Are the Nvidia features really worth ?

Posted by AlgatoY_@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 38 comments

Hi, im looking to buy a pc since some time now, because mine is from 2011 and is running a i5-2500k with no GPU... Now im looking to buy a new one, and i want to use it for gaming, streaming, video editing, CGI and 3d rendering. I had barely no knowledge of pc's until now and have done a bit of research. Since im a student and saving for important things, i dont have much of a budget, so im looking in the used options near me. And now im hesitating: I have a choice between two builds that i think are both decent (correct me if im wrong), one being an i5 10400f with a 3060ti for 490, and the other one being a ryzen 5 5600x 6700xt for 455. Now i have been told that Nvidia features are better for streaming, but im not looking to have the perfect streaming quality or anything, just being able to play with friends comfortably while streaming. So I ask you this, is it still worth it to buy the rtx 3060ti one ? Considering its a little more expensive, and has from what ive understood a worse cpu and motherboard and 3d rendering heavily depending (i think lol) on the cpu, and the gpu is around the same level of performance according to a few benchmarks online. So would these builds be enough for a decent gaming, 3d rendering, editing and streaming experience ? If yes which one should i buy ?? Thanks