Gen X heavy metal music
Posted by AdDapper4220@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 199 comments
I’m a gen z, and I always noticed that every time I run into a genx person they are all into heavy metal music, is there a reason for this?
We grew up with heavy metal - from Black Sabbath to Judas Priest. And everyone had at least one concert T-shirt.
Very simple. Metal was a prominent genre of music in the 80s, so it would be natural for more people from our age group to enjoy that type of music. In other words, it's what was popular when we were young.
I don’t think it was quite that simple. Or rather why did metal become prominent?
Now first we’re gonna go ahead and start out with the basic types of “metal “and the question as to whether or not that counts in headcanon:
Hair/Glam: poison, ratt, Hanoi rocks, Motley Crue —- more melodic, catchy songs, the boys looked like girls and that was weirdly amazing
“Heavy metal” (in my 14 yr old parlance): Metallica, Judas Priest, Megadeth, anthrax, slayer, Pantera, biohazard, Ronnie James Dio, Black Sabbath/ozzy solo, IRon Maiden —-this was magic to me. You had some virtuoso guitar and bass players making music that I had never heard that was a combination of angry, dark, defiant, loud, angry, angry, and angry face:) and the lyrics to some of these songs - they were stories, man! The Sentinel from Judas Priest - all metal and post apoc! War Pigs by Sabbath, which no one understood and everyone took the wrong way, except for the metal heads that actually listened to the lyrics. The Trooper by maiden!!! Rawr, Eddie!!!!
And then there was the heavy metal movie. And it was perfect :-)
I missed out on the balladeers of the 1960s and hadn’t yet heard about people like Kris Kristofferson and Johnny Cash and all of that good stuff. Until metal, my music exposure was limited to what was on the top 40 radio.
Heavy metal was new. It was brash. There was hair all over the place and “normal people “hated it, which I assure you enhanced it replay value to a 14-year-old a hundredfold.:). It got angrier, it touched on the concepts of horror and evil. And it made me think: the bleakness of depression and the despair of suicide (Ride the Lightning), the military industrial complex (War Pigs), Judge fucking Dredd (Anthrax)! Pride and integrity (Pantera’s Walk, Regular People), Ed Guinn! (Dead skin Mask).
It was… I can’t even describe how it was. The concerts. Stage diving mosh pits at the anthrax concert.
“Punk metal” DOA, suicidal tendencies, black flag, SOD: machine gun guitar. Anger and rage and angst and no apologies. It was perfect for a teenager boy.
Lots of other categories, even in the 80s and 90s as things were spinning up. But it was always the guitar and the bass and the lyrics for me. It was finding a band that you could head bang until you couldn’t move your neck anymore and then listen to them do this Completely unexpected instrumental that was…. Beautiful. It changed everything for me. It was different. It meant something. it mattered. And metal heads were GREAT together and as a group.
But I’m gonna leave you one last category, and it’s an important one from the 80s:
Because holy shit, bored art students that created a sci-fi universe based on horrible, heavy metal Demi gods can’t be compared to anything. I’ve seen them in concert many times, but learned that my first concert to always bring a tarp :-)
Seriously, you left out Van Halen, Van Hagar, and Triumph?!? Where do they fit?
That drifts into what you would call Moving Pictures...
Great summary, btw. My sarcastic point, which is piling on yours, is the variety within genre is so huge. Even a Prog Band made a song like Tom Sawyer.
We wholeheartedly claimed Rush as “smart metal” despite the asshats that insisted it was progrock. Progrock. Get the fuck outta there with that shit, and take your 10,000 Maniacs tape with you.
"Rush" and "metal" do no belong in the same sentence.
I guess you never listened to side one of Moving Pictures really f-ing loud. If that's not metal (Tom Sawyer, YYZ, Limelight), there is no such thing as Metal.
Iron Maiden "Live After Death" is metal. Anthrax "Live: The Island Years" is metal. Rammstein "Live aus Berlin" is metal.
Tom Sawyer, YXZ, and Limelight are progrock.
2112? Temples of Syrinx isn’t metal?
Compared to Maiden, Anthrax, and Rammstein? No.
Ok, I lol'd:) So you know Anthrax - hell, Scotty came from Stormtroopers of Death, so he was already thrash level 5. But you're annoyed by Geddy but not by Joey Belladonna? Dear lord, they prolly went bowling and huffed nitrous together:P
You think Geddy Lee and Joe Belladonna sound the same? LOL
No, didn’t say that. But Joey hits the same range as Geddy can or at least he used to.
