberpunk 2077 or Baldurs Gate 3 on my 120hz 4K TV. But I am also playing VR-Games from time to time.
The benchmarks I saw show that Ryzen 3D CPUs have as good as no advantage over their non-3D brethern when playing in 4K. That and the much higher price should make it an easy decision then. But on the other hand hundreds of comments on reddit and other places religiously praise the gaming advantages and future proveness of 3D CPUs.
So yeah, whats your opinions? Is a 3D CPU worth it even if its so double the price? To be honest the price isnt that much of an deal but I still dont want to overpay.
I got my 5700X3D 2 weeks ago for 160 eur on Aliexpress. For 240 Eur it's definitely not worth it, because if you sell mobo and ram you can do AM5 upgrade for the same value of about \~350 Eur with Ryzen 5 7500F.
how did you get one for so cheap? The lowest I've seen was like 190 to 200 and that was during blackfriday
7500f Is at least 160. B650 starts at 150 anywhere in Europe. RAM Is 100. Plus you Need a cooler
I didn't consider pricing in the rest of Europe, that's my bad.
In Poland cheapest B650 starts at 100 eur, 32GB DDR5 6000Hz at 80 eur and 7500F is frequently on aliexpress for around 140 eur with coupons. I post it just to show an idea of pricing in Poland.
I don't trust Ali Express sellers. I've had enough things show up in shitty condition that to me it's not worth the savings anymore to shop on that site.
have you tried disputing those purchases? One of the reason I shop at ali is because their customer support, the few items I had issues with I either got a full or substantial partial refund.
Bought 1 8400F, 2 7500F, 2 9600X and 1 7700. All of them came very well protected, if you buy from shitty sellers it's your problem
That's a fairly stupid take
"My CPUs were fine, if you got scammed it's your fault"
My CPUs and thousands of buyers CPUs were fine y'all just love demonizing AliExpress, I'm pretty sure he saw a 57000X3D for 80 dollars and bought it without hesitation. If you don't check the seller's reputation you deserve to be scammed imo
I was also sceptical and that 5700X3D is the first expensive purchase I made on AliExpress. Outside of AliExpress Ryzen CPUs are pretty expensive. Especially older X3D chips. If you don't want to touch AliExpress I recommend getting used to the Ryzen 7500F, 7600 or 7700 and upgrading the platform to AM5. The 5700X3D is on par with the 7600 in terms of performance.
Oh I'm not looking to upgrade now. Just a general comment about AE. I see so many people recommend them and I just don't trust those sellers anymore. I did what you're supposed to do. Only use high rated sellers that sell lots of volume and I still received items with surface damage or even completely busted. Also, a couple of times I waited two weeks before anything even shipped to me. It hasn't been a good site for me. That's all.
get it from aliexpress. 120$ ish
What seller?
Tbh i would argue 5700x is not worth purely from a performance uplift point of view compared to 3600.
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Yeah, I see where you are coming from. I just checked my CPU usage while playing Cyberpunk. It only rose to 50% max. Guess I gotta check my other games first before I make my decision.
Checking cpu doesn't indicate. Most of the time when cpu bottlenecked the cpu isn't hitting 100% The best way to check is to track gpu usage. If you're below 90% GPU usage you're definitely bottlenecked.
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Well, that's counter intuitive but good to know.
Another way to track is Task Manager; The performance Tab will have a CPU section but if you right click the graph and switch it to "Logical Processors" instead of "Overall Utilization", you can see your Per-Thread Usage. I find it more visually appealing / useful than using an Overlay for all 12-Threads.
Personally, I'm also on a R5 3600, and I consistently see 1-2+ threads bouncing off 100%. I am still playing at 1080p though, with an RX 5600 XT. If you don't intend on jumping to AM5 anytime soon I view the X3D chips on AM4 as the only real logical option. Especially if you get a new GPU in a year or two, you will thank yourself. May even be able to skip AM5 and grab an AM6 setup once those come out and prices settle.
Might not spend full price on one, but they're marked up everywhere atm. Here in the states Microcenter used to sell them at $180, and now they're $250. I think the new GPUs may have people upgrading more of their system, so retailers are trying to cash in. As far as I know, they haven't announced plans of stopping production so I'd hold out for a solid deal.
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the info! I think I will take your suggestion and wait for a good deal on the X3D.
No, and not in any world it is worth twice the price. In your case the biggest limitation for 4k gaming is the video card. The 3080 is a good card but not really built for 4k. 4k just punishes GPUs,
The 3080 was the flagship model of it's generation. It's disingenuous to say it wasn't built for 4K gaming. It's a dated card now and might not be great for 4K on modern games but it was built for 4K gaming.
