Posted by pinballrocker@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 199 comments
[My friends and I about to drop acid and spend the day in the rain in a field in the middle of nowhere to see Jane's Addiction, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Fishbone, Ice-T and Body Count, Butthole Surfers, Violent Femmes and Rollins Band. How many of you hit the first year? Or subsequent years?](
Only the first
I was at the 92 Great Woods show in MA when the crowd tore down the fence and moshed around a massive bonfire during Ministry tripping on acid
Was that the same year there was a dirt fight? I remember clumps of sod being whipped around
Yes! The sod fight was before they (we) tore down the fence. They stopped the show because people were throwing it at the stage and they needed to put the fires out (only for them to be relit for RHCP). I loved how close it came to devolving into chaos, but the crowd just went with it and had the BEST time.
My credo throughout that time was: Go with it—you’re not gonna die.
I grabbed an airborne piece of sod right before it smacked my friend in the back of the head. Have a photo of me right after I caught it!
Hell yes! We snuck in to the pavilion and were in the third row when that happened. We were in awe. Legend has it Eddie Vedder was out there in the fray. Best show of my life! Soundgarden made me deaf. Pearl Jam, Ice Cube, Ministry, RHCP all at the top of their game.
1997 here.
Tool, Korn, Snoop, Tricky (got his autograph), Orbital.
This year was amazing too. And don’t forget JAMES was on the bill!
I went in 97 also was so excellent!
Wasnt Devo there too? Or was that 98?
Checking out the 1997 acts at it looks like Prodigy and Devo did play some of the stops. I don't remember either being at the show I saw in Raleigh.
Both would have been fun to see though!
This is the one I went to as well. Prodigy was there too. I met my future husband there, though it would be 10 years before we actually married.
Finding your person at a concert is where it's at.
At the show I saw Korn created such a frenzy in the crowd they were tearing the grass up from the lawn seating and throwing large chunks of turf into the amphitheater seats.
The band actually stopped the songs and played a bass line for like ten minutes until the crowd settled down. It was wild.
An amazing line up that can never be repeated. I was there rocking lawn seats in Mansfield MA with my friends.
92 was the best year for me.
Yeah, man.
Saw '91, '92, and '93 all at the Orlando Fairgrounds.
'93 was my fave cuz Primus, AIC, Fishbone, etc. I see you got Fishbone subbing for Living Colour...
That was my first acid trip. Also, Ice T signed the butt of my jean shorts.
well damn, ice t flat out refused to sign anything for me! quote “nah man, then everybody want one”. he was walking the crowd with beefy bodyguards.
Haha, true. I saw him walk up this giant grass hill my friends and I were sitting on and saw him signing a couple autographs on his way up. It was at least 90 degrees that day and I was wearing shorts, a t-shirt and boots. My t-shirt was black, so really the only place to get an autograph was my butt, so I asked him if he could please sign my butt. Maybe it was the please that got him to say yes.
Saw this show in West Virginia for DC Metro area… was this the one with RATM or was that a different show?
Also saw the first year show — amazing!
‘91 cleveland, ‘92 cincinnati, ‘94 cincinnati. loooong drunken days but absolutely incredible line-ups. ‘94 had a gallery area with a lot of tribute art to cobain.
pissed i’ve lost that year’s stub
I went to some of the later tours, but not that early. I couldn't afford it at that point, frankly.
1996 Metallica Soundgarden Longview Lake Kansas City MO.
Literally cooked in the sun and was blistered where I wasn't wearing clothes.
1994 at Sandstone also hotter than balls.
I went when I was pregnant in ‘92..I don’t recommend it.
I went to the first one around Chicago. I remember Trent Reznor throwing water bottles at the security guards. I also remember it was cloudy and kind of rainy. I remember Jane’s playing “Three Days” and I looked up and the clouds around the arena cleared up. I thought it might have been the acid, but my other friends made the same comment about the sky clearing.
I went to the first 3 in Phoenix. Amazing shows but so fucking hot.