Shit, man I’m old now and I don’t even know what octaves they can hit. I remember being crushed in my late teens when I went to go see Robert Plant when he first went solo and he was having to go ahead and take oxygen breaks back stage and still couldn’t hit the high notes on some of the classics.
Geddy's voice is an annoying sine wave in that range. Joey has some rasp still.
Dave Meniketti and Sammy Hagar out sing both of them in range and power, but you don't see me calling Y&T or Chickenfoot "heavy metal", do you?
Down man, here, eat this….
:). Off to be a grown up metal head with his non metal chick wife:)
This was a lot of fun.
Get your hearing checked, dude.
Brother it’s too late for me - got one already. My low range hearing is jacked. Can still hear high ends like Geddy and Joey though lol;)
The perils of being a metal head.
Leave me! Go, save yourself!!!!
Yeah, before grunge, which I doubt you remember, that was called thrash, but you be you...
Maiden was thrash? WTF? I remember just fine. I was at the Long Beach show for Live After Death. Were you still in kindergarten or something?
\^ "Progrock"
I wouldn't call 10,000 Maniacs prog or metal...more Yacht Rock than Steely Dan...
You're both nuts. 10,000 Maniacs is alternative/folk rock.
Folk-Rock, Yacht-Rock, you say Toe-May-Toe...
Dude, I panicked. I'm old and 10,000 Maniacs was the first thing in my head. That or Edie Brickell, but yeah, I'm just gonna shut up now.
Van Halen hasn’t been considered metal since the 80s
Did you read the msg this is replied to that specifically mentions the 1980s or are you just trolling? FFS...
Do people these days consider Van Halen a metal band?
yeah, i got one too - we're at "this is why we can't have nice things" critical mass for a reddit post. So come the Dark Accountants...
Van Halen wasn't metal until the late 80s.
🤣 😂
Van Halen was "Happy Metal" as Eddie would smile in videos, lol.
Was he high, or just that happy?
I'm one of your female metalheads and I just wanted you to know...last night my 17 year old walked in on me and his Dad rocking out to Cradle of Filth. He's now got the whole catalog on his phone. Fun synopsis btw.
Loudest concert I ever been to was a cradle of filth show in SF. For someone who grew up going to concerts and sitting right against the speakers, I had to rip filters off my cigarettes to Jam in my ears during that COF show. Like I was getting nauseous from the sounds.
And so unto the next generation doth The Metal reveal itself…
Sing with me sister, Psalm 69…
(So awesome btw:) mine went rap and r&b. The heartache!)
I have 3. One likes everything but metal...but he likes the Violent Femmes. One likes mostly rap & alt-y stuff. The youngest has hair down his back and is a complete metal-head...who last week discovered Killswitch. (He's on Team Howard.)
Nice to meet a fellow metal momma in the wild!
GWAR truly their own category
I wish Gwar would do a Superbowl Halftime Show
Dave Brockie was a huge Redskins fan, and tried getting a petition started to have GWAR play the SB halftime show. GWAR is still good without him but it'll never be great without him. RIP Oderus.
They went to Shepherdstown, right?
Lordi is in the same category:
My life, with the exception being a farm kid whose folks listened to Johnny Cash, Kris Christopherson, Willie Nelson and such. I was also the youngest of 8 kids by a significant measure and, by the teen years, basically an only child living on the edge of a small town in central Wisconsin and motorcycles, muscle cars, field parties, good weed and heavy metal were the glue that held the forgotten latch key kids together. "Wait! I got something to say, it's better to burn out, than fade away!!"
And my brother in leather: I was an Air Force brat that grew up in WV. At an early age, I avoided country like the plague, so only came into The Man In Black and the other highwaymen later on.
Johnny Cash was metal. Maybe the fucking metallist of us all.
You ain't heard of David Allen Coe? lol
Man he was dirty country!!!!
One of the best soundtracks ever.
Yes, I Queen could be metal.
Queen could be a whatever Freddie fucking wanted, as far as I’m concerned.
And if the "Flash Gordon" soundtrack isn't up there too next to "Highlander" I'm a monkey. But then again, "Who wants to live forever?"
I was really torn. Image the metal utopia if The Kurgen won…
Fucking Clancy Brown. Also metal, even with his voiceover work now:)
Yup. Kinda like in years to come someone will ask why what is now today's youth are all into whatever you classify Drake and Kendrick and Cardi as.
