I worked at an American Eagle Outfitters in a suburban mall while still in high school (98-2000) AMA
Posted by Historical-Crab-2905@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 62 comments
I worked at Belk, Journeys and Ruby Tuesday.
What is interesting or unique about your experience?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
I worked in monument of consumerism (SO Mallrats) it was communal place for youth to waste time before seeing a movie, when people still went to the movies or being dragged their by a parent who after years of coming to the mall still doesn’t know which end is The Maceys or The Pennys. I saw parents bring their kids in to get the clothes for the new school year, I saw kids on first dates awkwardly browsing around the store because they got the movie showtime wrong and they had an hour to kill. I know what’s it’s like to work at the mall on Christmas eve, when Amazon didn’t exist and the energy and panic of people trying to cover their ass for that evening made you realize the phrase “Something in the air” has meaning. Also some really pretty girls would come in, that was cool at 17.
Macys, “Penny’s “ and AEO, and a reference to mall rats, were you at a mall in central Jersey?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
Pittsburgh Suburbs. Still Mid Atlantic though
The eat'n'park reference gave that away. :D
*waves from my Sunglass Hut kiosk*
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
See you at TGI Friday’s later!
Does everything you have from back then still have that… smell?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
Sadly no. But I know the exact smell you speak of
Me too.
Remember the music? I brought him a few of the CDs. You can find the playlists on Spotify sometimes.
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
I remember the Christmas season ones. U2’s Angel of Harlem, The Waitresses Christmas Wrapping and Run DMC’s Christmas in Hollis
I worked at abercrombie and fitch around 2000 in a suburban mall
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
Structure bros were weird
lol. Stay away from the girl who works at hot topic. She is dangerous.
Check out the song “Hot Topic Woman” by The Company Band.
I can fix her!
Structure bros? Whats that
Structure used to be my go-to store until it got bought by Express
I’m pretty sure it was always owned by Limited Brands.
Honest question- did you turn out ok?
Why do you ask?
He was a good looking dude - that became his life - he was the guy out front without a shirt- come to find out you age out of that after about 24 and a ton of Milwaukee’s Best- never got his stuff together after that
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
I was front of store guy, but never popped my shirt off. I went up college and grad school (have an MFA) fond memories, but relatively unscathed. Relatively. 😂
I turned out just fine
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
Yes, although it was kinda cultish. But very similar to the movie Waiting. There were two guys that worked there and were in college and they had a party house and we would often go there after closing after we hit up Eat N Park.
Had a friend who worked at an Abercrombie and he said he walked around all day putting the collars down on all the mannequins.
Also, this reminds me. Did anyone else ever see someone wearing two polo shirts with both collars popped? Sadly, I seent that.
I seen’t it too.
I'm fairly sure a guy in my friend group after high school was wearing 3 polos one time.
Holy shit I just made a comment about how I worked at the Buckle at the mall in 99 and wore double polos with popped collars. Frosty tips, doc sandals with socks, puka necklace, the works.
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
It’s called layering. It was developed to just sell more clothes. At AE we would layer the mannequins with t-shirt, a contrasting t-shirt a flannel then a sweater over the flannel and two t shirts. Cab I interest you in some puka shells??
what were your top 3 food court go-tos?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
Flamers a burger spot
Cajun Grille basically Asian fusion ie Bourbon Chicken etc.
Sbarro - a slice of stuffed meat lovers pizza would get your head on straight
But there was an ICEE spot right by the store and I’d always have an ICEE cup in my car 😂
I worked at Bath and Body Works. I cannot imagine trying to even stand in that store now. Cucumber melon still haunts me.
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
Or The Gap’s Grass or Dream CK ONE knockoffs
Omg CK One would melt my nose and lungs now. I remember that Abercrombie had their scent wafting out of the store. Maybe all of that damage is why I can’t even be in places with plug ins now.
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
I worked at an old navy in a strip mall in 99
I remember smoking in the mall mid 90s
😮💨 Reminds me of working at the Olive Garden when there were smoking and non smoking sections (with a non smoking "terrace" section being the separating differential). Our sections were named after wine and Riesling & Merlot were my favorite as young smoker. The busser sold the servers Vicodin. I fondly remember cracking one in half, sneaking to the employee bathroom in the back which was the size of a closet and smoking half a cigarette while waiting to be sat. It was simpler times
my first job waiting tables was a Ruby Tuesday, and I loved working in the smoking section - I swear they are better tippers.
You're right, they are! I had completely forgotten
I worked at Pizzeria Uno with a smoking section that got closed while I was working there late nineties but after that they still allowed smoking in the bar area and employee break area. I got pregnant and quit smoking but smoking was the only way to get a break as a server so that always sucked. After my son was born I would still smoke occasionally at work so I could get a break.
I worked at County Seat. 50% off Girbaud jeans, flannel shirts, over sized sweaters, baggy kakis and corduroy, cargo shorts and colorful T shirts and polos.
My wife did too! I worked at Lids.
How are you at folding shirts?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
I’m married with kids and I fold all the laundry. My good game is pretty tight. Thin/profile fold, medium fold, chunky fold, I got ya.
I worked in an American Eagle as well. I remember getting my hours docked because I wasn't selling their shitty expensive white socks. They would pride themselves on telling people that they didn't do commission but would instead base your hours on what you sold.
I also got written up for "bragging to people I made 4.15 an hour". I never remembered doing that because there was no way I was bragging. Also, when I looked back at it, IT WAS ILLEGAL TO WRITE ME UP!
Fuck you American Eagle!!
Claire’s here. I was busy working making babies scream one ear at a time.
Worked at AE 96-97. I turned my paycheck over every payday to buy more AE clothes for work. Then there’s AE University…who remembers that? Where you learn all about how to upsell to teenagers and their parents.
Waving across the way from Sam Goody circa 1998!
I worked at the Sam Goody in our mall during the same time period, it was about 5 stores away from the AE.
Um... Why are you doing an ama?
I worked at Anchor Blue and the Sears Craftsman Tool department (seasonal).
Anchor blue, carbon 21, rue 21 I’m pretty sure I still have a carbon 21 shirt in my closet and an empty bottle of surf rider cologne I bought from anchor blue in my mementos box.
I worked at the Buckle in 99. I was encouraged to wear sweater vests and double polos with flipped collars. 40% off Docs but I only bought the sandals, and wore them with socks. If I went back in time and met myself I would punch me in the face.
What was your worst customer interaction?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
I was a greeter. But on busy days I would help in shoes and this lady has me bring out no joke about 20 different pairs/sizes of shoes for both her kids. And then didn’t buy one single pair, and I was climbing through piles of shoes 😂 looking for sizes. And at one point they wanted a sandal, when it was winter, so I was looking for that size and when I came back she said “took ya long enough” and you can guess how many pairs of shoes she bought. It’s between 0 and 0
What was your staff discount?
Historical-Crab-2905@reddit (OP)
50% for new line! And 35% for the previous line. By line I mean Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer. I still have this pair of hand made American Eagle heritage jeans that were 150 bucks but I got them for 75.
I was down the way at Sport Chalet. Met my future wife there.