What mistake ruined his career?

Posted by ExternalInternet20@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 43 comments

I am a high school student working toward my PPL. I graduate next year and I've been looking into flight schools. Recently, a friend of mine shared a story about one of her family members who attended a pretty highly regarded flight college in my area, and I can't stop thinking about it.

A quick disclaimer-I am very new to flying and my knowledge is limited at this point, but I really would like a seasoned pilot's opinion on this story. My lack of knowledge might also show in my writing, so sorry if I refer to things wrong. It's a sad story so I don't want to ask my CFI. Also, my friend is completely unfamiliar with aviation, and she was told this story through someone else, so the facts aren't completely straight from her end. No one in her family knows the full story, because after the incident, her family member went into a depressive episode and does not like to talk about it.

Here's what she told me:

My friend's cousin went to this particular flight school and reached the point of his final checkride before obtaining what I believe was supposed to be his commercial license (or at least the last license he needed before having the ability to pursue a career). During the checkride, he made some sort of mistake, and apparently he had been "taught wrong" by an instructor (I'm guessing a young CFI). The instructor was fired.

Here's the part I don't understand. My friend said that after the checkride, her cousin was no longer able to become a pilot (either he wasn't allowed to, or he gave up, its unclear). She strongly suggested that he was "banned" from becoming a pilot. Can this happen? Can you really make a mistake so bad during a checkride that you are banned for life from pursuing a career? If so, what mistake might it have been? I'd love some insight from someone more seasoned than myself.

Thank you for any responses or insight.