I don't think so, the 3090 was the true 4k flagship. The 3080's paltry vram meant it was destined for 1440p
It might not have been the very top end of it's generation but it was one of the top end cards and I think if you feel it wasn't suitable for 4K gaming then you're falling into the online sentiment that only the absolute best is good enough. Not everyone has to game on ultra settings with 90+ FPS to consider a game playable. If you are expecting that kind of performance with cutting edge AAA games at 4K, you are chasing unicorns. There are going to be some compromises with 4K gaming for a long time to come. Studios usage of GPU performance is outpacing manufacturers growth of the resources.
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Yeah, guess you are right. Others mentioned upscalers which I totally forgot and which probably are the only reason I even reach 60 fps while playing 4k. But if I am really playing on a lower resolution then that might mean a X3D could make a difference
The x3D will make a different but not at double the price. you are looking at a 10-20% depending on the game.
Yes it is. I had a 5800x with a 3080 and played at 1440p and 4k. 5800x bottlenecked the 3080 in several games at 4k so I went for the 5700X3D and sold the 5800x. Way bigger upgrade than I thought.
+20fps in Dragons Dogma 2 cities at 4k for example.
Get 5700x3d tray from alliexpress. It's often within $150-170 range. Either that or change the platform to AM5.
Long gone were those days from legit sellers. Too much demand drove stock low and price high. Plus no more reliable coupons
I got one from SZCPU for 160 a few weeks ago. But it was out of stock for a bit, and I just happened to hop on one day and they were back at that store (not one of the ones that uses the SZCPU image...).
You clearly don't check the app regularly lol
Why would I check alix regularly we all got lives man
Well you should at least check before commenting bullshit
Why would I when people with no lives will check it for us
i ordered mine 2 weeks ago for 160usd. I received it yesterday and its working 🔥🔥
Hey can you help from which seller and from alixpres right?
Hi, I got one from this deal , but its sold out about one week ago. I recommend setting up an alert on your local pepper version and waiting for something legit to appear
Yeah between 2 and 1 week ago everything sold out, it went really fast.
Chips probably been out of production for a while, party is over.
Nice. I checked beforehand and it seems these deals are gone/oos
The deals come and go, I had alerts on pepper, I recommend those interested to do the same.
Bought one 2 weeks ago from Ali, 140 after cashbackXL. Shipped from spain and completely legit.
I’m happy with my 5600 and a RTX3700 playing at 4K@120, the bottleneck at that resolution is the gpu.
I think it doesn’t worth the high prices of the X3D on some configurations.
Last year the 5700X3D was ~$144 bucks on aliexpress, a great deal I used to upgrade my PC and my wife
I would highly recommend looking for a better price for the 3D, the 5700X is good, but the 3D is a great improvement as well frametimes become really stable
Think about what frame rate you're targeting. If you want 120 and are willing to use dlss performance and lower some settings the 5700x3d will be beneficial even at 4k.
Got a 5700x3d for £200 brand new. I'm planning to ride am4 until am6. My 3700x wasn't able to let my 2070 super shine in certain games like Helldivers, now I'm able to get 80-90fps on medium at 1440p, up from about 40-45 probably.
Not worth the doubled price on a 3080 at 4K.
This was my conclusion at the end of the day. I have a 3800x and pondered getting the 5700x3D/5800x3D and I think the performance gain wasn't going to be enough to justify the purchase. I have a 2080 super. I was gaming at 4k, but the monitor does so I'm on 1440p now. My plan is to just wait until I know what the base specs for the next console gen will be and build accordingly.
I upgraded from 3800X to 5700X3D last year and it's been a massive uplift, especially on lows. For the price I paid (180€) I've been very happy with my purchase.
That's good to know!
Price is wack, for the same price i could get a b650m & 7500f. Pretty sure 7500f is similar or better than 5700x3d
People are saying to get the CPU's from Aliexpress - what about the potential of scams?
No scams so far, I bought 6 CPUs there, all of em legit and well protected
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
All I ever bought on aliexpress was cheap Lego. But with so many positive mentions here I might try it for pc stuff too.
SZCPU Store and JS Computer store are goated, all CPUs I bought there are legit
I bought a 5700X3D on aliexpress for 155€, after that it was 159 with 20€ coupon so 139€, reputable seller with many photo reviews. Obviously a 5700X is even less.
I think a 5700X3D is worth 200 USD but that's probably just me being spoiled by the US market. I will say that when I upgraded to a 5800X3D I felt gaming was somewhat nicer. Then when I played games on another PC with a 5800X in it I realized "Wow this stutters so much." The X3D's higher 1% lows really do improve gaming. I don't know if the improvement is worth hundreds of extra Euros, but it is a superior experience.
What is the price for the 5800x3d? Also depends on what you want ig. 5600x3d is also an option.
