I miss the old good Rock/Metal radio stations. I loved Rock 103.5. Q101 was good but played more alt/grunge. There were a couple more I remember. Can't remember the station but Freak and Briand the Whipping boy were on them I think. My fav was 96.7 Will Rock. That was more local to will country but played amazing music.
I think they originally were, but then they jumped around from different stations after. I know Whip did different rock stations and shows. Then he went to sports radio for a bit. Last time I checked many years ago, Freak was still doing radio at 100.7 Q Rock. It's only a small range local station in the south burbs. It's still going but no idea if hes still doing it.
I remember around 2011 one of the radio stations in Chicago playing the (then new) Chili Peppers single Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie on repeat all weekend before becoming a pop station.
When they announced that they were shutting down, I started recording with my tape deck. I just let it run, commercials and all. I think I have 4 or 5 cassettes stashed somewhere.
Grew up in Chicagoland and my best friend lived Mancow (and “Al Roker Jr”). While I didn’t recognize him for the right winger he was I could tell he was a douche.
The real heads like me were too busy listening to Lin Brehmer on XRT.
I know those growing in Chicago probably knew him. He was the knock off Howard Stern. There was a brief moment in my highschool days where I listened to him a lot. I thought shock radio was funny as a kid, but looking back is was pretty dumb. After that I think he moved around and went nation wide, so not sure if anyone else picked up on him later.
Have you watched the documentary on shock jocks? I listened to Stern way back and it’s kind of wild to go back and watch how they were. Some of the things that Stern said to Mancow is just so unbelievable. I can’t even believe it was normal to listen to that. It’s such a horrible thing to listen to especially for young boys. I know they weren’t supposed to be listening but back then it seemed like ppl didn’t care.
I never listened to much Stern so I don't know what horrible shit he said. I remember when E! aired his show and they'd always have naked girls censored on there. Thats really all I know him for. I think he's the better of the 2 ppl right now.
Yeah I listened to it all the time as a girl in middle school because I wanted to be cool and know all the jokes the cool kids knew…one day he brought on a woman (ex pornstar?) and played audio footage of her being raped and then made fun of her while she cried until she left. I was basically traumatized and didn’t listen to that anymore but I did keep listening to Loveline smh
OH geez, that is awful. The crazy shit ppl do to try and be catchy and "cool". Loveline is one show I never liked. I tried listening to it for a bit b/c "everyone' else was, and I guess I was at "that age" but I hated it. Was tired of hearing about other kid's problems and their relationship life. I think Adam Corola was the only fun part about it.
I think I saw part of it, but I can't remember, lol. Yeah, it was quite stupid what we thought was entertaining. Mancow was always trying to be like Stern but he never was. Back then we were young and though naked girls on radio, prank calls, and just dumb shit was fun. Now its "oh god wtf was listening to"?
Yeah, he was in San Francisco on “Wild 107” so we heard him out here on the west coast too. I recall his name and bits but I was more into music than listening to someone talk on the radio, so I didn’t get into it much.
I was too and I’ll never forget it. I was sitting on my bed putting makeup on and getting ready for work. I was still living at home and my dad was listening upstairs. I stopped what I was doing and turned the tv on and my dad came running downstairs and yelled “what the fuck is going on?!” We both just stared at the tv in stunned silence when the second plane hit.
I also was listening to him. He said he was going to play a prank on everyone, but everyone would think it was real, besides the people listening at that time. Not long after, the first tower was hit. Crazy times.
I too was listening to Mancow on 9/11. I was driving from Milwaukee to Madison for an internship when the first tower collapsed. I had to pull over, I was so freaked out. And I remember him talking about evacuating the Sears Tower.
I used to love Mancow because I didn’t know any better. I always changed the station when he started talking politics because I didn’t know (or care) what he was talking about. I remember my aunt (a lifelong democrat) asking me how I could stand listening to him and I didn’t know what she meant. Now I understand all too well.
Oh man…I learned of the attack on 9/11 from Mancow.
