Not sure what to do. Where can I get food for me and my dogs? And blankets?
Posted by Yayathegod@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 95 comments
I came down to Dallas from Iowa to a job that said they would pay to relocate me then they never did and left me, my gf, my two dogs and cat stranded out here. We barely have gas to go anywhere and we just used all our money to buy a cheap van to live out of, so we werent all cramped in a tiny car. We've been doordashing everyday and going to interviews at restaurants to see if we can get some quick cash tips. We know noone here in Texas, and even in Iowa no family can help as I'm a foster child and her Dad is just an A-hole. I really thought this job would change our life and it did for the worse. We are freezing every night because the dogs peed on all our blankets and doordashing has only been profitable enough to replace the gas we are using. We can't even get ahead to get food. I've been donating plasma for money and applying to places, but things just don't seem to be going well. Is there any places anyone knows where we can go to get blankets, food, dog/cat food, etc? (a portable heater maybe haha)We just found out about Streetside Showers. We got the showers but we missed the hot meals this morning.
To those sending money to this person, there is no way to know if this is a legit situation or not. Just a few months ago we had a person here claing they were an international student who was stranded, only it turned out to be a scam with lots of victims here. This post is locked, OP has lots of recommendations that they can pursue.
Send me a dm with your Venmo info. So sorry that y’all are going through this. Praying for you and your gf.
What is your cash app i will send u 20 if it helps
I’m out of town but I’m happy to buy some dog food, blankets, and some gift cards for food and gas for you.
If you’re in the area, Operation Kindness may be able to help you
‘Don’t Forget to feed me’ pet food bank. They have both cat & dog food.
there's a free store called Dallas Sandwich Sundays tomorrow Sunday 16th and every other Sunday on Canton and Ervey street across from the city hall building from 11:30 to 2:00. Food, clothing, hygiene, and camping gear most recently but it's first come first serve so you want to get an early place in line.
Download ‘OurCalling’ app and check out the areas they have where you can get help with food, resources, employment, shelter.
This. OurCalling is a solid charity. The app isn’t just for Texas it’s nationwide. I’ve worked with them for several years and they are very helpful for those in need.
thank you so much for posting this our calling app! i really hope it can help with employment for my husband.
Op, if IF you think you can pull off the physicality of the job, find a Mayflower or United Van Lines depot close to you and go in and ask about getting on as a mover. It's loading unloading household moves in 18 wheelers. It's a damned decent gig that pays by weight, and when I did it, cash daily. (eg 25,000 lb load payed 250.) Be clean, courteous and careful and the drivers coming through and local dudes will work you. I used it to get out the same situation you're in. It's tough, but worth it. Admit you're new and ask questions and follow the old dudes examples. Good luck. ✊
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
This sounds like something I'd definitely be interested in right now
I stayed with with UVL for quite a while. They sent us to little mini schools to learn to properly pack and unpack to their standards and that got me more gigs. Thing is, Im well spoken and polite and there are so many knuckleheads coming through there that the drivers loved me. There were for sure dudes sleeping real rough and showing up every morning kinda dirty and still getting jobs. Id get sink showers, keep my shirts washed and thrifted Dickies to have a uniform and didn't tell anyone my situation, just worked hard. Btw, wear all blue if you can, till you get some shirts. They gave me a few.
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
I will definitely be looking into it today, thank you very much
You uprooted without a signed contract?
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
It was my first time. I'm young. The promises of life changing opportunity and to get out of snow-blizzard Iowa. I definitely learned alot from this though.
I’m on the edge of Frisco and McKinney! I don’t have extra dog food but I do have extra treats for the pups and some extra blankets you can have
There's a few food banks in the area that can help with basic human substances. Buy a cheap propane caming stove and a cheap pot, and you can actually whip up some meals from the raw ingredients. Basic whole foods also when unseasoned acuttaly make great meals for most animals. As for the pet situation, I believe others have mentioned some sources. I suggest getting a litter box for the cat and some puppy training pads the dogs can pee on. Lots of churches have clothing drives as well with the intent to donate blankets and jackets. My heart really goes out to you as I've been in a very similar situation. Texas workforce commission can help with finding a job. I'm not sure what residency requirements are to receive unemployment, though. I myself don't have much to give, but if it comes down to helping your dog or cat have food and some comforts, I'll see what I can do. Get ahold of me. I'd love to discuss your work experience and help you find something that, if even a short time, helps you get by till your situation gets better. Really pulling for Y'all in this situation
Drop your Venmo handle.
I got you on pizza money
If my dogs peed on my blankets I would just take them to a laundromat and wash them for a few dollars instead of asking people for new blankets. DFW is about the easiest place in North America to find a job.
Hey man, I’m in Flower Mound and would be happy to bring you a care package. Please DM me
The Samaritan Inn located in McKinney, TX will be able to house you, your pets, and your children until you are back on your feet. You simply have to be committed to their program and they will give you the tools to overcome this situation. They are wonderful and will help you with everything. I used to assist the residents with writing resumes, finding jobs, and I also volunteered in their daycare. Best of luck to you and your family ♥️🐾
I’ve driven by the Samaritan Inn and wondered what that is!! My daughter and I are looking for volunteer opportunities, would they let a 14 year old female volunteer there??
