Will I ever get to buy 5000s series GPU at reasonable price?
Posted by fueledbymelancholy@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 39 comments
I am not in dire need to get one though since my 4060ti still does it job. But is it naive to assume that I could get let's say 5070ti at normal price after 6 months?
Yes, just give it until the summer.
Which year.
that ain't happening lmao, demand is too intense and supply is barely above paper launch territory
maybe in 2026 but even then it depends on how many cards nvidia makes and how many people realize they are better off going to AMD which has quite a supply of high end 7000 series GPU's
I have already seen 5080s for sale at MRSP.
you have seen them but did you think about the amount of them on MSRP? you have maybe 1000 of them in stock which will quickly get bought out by scalpers
last 5 years we didn't have a normal supply and demand going on, this gen it ain't gonna be normal either
I could have bought one, but I’m building a PC for my daughter and she doesn’t need anything as OP as a 5080, but if I had wanted one I could have bought it for <£1000.
you do realize that i know you are beating around the bush with what you just wrote?
this is a simple question, why is it so hard to answer?
How TF would I know how many? I don’t work in a shop that sells them and I would only be buying one, and if I had have wanted to buy one for MRSP, this week, two weeks after launch, I could have done. I’m not obliged to respond to the specifics of your bullshit questions.
exactly, you don't know how many are on MSRP because it could be either couple dozen or a backorder
effectively buying into this BS pricing strategy and encouraging companies to keep the prices up because why not
than don't bait people into terrible purchases with your "i've seen them on MSRP" and "Yes, just give it until the summer. 2025"
Point out where I claimed I knew how many there were, go on. I’m not baiting anyone, quite the opposite, I’m saying that there’s absolutely no need to overpay because you can buy them at MRSP even now if you get an app like HotStock that notifies you when they’re available. It seems to me you don’t know what MRSP means, since you’re accusing me of encouraging people to overpay when I’m doing the exact opposite of that.
off the bat deflection and a strawman arguement at the same time, nice
your comments don't mean any of that
yes you don't need to overpay but you also should not have to use apps like hotstock to get a damn GPU at a "MSRP"
bots and scalpers buy these cards en masse to inflate demand which drives prices further up beyond what NVIDIA and its partners ask for
cards haven't been on MSRP since NVIDIA and its partners raised prices by 14% so don't play the "MSRP" card either
whole stack is pushed up by a tier meaning 5080 is actually a 5070 with a disgusting price hike and same is for 5070 and 5060 which are gonna be 5060 and 5050 at disgusting prices
again don't justify purchase of such garbage gen from NVIDIA if you want to see cheaper prices in future because people are dumb enough to spend $5000 on 5090's
Quite possibly even earlier than that. I would be surprised if it won't be more or less stable until mid-late spring.
People are losing their minds because they have such strong FOMO that waiting a couple of months is the end of the world. In 6 months’ time when these people have massively overpaid they’re going to feel silly when they’re freely available for MRSP and all this overblown talk about it being a failed launch will be a fading memory.
Yeah. I was very much waiting for this release myself and very much is frustrated myself, but holy hell everyone has gone completely insane, like it's complete end of the world and whole industry is in ruins.
I'm guessing 6-9 months before the stock becomes a bit more stable. It's hard to say though.
I wish other people commenting here would just fuck off with the "I'm still using my GTX 980 just fine lolololol". Believe it or not some people have the money to buy a current generation gpu. You all have been bitching and sour at people who could afford gpus since the damn 10 series launched. Get over it ffs.
We are all guessing, but here is my logic: This is a screenshot of the 4070 Super from the Passmark site. The price started creeping up after Thanksgiving and then started to go nuts in January. This suggests to me that NVidia stopped making new 40 Series cards sometime in November. It takes time to draw down whatever inventory they built up going into the holidays. We really have seen extreme pricing for about six weeks. That says to me that there are six weeks of penned up demand. Now factor in that both Nvidia and AMD are launching cards in March. I think supply normalization will take about a month. Many people (self included) want to see benchmarks on both AMD and Nvidia ‘mid-range’ cards before buying.
I've been gaming just fine with a 1080 for years, just saying
I think your 6 month guess is about right. Maybe a bit less.
For the 5060 and 5070, it’ll help once the Radeons are available. Two viable products will make it easier to get something that meets your needs. And if Intel makes it three, even better.
It’s only been 2 weeks give it time. But also probably not. The tariffs aren’t going away.
What is everyone in this sub smoking, cause I need some. The GPU market has been out of control unable to buy the card you when you want it at MSRP for almost 5 years now. What evidence do you have that it will "calm down" suddenly in 6 months? Prices are already going up even without tariffs (in the US), the 4070 super is still hard to get many times a full year out of release and nearly 3 years since 4000 series released (and impossible at MSRP), and chip manufacturers are making bank on AI hardware meaning less production of consumer GPUs. I'd love to think things will get better but history and the market completely contradict that sentiment, at least for Nvidia. My only hope is that AMD and Intel are able to steal enough of the market from this BS that Nvidia releases they need to do better. That's how a free market works.
nvidia wants your money
if every card was just going to be bought at scalped prices, nvidia would just raise the prices and collect that premium for themselves. many are not willing to pay those prices, and they don't want to lose those customers to AMD
the tariff situation is the main wild card right now but if the first trump admin is any indication that will fizzle out sooner or later
My 2080ti is still going strong lol
Lots of people here being super optimistic. I'm betting on availability not being great until maybe September/October.
Nvidia has decided to increase GPU prices so only wealthy people can buy them. This will only change when this strategy fails. Right now they're selling everything they can make so that's not going to happen any time soon.
If you want something affordable, consider the previous gen cards.
It's easy to sell everything you make when you barely make anything. The old fake scarcity game. Nvidia has two years to get a card test for launch and does this shit EVERY time. And on top of that they have no teenagers to the retailers knowing tariffs are coming. If you just want to make focus on 100k ai cards do that and forget gpus. Someone will fill the void.
No. Even if, it s not recommended, with the fire hazard and all that.
Patience. Just count on the real launch being 6-12 months after the paper launch.
I never bought a 3080, the card I really wanted. Ended up with a 3070 auros master for $800ish new and never will do that again. I’ll buy the FE at msrp or won’t buy one.
Maybe later this year or next. I was able to snag a 4070S FE at launch. So maybe the S version.
got a ASUS 5080 TUF OC for 1500€ when they launched. they are still the same price in my country, but obviously none are in stock
? its just the price in my country after 25% VAT. sure i can get a gigabyte 5080 for 1350€, but last gigabyte card i had was running way too hot and fans stopped working under 50%. would rather spent the extra on a card that keeps working as intended
Yes lol this happens every generation. 3000 was bad because the consumer demand was skyrocketed due to crypto but even that leveled out before the 4000 series came out. By summer you will be able to get what you want at MSRP. Especially if you are only looking at a 5070ti, which seems to be the card nvidia want all mid range consumers to buy.
Yes lmao
10 years from now probably
After 6 months I believe you’ll have no problem getting a 5070ti… likely sooner.
Just wait sane with 4000 series within 6 months they where not just available but on offer
you will. It's just a fomo right now. People are paying more for 5080's now than they would for a 4090, 6 months ago.