I was working as maintenance for a subdivision under construction in Crown Point Indiana. In my work truck that only had a radio. Listened to him every morning because nothing else was interesting to my 22yo self.
I am from Alabama and the only thing I know this dude from is his waterboarding stunt. I was more of a "Johnboy & Billy" kid. Thankfully I quit listening to them long before their curtain was pulled back.
Ah yes, Johnboy and Billy. I was raised in East Tennessee, and they were on three stations in my area (WQUT and WIMZ, where you can still hear them, and WBON, which dropped them when they changed from classic rock to hip-hop). I still occasionally catch them, but they either have very dated humor or they're just laughing. I mean, I heard a Bill Clinton joke on there a few weeks ago...it wasn't a repeat, but a new episode.
sigh whatever happened to Al Roker Jr? And then there was Freak's niece...I remember the Mancow website had an audio file you could listen to of her have an orgasm. I went onto the Wayback Machine a while ago, and I found it on a capture of the website, but obviously the file link no longer worked.
I never listened, but I knew him personally… sort of. My parents advertised with him, and we spent time at some parties and he came to our house and family business several times.
Yup, rock 103.5 and q101. Stopped listening in the early 2000s when he went way political. Heard he's streaming now, which I thought was ironic giving all the trash he talked about guys like Stearns and Dahl for streaming
I grew up in the Chicago burbs and I loved this shit in middle school. In 1994-97 Q101 and 103.5 were radio at its peak (and culture as a whole). On sick days or during summer Id listen to the whole show otherwise It would be on my walkman on the bus. What a time and place to grow up! I remember them spelling out "http://www." over and over again when their website launched and a bunch of other stupid shit from it.
It was a hacky terrible show but it hit just right for a 12 year old.
I knew a guy who was a Chicago paramedic that was very depressed and suicidal trying to cope with a massive cocaine addiction. He called Mancow cause he loved him and was looking for some support. Mancow laughed him off the air and he wound up taking his own life a little later. Everyone has their own issues and it’s not Mancow fault but that has always stuck with me. That guy is a total D-Bag.
I’ll never forget the morning Chris Farley died, Mancow’s morning madhouse was dedicated to him, no gimmicks, no douchcery, just good heartfelt commentary
Yes. He jumped the shark surprisingly early. The whole show was a stupid attempt to be Howard Stern. They should have just played music instead. Why the need for Moring shock jocks, anyway?
Yeah, came on my clock radio when I had to get up for highschool. Some of the prank calls and commercials were funny and I enjoyed a lot of the music.
There was a pop up event near me with al roker jr, gave out a cd, found one of my favorite songs from that.
Things were tense at home, so I spent time in the city and went to the Mart, see if I could meet any guests. Met Kurt Angle and Rob zombie. I believe Ron Jeremy. I have a shirt with some autographed bands on it. Even spoke to the cow. He was nice to me
There's a local carnival here in July and there's a pet parade. Dogs are judged on costumes etc. DJ luv cheese announces it.
My father loved Mancow, so I listened to it on the way to school when I lived with him. I had a few of the cds, I think I still have a signed White Cotton Panties poster somewhere. I even had some of the episodes of Mancow TV on an VHS tape, but sadly the tape is long gone.
Yes. It was peak shock jock era. To this day can still remember listening to the show out of Springfield, IL on 9/11 and thinking right before going into work the whole plane into a tower was a joke because that is how the show reported the first plane crash…kinda of stopped listening to shows like that afterwards.
Mid Michigan. Joe and the Poor boy in the mornings and Joe Volk as "The Captain" late nights - sailin' the high seas, looking for lusty busty sea wenches
When I worked third shift, I'd listen to the alternative station that played Loveline. This aired on the same station so I'd hear the commercials every so often. The only things I remember are Chuck Norris Facts (this was 2005-06 when that was popular) and a guy named Cheeks (?) and the misadventures between him and his partner.
Oh and it felt like a Stern ripoff that tried too hard to be shocking.
