What do they do? I have a friend who has a "secret" son I have known him since I was 12 and he just told me last year he has a son and I said congrats and his son was born 6 years ago. Anyway my friend said "My son is too young to learn how to clean the house!" I didn't tell him I was picking up my toys when I was 3 or 4.
They do stuff, but they are so quick to give up or ask for help instead of just figuring out or trying ways to get it done etc. it’s almost like a lack of confidence to do things without instruction.
I think a big part of that is helicopter parenting. If your parent jumps in to save the day before you've even had a chance to realize you made a mistake, it's more difficult to figure out how to solve problems and be resilient. I probably wouldn't have much confidence either if I was always being rescued when I wasn't doing whatever at the level of an experienced adult.
I was a scout leader for my kids. Once you get out of cub scouts, it's supposed to be youth led. The adults are just there to keep things from completely going off the rails and provide support. I felt like I spent more time keeping parents from trying to save the day than anything else. Kids need to make mistakes to learn from them. If you have coping skills, you can move on and not let it ruin the outing.
I noticed that with friends' kids. It is sort of weird. One friend has kids who are the definition of iPad kids and they are beyond shy or socially anxious, they don't talk to other people only to or through their relatives, and they are afraid of everything and tend to just give up.
This might actually be our greatest skill as a generation. No matter what happened, we always found a way to deal with it or work around it. We are a self-sufficient bunch. We’ll be relying on that skill set heavily in the coming years
I know this is me sounding old, but as an educator who works primarily with college freshmen at a respected university, it seems like students really lack this type of skill nowadays. Don’t get me wrong. My students are very smart, and I believe they are generally more kind and compassionate than earlier generations. But they are not resourceful or self directed. They can do a very complex calculus problem and get the right answer. But if you give them a more ambiguous task where they need to take initiative and be resourceful, they get stuck.
It’s like they need very clear and explicit instructions, and if something goes awry, they won’t know what to do, or they won’t think to just try to “figure it out” by trying out different things.
I have noticed that as well with Gen Z, and much younger Millennials, and Gen Alpha, they tend to just freeze and go silent, become helpless, cannot be independent, improvise, etc.
That's why you had to use a meta search engine that queried a bunch of the other search engines, like savvysearch, metacawler or dogpile. Most of them managed to inexplicably give even worse and more useless results, but you'd use them anyway, because it was the nerdy and clever things to do.
The one about why the fuck wont you eat (or something like that) has a lot of parallels with my adhd kid.
Its like can't eat, everything else is too interesting, food is boring. My friends are at school, how could I possibly eat?
At dinner time... sitting at the table NOT eating is super interesting so I'll sit here goofing off for 1.5 hours every single night instead of eating dinner. But then treats after dinner are very interesting so... wait I can't have a treat before finishing my dinner? This is bullshit! I'm full!
Had my main water line spring a leak today and I'm wondering if I can save a few g and fix it myself.
Probably should leave this one up to the pros. On the other hand, I don't think it's any more complicated than find leak, shut off water, cut out broken piece, splice in new piece. Nah, I'll just call. I'm sure there's a good reason it costs as much as it does, although it's probably because having plumbers dig holes is expensive.
We had that happen to us last summer. I didn't even try to fix it myself, I let the pros do it. Turned out a big chunk up against the foundation had shifted (we were in a drought) and pinched the line, and it would've been a massive pain in the ass to fix by hand. And I had plenty of work on my hands cleaning up the interior leak.
And really, it wasn't as expensive as I feared. Not cheap, but well worth it for the peace of mind.
How bad is the leak? Assuming minor you could definitely just JB WaterWeld it. At least until you can get a plumber out for a non-emergency price. Or it could last 10+ years like mine.
It's definitely outside in the ground. The city came out today and said I've leaked 20k gallons into the street, so not really minor. I just shut my water off to the house. I have a guy coming Monday so I don't have to pay weekend rates on what's probably going to be a big job.
During covid, my company reorganized and some of us were put into a new department with little direction or guidance. I printed this out and put it on the bulletin board above my computer and showed it multiple times on camera during our team meetings to rally around.
So annoying that my kids seem to not comprehend this Bible of ours
What do they do? I have a friend who has a "secret" son I have known him since I was 12 and he just told me last year he has a son and I said congrats and his son was born 6 years ago. Anyway my friend said "My son is too young to learn how to clean the house!" I didn't tell him I was picking up my toys when I was 3 or 4.