Went to Lolapalooza 1995 in New Orleans. Insanely hot, humid, muddy and nasty. RATM, Waylon Jennings and Rancid were highlights for me.
I went in 93 in Philadelphia
Definitely hit year 1 (the t-shirt is one of my prized possessions) then hit year 2…dunzo after that
Year two...Kitsap Cunty Fairgrounds. Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ice Cube, Ministry, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, L7. Jim Rose Circus Side Show on stage 2. It was amazing!!!
Me too. Lake Fairfax park in NoVA.
Year two for me as well. They played in Central Florida one day before Cat 5 Hurricane Andrew made landfall.
It was so damn hot, August in central Florida is hotter than the devils asshole, we were constantly crowd surfing passed out people up to the front while they sprayed us down with hoses.
Stanhope NJ and I was right up by the stage, in front of a giant stack of speakers. Somebody launched off of my shoulder into the mosh pit. It was excellent.
it was such a good show! I also did acid
Ok Boring bot child
Great memories! Got all the autographs. 91
My first year was the following year at the Kitsap County Fair grounds... Pearl Jam, Soundgarden , RHCP. I had roadrash scabs on my arms from taking a late night tumble off a big wheel I'd stolen (don't ask)... but by the time I got out of the mosh out, the scabs were all gone with just smooth pink skin left 🤢 I remember being like ew gross sorry to everyone who's now walking around covered in my scabs... but we were all filthy so I guess who cares?
Omg, now I have blister in the sun stuck in my head. I haven't thought of the violet femmes and butthole surfers in years
pinballrocker@reddit (OP)
I listened to that Violent Femmes album the other day and was brought right back.
I missed year one, but made two and three.
Had tickets to the first tour for the Dallas show. Girlfriend kept the tickets in her wallet, kept her wallet in her unlocked car. Wallet was stolen a few days before the show. Good times🙄
"Don't call me*)" --Perry Farrell
"Don't call me n&*(\^%, WHITEY!" --Ice Cube.
Yeah, I was there. Irvine Meadows for me.
Right after Perry made his wetsuit joke at the WA State show. I didn't like that at all. Very uncomfortable and Perry looked like he was enjoying it way too much.
Yup, I was there too!
93 in Philly
I wanted to go so bad, but it was never close to me. (About 4 hours away) Now I live 10 minutes from the NJ location, and I wish it was still a touring show because I would drag my ancient ass there.
I can only remember going the first year in 1991, and if memory serves, the line up also included Nine Inch Nails. Good times!
We just missed them, and got Violent Femmes instead. I was really bummed.
I was stoked!
That year I attended Armonapalooza in Lakeview.
I was in attendance for 91 and 93 in Nashville. Swervy good times !
Ice T was the shit!
Year 2. So many plastic bottle bonfires. What an epic day.
Ministry set?
There were small fires before that, but yeah when the first few riffs of just one fix started…. A giant pit started swirling around the main fire, scooping up blankets and such to feed the fire.
And then the sod clouds...
Caught the next year with RHCP, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Ice Cube, Ministry … and Rage Against the Machine on the second stage (they were brand new) and Jim Rose Circus Sideshow (mind blowing and not for the faint of heart)
Saw a couple of those . Always salon the rain and always on acid !
I was lucky enough to go to Lolapalooza in 93 & 94. Fun times hardly remembered!
Saw the show at CNE Stadium, Toronto, and the second one in Barrie.
I missed the first year but went 2nd, 3rd, and like 5th or somewhere in there.
‘92, ‘93, and ‘94
Got to see the Ramones!
Yep. I remember Siouxsie moshing on stage in unison with the muddy pit. I remember eyeing the cops during Body Count. I remember Ice-T and Perry Farrell doing a cover of Sly & The Family Stone’s Don’t Call Me N-, Whitey. I remember Rollins being iconic. And I remember Perry Farrell throwing a tantrum and sending the microphone flying because his monitor was on the fritz.
Don’t call me N was awesome!!
Love the outfits! The blonde girl reminds me of Becky from "Roseanne". :) I grew up in Germany, so never made it to Lollapalooza, sadly. Would have liked to, though!