Mancow was one of maybe 3 things in all of media my parents forbid me from. They were like "don't you ever start thinking this guy is cool, he's an ass." lol
Why did I have to scroll this far for a Sofa King comment???
Grew up just north of the WI/IL border, and thought that was the funniest shit back then. Too bad he turned out to be a legit shitbag, instead of just playing one
I liked him Before i realized the right wing stuff. And then he was grifting on fox. The called him mancrap. Dr drew ...yikes. adam corrola...what happened to you man you used to have compassion and empathy. .....sorry the funny mancow skit was sofa king. He might have stole that bit.
Long time listener, many time caller. I won so many prizes getting the Mystery Movie, and sometimes I'd just call in and make a Chewbacca noise and get a prize.
He was on 97.1 in Detroit and I loved him. Didn't know better. He would always do that line where he said "if you're under 26, please turn off your radio because it's illegal for you to listen to this show" and it was the only thing he ever said that I should've listened to. Embarrassing to look back on how I thought as a young man.
Is this the guy who passed his wife over to Hulk Hogan so he could bang her and he filmed the whole thing? And he got caught going on that racist tirade? Or am I thinking of some other shock jock douchebag?
They broadcast him in KC for a few months around 94 or 95. It felt really contrived, and he must not have fared very well as he just seemed to disappear like that.
Fellow KCer. Wasn't there some accusation that tard from Johnny dare and Murphy was a rip off of turd from Mancow or something? That's when tard became t bone. I could totally be mistaken
That could be it. I had stopped listening to 98.9 and that sort of stuff at that point, but that wouldn’t surprise me if that was what happened. Wasn’t Mancow on 107.3?
107.3 sounds right to me. There was a time they played some form of rock. Tough to keep track of kc stations other than 98.9 and 101, which have both remained mainly intact. Say what you will about Johnny dare, but he's managed to somehow stay on the radio forever. I remember his old ABIA commercials. Crazy
Yeah that was the “alternative” station before 96.5 came around. I listened to Johnny quite a bit, and had a few interactions with him, but I guess just moved on from that kind of humor. He’s kind of an ass, but was always nice to me. Totally remember those low budget ABIA commercials with Crazy or Fast Eddie, lol.
He got himself into Fox News and made an ass of himself. Claimed being waterboarded wasn’t that bad and isn’t torture. Volunteered to be waterboarded and decided it actually might be torture.
Ah I did not know, that is interesting. I don't think he ever made it big after his fame in the 90s. I remember he had his show on TV for a bit, then it wasn't.
Yeah, he seemed to have beef with the local hard rock morning show guy, and I really don’t think that guy cared or was even interested in a rivalry, lol.
Not from Chicago, but one of the radio stations I listened to as a teenager played his show. Want to say I listened to it from late middle school through early high school. The station that aired his show got bought out in the early ‘00s and I haven’t heard anything from him since.
Nope, I refused. Mostly cause we had some kick ass local rock DJs I'd been listening to for years, and then the station got bought by clear channel who fired them and replaced them with man cows show.
I forgot Stern was on that station. At that point I thought it was cool to represent locally so I listened to Mancow. I think I changed to Stern on commercials but never listened to him much on the radio. I saw him more on E! when he had part of his show telivised.
I didn't but my Mom would listen to him whenever she had to take me to school. Saw a show a couple of years that was talking about his feud with Howard Stern, it made Howard look like a real awful person.
I discovered this guy by typing in weird things in internet explorer and then adding .com at the end.
This ended up being a dumb game we play in the computer labs in college. We got some girl to type in monkeylove.com. I’m not sure what was on the website but she shrieked and was closing popups like crazy.
I tuned into him a handful of times, when i was 14. Even then, I couldn't stand the douche. He was every morning zoo show stereotype rolled into one.