They do stuff, but they are so quick to give up or ask for help instead of just figuring out or trying ways to get it done etc. it’s almost like a lack of confidence to do things without instruction.
I think a big part of that is helicopter parenting. If your parent jumps in to save the day before you've even had a chance to realize you made a mistake, it's more difficult to figure out how to solve problems and be resilient. I probably wouldn't have much confidence either if I was always being rescued when I wasn't doing whatever at the level of an experienced adult.
I was a scout leader for my kids. Once you get out of cub scouts, it's supposed to be youth led. The adults are just there to keep things from completely going off the rails and provide support. I felt like I spent more time keeping parents from trying to save the day than anything else. Kids need to make mistakes to learn from them. If you have coping skills, you can move on and not let it ruin the outing.
I was in scouts cub and BSA, my dad went along until I was about 12 because of pedophiles, but he didn't interfere or interrupt the youth leaders.
I noticed that with friends' kids. It is sort of weird. One friend has kids who are the definition of iPad kids and they are beyond shy or socially anxious, they don't talk to other people only to or through their relatives, and they are afraid of everything and tend to just give up.
Latchkey gang, represent!
3rd grade for me.
1st grade over here. 1st fucking grade.
Mid 40’s for me
Why the fuck am I crying?!
Doesn't matter; we got this.
I felt seen.
This might actually be our greatest skill as a generation. No matter what happened, we always found a way to deal with it or work around it. We are a self-sufficient bunch. We’ll be relying on that skill set heavily in the coming years
Self sufficiency is a myth
I know this is me sounding old, but as an educator who works primarily with college freshmen at a respected university, it seems like students really lack this type of skill nowadays. Don’t get me wrong. My students are very smart, and I believe they are generally more kind and compassionate than earlier generations. But they are not resourceful or self directed. They can do a very complex calculus problem and get the right answer. But if you give them a more ambiguous task where they need to take initiative and be resourceful, they get stuck.
It’s like they need very clear and explicit instructions, and if something goes awry, they won’t know what to do, or they won’t think to just try to “figure it out” by trying out different things.
I have noticed that as well with Gen Z, and much younger Millennials, and Gen Alpha, they tend to just freeze and go silent, become helpless, cannot be independent, improvise, etc.
I would argue that its been pretty detrimental to society, though. There is no social cohesion, a profound lack of communuty. No man is an island.
Eh, I would argue we have common experience even if we were independent.
Today everything is fragmented, music, TV, film…
lmao so accurate
I prefer Rick Rubin’s book The Creative Act. Might not be xennial but it offers more hope for humanity than most other bibles.
is that little kid giving the big kid a flat tire?
Yes, it is Ramona the pest by Beverly Clearly.
That's our generation's motto, right there.
Was this Beverly Cleary or Judy Blume? Superfudge? Help me remember, gang gang
Ramona the pest by Beverly Clearly. I got it for Christmas when I was 5 or 6.
One of my favorites from childhood.
This was the book that turned me into a reader. Got it for Christmas when I was 7 or 8 and then wanted to read everything. Gateway Beverly Cleary.
Beverly Cleary was totally my gateway too!
The book fair is next week, make sure to bring cash!
Definitely Ramona the Pest. Henry Huggins getting pissed she’s taking his shoes off.
Beverly Cleary, right? I think that's little Ramona and Henry the crossing guard.
Definitely Henry Huggins and Ramona Quimby but not sure which book.
I think it's Ramonda the Pest, bc 1) she's little and 2) she's giving Henry a flat tire.
I was wondering as well.
How we developed such good critical thinking skills.
These days you can Google or ChatGPT everything..
Even after that advent of the 'Net, at least we had to know which of the 100 search engines to use to find what did the best. 😂
Why the fuck is my windows 95 installation failing on our Compaq computer but it worked on Dad's IBM?
Oh well, better figure it out myself if I want to play Sim City.
This is so accurate. And I am so grateful for this. I can get myself out of any computer problem.
Downloaded something from Kazaa, oh shit, blue screen of death! Where's my OS CD. Thank god I only game in this, and there's no homework.