Oh,and my obligatory 🤟SLAAAAAYEEEERRRRRRR!!! 🤟
Right. Thing is, we don't know how this young person views metal. Their opinion of it and our opinion would probably differ. A lot of 80s metal is just pop songs with electric guitars, so I guess it matters who you ask. Big difference between Slayer and Poison.
I'm sorry, but Poison is the poster child for pop metal. Slayer, not so much. 🤘
Metal and Poison should never be associated in any way, glam rock is what poison, Motley Crue , Warrant and many other bands Actually are / were.
Hair metal came out of 70's glam rock (Bowie, T. Rex, Sweet, Mott the Hoople, etc.), and it really has no resemblance to real metal like Maiden, Slayer, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, etc., other than wankers like C.C. DeVille thinking that because they were fast, that they could actually play guitar.
Thankfully, Grunge pretty much beat hair metal into submission
As I said, there's a big difference
Sorry, misread your comment
Slayer would’ve worn the flensed faces of Poison members if they had a chance, I know…
OMG that flair! Sounds like what my mom used to say about me.
This is who we are, bruh. Embrace your inner crusty curmudgeon
Eh, Slayer is (or at least used to be) good and cool and pushed some musical limits in their time, but the actual members were and are just some regular dudes putting on a performance. Lead singer has been a practicing Catholic all along, etc.
Yeah, I know, man, I've seen em a couple times - still headbanged like my life depended on it:) But yeah, I've mythologized my rock gods through their songs and covers, so as far as I'm concerned, they're living in Ed Gein's house, wallpapering it in pentagrams:)
I know they're not Slipknot, though hell, that's another discussion:)
Most gen x ers I know are open minded to heavy metal and might like some bands that are categorized as heavy metal, but as far as being "in to" heavy metal as in that being their favorite genre I would say people like that would be a minority
It's all about social standing. In the 80s radio was king and the moral majority did their best to keep the airwaves pretty tame before 10pm. Metal OTOH was "underground" and required you to stay up late to hear it or find some hole in the wall record store to sample new music. It was almost an alt culture thing but actually dated back to the 70s
Doh, you're right, I skimmed it and didn't see Maiden in there. My bad...the rest I think I'll stand by...
I’m gonna throw this out there and I defy anyone to disprove it: Anthrax and Public Enemy and Body Count integrated rap and metal before it was… anything…
Bring the noise!!!!!
I would call Walk This Way the first crossover song.
Mmmmmmmm, I’ve had this debate. Big Lips ain’t metal to me
Everyone seems to forget while there was an abundance of metal in the 80s, there was still good ol’ rock. (Which was still a step heavier than rock & roll)
Now, would you call G&R metal or hard rock?
I’m gonna get hate and say I think it’s the latter.
Flat out rock with a smidge of punk
Can’t argue with that, but you’re all running around defying people and such! I love the real metal as well :)
Aerosmith was rock, maybe hard rock before Permanent Vacation, but never metal.
Absolutely, then the vacation came and they became pop superstars.
Judgement Night soundtrack also kinda normalized collabs like Anthrax had done with PE.
Throw in Faith No More and RATM and I agree.
After, my lad, after. But damned effectively. RATM... they almost changed the fucking world. Really really really was into them.
Faith No More - We Care A Lot - 1985 /Introduce Yourself 1987 just saying, kid
Ok, goddamn. Well done - We Care a Lot, I gotta agree.
It's 15 years of a generation. The older folks in it like stuff like Motley Crue and Slayer, the younger ones like me are more likely to like alternative funk metal stuff like White Zombie, Pantera, Korn and death/black metal. Stuff that came out in the 90s.
The thing is that metal music only arose in the mid 70s. Baby Boomers didn't really dig it much and it didn't exist when they were young. And after MTV started to change its programming to nothing but reality TV, that left the labels to do their own album promotion without the help of a network sort of 'doing the picking'.
So they sort of stopped promoting experimental music, and eventually everything that wasn't 'the stuff that makes the most money' as they found with the broad appeal pop hip hop stuff. Which seems to be what like 95% of your generation listens to.
We have much smaller cliques and therefore much less uniformity across our tastes.
metal only arose in the mid 70s? Black Sabbath would like a word.
Metal gestated in various other bands during the late 60s, but the actual birth date of the genre is indeed pretty clear. 13th of February, 1970.
