Curious about Hiring (commercial student)
Posted by Londup@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 5 comments
So I’m just starting my commercial now and I know the standard route after that is CFI which I am completely fine with and do kind of look forward to because of teaching students I think I would enjoy it. But I keep seeing this and even on this reddit about how it’s impossible to get hired as a CFI right now or a lot of aviation jobs in general (especially low time jobs), of course I know a big reason for this is airlines have temporarily halted hiring which effects everything below, but I just wanted to know, does this type of thing tend to happen every few years? And when will it be back to hiring season again anytime in the near future?
(Also if any CFI’s want to chime in that have been hired recently or have been applying to be hired recently how is it and how is the job market?)
Move to the right seat now. Do Commercial, CFI, and CFII at the same time. Try to make some of these flights XC. Once you’ve grasped the basics do some solo practice.
What you wrote is a bit more rigid than reality. Slowed, not stopped. Difficult, not impossible. And so on.
Londup@reddit (OP)
Do people do this often, start flying right seat, I do basically just have a shit ton of hours to build so this could be good, is this what u did?
Kinda sorta...
I was a CFI-G, then MEI. But at that point I did move into the right seat of a 172 and ended up taking ASEL Commercial and CFI on the same day.
Commercial in the right seat is common enough that no one thinks you're weird if you want to do it.
Yes it’s happened before
No one knows. Aviation is a risk
This is a copy of the original post body for posterity:
So I’m just starting my commercial now and I know the standard route after that is CFI which I am completely fine with and do kind of look forward to because of teaching students I think I would enjoy it. But I keep seeing this and even on this reddit about how it’s impossible to get hired as a CFI right now or a lot of aviation jobs in general (especially low time jobs), of course I know a big reason for this is airlines have temporarily halted hiring which effects everything below, but I just wanted to know, does this type of thing tend to happen every few years? And when will it be back to hiring season again anytime in the near future?
(Also if any CFI’s want to chime in that have been hired recently or have been applying to be hired recently how is it and how is the job market?)
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