I remember when he was on Rock 103.5. Then switched to Q101
Rock 103.5. The very last song they played was fade to black. Can’t believe I still remember that
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I miss the old good Rock/Metal radio stations. I loved Rock 103.5. Q101 was good but played more alt/grunge. There were a couple more I remember. Can't remember the station but Freak and Briand the Whipping boy were on them I think. My fav was 96.7 Will Rock. That was more local to will country but played amazing music.
95.9 out in the west suburbs switched to “classic alternative” a few months back and its perfect Xennial music now
Pretty sure Freak and Whip were the Q101 era. Last I checked Whip was at 101.9, and Freak was doing commentary at the demo derby in Joliet.
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I think they originally were, but then they jumped around from different stations after. I know Whip did different rock stations and shows. Then he went to sports radio for a bit. Last time I checked many years ago, Freak was still doing radio at 100.7 Q Rock. It's only a small range local station in the south burbs. It's still going but no idea if hes still doing it.
Freak is still doing 100.7, he broadcasts out of his bar in Braidwood (top fuel saloon)
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
Ah, good to see that bar is still going. Looks like not much has changed then.
I remember around 2011 one of the radio stations in Chicago playing the (then new) Chili Peppers single Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie on repeat all weekend before becoming a pop station.
I recorded that last hour or so on cassette. Still have it somewhere. Also on YT
They played way too much Megadeth for my liking.
I remember going to Rock Stock as my first concert when I was a teenager!
When they announced that they were shutting down, I started recording with my tape deck. I just let it run, commercials and all. I think I have 4 or 5 cassettes stashed somewhere.
I thought it was Sad but True…it was a shite day whatever Metallica song they played. Damn shame.
Same here
And wherever the Mancow show went, it became the "free speech radio network".
I remember this! Amongst my group of friends anyway, Q101 totally sold out when they bought him aboard.
Jimmy Hart.
Grew up in Chicagoland and my best friend lived Mancow (and “Al Roker Jr”). While I didn’t recognize him for the right winger he was I could tell he was a douche.
The real heads like me were too busy listening to Lin Brehmer on XRT.
I remember listening to him getting clowned on O&A Jocktober as a teen. Seemed like a hack
No , not in my area
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I know those growing in Chicago probably knew him. He was the knock off Howard Stern. There was a brief moment in my highschool days where I listened to him a lot. I thought shock radio was funny as a kid, but looking back is was pretty dumb. After that I think he moved around and went nation wide, so not sure if anyone else picked up on him later.
I don't think you could NOT know him growing up in Chicago.
He still has a fucking special at La Scarola. Mancow wasn’t even half as witty and entertaining as Stern.
Have you watched the documentary on shock jocks? I listened to Stern way back and it’s kind of wild to go back and watch how they were. Some of the things that Stern said to Mancow is just so unbelievable. I can’t even believe it was normal to listen to that. It’s such a horrible thing to listen to especially for young boys. I know they weren’t supposed to be listening but back then it seemed like ppl didn’t care.
Yet, stern somehow gets free passes on all the messed up things he said in the past
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I never listened to much Stern so I don't know what horrible shit he said. I remember when E! aired his show and they'd always have naked girls censored on there. Thats really all I know him for. I think he's the better of the 2 ppl right now.
To name a couple he wished cancer on people, was very homophobic, objectified women.
That being said he’s evolved quite a bit and is far less shitty than he used to be
Yeah I listened to it all the time as a girl in middle school because I wanted to be cool and know all the jokes the cool kids knew…one day he brought on a woman (ex pornstar?) and played audio footage of her being raped and then made fun of her while she cried until she left. I was basically traumatized and didn’t listen to that anymore but I did keep listening to Loveline smh
Was that Stern or Mancow?
Holy shit!
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
OH geez, that is awful. The crazy shit ppl do to try and be catchy and "cool". Loveline is one show I never liked. I tried listening to it for a bit b/c "everyone' else was, and I guess I was at "that age" but I hated it. Was tired of hearing about other kid's problems and their relationship life. I think Adam Corola was the only fun part about it.