Holy shit - we missed The Metal’s birthday!
Oh man, oh man, oh man… it’s gonna be piiiiiiissed
It was BORN pissed.
Well, look, we need to sacrifice it something.
Or else it will come for us all in our dreams. and it will look like young Rob Halford in his leather and studded glory.
Lemmy came from Hawkwind, and Dave Brock can metal when he wants to.
I got to experience Lemmy via Motorhead, first, then I discovered Hawkwind - THEN I discovered frikkin Michael Moorcock and the Eternal Champion books (b/c Hawkwind:P ), then I got re-acquainted with Lemmy when he got involved with HHH from WWE's theme song... and then I never left him. Lemmy was just...
Defiant. Lived too hard. Told easing off to fuggoff and died right at 70.
"Born to lose, lived to win." Fucking boss.
Yeah you don't really know much about metal if that's what you're coming to say.
Scorpions formed in 65 as a second example. find and watch The 7 Ages of Rock or would you like to go for door number three?
It doesn't matter when they formed. They were not metal until the mid-70s.
Lmao even.
Go fucking bother someone else kid.
This person disqualified themself what they said they like Korn
Enh, “nu-metal”.
It’s like a third cousin - the one that you only see in August, that smells a bit and is always moist…
I don't even like Korn. Fuck off and write your own opinions, dickhead. The fuck is wrong with you clowns?
Pantera started in 1981.
No one cared about Pantera when they were a hair metal band. Come on man.
I mean... dude's not wrong.
Yeah, but they spent about 7 years as a glam metal band in Texas. Dimebag Darrell started out as Diamond Darrell.
“and maybe metal just goes away forever? “
But I will knock the goddamn Jesus out of your body with my gauntleted, skull ringed fists if you EVER dare think that metal will EVER die.
I think that may be the case in America however in the uk and Europe you’d get a much more varied set of music genres.
How WAS Kraftwerk, anyway?
Because heavy metal rules!!!
I would like to point out that I went to see an 80s/90s metal cover band last night for Valentine's Day. The other couple that came with us were cuspers millennials/ gen Z. They left because it was too loud for them.
Made this old man smile.
Because anger and disillusionment were a big part of our lives.
Not all of us. I was and still am into punk/indie/alternative. So were most of my friends. I think it might be more of a regional thing
eh, my humble opinion as a connoisseur of punk and metal music, is that a lot of the vapid pop music of the 70s and 80s (I also like a lot of it) did nothing to distract folks from the realities of wealth disparity. "Wake me up before you go go" doesn't quite hit like "Kill the Poor" or "Enter Sandman" does for a kid struggling with malnutrition, neglectful parenting or abusive teachers. In the 80s, a lot of schools still had corporal punishment in schools. Teachers could literally hit you. That was common and it was considered ok.
Way more kids were living in poverty than nostalgia might have you believe, since the media focused on things like Wall Street wealth, yuppies, neon clothing and wildly rich people living in excess. In my circle of friends, even the ones who didn't like heavy music (think depeche mode or the cure) were still angry and hormonal and Madonna wasn't it for us. It's hard to bop when you can't lift your head
Grew up in the 90s with grunge and metal, grunge disappeared, metal is still there... Can't kill the metal!
Grunge, never existed except to those who didn’t know any better. It was just rock and rock, nirvana were more punkish. It was just a return to something other than glam rock garbage.
My friends and i were all in to metal & hard rock. Of course, everyone had their own favorite groups different from everyone elses. Metal is like the rebel music.
Rage outlet
As corny as some of the costumes , themes , hair , makeup was ( especially looking back from 2025) a lot of these guys had serious talent.
Ritchie Blackmore is a tool but he can play guitar.
KISS looked ridiculous but listen to Ace Frehley play on Shock Me
Or George Lynch guitar on Breaking the Chains. Looking at the video my 20 something yr old kids think it’s corny and it is. But damn. The guy is talented.
Born in 71 and raised listening to my boomer parents stuff, idk, Bob Dylan and the Beatles? It just never did anything for me. I didn’t “ get “ it.
Kids would wear an Iron Maiden shirt. Then u actually hear a song like Rime of the Ancient Mariner on a good stereo. Mind blowing.
My point being there was some substance there , talent. That’s why we were into it.
The music I hear now sounds very female centric. Women singing in baby voices. The more “ urban “ stuff just sounds like some guy over the same cymbal, bass stuff talking about how big his girls ass is and how much money he has. And how he likes to kill his enemies.
