Are newscasters and reporters getting younger, or am I getting older?
Posted by Thereal4d@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 44 comments
I am watching a CBC report, and I am sure the reporter has not yet seen 25.
There is a study that shows we see people in the past as being older, based on dress style and haircuts.
I am really not sure.
Young reporters will work for peanuts, it's all about the profit for the shareholders.
This is it right here.
There are broadcast groups that own as many as 200 stations each, all over the country. And indeed, their main goal is to serve the shareholders' interests, not the public's. So they hire as few people as they can run on for as cheap as they're allowed. MMJs - multimedia journalists - shoot and edit their own stories and often go out in the field alone. Meteorologists double as reporters a couple days of the week. Directors work as photogs when they're not punching newscasts. And yes, especially in smaller markets, the anchors really are sometimes just out of college doing their first gig. Some of these people work for as little as $15 an hour.
Yet up above, the parent companies of the stations are continually involved in pissing matches with cable companies over carriage fees, and if the cable company doesn't get its way, it takes the company's channels off its lineup for days or weeks on end until it's satisfied.
I remember when being in broadcasting really used to mean something. Now it's barely just another job.
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
While predominantly a U.S. phenomenon, Canada exhibits a similar trend with Rogers, Bell, and Corus holding significant ownership stakes in numerous broadcasting stations.
Our local news stations are filled with people older than me, who have been at those stations forever and have no desire to move to a different market, and very young ones either fresh out of school or on their second or third stop while trying to work their way up to larger markets at each stop. There has been a trend, at least in my area, over the last decade or so, of those who started out young at one of the local stations, and who haven’t been able to move to a larger market or decide they want to stay in the area, to leave the stations and take jobs at businesses in the community as PR people or communications staff.
Here in Phoenix, we get some youngsters from the Walter Cronkite school. I’m sure that they’re interns and recent grads.
Anyhow, yes several younger on air talent have left and are visible in the community with PR jobs and stuff. These kids are early 30’s .
I gave up my Phone and TV over 15 years ago
it changed my life
try it ........
In Pittsburgh, NBC station WPXI, the one reporter David Johnston just retired after 40 years.
I mean he’s been my standard news anchor for the majority of my life. Like now what??
It helps the heartbreak that I recently moved out of the viewing area so it’s not such a sting.
I think it’s just that we’re older. I went to see a specialist the other day and if he was 30 I’d be surprised. I feel like my doctors should be the adult in the room and I just felt old.
Someone said to me that you know you’re in middle age when all your doctors are younger than you are. Seems accurate. My eye doctor is still older than me, so I’m not quite there yet. Hahaha.
My eye doctor and I are the same age. Been seeing her for 20 years. Which reminds me, I need to make my annual appointment.
Do it!
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
I am looking for a new optometrist - main qualification must be older than 55. Actually, no, I need them to be the adult in the room, so at least over 70.
I know a guy…
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
😂 I am not ready to be the responsible one.
You just started noticing this? Well, Kurt Cobain will be 27 years old forever
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
Janis is part of the 27 club and I still think she looks at least 35. But it is more than that. When I as young they sung about answers. Now I am *cough* older, I can't help think "what the hell do they know."
But I still listen.
I remember it was overload of R&B in the early 1992’s as well as Vinilla Ice. I was hoping one of those IROC Camaro’s would just run me over and put me out of my misery, but then along comes Nirvana
Good music is good music.
You can’t tell me this song didn’t change everything in 1991?
I'm 53 and it feels like everyone is younger than me now. The owners of my company and my coworkers all younger than me. It's disconcerting. A lot of times I look at people and in my mind I think they're older than me than I realize they're younger than me. Been a strange time these days getting to this age. The realization that now there's definitely much more behind you than in front of you. Miserable at this job but at this stage I don't know where else to go and not many people want to hire you after 50. Not to mention I'm too tired to try to start something new I'm looking towards trying to get to some kind of semi retirement
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
I was literally fired at 50 from a job I had for 20 years. By someone who though they could save money and do it better than I. They couldn't. For the last few years there I hung in for the payout they would have to give me and made them lots of money. Not a huge cheque and it was a fight to get was owned. The job I had after that was great, the company was different and I was different. A lot of companies are looking for experience to manage or mentor the M and Z crews.
Doesn't hurt to look. You might be surprised. It is scary, but if I could travel back I would have jumped ship 10 years ago. There is more out there than you think.
If you start college at 18 you will have a bachelors by 22. Why are you surprised that they have a job at this age?
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
I think I am more surprised at how young they look. Just fighting the "You're too young to have an opinion".
In the early 70s, there were anchors that had reached the position of news director by 25.
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
But did they look 25 - there are 25 year old's around today that don't look like they have finished high school? Or, again, is it just me?
I recall most of the news reporter from my youth had lots of grey hair. Hal Fishman comes to mind.
Both are true
In Canada you are not wrong. Traditional television news media is in big financial trouble. The networks are firing the expensive, older reporters and replacing them with less expensive youngins.
News operations are spending much less on reporters and paying less so you’re probably seeing younger ones simply because they’re starting out and less sensitive to wage worries. Sad to say.
A combo. Last night I saw an American news report of the Chernobyl drone strike and the 25ish anchor had the audacity to say "Do you remember Chernobyl?"
People in general just look younger....except us. We look older than we feel. Must be the hard minerals in the garden hose.
In my area they are still the same people from when I was a teenager. I’m 51 and they all look super old right now and I can’t watch them. I figured the reason why they still have a job is because people my parents age in their 70s and 80s still watch local news and they like the familiarity and that the reporters are the same age as them.
The answer can be true for both!
And yer old.
Where is Jojo Chinto?
You want Bill Brahma to come back
I think we are getting older. The lead anchor (Rosanna Scotto) for Fox 5 in New York had had the job since she was 32, in 1990! And she was a reporter when she was 24 🫠
First thing I thought of:
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
My local news reporters look like they are all under 30
I haven't watched CBC news in years. It's terrible.
As media has expanded, the role in broadcasts that younger journalists fill has too
Where they once "worked their way up", now they can get lead roles
Thereal4d@reddit (OP)
Didn't think of that. Growing up in the UK and Canada, we only had two or three main evening news anchors per channel.
I think we hire personalities more than professionals these days.
Local news has been decimated by Google ads and Facebook advertising continuously for two decades. Stations can't afford top talent anymore with big contracts.