Yep, was at 1 & 2 at Lake Fairfax, and Charles Town for the 3rd. That $25 a ticket went a really long way - you couldn't do that for under $200 today, and it would be spread over three days.
I went to the Charles Town one in 1995. Blazing hot.
91 show at blossom music center near Cleveland. Reznor urged the crowd to come forward and the pavilion became a huge mosh pit. Garbage cans were on fire and the air was full of angst. I miss those days. Jane's closed it out and Perry was masterful as he always was back then. His raspy, angry voice will stick in my head forever
That is an outstanding picture!!!
Made it the first four and, I believe, the final touring variety…Tool/Prodigy headlining! Heaven!
I went in ‘93. The music was great, but my friend got sunstroke and was pretty sick on the way home.
I didn’t go until 94 at the Gorge. Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, Tribe Called Quest, Breeders, Pharcyde, Cypress Hill, George Clinton, Green Day. Shit went off that day.
I was at that '94 gorge show and to this day, I consider that beastie boys performance the greatest live show I've ever seen.
Yeah they tore it up. Smashing Pumpkins went on after Beasties and there was no crowd energy left for them. I remember Billy being all pissy because people were leaving.
Billy was just pissy in general. Saw smashing pumpkins at the VanAndel arena. They walked off stage at the end of their first set and didn't come back because they wouldnt let the bass player smoke a cigarette inside.
Wow thats a helluva line up!
This was mine as well, in Rhode Island. Smashing Pumpkins were playing prototype versions of a few songs from Mellon Collie that was still a year away from being released.
1995 at the Charles Town Racetrack in West Virginia. It was a blazing hot day in the sun.
The Gathering of the Tribes had a very similar line up, but Primus and Yo-Yo were there.
I remember the lead singer of the buthole surfers brought a real shotgun on stage and threw bottles of jack up in the air and shot blanks at them. Couldn’t get away with that now
I was seventh row for the second one and the drummer of the chili peppers was throwing drums sticks into the crowd a few times during his set and one time I wasn’t paying attention and one hit me in the face and I fell off the chair handles I was sitting on and fell onto the chair behind me and put a huge gash in my back. And bled three the whole show.
They lit huge fires in the grass and we danced around them like tribesman. The 90’s were different
I went in 1993.
Saw this particular tour in Dallas at the Fair Park amphitheater (Starplex at the time, I think). It was hot that day but I was a teen and had a blast!
Saw the first and second years at Blossom Music Center outside Cleveland. We had NIN and Living Color rather than Fishbone or Violent Femmes.
I just watched the documentary. There were no smartphones back then, so yeah I was there too dude. It was awesome.
First year for sure, I think the second as well, but have no clear recollection..
I was at 1993 in Chicago and was introduced to Tool.
When it came back as a Chicago festival my brother’s girlfriend worked for the bar that had the booze tent contract. Worked the first 3 shows.
We were allowed one show a day but no headliners. Worked it out so that I worked all day all 3 days without a break so I could disappear for the one band I wanted to see. I was front and center for Tool.
Snoop played that year too. It was hilarious seeing all the uniformed and undercover cops RUN from the lawn once the pot cloud formed above the crowd. Couldn’t take a chance with contact highs and fail their tests. Remember Bud Lime? The police really liked it because they took half a pallet of 12 packs from my tent after the last night.
Amazing photo! 🤩
God i miss my 20s so much. At 53, i feel lost. I currently have less time left than what I’ve already lived. Take me back for just one day so I can feel that way again. Even if it’s just one more time.
Got kicked in the head (accidentally of course) in the Body Count mosh pit. It was the best day ever :D
I did so much acid in the 90's it was easier to get than weed dropping acid and hiking the white mountains in New Hampshire was a weekly thing for me and my friends. I miss the 90's 😪
Your pic makes me smile because I had this exact experience with my friends, and I expect a lot of 50-something’s share this memory. This was our Woodstock.
