Who still remember playing this? 🤣😅
Posted by Hazys@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 16 comments

I still remember me , my cousins and neighbours playing this. We make about 50 to 100 paper bullets. ( photo found online )
We called those bushwackers, and they hurt so bad.
Same. You had to tap it on the desk to make sure it was solid! I shot one at a teacher and got him in the back of the ear. Ratted out by a girl....racked up even more detention.
oh i thought u were talkin about making images with a string
Hazys@reddit (OP)
lol is paper bullet
ahhh...thats nothing compared to spit balls :)
Put a paper clip in that elastic, then you can do some real damage
Spitballs don't leave welts and make people cry. I put a bruise on my best friend's neck that lasted a whole month once. He got me right in the ear hole one time so bad I literally saw stars, like a God damned cartoon.
Spitballs were just gross. Fun to get stuck on the ceiling, though.
I'm not sure I know a single person who did that who isn't know on a DV or other list. Quickest sign someone was a psychopath was seeing them make one of those.
Thought you meant this for a moment
Our postal carrier would give us rubber bands on his delivery route. During summer break we would watch for him to get our supplies!
We called them mosquitos, and I may have shown my 5th graders how to make them last year when I was telling them about the stuff we used to do in 5th grade when I was a kid. They're 6th graders now, and I won't make that mistake with this year's kids.
Hazys@reddit (OP)
For me is call “ paper bullets “ 😅
We used to make reinforced triple perspex catapults in woodwork class - used 4 rubber bands and folded a page of A4 paper into a paper clip.
It was seriously dangerous stuff - also my only school detention. Such an idiot!
V darts
Quick game if penny hockey anyone?
Paper clips could easily put a dent into a car these days. Back in the day though all they did was take a chunk of paint off right to bare steel. They were also good at taking birds out of action. It was easy to zip one as far as 100 feet level. Amazing things to be done with an elastic and a large paper clip