5600x3d was a limited quantity run exclusive to microcenter
I know, but I'm just trying to widen the perspective. I have seen them on the used market here in Europe.
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Its 500€ on the used market here in Germany. So not really an option.
I upgraded from a 5600 to a 5700x3d running 4k as well I saw a difference especially in minimums and raytracing (running a 4070ti) remember most cpu benchmarks at 4k don't include upscaling at which point you are running at 1440p or 1080p so the cpu works more than youd expect
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
I totally forgot about upscalers. Thanks for mentioning it.
At most its a 1.5x increase of price which can be worth it for some situational benefits but if you’re playing in 4K, X3D chip is sorta worthless almost all of the time. Some calculations that do not involve increasing FPS can work, but you won’t increase fps in almost all 4K scenario.
However the thing you need to consider is really how long you are planning to use your current motherboard before you upgrade. You can buy other, newer CPU for similar price. Yes, you will need to buy new motherboard and RAM….. but you will need to buy it anyway if you plan to continue PC gaming.
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Dunno, if I need a full upgrade anytime soon. Thanks to upscalers and frame gen I can play most games at atleast 60 fps at 4k. Which is enough for me. I might just wait a few years until am6 is out.
Thats why I am just looking for a partial update. Another comment mentioned that cause of upscalers I am not even playing 4k most of the time. So maybe a X3D might be good idea? Though not for that price. Maybe I could get a deal on aliexpress.
The real answer is “what games do you play”? X3D chips blow the others out of the water both on cpu-intensive games and on poorly optimized games like Rust and Tarkov. If you ever think you’ll get into more niche genres and titles the X3D chips will do a much better job of ensuring everything runs buttery smooth, so it’s up to you if that’s worth the extra cost or if you’re not interested in dipping your toes in such titles.
nahhhhh, not really.
5700X can easily run cyberpunk and baldur's gate 3, those are more GPU bound games anyways.
Huh? Baldur's Gate 3 is heavily CPU bound at 1440p in over half of the game, at 4K you will still be CPU bound in many scenarios, particularly most of act 3.
Baldur's Gate 3 is a prime example of a CPU bound game, it's absolutely not GPU bound.
Only on act 3 when you go to the areas with more people.
Also I don't know if the ryzen windows performance increase patch fixed performance more... 'can't remember.
Pretty sure baldurs relies a lot on CPU than you'd think. Regardless of being cpu or gpu bounded, the 1% and 0.1% lows of the x3D makes gaming buttery smooth and just overall more consistent in single player games too
Yeah it is but im not sure the OP really cares that much. It's not like it's unplayable on a 5700X cause of the 1%/0.1% lows.
At double the cost you can go am5 with a 7600 and have an upgrade path
5700x3d is 180€ on aliexpress
Pianopatte@reddit (OP)
Dunno, if I am searching wrong but I am not finding any 5700x3d at that price on aliexpress. Could you maybe send me a link?
Even CPUs are inflated, Christ. I bought my 5700X3D for €180 something on October.
I had the same kind of dilemma this week. The benchmarks do not help because they almost always pair it with a 4090 and run the tests at 1080p. Absolutely not helpful for us "I just play single player games at whatever fps feels smooth" crowd. I found a few that used more realistic GPUs and higher resolutions and I decided on the 5700X to save some money now and still have headroom for new games with the better IPC. I play at 1440p and use DLSS whenever possible.
AliExpress has it for 152$
Nope, jump to AM5
Just buy on AliExpress.
5700x is the better buy for your use case imo
See if you can find a better price on aliexpress, if not, i’d actually say get a 5600 instead. At 4k the difference between the 5700x and a 5600 are probably non-existent for most games.
Just find a good deal on the 7600 as others have pointed out. It comes with a future proof platform and slightly better performance too
Logically no but depends how fat your wallet is.
I bought 7950x3d for 730€ when I could have gotten 7800x3d for under 500€. But for me, that 250€ is not so much so I rather take 10% better performance.
I bought mine 5700x3d two weeks ago for 160 USD. Good at this price, but would not pay more than 200usd.
Go check out build a PC sales. The 5700xt is on sale for like 120 right now. It's nearly the performance of a 5700x3d but much much cheaper now that those have skyrocketed with the loss of the 5800x3d. It's a great in-between.
if u r upgrading am4 in 2025 u get x3d for gaming.
You will get low fps with a 3080 in 4K so not worth it at all
Not worth it at all for the uplift you're going to get. Aliexpress used to offer them for as little as 130 euros at some point, now they're way over that price. If i were you, i'd jump into am5 if you've spotted a discounted 7600 or 7700x cpu+mobo deals, or even the x3d variants.
No, but I would buy it and recommend it. Have a 5600x3d and it’s a fantastic chip.