Same as Dylan and the Beatles to me , I don’t “ get” it
All of the stuff every popstar wears on stage is equally as corny as anything metal artists wore.
'72, here, and without nagging, ya gotta resist the "get off my lawn, you talentless hacks!" attitude for modern music. Now, I'm gonna stop right there and say I hate about 95% of the stuff out there, especially the overproduced vocalizer crap and similar crutches. But you still have some lyrical nightmares out there - but I might even be 5 yrs behind, who knows. I, personally, love Run the Jewels. Kanye before his... 6th batshit crazy episode? or was it his 5th... one loses track - anyway, I think he's a genius. Tortured, without a doubt, but a genius.
Ah hell, brainfog. Hopefully you get me - there's still some talent out there. But there ain't a feast of it, by any means.
'71 here. Run the Jewels opened for Rage on their sadly short tour in 2023. They were fantastic!
(in grandpa Simpson voice) back in my time, the only radio we had were on the am or fm dial, so your choices were limited to what they wanted you to hear...
In the 70s and 80s, radio had every genre you could want, except rap.
In the 70s and 80s, radio had every genre you could want.
We're not "all" into Heavy Metal.
There was actually a very distinctive divide between "Headbangers" and other cliques in our youth.
Depending on where you lived it was even often frowned upon.
I lived for a time In a small conservative farm town in my youth, Bible heavy.
Some of the music was still even considered "Devils Music".
It wasn't always a status quo and a lot of adults didn't want their kids hanging around you if you were long haired, leather jacket etc.
A more sizeable crowd listened to pop music than metal. This gets pretty misconstrued.
Tons of people now listen to some of the lighter fare and claim they were "Metal fans".
Thunderstruck by AC/DC. Turbo by Judas Priest. Hair bands etc.
It was actually fairly rare to run into someone who liked the heavier Judas Priest, Sepultura, Sabbath, Megadeath, Slayer etc.
It's much more commonplace now.
It was a large part of the identity of outcast groups and was (depending on the region) largely replaced by Gangster Rap, Hip Hop etc as the rebellious choice of music for youth.
99% of my girlfriends in youth looked at it as "why do you listen to that crap????"
The struggle continues.
Down with Banana Rama!!!!!
"Yeah well why you seeing me instead of some hippy, eh?"
Rawr, down with bananarama - We’ll show you a Cruel Summer…
dunno man, cruel summer is an absolutely banger song, i say that seriously.
OP - this is a good answer.
Survivors' bias. I recall a friend of mine in college was really into heavy metal. Every Saturday (or whatever day that was), he had to watch Headbangers Ball on MTV. To me, most of the groups were very meh. Honestly, I don't even remember most of them. But no one is talking about those groups today. Only the top bands (AC/DC, Van Halen, Motley Crue, Guns N Roses, etc) survived and are stilled played and talked about.
Judas Priest!!
The Ripper (song)
Victim of Changes!!!!!
I like metal, I like some POP, jazz, reggae, classical, beastie boys (which I won’t call rap), and some country. As long as it’s got a good beat.
If I had Spotify the algorithm would implode.
I play my music loud because you know it’s got clout to it It’s a trip it’s got a funky beat and I can bug out to it
No. Because it's not true.
If you don't get it you don't get it boomer.
Metal became big when I was about 13-14. Perfect storm for a teenage boy into D&D, Conan, etc…Iron Maiden artwork caught my eyes
I love the acknowledgement of D&D here. I never knew a player who listened to RUN DMC etc., but we were all rocking Metallica, GnR, etc.
Can I get a hell yeah for Boris Vallejo and Greg Hildebrandt covers?
Absolutely. Molly Hatchet covers are indistinguishable from the early DnD novel covers. Insane. Might have to read Dragonlance again. Haha!
You live in Ohio?
Reminds me of these friends who were real metalheads as teens in the 80s and documented their lives. Worth watching for some pure nostalgia!
They told us not to. They said it was bad. They put warning labels on it.
What were we supposed to do, listen to them?
This is the correct answer.
We bought our one way ticket to midnight!
Yeah… the ringing kinda sucks now… worth
😂 my iPhone keeps telling me to turn down my music and I’m like “but I can’t hear anything”
"Mind your own goddamn business, Siri!"
I listen to a lot of different types of music but metal has always been my favorite. Starting around 10 I was hooked. I'd make my sisters boyfriends let me borrow cassettes if they wanted privacy. By HS I was a total metalhead and so we're all my friends.
