Can I Just Vent?

Posted by New-Chemistry7352@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 16 comments

Parenting does not come with a manual. However, there is an understanding of right and wrong. Growth and maturation. As one learns and understands , they should do/be BETTER.


They have been some of the most selfish people that I know. For some twisted reason, I continued to extend undeserved loyalty to them. Finally, reached a point of acceptance and how I was going to control my response.

Went very limited to no contact for the past year. Phone calls occasionally and text messages.

Let me just get to meat of the issue... I was just asked to donate an organ.

The amount of "sentence enhancing" words that left my mouth would get me removed from the group.

How dare you ask me to risk MY life? Zero consideration for my health or what that would mean to my family!

I guess the toxic, self absorbed behavior will continue right up until the final breath.