Bachelor Parties
Posted by WesleyTallie@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 36 comments
As a GenXer I've never been to a party with sex workers. I found them kinda gross. My friends and I went camping, or paintballing, but never had strippers.
We were brought up to believe it was a rite of passage. Tom Hanks even made a movie called Bachelor Party, so pretty mainstream.
I'm a little out of the loop but I don't hear anything about bachelor parties with strippers anymore.
Have they gone out of fashion, or are they still happening, but to a lesser degree?
We had a "Strip Club - Rick's in Reading. we took all the bachelors there. But I did something different. We had a bachelor's bar crawl. We could walk to all the bars which was cool for not driving. I got a little tipsy (hammered) and went out of the current bar and walked home. I walked 5 miles home and didn't understand how I got there. My wife of 32 years still thinks something sexual happened at my bachelor party because she knew all of my friends.
Had one chance to do this in NYC in my mid-20s. Just the threat of the collective VD in the room was enough to send me packing. Never looked back and never regretted it.
Never accept an open beer from a bachelor party performer. Just sayin.
Heard it from friend?
Heard it from a friend, who, heard it from a friend you’ve been messing around…..
Most of the bachelor parties I’ve attended have been fishing weekends, hunting weekends, or weekends centered around a sporting event. Most of the bachelorette parties my wife has attended have been basically a girl’s weekend at a beach rental or AirBNB. I’m sure the bachelor/bachelorette parties full of strippers and debauchery are still going on, but I’ve not been to one or have any desire to go to one. I have daughters, and paying money to watch someone else’s daughters take their clothes off for money holds zero appeal to me.
Exactly. Few years before I met him, husband treated his brother to a VERY expensive bachelor night of Vegas strippers and private dances… bc his only sibling couldn’t get enough of strippers and lap dances. A decade later, same BIL was PISSED that we eloped bc “I didn’t get to give you the incredible bachelor party you gave me!” Husband: “I mean thanks but obviously I’ve been to strip clubs. Never my scene. And now that I have a little girl, those places just make me SAD, man.” BIL also had a little girl. Different perspective, apparently.
Not every dude getting married wants to celebrate it with sex workers. But the ones who do really need every groom they know to live the same badly-aged Tom Hanks movie with them.
Not a bachelor party, but at my first job out of college a woman showed up one day asking for one of our managers and asked where to set up. This was a small tech company, so they somewhat rolled with it and directed her to some space in a conference room. She then rolled out a blanket, pulled out a whip and can of whipped cream. I don't think our manager allowed the "full" act to play out, but he did go with her doing a basic routine. It turned out that his fiance had booked her for his birthday and just didn't realize the full extent of what the woman did. At our next company party she was so apologetic to everyone about it.
Most of the bachelor parties I've been to didn't involve Bachelor Party antics. Just a night at a strip club. I have to wonder if, with the popularity of internet porn/OnlyFans type services, the popularity of strip clubs is dropping any.
A place I worked at back in the day had a pretty inappropriate CEO and he once had a stripper come in and perform at the office for a female coworker that was getting married. Awkward!
Are strippers considered sex workers? Most of the bachelor parties I went to were at strip clubs, but didn’t include hookers.
Uh, there's almost always one that will do the deed for extra $$$
It's a gray area.
At one bachelor party, a stripper pulled her g string aside and rubbed her, uh, lips on by nose. This left an olfactory signature until I got back to the hotel and washed off my nose.
Sex worker seems to apply in that case.
Olfactory signature 💀
Well I mean it's not unheard of for sex to actually take place in the champagne room.
WesleyTallie@reddit (OP)
I consider a sex worker to be a pretty broad category; strippers, Only Fans, prostitutes, porn stars.
I don’t know anyone who has had a bachelor or bachelorette party. I considered this sort of.. trashy? Bridal showers, get togethers with friends before, sure. My ex spouse and I didn’t have any of it.
I've been to many bachelor parties with strippers. A few also had whores. One party featured a $5 raffle for a blow job, and I won, so I got a BJ in the woman's bathroom at the bar we were at.