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I think I saw part of it, but I can't remember, lol. Yeah, it was quite stupid what we thought was entertaining. Mancow was always trying to be like Stern but he never was. Back then we were young and though naked girls on radio, prank calls, and just dumb shit was fun. Now its "oh god wtf was listening to"?
Yup. From Chicago and remember him.
Mancow is a right wing asshole.
I remember listening to him back in the day I kept thinking “I wonder if this is all an act or if he’s really like that?”
He does an episode of no reservations with Anthony Bourdain and he seemed like he is like that but on the radio he really cranked it up
And Howard Stern is a left wing asshole, so there was balance in the universe.
Yep, spent my post college morning drives to work listening to him. Funny at the time, but it turns out…he’s a huge piece of shit.
Yeah, he was in San Francisco on “Wild 107” so we heard him out here on the west coast too. I recall his name and bits but I was more into music than listening to someone talk on the radio, so I didn’t get into it much.
Was listening to Mancow the morning of 9/11. People thought the story was a prank for a contest.
Same. I remember he stated to check a TV or another station to verify it's not a prank and then return to his show.
I woke up about the time the first plane struck and thought it was a "movie for guys who like movies." I didn't realize it was the news until later.
I was too and I’ll never forget it. I was sitting on my bed putting makeup on and getting ready for work. I was still living at home and my dad was listening upstairs. I stopped what I was doing and turned the tv on and my dad came running downstairs and yelled “what the fuck is going on?!” We both just stared at the tv in stunned silence when the second plane hit.
I also was listening to him. He said he was going to play a prank on everyone, but everyone would think it was real, besides the people listening at that time. Not long after, the first tower was hit. Crazy times.
I too was listening to Mancow on 9/11. I was driving from Milwaukee to Madison for an internship when the first tower collapsed. I had to pull over, I was so freaked out. And I remember him talking about evacuating the Sears Tower.
I used to love Mancow because I didn’t know any better. I always changed the station when he started talking politics because I didn’t know (or care) what he was talking about. I remember my aunt (a lifelong democrat) asking me how I could stand listening to him and I didn’t know what she meant. Now I understand all too well.
Oh man…I learned of the attack on 9/11 from Mancow. I was working as maintenance for a subdivision under construction in Crown Point Indiana. In my work truck that only had a radio. Listened to him every morning because nothing else was interesting to my 22yo self.
Barf. Stern for years, followed by jumping over to the O&A / Ron & Fez bandwagon.
He’s shitty but not as shitty as Tom Leykis
Dee Snyder in the morning was a great show. It should have lasted longer.
No, our shock jock here in Tampa was Bubba the Love Sponge.
Dude we listened to him in Alabama
I am from Alabama and the only thing I know this dude from is his waterboarding stunt. I was more of a "Johnboy & Billy" kid. Thankfully I quit listening to them long before their curtain was pulled back.
Ah yes, Johnboy and Billy. I was raised in East Tennessee, and they were on three stations in my area (WQUT and WIMZ, where you can still hear them, and WBON, which dropped them when they changed from classic rock to hip-hop). I still occasionally catch them, but they either have very dated humor or they're just laughing. I mean, I heard a Bill Clinton joke on there a few weeks ago...it wasn't a repeat, but a new episode.
sigh whatever happened to Al Roker Jr? And then there was Freak's niece...I remember the Mancow website had an audio file you could listen to of her have an orgasm. I went onto the Wayback Machine a while ago, and I found it on a capture of the website, but obviously the file link no longer worked.
I liked him in the late-90s and early-00s, but he went very right-wing after 9/11. I stopped listening around the time Cowboy Ray was killed.
Turd Turd here comes the Turd
I never listened, but I knew him personally… sort of. My parents advertised with him, and we spent time at some parties and he came to our house and family business several times.
