I was planning a trip to Washington DC to visit the museums. Plans canceled. I guess I will visit The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum again. Maybe I will go for a flight in one of their warbirds.
One wing is in the background, high left, of the YF-12 frame.
When I was there I barely noticed and paid little attention to the YF-12 specifically because the XB-70 was beside it. I've seen plenty of SR-71s. There's only one XB-70.
Do the planes outside with covers over the engines actually have the engines still inside the cowling? When planes retire and go to a boneyard the engines are usually removed. If they do have them still then What’s the point of covering them? Assuming they’re not flying ever again.
Last time I was there, I got to go to the restoration hanger/ "attic" hangar. Months later they discontinued those tours. Have not checked if they are back. Was super cool seeing the aircraft in their "as found" state.
As cool as all the aircraft are, some of them are just so clean after a full up restoration that they don't even look real. The ones with wear, tear, and patina however look like they have a story to tell you.
They moved most of the weird aircraft from that hangar into the new 4th hangar a while back. They’ve made a number of improvements since you were there!
I was there last September for the Air Force Marathon. That was the catalyst for my interest in aviation, and I'm now in the process of getting a PPL. This is a seriously world class museum.
My favorite museum
Why does that building look like an air filter?
I was planning a trip to Washington DC to visit the museums. Plans canceled. I guess I will visit The Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum again. Maybe I will go for a flight in one of their warbirds.
This museum is in Ohio, so you would've missed it anyway.
I believe there are a couple of historic airplanes in DC too. Probably the most historic ones.
What kind of psycho goes to NMUSAF, posts a whole photo album, and doesn’t have a single XB-70 pic?
I remember when the XB-70 was on display outside in front of the museum. OP would have had to take a picture then. 😁
Came here to say this...where's that ass end pic my dude? You know you took one!
Ooh Mig-29 and A-10, very nice
I went there back in June/July of 2024!
Walking through the older Air Force One planes was fun. And a bit claustrophobic.
Thanks entirely to all the plexiglass to keep people from touching the actual exhibit.
Where Valkyrie :(
One wing is in the background, high left, of the YF-12 frame.
When I was there I barely noticed and paid little attention to the YF-12 specifically because the XB-70 was beside it. I've seen plenty of SR-71s. There's only one XB-70.
Also where is the lovely Lockheed constellation air force one. :( Such a beautiful plane.
Is #12 an SR71? Hard to tell.
I believe it’s an A-12
Photo #14, why’d you take a picture of the wall?
The only place with a F-117 IIRC?
There are twelve F-117As on display:
Well that’ll learn me. I could have sworn there was only one out there when I finished the Ben Rich book a year ago. How odd!
I believe most were only released to museums in the early 2020s. The one at NMUSAF has been there since the early 90s.
Hill AFB museum has one too. At least as of 2021
Palm Springs Air Museum has one too
What? No Phantom????
Robin Olds Phantom is there. Might be another or two.
We lived in Columbus for 12 years at the beginning of the century. Probably visited this place 15-20 times. So amazing.
Do the planes outside with covers over the engines actually have the engines still inside the cowling? When planes retire and go to a boneyard the engines are usually removed. If they do have them still then What’s the point of covering them? Assuming they’re not flying ever again.
The birds and bugs will nest in the spaces
I've got to go there!! Dad was a C130 navigator.
I'm just here for the Aero Commander.
It like my Disneyland. Only way better
Some awesome air aft
Last time I was there, I got to go to the restoration hanger/ "attic" hangar. Months later they discontinued those tours. Have not checked if they are back. Was super cool seeing the aircraft in their "as found" state.
As cool as all the aircraft are, some of them are just so clean after a full up restoration that they don't even look real. The ones with wear, tear, and patina however look like they have a story to tell you.
They moved most of the weird aircraft from that hangar into the new 4th hangar a while back. They’ve made a number of improvements since you were there!
That museum is probably my favorite place in the entire world. Just truly stunning.
I was there last September for the Air Force Marathon. That was the catalyst for my interest in aviation, and I'm now in the process of getting a PPL. This is a seriously world class museum.
Want to go back :))
Dayton Ohio Wright Patterson I believe
Nice! I love that place!
How is that the photo you took of the SR-77 Blackbird :(
Sam 26000 will always be the most Special and important Air-Force One
Such a cool place! I could spend days there wandering around looking at everything!