My bachelor party was held on my 30th birthday. All my brothers, Dad, uncles, and buddies were there. One stripper was blond, and the other had raven black hair. I did a huge rail right before the strippers showed up. I was hungover for two days. It was the best birthday I ever had.
i think you just go to the strip club, you dont order them to come to the house. Im way too old to be at a bachelor party and my wife wouldn't dig the stripper part.
You can.
You probably just weren't friends with the sort of people who did that. I was a bartender and cocktail waitress in a strip club for a couple of years in the 90s and people definitely had bachelor parties there. Usually it was just guys drinking and maybe a few lap dances but it was not uncommon for some of them to get champagne for the more private room or hire girls after hours.
Depends on where you live. Here in Detroit, you'll occasionally find ho parties populated by hookers. Been to exactly ONE. It was an experience I wouldn't care to repeat.
I've been to two bachelor's parties. Neither involved strippers. So...I dunno?
As a GenX woman who knew lots of men that celebrated marrying the women they loved by seeing other women dance naked for them, I hated that tradition. It's gross and disrespectful. I was lucky to marry a man that had a LAN party for his bachelor party, back when all his buddies had to bring their computers to our house to play games together. I'm still lucky 27 years later.
I’ve been to two stereotypical bachelor parties, both times the groom f’d the entertainment.
1 of the parties I went to was super weird looking back…I was only 16-17 and my cousin (F) was getting married and the future husband (30ish) invited me and any of my friends 🤣 so me and 2-3 other 16-17yrlds show up with about $60 each (it was the early 90s). We all got lap dances by a 30is stripper and she shot toys out of her bikini area (🤣) at us.
Man…as an adult and a parent, I would be a little annoyed that my 16-17yrld had that experience with a group of adult men.
I’m not super proud of the story but it is what it is and it truly was a different time, my parents were kinda old hippies that let me live feral.
The gen X experience is unmatched and my children never understand my stories.
I’ve been to a few. I don’t really care much for strip clubs either. I don’t like paying people to pretend to like me.
I went to a few strip clubs back in the day with the guys for fun/bachelor parties, but it was never really my thing. I’ve never actually had a lap dance—do I get points on the Purity Test for that? 😂
I did know a guy who dated a stripper for a while after his divorce.
I have been to 3 including mine. 2 were dinners at a pub and 1 was a hockey game. lol..
Yup. Mine was shooting range, baseball game, steakhouse for dinner, then drinks and cigars.
I went to one well over 30 years ago. It was gross.
I haven’t been to one since maybe 2005. A friend summed it up perfectly: “A strip club is a business. You’re gonna walk through the door and immediately be hit with the most compelling sales pitch you’ve ever heard in your life.”
And they operate not exactly along the rules of other businesses. The girls can use code words to authorize big credit card charges and no one will give a shit if you want to dispute the charges. “Buy me a glass of champagne?” can mean “May I out a $250 charge on your card?” Fuck all that.
No never been to a bachelorette party. My friends were club kids (goth, punk, rave, not mainstream) back then and you would see plenty of kink and stuff going on at the clubs so something like a strip club or party with stripper wouldn't have been a thrill. Also just that particular group of people probably would have found that just not very interesting and possibly exploitive. I do recall at that time burlesque was in vogue and something like that certainly would have been more ppl would be into.
P Diddy kinda ruined it for everyone
I went to one at a VFW hall back in the 90’s. It featured a bunch of the “Get Wet Girls”. Several in attendance actually had sex with some of them. Not my thing. I was there for the open bar
Every bachelor party that I've been to had naked women. It was almost always a strip club. One of the parties was a long weekend in a cabin though. So there the strippers came to us. Never been to one that involved prostitutes though.
Generally speaking, the older we've gotten, the more tame were the parties.
they still have them , but anyone that goes to a bachelor party with strippers or sex workers, also has th common sense not to bring there phone or camera etc. to document the event. It is not for instagram
you don't hear about it, but it still happens
It seems to be a thing for women now. My home town is a popular site for bachelorette parties. Since people in rural areas believe that everyone in the city is a degenerate, they come to the city to behave like degenerates.