I think we need more rock music at the superbowl... they let JayZ select who's performing and he's not picking people for us
not like us. not like us. not like us.
All Gen X males were radicalized by Kiss
Because it fucking rocks. /s
The Metal embraces your sarcasm, sister. The Metal DOES rock, and always shall.
For me it started with Jethro Tull, ELO, Bad Company, Rod Stewart, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Meatloaf, Uriah Heep, Beatles, etc. All the shit my ol' man listened to. Just progressed from there. By age 12 it was Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Ozzy. Just kept going.
That's funny, for me, it was (then) modern metal first, then discovering Zeppelin and Jethro Tull, King Crimson and Blue Oyster Cult. Seriously, without metal, I would've never been interested nor exposed to their predecessors
I'm Gen X, and heavy metal is the musical representation of how my brain works. It's like metal is the default. I enjoy other genres, including girly pop rock and country. But metal is the baseline.
I went a more electronic route in my search for heaviness. Skinny Puppy for the win!
I never got into classifying bands as this or that. If I liked it , I bought it. I was into Rush, Maiden, GnR, the Cult, Metallica, Sisters of Mercy, and Zeppelin. I am still listening to metal today at 57, and I still don't know what category they are in.
Yes because FUCKING METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
My take, two words.........OZZ FEST!!!!!! literally a yearly concert series featuring some of the hottest metal acts ever!!!
Clash of the Titans, man. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeath playing full sets, on a rotating order by city.
Best concert I ever went to. Couldn’t move my neck for days.
Metallica wasn't on that tour.
Not on the nationwide, yah - swear to god they were #3 in Pittsburgh.
This was the shit. I went to at least four different shows across multiple years. I can't remember if it was more or not because that was during my partying years. The acts were all bangers. The stories I could tell from these sets.
My first concert: Judas Priest & Iron Maiden
I remember distinctly in 6th grade how metal came on strong, this was in '81, '82 or so. Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Zeppelin, AC/DC were big among 10, 11 year olds. This was just before MTV came on the scene. I think it was from our older siblings. For me tho, my brother was a bit older so I was into Styx and Kansas and the Beach Boys, lol.
I was born exactly in the middle of Gen-X (1972). When I was 14 we were right in the rise of trash metal (Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Slayer, Exodus, Testament,, etc) and we were well into the area of bands like Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden, Scorpions, AC/DC ,etc some of which were quite popular. Even "pop" music of the day had a rock / edgy sound (not metal but definitely rock) such as Bon Jovi, Journey, etc. Then you could just drop back to music that was 10y old like the masters of metal - Black Sabbath along with Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, and dozens of good bands that would be considered somewhere between hard rock / metal.
We can't forget too - people born around the time I was also liked Punk music too, which to younger folks today might sound more like metal - Sex Pistols, DRI, Suicidal Tendencies, and many others.
Younger folks should also not forget that rap music existed too - but I imprinted on rock and metal so it was just not my thing. Run DMC was around when I was in middle school and NWA's Straight Outta Compton came out when I was a Junior in High School.
Same, although I only got into proper metal at age almost-16. Had been preconditioned a bit because there was a fair amount of hard rock or glam stuff that was mainstream popular back in the mid-80s -- bands that barely rate as metal but are at least adjacent such as Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Europe etc. -- and these got a decent amount of radio play and so on.
Started high school in Noray in the fall of 1988, picked up this new tape (yes, TAPE) I heard was supposed to be good by a band called "Metallica", and that was that. This was the height of the thrash era, and the NWOBHM was still going strong, meanwhile death metal and black metal and doom metal were being invented. By the next summer I was listening to Bathory and when the church burnings etc. happened in the 90s I thought it was silly and unnecessary but the associated music was pretty cool.
We want the world to burn.Not really but maybe…
No, idea. Because where I grew up, I was into metal and grunge and I was just about the only one. techno, trance, boy bands, girl bands, etc were all the rage. I was the weirdo in the faith no more shirt. Ironically, when I did start hanging out with more like minded musical tastes, I was the weirdo again who was dressing like a "normie" lol. Looked like someone had kicked me through the gap lol
I hate metal and always have. I went from Punk to Techno in around 1992 and later got into the Grateful Dead. I still listen to these same genres now.
I followed the dead with some friends for a summer. I then had an epiphany and the metal was too strong to keep wearing tie dyes…
Pounding techno music for me.