And I should add, San Diego, ‘91. I was pressed up against the stage for Siouxsie and iirc she was wearing that yellow dress from Superstition.
Went to Randalls Island (NYC) in 97 to see Tool. Korn also played the same year, and you couldn't see the stage from the pit kicking up the dust/dirt on the ground.
I'm totally digging those red tights with the shorts! I would have worn the exact same thing.
Not till 94. 14 years old, having the time of my life. There was now no chance my devotion to alternative music would ever loosen its grip on me after this.
I can't love this enough!
Went in '92 for my 17th bday. That "Rain or Shine" is a load of BS - skies opened up, we saw 1 band and the rest got scrapped.
Had one hell of an adventure getting back to my friend's house to get picked up. I was pissed because I got my license that morning but my parents wouldn't let me drive. Man did I hold that over their heads!!!
‘92 and ‘94 in Miami. Great times.
I was there
1992 was the shit! Pearl Jam, Soundgarden AND RHCP!
Had tickets for Jones Beach 92. Thunderstorm came thru and show was canceled. No make up date obviously.
Later saw it with Green Day, Breeders, Pumkins and Beasties. No idea what year.
I went the first year and 93 & 94.
$26 🤦♂️
$55 in today’s dollars. Wild.
Missed the first one, caught the beastie boys one, probably another.
Traveled 3000 miles to go to opening weekend in 1992. Tripped on so many hits of acid and accidentally ate lunch with Rick Rubin. Good times.
That wasn’t Rick Rubin, that was some homeless guy w a beard
Whoops, slipped, fell, ate lunch with Rick Rubin
1993 in Orlando. I believe it was blotter with keys on it. First real concert.
I can't remember the year but the lineup I saw was James, Ziggy Marley, Korn, Tool, and Devo. It had to have been one of the last years it was a touring concert in the mid to late 90s
Lala was our Woodstock. Went to one and two. Some of the best memories of my life!
I went in ‘91! I also went to the first Warp Tour. Memories!
Great show. Sounds similar to my experience.
Loved the music but it was hot hell, high or not and dry!!! Group used designated person go out and bring a bottles back… hidden down below. 👇
OMG! Does that actually say $25? Holy shit, life was so different. And yes, I can hear the old lady in my statement.
This is such a bummer. I have kids in high school and I want to take them to see Kraftwerk, Morrissey, LCD Soundsystem and more in the coming months, but prices are so high I can barely excuse just going with my wife. And my kids aren't going to pay $100+ out of their own pocket. I get inflation, but this is way more than that. Oh, and that Lolla '91 was magic. I remember waiting to buy tickets for that show and was so excited FINALLY my kind of music was getting this kind of attention.
I hit it in 96. Violent femmes, Ramones, Rancid, Sound Garden, Metallica.
1992 i clearly remember the ‘pre game’ and ride to Lakewood - ATL …things get fuzzy after that…
What a great line up.
1992 my husband worked the Miami show at Bayfront. Great show! The load out however was a little dangerous as hurricane Andrew was coming ashore. Tearing down all the stages and equipment was hell for him and all the other guys. We lived in Boca Raton and made it home just before the worst started.
I bought a bootleg t-shirt outside the festival and didn't realize until I got inside that whoever made it had just copied the names of the towns from the list of addresses of the venues, instead of the actual major city on the tour list, so it was all like suburbs and unincorporated areas out in the county. My Kansas City was listed as Bonner Springs on the t-shirt.
I also remember it was really hot and they only had like one concession stand and everyone was waiting 30 minutes to get water from the bathroom sinks.
I feel like I know all y’all in this photo. I was there that day. Fucking epic.
MTV was all about Lollapalooza. Watching Liquid Television in my little Capital Hill apartment. Just up the block, they were filming Singles.
Such happy memories
Ah man, I had a little Capitol Hill apt. too. Favorite place I ever lived.
Omg me tooo!!
I'm early X. My fest was the 1984 American Rock Fest and had Ozzy, Triumph, Motley Crue, Ratt, Accept, Night Ranger and Quiet Riot in a field in Michigan.