The only time I heard of him were when O+A were making fun of him
Yup, rock 103.5 and q101. Stopped listening in the early 2000s when he went way political. Heard he's streaming now, which I thought was ironic giving all the trash he talked about guys like Stearns and Dahl for streaming
I grew up in the Chicago burbs and I loved this shit in middle school. In 1994-97 Q101 and 103.5 were radio at its peak (and culture as a whole). On sick days or during summer Id listen to the whole show otherwise It would be on my walkman on the bus. What a time and place to grow up! I remember them spelling out "http://www." over and over again when their website launched and a bunch of other stupid shit from it.
It was a hacky terrible show but it hit just right for a 12 year old.
I knew a guy who was a Chicago paramedic that was very depressed and suicidal trying to cope with a massive cocaine addiction. He called Mancow cause he loved him and was looking for some support. Mancow laughed him off the air and he wound up taking his own life a little later. Everyone has their own issues and it’s not Mancow fault but that has always stuck with me. That guy is a total D-Bag.
i listened when i was an 8th grader, which is embarrassing bc be is such a massive douchebag
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
Yeah, he's a huge douche, but we didn't know any better back then, lol.
also his humor is so juvenile, i don't think any of his remaining audience ever moved on mentally past the 8th grade
This dude thought he could hang with Stern. Like Howard or not he’s in another league from every radio personality ever
It’s not like we had 1000 things to choose from anyway. I lived in the sticks. It was him or country.
Let's get "it started"!
I’ll never forget the morning Chris Farley died, Mancow’s morning madhouse was dedicated to him, no gimmicks, no douchcery, just good heartfelt commentary
I listened to this when I was in high school in the Chicago burbs
Turd, turd, here comes the turd!
After reading a lot of the comments I now realize that shock jocks said the same stuff that politicians say now. It's wild.
Yes. He jumped the shark surprisingly early. The whole show was a stupid attempt to be Howard Stern. They should have just played music instead. Why the need for Moring shock jocks, anyway?
This is what I think of when I see the name man cow
Eagle man!
Wow, look at those low rates!
He was fun and then became a Republican
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
Yeah, came on my clock radio when I had to get up for highschool. Some of the prank calls and commercials were funny and I enjoyed a lot of the music.
There was a pop up event near me with al roker jr, gave out a cd, found one of my favorite songs from that.
Things were tense at home, so I spent time in the city and went to the Mart, see if I could meet any guests. Met Kurt Angle and Rob zombie. I believe Ron Jeremy. I have a shirt with some autographed bands on it. Even spoke to the cow. He was nice to me
There's a local carnival here in July and there's a pet parade. Dogs are judged on costumes etc. DJ luv cheese announces it.
Since people may ask what song it is
I did on Rock 103.5 in Chicago before the station switched formats.
My father preferred racism so played The Greaseman.
Milwaukee aired him - I don’t remember much aside from really disliking him
I walked by his booth every day going to class after getting sushi and a free bowl of hot and sour soup from down the hall
My father loved Mancow, so I listened to it on the way to school when I lived with him. I had a few of the cds, I think I still have a signed White Cotton Panties poster somewhere. I even had some of the episodes of Mancow TV on an VHS tape, but sadly the tape is long gone.
I was listening driving into work one morning when the 9/11 news broke. That was a brutal show
I’m embarrassed to say I listened to this jagoff once upon a time. Looking back, the guy was a total loser and creep.
Didn’t he come out with a CD entitled “white cotton panties”? That’s creepy AF.
I did a couple of times because it was a new thing that i found on the Internet. Then I realized that it was garbage and didn't listen again.
I hated his misogynistic face.
Nah I listened to Stern in high school honestly it was hilarious especially with Artie
Yes. It was peak shock jock era. To this day can still remember listening to the show out of Springfield, IL on 9/11 and thinking right before going into work the whole plane into a tower was a joke because that is how the show reported the first plane crash…kinda of stopped listening to shows like that afterwards.
Mid Michigan. Joe and the Poor boy in the mornings and Joe Volk as "The Captain" late nights - sailin' the high seas, looking for lusty busty sea wenches
Started with Stern, still with Stern.
Very Chicago
I found out about Mancow when Opie and Anthony had one of their Jocktober segments about him.
