This may be the worst-aged 80s commercial.
Posted by RevolutionaryLoss856@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 11 comments
Posted by RevolutionaryLoss856@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 11 comments
Honey, you feed the dog and I,will feed the fish - Krista McAuliff
There were others (the blue eyes one comes to mind). Kids were savage.
As I wipe a tear from my eye.
I remember watching Reagan's attempted assassination all day at school in 3rd grade, then Challenger all day in school in 8th grade. Nothing else went on in school those days.
I watched it on TV in school (I was 7), it was the first thing broadcast on our new education tv thing. Supposed to be a big deal, never had tv’s in schools or classrooms except the tv/vcr on a cart that was moved to each room. It was installed and unused for so long we forgot about it (couldn’t be used for anything, still had the cart) and then they announced we would get to see the launch on it. Don’t recall ever seeing that tv come on again after that.
Our class was pretty quiet when the teacher told us what happened
I watched it on TV in school (I was 7), it was the first thing broadcast on our new education tv thing. Supposed to be a big deal, never had tv’s in schools or classrooms except the tv/vcr on a cart that was moved to each room. It was installed and unused for so long we forgot about it (couldn’t be used for anything, still had the cart) and then they announced we would get to see the launch on it. Don’t recall ever seeing that tv come on again after that.
I watched it on TV in school (I was 7), it was the first thing broadcast on our new education tv thing.
Supposed to be a big deal, never had tv’s in schools or classrooms except the tv/vcr on a cart that was moved to each room.
It was installed and unused for so long we forgot about it (couldn’t be used for anything, still had the cart) and then they announced we would get to see the launch on it.
Don’t recall ever seeing that tv come on again after that.
I was in 6th grade when Challenger exploded. Our principal got on the PA and dismissed the entire school for the day. I spent the rest of the day watching the news with my grandma.
Christa McAuliffe. Always in my heart. I had a wonderful Grade 7 science teacher who had prepped us for that launch for weeks. My emotions didn’t move that fast when I was twelve, but I remember the look of heartbreak, fear, and pain on Mr. Chang’s face. That changed me a lot right there, and grew me up another lot.
That was 8th grade. I remember some teaches being really upset. They rolled the AV cart (tv vcr cart) back out of the classroom. Then we just went on with our day.