I saw liiiiike half the bands you named, but it was when they were in clubs. I fucking hate festivals.
Did that at Vodkaplex in Dallas. It was amazing.
I was at that show!
I was there and have the t-shirt to prove it! Lol!
Went to the first two shows and lost a pair of Revos.
So fun!! Shout out to Mountain View.
1st and 3rd years here! Best times!
Went to the 1994 (Smashing Pumpkins) and 1995 (Sonic Youth) shows.
I remember Billy Corgan yelling at us to get out of our seats because "it's a fucking rock show!" and Courtney Love at the 1995 show reciting lines from The Breakfast Club.
Gen X today:
"Did you hear the guy on Jeopardy call them 'Shooshi and the Banshee's' and Ken & Co. accepted it 😂😂
Upon hearing that my inner self heard Dana Carvey exclaim "WRONG!!!!!"
pinballrocker@reddit (OP)
Wait, Jeopardy is still on? I thought that ended 20-30 years ago!
I know, right?
Shoreline in Mountain View. My friends company had box seats with special access passes. It was pretty cool.
Waited all night outside of a sears (which was a pretty good experience in itself, only other people there were all cool) to buy the tickets at the ticketmaster and then had a great day that I barely remember because of all the drugs. Went to school the next day. Good times.
Great Woods 91, 92 and Montreal 94. All epic. All top life experiences. Not one picture.
I hit the first year in Tinley Park IL (Chicago suburb ). Had just graduated college.
30 plus years later I can now walk to Lolla.
I went the first year too. Barely remembe it for some reason. Siouxie was sick, really wanted to see that band.
Yeppers! Wish I had gotten pics.
Bremerton, WA 1992.
I was part of the road crew in Mountain View, Lollapalooza. I was 19, 1st boy. I fucking hated being called that but I was the low guy on the pole. Rollins was a god to me already.
I ended up working with Q prime a Mgmnt company that handled these acts.
I did numbers of shows. 1st time I saw his set it made me cry, I was embarrassed but didnt care. Primal awe. Black shorts only, barefoot and seething. He was ripped. I met the drummer of Korn, David, he was really super fit. He travelled with a lifting and squat rack in one of the trucks. The most profound thing I ever saw was this guy training on his drums and on his weights. No drugs, groupie woman bs, in his own world, I was blown away. I actually hated the music industry because I despised seeing everyone fucked up. Rollins and David inspired the straightedge lifestyle I led till my mid 30’s.
I hated the sloopiness and bs of touring. They were the little influence needed for me to get into a life of lifting weights, fitness. I never stopped and to this day I lift and health is a primary.
Never ever ever in all my years working in music saw an energy like him. Not Slayer, Gypsy Kings, Whitney. Henry and the Rollins band were on some other level. Ministry was also profound. Suicidal Tendencies was legit, Mike Muir was as serious an artist Id ever met, was ironic because Id end up working for them. Id be part of their west coast road crew when they briefly toured for those few years.
I did Anthrax, and did the Quuensryche rock opera. I wasn’t really into them but those dudes were geniuses live.
I was up there in CA in 1994, for a day? Dang, no photos though.
I was at the 1990 Reading Festival where Jane's didn't show because they were 'tired'. They were the band we had come to see, so that was annoying. Apparently, Perry's experience there inspired him to create Lollapalooza.
Ha, I was there. So much rain and mud!! Great memories of friends I still have and friends I have lost.
'92 and '93. I HAD to see Pearl Jam and '93 was Front 242 and Arrested Developement. '92 was at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds and '93 at the Gorge.
We drove down from Vancouver BC for this. Had a blast (there may have been some acid involved 😅)
Saw the first and second years. The second year, Dave Abbruzzese of Pearl Jam rode to the venue in our hotel shuttle with us! I was quietly freaking TF out.
I was on tour with the dead that year. Hahahaha.
It was awesome!!
Was there in Dallas. Hung out on the lawn chatting with Ice-T during Siouxsie’s set. Reminisced about it with Stephen Perkins when I met him at a drum clinic he gave about 10 years ago. Everybody felt lucky to experience it that first year.
