Not sure what to do. Where can I get food for me and my dogs? And blankets?

Posted by Yayathegod@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 95 comments

I came down to Dallas from Iowa to a job that said they would pay to relocate me then they never did and left me, my gf, my two dogs and cat stranded out here. We barely have gas to go anywhere and we just used all our money to buy a cheap van to live out of, so we werent all cramped in a tiny car. We've been doordashing everyday and going to interviews at restaurants to see if we can get some quick cash tips. We know noone here in Texas, and even in Iowa no family can help as I'm a foster child and her Dad is just an A-hole. I really thought this job would change our life and it did for the worse. We are freezing every night because the dogs peed on all our blankets and doordashing has only been profitable enough to replace the gas we are using. We can't even get ahead to get food. I've been donating plasma for money and applying to places, but things just don't seem to be going well. Is there any places anyone knows where we can go to get blankets, food, dog/cat food, etc? (a portable heater maybe haha)We just found out about Streetside Showers. We got the showers but we missed the hot meals this morning.