What's a song that got ruined for you because a friend was obsessed with it?
Posted by Tiny_Ear_61@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 56 comments

Posted by Tiny_Ear_61@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 56 comments
Dave Matthew’s Band. Friend played it constantly. Can’t stand hearing it now.
Counting Crows was ruined for me, way over played
I think the best song I ruined for a former friend was Relax, by Frankie goes to Hollywood? I mainly did it out of spite, she’s European and always acted like she knew all the 80’s music and allegedly hung out with Duran Duran and I was jells.
Can't think of one, but now I have to go listen to fucking Kansas.
Thanks, asshole.
Were they a Supernatural fan by any chance?
Other side of this 45 is Dust in the Wind IIRC. I think I had it.
Different albums - Questions of My Childhood was the B Side
I still get chills at, "Now your life's no longer empty. Surely heaven waits for you!'
I can’t think of one either, but ‘Carry On Wayward Son’ is such a classic, and brilliant, earworm that it became my ‘safeguarding song’. On the way to any safeguarding training (and I did a lot!) I’d listen to it a couple of times, then it would be playing in the back of my mind all day, like an anchor from the horrific shit we’d have to listen to.
Everything by Duran Duran.
Tiny_Ear_61@reddit (OP)
The Reflex!
A friend didn't ruin it, MTV did. They played it every 15 minutes for a fucking year.
Green eyed Lady
I did it to myself with Radiohead's Pablo Honey.
Genuinely don't think that thing came off my turntable for about 9 months.
I'm probably good for ever hearing it again.
That very song, but it was my sister who ruined it by playing it over and over and over.
I ruined loads of songs for myself (and probably lots of other people, lol).
i can't listen to the pink floyd album dark side of the moon. someone ruined it for me in 1984 and it's never worn off.
disclosure though: a few years later i think i did the same thing to another friend, with paul simon's graceland album.
DSOTM is one of the best albums of all time! My oldest brother made up a story about escaping from the moon with treasure that fit the theme very well. He doesn't remember it now, but i was like 9 and he was 17, and it is inscribed in my memory.
I could listen to it every day.
sure, lots of people feel that way about it.
Holy crap!!! I was literally just thinking about this!! I have two. Louie Louie—my college roommate was into the song to the point he made a 90 minute cassette of it, and would play it on repeat for hours.
Here Comes the Sun was ruined at a summer camp I worked. Whenever the leadership ran out of ideas for a rainy day, two of my fellow counselors would host a singalong. They knew four songs, and Here Comes the Sun was definitely one of them. It was only in the last month (38 years later), I could stomach the song again.
I'm gonna confess here... For the longest time I thought it was ☀️, not son. In my teens and young adulthood.
U2's whole Joshua Tree album. Can't/won't ever listen to it again.
My university roommate killed 2 songs from the same album for me. 'Daughter' and 'Elderly Woman' by Pearl Jam (VS album).
Ole Eddie Vetter loved to sing about how hard it was to be a woman.
Not a Gex-X song. But I never got to enjoy the song "Happy" by Pharell Williams. My wife played it back to back for an hour a day. By day 3, i was burnt out on an otherwise good uplifting song.
Zeppelin IV
Open Arm - Journey. Friend way back claimed it as ”his” love song to where no one was allowed to talk about it or sing along with it. I remember him screaming “Don’t you dare sing this! You don‘t know what love is!” Songs been ruined for me ever since. The cringe factor was strong in that one
More than a feeling by Boston.
Tiny_Ear_61@reddit (OP)
Yeah... that was me. Sorry.
I won't say there are songs that a friend ruined, but there are plenty of songs on my playlists that I skip over more than play now.
'Her Strut's by Bob Seger.
'Pretend' MGMT
'Runnin Down a Dream' Tom Petty
But there is one artist I removed from all my playlists that I like, but won't play again - Carrie Underwood. Her playing that one particular set in DC was a YUGE turn off for me. Fuck her....
Staple Singers “I’ll Take You There”
Had an upstairs neighbor who played this on repeat for hours every Saturday morning. I think it was the only record she owned. Her bedroom was above my roommate’s. At least I wasn’t woken by it every Saturday.
Local radio is obsessed with it. It's like Kansas only ever released this one song. Kansas is awesome talent with a huge catalog of songs.
'Hold On' never gets enough air play.
Everything That is KISS, Scorpions, Def Lepard, and Bon Jovi.
A friend? They played the living shit out of it on the radio. Never liked Kansas in the first place. Now it sounds like fingernails on a blackboard.
That's a good question. I can't think of any in particular. But I'm pretty sure I was the friend who ruined a song or two for others.
I was more the ruiner.
Africa by Toto and by friend I mean millenials and zoomers
The girl who lived upstairs from me at college played Whitney’s ‘I Will Always Love You’ or Robbie Williams’ ‘Angels’ repeatedly.
When confronted on it she said it was in memory of a friend who died. It went on for about a year until someone snapped and told her it was time to get over it.
Not this song! But Bret Michaels ruined everything by poisson (intentional misspelling) by sucking at music.
Warewolves of London. Some kid in my dorm played it on repeat for an entire semester.
Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne.
I used to run a BBS in my late teens/early 20's. I usually kept the Sysop chat off, unless I was home and did not have other things going on. But certain friends had the ability to chat with me 24/7, and sometimes I would forget to turn the chat availability off before going to bed.
My board software was modified, so instead of the beeping alert, I had Crazy Train bleeping along to alert me. You see where this is going?
For YEARS, decades even, I had that damn song wake me out of a dead sleep, or completely catch my attention if I was out somewhere and heard it. I would cringe. Even now, if I even faintly hear it and recognize the tune, it can be a little distracting.
All of Elton John's catalog was ruined because an ex played his box set constantly.
No rain.
Anything by Gwar. I had to throw the cassette out the window to stop the madness.
Not a song, but a whole album. Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes. A friend with a crush on me knew I liked it, so they would play that album every time I was around to the point I never wanted to hear it again.
Angel by Aerosmith (Friend 1) Everything I Do by Bryan Adams (Friend 2)
I can’t change the station quick enough when these songs come on.
One of my friends used to play the Whitney version of "I'm Every Woman" any time we were going out.
Saw them open up for ZZ Top…. Ok play your two songs fatty and let’s get this going. Too was awesome
OMG. Two of my earliest albums (before 12) were Kansas Leftovture and Point of No Return. Anthem F'king Rock!
To the question. 1983-84 my Jr/Sr year of high school I had a 69 chevy pickup with a 50 watt Kraco stereo that could CRANK (to a point). That 18 months the Police or The Doors lived in that cassette deck and faded away. I've tried but can't listen to either one today.
There was a kid in my dorm who made us listen to the Moody Blues whenever it was his acid.
I Alone by Live. One of my housemates in college played it 24/7. The other residents and I eventually hid the CD where he could not find it.
I can name two, which were objectively terrible, but were made worse:
Reba McIntyre, Fancy
Beach Boys, Kokomo
When I tell you it’s like being… activated…
Sweet home Alabama. This putz was from Kentucky and hated Alabama but he was the QB so I had to listen. Eff you George.
I remember in college, a guy down the hall broke up with his girlfriend and played Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” endlessly. (What a pussy btw.) Ruined the song for me and others.
Someone got baked and fell asleep with Lynyrd Skynyrd on repeat on the turntable. I wasn’t in a position to get up and turn it off, so I haven’t needed to hear “That Smell” since. Whatever other songs are with it on that side, no problem.