They actually got through his call screeners a few times and trolled the hell out of him.
Yes Wild 107 in the Bay Area.
Grew up with Wild 107.7. Wild 94.9 never really sounded right to me.
"It must be Eaglewoman!"
Wild 107 when he stopped traffic on the bay bridge to get a haircut.
When I worked third shift, I'd listen to the alternative station that played Loveline. This aired on the same station so I'd hear the commercials every so often. The only things I remember are Chuck Norris Facts (this was 2005-06 when that was popular) and a guy named Cheeks (?) and the misadventures between him and his partner.
Oh and it felt like a Stern ripoff that tried too hard to be shocking.
I was raised on Howard and Robin
omg! thank you!
I sure as hell did. Sherman and tingle in the mornings with Paul the perv doing traffic. Then Electra in the afternoons. Good ole days.
You could watch him record live in the merchandise mart if i recall correctly.
Fuck Mancow, but #rip Cowboy Ray.
Hell yes!
Mancow was one of maybe 3 things in all of media my parents forbid me from. They were like "don't you ever start thinking this guy is cool, he's an ass." lol
Your parents were correct at least once, if that’s the case
Grew up across the lake and listened a lot. Best thing I remember was the Sofa King dkit
Why did I have to scroll this far for a Sofa King comment???
Grew up just north of the WI/IL border, and thought that was the funniest shit back then. Too bad he turned out to be a legit shitbag, instead of just playing one
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
Lol I remember that. The one things that sticks with me is "Turd Turd here comes the Turd"
I liked him Before i realized the right wing stuff. And then he was grifting on fox. The called him mancrap. Dr drew ...yikes. adam corrola...what happened to you man you used to have compassion and empathy. .....sorry the funny mancow skit was sofa king. He might have stole that bit.
I was more of a Bob and Brian guy
Does anyone outside of Milwaukee know who they are?
Those people don't matter
Bob and Brian? Couldn’t agree more
Damn right!! Listened to them from the "All my Packers" days (late 80s/early 90s) all the way until I moved out of state in 2017
Lazer 103 😢
Remember when he volunteered to get water boarded to show how it wasn’t a big deal and totally freaked out?
To be fair, after he lasted all of 5 seconds, he immediately said "Yea I was wrong, that is definitely torture".
THIS! He was a douche, but he said a thing, tried a thing and then actually and publicly changed his mind for the better.
That's like a fuckong superpower these days.
Joe Rogaine has joined the chat
I remember a lot of right wingers claiming waterboarding was simultaneously no big deal and a totally reliable interrogation technique
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
Lol, vaguely.
Long time listener, many time caller. I won so many prizes getting the Mystery Movie, and sometimes I'd just call in and make a Chewbacca noise and get a prize.
Dear god I miss mancow
He was on 97.1 in Detroit and I loved him. Didn't know better. He would always do that line where he said "if you're under 26, please turn off your radio because it's illegal for you to listen to this show" and it was the only thing he ever said that I should've listened to. Embarrassing to look back on how I thought as a young man.
Nah, in the rural Midwest I had Bob and Tom.
Mancow was always barely funny. It was his cohorts who were the real talent. I'll always remember Abe Kanan doing prank phone calls as "Magellan" 😂
So much of the modern political era feels like people who are nostalgic for the shock radio talk era.
Stern moved away from it. Opie and Anthony broke up with Opie moving away from the edgelording but Anthony tripling down on it.
You see it in comedy too. Bill Burr is slowly moving away from the edgelord stuff while others like Joe Rogan have built an empire on it.
Wow, thanks for unlocking that memory! I hadn't thought about him for years.
Is this the guy who passed his wife over to Hulk Hogan so he could bang her and he filmed the whole thing? And he got caught going on that racist tirade? Or am I thinking of some other shock jock douchebag?
No that’s bubba the love sponge
Ah right. I get them all mixed up.
I fucking hated that guy from the jump
A pox on Chicago
We had Mancow in Kansas City growing up.