Oh man, I went to ‘95 (or ‘96) at the Gorge. Devo, Metallica… it was really good.
Yep, was in San Jose visiting from St Louis, and the friend I came to visit had gotten us tickets at Shoreline Amphitheater. What a perfect day.
I was there! Irvine Meadows - what a show!
Could have been my friends and I in a different city. So many memories lost to time like tears in rain…
That hits hard. So true. So true.
Small world. I was at there!
Hit that first year in CA with Perry and Ice T covering Sly and The Family Stone and getting the crowd to sing along! IYKYK
Holy shit butthole surfers were great body count was amazing Jane's addiction was epic but Siouxsie took the day
Coming down the mountain!!!!!
I still feel that in my bones.
Went to the first show at Compton Terrace in Phoenix. Holy hell was it hot that day. I think the promoters realized half way through the day that it was going to be bad. I think I remember them handing out bottles late afternoon? The blotter was starting to kick right about then, so my memory might be flawed
NiN lost their cool and wrecked their keyboards. Living Color killed it
Body Count and Rollins were awesome.
I was at that show. Enumclaw. What a great day!!Bummed a ride home from a rando to Puyallup after my buddy’s car wouldn’t start. Glorious!!
Irvine Meadows!
Went to the first three, tripped at all of them for some reason the 2nd and 3rd are just a blur but remember the 1st well Jane’s and Violent Femmes especially
Saw the first year outside of Boston
This post just made me so grateful that I have the self awareness to jever tske acid again. Shrooms? Hell yeah.
Acid is like 12 hours of my life that I'm unwilling to spend, with a lot more after effects.
Praise gods for the Kingdom Fungi.
Went to the second and third ones near Houston.
I attended the first few years. My acid trip peaked during Siouxie and the banshees during that first tour. It was so perfectly loud.
Went to Lolla in WV for the BBs/Pumpkins one, then went to Raleigh. Totally forgot Green Day was the opener until last week.
Ahhh! The fucking good ole days!!!
This is the mojo
Went up until 95
NIN stole the show at the first Lolla. Tinley Park (Chicago).
I was there at the King County show as well. We underestimated the traffic and parking boondoggle by an order of magnitude. We finally got on the grounds as Body Count was winding up their set. Got to shake JP Patches hand as he walked through the growing crowd..
Temu Breakfast Club! JK y'all are cute and cool as hell 🖤
First & 3rd years. I think Primus was the headliner in year 3.
My lawn seats were at shoreline amphitheater
I was at that show. Perry performing with Ice T and Fishbone playing with Jane’s Addiction were highlights. I expected more collaborations in subsequent Lolla years but I was sadly disappointed.
Year two for me.
Crud. I went 93, 95, and 97.
93 and 95 were amazing times. 97 was ... eh, not as a good.
I was at Dead shows but I married one of you guys.
I didn’t see it the first year, it might’ve been the third. What I didn’t do is drop acid, and yet I can only remember a couple bands.
I didn’t see it the first year, it might’ve been the third. What I didn’t do is drop acid, and yet I can only remember a couple bands.
I was working concessions for the second one! Had a view 10 feet off the ground to watch Pearl Jam, Jesus&Mary Chain… and then go wade into the crowd hawking hoagies during Ice Cube’s set!
Saratoga NY 1991. It was great 👍
Missed 91. Went to 92,93,94. Imo, lineup and side stages in 92 was the best.
i went the first year, body count was crazy
I’ve always been more of an Alapalooza guy.
That sounds dreadful.
Went to the third year.
Those were the days!
I was at the 2nd and 3rd year. 1st year didn’t come here. Was doing the same thing you and your friends were doing. That new doc on lolla brought back a lot of memories.
I saw the first four. First in Chicago (Siouxsie and the Banshees changed my life). The rest in Texas. Good times.
Loved the music, hated being that close to that many people
I was there a good few years ago now. When new order played there.
Loved it. I travelled from the UK.