The longest possible US domestic (no passport needed) flight.

Posted by N19DY@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 115 comments

The longest possible US domestic (no passport needed) flight.

The longest scheduled flight within the United States is the direct flights between Honolulu and Boston, which is cool and all, but I wanted to know what the longest theoretically possible flight within the United States was. I looked it up but couldn't find a definite answer so I did some digging of my own and if my math is correct, it's one of these:

Within the 50 US states, I believe the 2 furthest apart airports are Casco Cove Airport (PAAT) on Attu Island in Alaska, and Florida Keys Marathon airport (KMTH) in Florida at 4775 NM apart. Now, the catch is that Casco Cove is designated as emergency use only, so you couldn't plan to use it.

At 4748 NM from KMTH--and both being public use--is Point Hope Airport (PAPO) in Alaska. So assuming you have an airplane that can take off or land within 4000 feet and fly almost 5000 miles without stopping for a potty break, you're golden! Leave the passport at home.

That is, however, just within the 50 states. Thanks to the powers of imperialism, there are more places US citizens can go outside of those. Enter the US territories.

In regards to the furthest 2 places a US citizen could fly between without bringing their passport, I present to you, with a great circle distance of a whopping 8250NM, Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport in Guam (PGUM), and Henry E. Rohlsen Airport (TISX) in St. Croix of the Virgin Islands.