Where my Ask Jeeves peeps at?
I got a question to ask Jeeves. Why do you suck?
Altavista, Lycos, Infoseek, hotbot...
Fuck, I'm old.
I was an altavista man myself
astalavista box sk gang… iykyk
Ask Jeeves was handy for some things, but my go to was Dogpile.
Hey guys, please visiting my Geocities site and sign my guestbook. The link to the guestbook is by the “under construction” animated GIF.
I remember mostly using Webcrawler back in the day, but Ask Jeeves was useful too.
That's why you had to use a meta search engine that queried a bunch of the other search engines, like savvysearch, metacawler or dogpile. Most of them managed to inexplicably give even worse and more useless results, but you'd use them anyway, because it was the nerdy and clever things to do.
When I asked my mom what my childhood was like and said “you just had to figure everything out on your own” so I guess it tracks with us.
Captured the "we got this shit/we'll figure it out" walk very well. More of a stomp, really
Still have this exact copy! This is the Xennial anthem! 😆
Our bible, as parents, when our kids were young. 😂
The one about why the fuck wont you eat (or something like that) has a lot of parallels with my adhd kid.
Its like can't eat, everything else is too interesting, food is boring. My friends are at school, how could I possibly eat?
At dinner time... sitting at the table NOT eating is super interesting so I'll sit here goofing off for 1.5 hours every single night instead of eating dinner. But then treats after dinner are very interesting so... wait I can't have a treat before finishing my dinner? This is bullshit! I'm full!
We had that book too. I never thought about the parallels to ADHD. Great points!
I'm still not sure whether I prefer it read by Samuel L Jackson or Jennifer Garner
I haven't heard Jennifer Garner read it but loved hearing Samuel Jackson reading it.
I just YouTubed the Garner version.
Jackson did it better.
I do not got this shit
Woop woop
Fuck Yeah!!!
I prefer the french world:
Bricoleur - One who engages in bricolage.
Bricolage - (in art or literature) construction or creation from a diverse range of available things.
But really…
When keeping it real goes wrong
Our collective M.O.
This hit hard
You can say back in my day, we made flamethrowers using hairspray and a lighter.
This was law! Shout out to the “home when the street lights come on” crew!
I wanted to buy and frame that, but it turns out it's not a real book.
Had my main water line spring a leak today and I'm wondering if I can save a few g and fix it myself.
Probably should leave this one up to the pros. On the other hand, I don't think it's any more complicated than find leak, shut off water, cut out broken piece, splice in new piece. Nah, I'll just call. I'm sure there's a good reason it costs as much as it does, although it's probably because having plumbers dig holes is expensive.
We had that happen to us last summer. I didn't even try to fix it myself, I let the pros do it. Turned out a big chunk up against the foundation had shifted (we were in a drought) and pinched the line, and it would've been a massive pain in the ass to fix by hand. And I had plenty of work on my hands cleaning up the interior leak.
And really, it wasn't as expensive as I feared. Not cheap, but well worth it for the peace of mind.
How bad is the leak? Assuming minor you could definitely just JB WaterWeld it. At least until you can get a plumber out for a non-emergency price. Or it could last 10+ years like mine.
It's definitely outside in the ground. The city came out today and said I've leaked 20k gallons into the street, so not really minor. I just shut my water off to the house. I have a guy coming Monday so I don't have to pay weekend rates on what's probably going to be a big job.
I fucking love this!
Just like my childhood, except my brother would have yelled at me for following him and told me to stop embarrassing him
That's my mantra
Starring ramona and henry huggins
My mantra for the past decade or so has been "I'll figure it out. I always do."
Yesss! I read all of the Beverly Clearly novels.
Pretty much the motto for my entire life.
Awesome job. This prepared me for all of the economic crises we've been through.
Used this exact attitude to fix the dryer a few weeks ago
During covid, my company reorganized and some of us were put into a new department with little direction or guidance. I printed this out and put it on the bulletin board above my computer and showed it multiple times on camera during our team meetings to rally around.
I'm still a pest 😆
The big one to the little one:
Go try it out it first, I’ll watch
This was my field guide while taking 4 hour jaunts in the woods with just a PBJ in my backpack
For real!
Speak for yourself; I'd toss that in the trash where it belongs.
After dad went out for cigarettes this book helped