He was lame.
We already had our local "shock jock" Johnny Dare.
He's still going strong.
No. I listened to Kevin and Bean.
I listened from when it was still the Blaze, it was a great show till he started getting political
Just another limbaugh clone
They broadcast him in KC for a few months around 94 or 95. It felt really contrived, and he must not have fared very well as he just seemed to disappear like that.
Yeah, wasn't it 107.3? It was even later than that. He was on for a minute it seemed like when I was driving to school in 97.
Fellow KCer. Wasn't there some accusation that tard from Johnny dare and Murphy was a rip off of turd from Mancow or something? That's when tard became t bone. I could totally be mistaken
That could be it. I had stopped listening to 98.9 and that sort of stuff at that point, but that wouldn’t surprise me if that was what happened. Wasn’t Mancow on 107.3?
107.3 sounds right to me. There was a time they played some form of rock. Tough to keep track of kc stations other than 98.9 and 101, which have both remained mainly intact. Say what you will about Johnny dare, but he's managed to somehow stay on the radio forever. I remember his old ABIA commercials. Crazy
Yeah that was the “alternative” station before 96.5 came around. I listened to Johnny quite a bit, and had a few interactions with him, but I guess just moved on from that kind of humor. He’s kind of an ass, but was always nice to me. Totally remember those low budget ABIA commercials with Crazy or Fast Eddie, lol.
He got himself into Fox News and made an ass of himself. Claimed being waterboarded wasn’t that bad and isn’t torture. Volunteered to be waterboarded and decided it actually might be torture.
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
Ah I did not know, that is interesting. I don't think he ever made it big after his fame in the 90s. I remember he had his show on TV for a bit, then it wasn't.
Yeah, he seemed to have beef with the local hard rock morning show guy, and I really don’t think that guy cared or was even interested in a rivalry, lol.
Man..this was my shit late 90’s through the cancellation and shift in Q101. Then “The Loop”…how the fuck does that happen?
I’m imaging an overly zany morning show voice with lots of practical effect noises
103.5... The blaze
I was more of an Eddie and Jobo on B96 gal…Cold Water wake ups.
Not from Chicago, but one of the radio stations I listened to as a teenager played his show. Want to say I listened to it from late middle school through early high school. The station that aired his show got bought out in the early ‘00s and I haven’t heard anything from him since.
Hello no. Bubba Army!
Nope, I refused. Mostly cause we had some kick ass local rock DJs I'd been listening to for years, and then the station got bought by clear channel who fired them and replaced them with man cows show.
Oh, forgot to mention.
I know DJ Luvcheez as he used to host karaoke in the suburbs.
I grew up in Chicago, I always thought he was just a wannabe Stern. I listened to Q101 in the afternoons but every morning it was Stern on 105.9
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I forgot Stern was on that station. At that point I thought it was cool to represent locally so I listened to Mancow. I think I changed to Stern on commercials but never listened to him much on the radio. I saw him more on E! when he had part of his show telivised.
Mancow was such an ass. Still is from what I hear. Murphy in the Morning was a better show and kqx ws my morning station when he was on.
Doublestack2411@reddit (OP)
I'm pretty sure he still is.
Some of his stuff was fun, most of it just annoyed/pissed me off. Q101 was banging though.
I knew about him because of ICP
I didn't but my Mom would listen to him whenever she had to take me to school. Saw a show a couple of years that was talking about his feud with Howard Stern, it made Howard look like a real awful person.
Because he is. As is Mancow. They deserve each other.
Not growing up, but when I was stationed there in the Navy, he was definitely my guy.
I discovered this guy by typing in weird things in internet explorer and then adding .com at the end.
This ended up being a dumb game we play in the computer labs in college. We got some girl to type in monkeylove.com. I’m not sure what was on the website but she shrieked and was closing popups like crazy.
I lived across the lake from Chicago and we listened to him every morning at work during the summer in high school
Listened to him when I lived in Chicago