I dig, man. I like some techno, and then it was like overnight, it mutated into jungle, drum and bass, etc etc etc and I was done.
The endless stream of spin-offs of bad electronic music. It just keeps getting worse!
Also. The beautiful thing is, there is SO much metal out there right now, but it's not mainstream so you don't hear much about it anymore. It's still very alive and very good. The old stuff will always be amazing and nostalgic, but there's still a healthy scene if you know where to look. And just like before, we take care of our own at shows and in general. Affordable shows at small to mid sized venues, and now more than ever they live off of physical sales and concerts. Put on that battle jacket and throw up the horns!
I was more of a grunge kid, but I grew up hearing everything under the sun musically and was that dork who listened to Jobim in middle school.
Only One metal band of that time that did it right
Slayer, megadeath, Metallica right at the Black album stage, anthrax…
I love me some Pantera and Phil, and it sucked when Vinnie died - think Phil still has a lot of regrets on that. But there were others that were doing it just as right;)
Yeah if the Question was different i would of Lead with
Twisted Sister - "Were not going to take it" then
Slayer - "any song"
Yeah, Dee Snider was metal. Not quite glam, not quite mainstream, mebbe a little related to GWAR:)
And then blow their ears out with Angel of Death at 11.
My wife is gonna regret I ever found this post today.
I was 14-18 82-85 my core were: Van Halen,Priest,Maiden, Sabbath w Dio, Ozzy/Randy Although older/earlier Aerosmith was always my first. They were just way cooler to me than all of them. But the above mentioned were also way cool. Cripes that Number of the Beast Album Scared the crap out of me but I loved it.
Traditional Heavy Metal(the O.G.s)Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden
Thrash(metal meets hardcore punk):Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax
Death Metal(brutal Cookie Monster):Cannibal Corpse, Death, Morbid Angel
Black Metal(dark and Satanic): Bathory, Darkthrone, Emperor
Alternative and Nu-Metal(Alternative rock meets metal)Korn, Alice In Chains, System of a Down
Power Metal(Lord of the Rings/ Game of Thrones metal): Halloween, Rainbow, Sabaton
Doom metal(slow and thick) Candlemass, Count Raven, Solitude Aeturnus
Sludge metal( doom metal meets hardcore punk) :Melvins, Acid Bath, Crowbar
Glam metal(Party pop metal):Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Whitesnake
Progressive Metal(progressive rock meets metal): Dream Theater, Queensryche, Opeth
When I was a teen it seemed very few were into metal. It's been interesting to watch metal and Metallica become mainstream.
Cause Metal Rules!!
Simple as that
My high school class was like, one half new kids on the block fans / pop and the other half Guns n Roses / Skid Row fans and metalheads
Where are you running into these people?
It’s less running than him getting moshed.
at home, their parents
What was called NWOBHM was a group of young British rock bands bands that came to prominence in the early 80s. Regularly in the charts they became almost mainstream.
Metalhead here. Can confirm there are actually a lot less of us than you think.
we grew up in an age where there was room for a lot of different types of music, not just generic pop music.
we also grew up where we had little to no supervision, we had a lot of issues, and this was also the era of mtv playing music. lot of exposure to bands or genres that you would never really hear about. almost every city had some sort of rock radio station that played heavier music also.
we had an appreciation of loud rebellious aggressive music made by musicians and was not written by a committee of focus groups. music back then was a lot more organic. even the pop music was.
in a lot of ways that old ethos of creating music still carries through with a lot of rock and metal music today and why people who listen to metal for the most part really dont like whats popular now.
I love almost all kind of music except for Country, Folk, Schlager, Volks- und Volkstümliche Musik and whatever other variations of those exist.
I prefer punk and regular (classic) rock.
Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Slayer, etc.
That’s a weird concept, but maybe it is because we grew up with Black Sabbath, Metallica, and other bands in the 80s. Then we got to enjoy the development of metal into harder bands like Pantera and Slayer, and then finally the renaissance that’s been going on with the different sub genres
Even Michael Jackson used the talents of Eddie Van Halen ... metal was everywhere. Even if you hated metal bands, you were still being influenced by them because it meant that you were actively avoiding them.
Where you hang out? This is not my experience at all
You tend to gravitate towards music you grow up with. Hence, a lot of Gen X liking metal.
While I like a lot of metal it is by no means my favorite. New Wave, Punk, Goth and Industrial have always been my thing.