It depends on their specific policies, many places are 18+.
Some will allow kids 13 and older to volunteer IF their parent accompanies the kid the entire time they are working there. Also some places will let kids 16+ volunteer on their own if parent signs a waiver. That’s what my organization did.
What kind of work do you do? I may have a possible lead, dm me if interested.
Minnie’s in Plano is a great food pantry.
As for the animals, check out Operation Kindness.
And highly recommend the Sikh community. They will provide hot meals when the kitchen is open.
hey, just as an fyi not everyone who’s on reddit is a good person and some will use your number for nefarious purposes and some can extract personal info just your cell phone number, and a lot of it is stuff you don’t want strangers knowing. so i would edit thru comment or straight up delete it. it can be very dangerous to post your phone number publically nowadays. i know you were wanting to do the right thing for op, but just keep that in mind. in todays day in age you really don’t want to be giving out and posting your your personal phone number (esp the ones you get 2fa codes to)! what i suggest doing is downloading google voice and claiming your actual ohone number to a google voice number. which connects the two but no one is able to see or access your “real” (google voice numbers are real legit internet phone numbers, so non voip numbers. meaning sometimes codes work sending them via 2fa and some do. idk whats up with that, but that’s how it is. i’ve had my google voice number for about a decade now? or a little less? and it works for everything and keeps your real phone number private.
also a good suggestion is to have your google results about you (those sketchy sites that come back with very personal results about you if you google your name or phúone numbers sometimes they’ll have your address your email address and sometimes the shadier ones will even have stuff like your social security number. so it’s important to download the google app. click your picture i. the top right hand corner scroll down until it says “results about you” then go ahead and add in ALL of your info and google will then take a couple hours to a few days to scan all google results and remove those that you ask it to remove. now it doesn’t remove the data from the site entirely, just removes the google search results from those pages and most people rely heavily on google to give them the info they need to scam/stalk/bully/harass people with. here’s the direct link to google results about you to do what i’m talking about. ! you’ll need to check this page every couple of months because those share you personal info as soon as they get their hands back on it. if you want it removed from the original website in generall not just the search resent hammering it inhibitions
Also an Iowa->Dallas transplant (tho I don’t currently live in the area). Just writing to tell you good luck and I hope you can make it work down there.
Try the OurCalling app, maybe?
downloading this just in case we made need it in the nearby future. thank you for posting this i would have never known in a million years.
Not sure of your skills but check out Balfour Beatty, Webber LLC, Austin Industries/Austin Bridge and Road. All construction jobs but they will hire anyone as a laborer. You will have to track down office locations and apply in person unfortunately.
I can help with some gas just dm me
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
I dm'd you
972-795-1723 is my phone number call me on Saturday morning
Hey - you posted this publicly and not in dm
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
Have phone…Google is your tool man. “Dallas area shelters, pet friendly” if you’re not a felon, on drugs, mentally unstable, or have a criminal record of abuse, you can find help at most places. Even day jobs because you have a vehicle. Most of the people that are out on the streets are disqualified for some reason stated above. If you want help, you can find it here in Dallas.
It’s not much, but I have some blankets, a box of cat litter and cat food I would love to give you. DM me here.
I'm sorry you are going through this. Feel free to name and shame the company who did this to you. This situation is effed up. It's supposed to be in the teens next week so y'all stay warm.
If you have a place that Amazon can deliver to, you can try r/randomactsofpetfood to sort out the furkids for a while
Our dog recently passed away. We still have a large bag of dog food and some treats I think. It would be a blessing for us if her food to go to a family in need.
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
Where are you located?
DM me. I’ll come to you.
Site for free food
Metrocrest Services in Carrollton provides services for people in crisis, has a food pantry, financial assistance, etc. They can also help with your job search.
Maximize your human services to save money for things your pets need but might not be more accessible. For example, make sure to take advantage of food pantry programs for you and your GF so that you have money for litter which is not often donated.
Lots of religious organizations offer free meals either everyday or on certain days like the Hari Krishna temple. I don’t have a good list or anything but worth googling and planning for.
If you have a Venmo or Amazon Wish List, pls DM it to me. I feel for you and your family.
Our church runs a center where you can come and pick up clothes, furniture, and some other things for free. It’s called The Hill located in in Plano. You could potentially stop by see if they have any coats, boots, hats, blankets, etc. But they don’t have food there :( Everything is donated stuff and it’s best to come early as earlier people have more to choose from.
KittehLuv@reddit allows you to search by your zip code for free & low cost resources including food, pets, housing etc.
I don’t know the Frisco area to offer resource suggestions but did just hear about an app called Too Good To Go. Restaurants offer food that would otherwise be thrown away for pretty steep discounts. I haven’t used it myself, but it might be worth trying if you are struggling to afford meals.
I have used this app and can vouch for it. However, Dallas seems to only have an exorbitant and overwhelming majority of donut shops on this app. I have got quite friendly with the indian restaurants in Frisco on this app and they are very generous as far as left overs, way beyond what the app dictates, when I put orders in. Op, it might help you cut back on food costs for you and yours as well as keep that extra money to keep some dog and cat supplies.
Just a thought, though.
Ditch the dogs ??
I’d check churches for food pantries, and sometimes they help with gas. Depends on the church
Venmo or cash app? I can’t bear to think of your fur babies going hungry. Remind yourself that you are their whole world, and they’re just happy to be with their person- even if it’s in a van. You will get past this.
Yes, please send me your Venmo info, I’d love to help out.
Second this.
Hit those plasma donation centers.
Between you and your wife, you can make about $1600 the first month cash - try BioLife first. The next month switch to another - pick up another $1400 or more.
icantbreathe23@reddit can help with food and resources.
I’m in Little Elm and I have a full box (sealed) of dry dog food and a half box that i recently opened - also in a resealable container, they’re yours if you want them!
I’ll DM you
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
We can pick them up tomorrow!
What type of work you and your girl do?
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
I was down here for roofing/solar. She usually does restaurant stuff. We're open to anything with cash tips right now to get us out of Texas as quick as possible.
Like to sell roofs and solar? Dallas is the most saturated market if that’s the case. You can find a bunch of places willing to hire you.
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
I've been looking around and the other place i worked down here scammed me, I've been trying to find a good trusted place now.
If they didn't pay you, you can file a wage claim and the state will review it
More than likely they will activate the inclement weather shelters tomorrow. You can go to any community center in Dallas and get a cold weather pack. Also, the last time it was activated people could bring their pets. That was at the Fair Park location. This could be a chance to get out of your car and get warm and some food.
Pet pantry in Carrollton for dog and cat food. Open on Sunday and Thursday. Operation Kindness.
Also the Carrollton Animal shelter. At the entrance there is a drop off/ grab what you need for donations.
yes love operation kindness. i've donated there a few times and they're so kind!
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
Will definitely be heading over there on Sunday thank you!
Dallas Colleges have food banks.
Praying for an opportunity to open up for you, much love and blessings.
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
Thank you, this sub was a blessing within itself.<3
Inspired Vision Compassion Center has a grocery style pantry.
You can check out temp employment agencies for work. An example is cornerstone:
If you like pets, Dallas animal services is always hiring animal keepers. There are also other government jobs out there that are often hiring.
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
Ill be sure to check out all of these. Animal keepers definitely sounds something interesting that we'd both love to do.
Send me a DM. I'm in Frisco and can help.
Looks like you got good suggestions. I'm here from Iowa as well.
Generally speaking, where are you hanging out?
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
Frisco area
Okay. Great. That will help people direct you somewhere not too far away (and waste gas). I can Venmo 20$ cash for laundry or pet food. Dm me. I don’t have much but it’s what I can give.
Also, I don’t know if they’re hiring but I really enjoyed working for this company in Richardson as a customer. They have good Indeed reviews.
Solartime Address
1758 Firman Dr. Suite 100 Richardson, TX 75081
(972) 675-7725
As a former customer you may be able to call and mention it and OP may have better luck than just calling out of the blue
I agree. I’ll leave a message tomorrow.
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
I will definitely check them out as I LOVE doing the door to door stuff. Sadly, I couldn't DM you. It says you're unavailable to message?
I can give you blankets tonight, I’m also in Frisco. And to save on gas I can bring them to you
Yayathegod@reddit (OP)
That would be AMAZING! I can DM you with more information to obtain those blankets.
Frisco Family Services is a great place to start.
I have a blankets and pillows I can give yall but I’m not near Frisco. If you find yourself near NRH or Hurst message me. I’m in Irving/closer to Dallas during the week as well.
The SPCA had a weekly resource center, the Perry Pet Resource Center. Outside of that, they so monthly pet food drives. Reach out to them!
North Texas Food Bank has a website that details food pantry locations and schedules throughout the area. Catholic Charities does similar. Any of the Sikh temples in DFW will provide you with hot meals if asked.
Operation Kindness gives free dog food Sunday mornings. Gas is going to be the most difficult and with funds getting cut everywhere, your best bet is to save the money you get from DoorDash for fuel. I would also go to Our Daily Bread in Denton. Not many Shelters allow pets. I don’t believe any Dallas ones allow them. I know they do.
Food is, for now, easier to come by. Check NorthTexasFoodbank and insert whatever zip code you’re staying in to see nearby Food Banks. With federal funding getting cut, I’m not sure how long these services will last or how they will be impacted.
I think Stewpot gives free food Saturday mornings. I think they also have hygiene items. (Don’t quote me on hygiene)
The job market is awful and getting worse with mass layoffs. Just keep trying and stay positive. Definitely connect with Texas Workforce on Monday.
Salvation Army