Were you raised by parents on the cusp of being a boomer and Gen X?
Posted by Hot_Study_777@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 248 comments
I realized that I’m a xennial and my parents were born on the edge of being a boomer and heading into Gen X. Anyone else? What kind of childhood did you have? Anything notable?
My stepdad would have been gen X if he was born one year later. My mom found herself a younger man and we basically grew up together. Lol.
My father was the youngest, born in 55. Grew up between Boomer siblings, but had a career in IT so his later life was much more Gen X.
My mother, born in 1960 was also the youngest, her oldest brother is 17 years older.
My parents were solidly boomer in age, born 1949 and 1950.
But my dad was raised by his grandparents, who were Lost Generation (both 1890s) instead of GI. I think this really altered how he looked at the world compared to his peers, and it made him less "boomer-y" somehow and more like the older generation. I wish I could describe it better but Dad was just a different kind of guy.
Sounds awesome.
After thinking about it for a minute, I'm shocked and sad.
My mother was a solid boomer. My father was either a late boomer or an early jones (but not genx).
Its just difficult to think of my mother as a boomer, but then again her first husband (not my father) was a very early boomer.
And here I am stuck in the middle of genY and Millennial, but grew up with only genX people.
I suppose mine are 100% boomer. Momma was born in 1954, daddy in 1950. Daddy has passed, but momma remarried a few years later, to a much older man, born in 1936. Firmly a member of the “Greatest Generation”, as they’ve been referred to as.
That man is still walking this earth, good to everyone he meets, and I’m grateful as hell he came into our lives.
My parents are 1939 and 1952. My oldest sibling was born in the late 1950's and I'm the youngest from 1986.
Not at all. My parents were both Silent Generation and not Boomers.
Me too. Also 1978.
My Mum was evacuated from London to a south coast orphanage.
Also 1978, my mom was born in Berlin to my Jewish grandmother in 1943. 😬 Our moms went through some shit!
Dammit! In the Top Trumps of origin stories you win this round.
What do I win? Intergenerational trauma? 🤪
My dad grew up like Harry Crews in childhood a biography of a place only they were middle class, owned land, and I am very glad my Pennsylvania German grandmother hated the rural South and moved everyone to Philadelphia in the Northeast and my dad had better education and job opportunities here as did my uncle and grandparents. My dad's cousins that stayed, some owned farms but there were no job opportunities except for working for the North Carolina State government, teaching, farming, and the universities were lower grade state teachers colleges, lower grade SLACS (liberal arts colleges), and community colleges that aren't that good, and mostly everyone who could moved to Florida.
I’m confused about the relationship of your comment to mine.
I wrote about my Silent generation dad and uncle.
😄 Ha! Excellent.
My parents are also Silent Gen, and growing up this felt v different to my friends with Boomer parents. Hard to put a finger on what it was exactly. Maybe the thriftiness of SG contrasted with more financially expansive outlook of Boomers. 🤔 Weirdly as my parents have aged, they've become more and more tolerant and open-minded, while I see my friends' Boomer parents often becoming more conservative.
I think that is it, also my Silent generation parents lived longer and were much healthier than friends' parents who are boomers, or most Generation Jones and Gen X'ers I know who have health problems related to smoking, drugs, alcoholism, etc.
The Boomers, Generation Jones, and Gen X'ers all smoked, used drugs, many became or were alcoholics or drug addicts, they don't eat healthy or exercise, go crazy spending money and many are in massive debt.
My Silent generation parents and depression era/proto depression era grandparents, and 19th Century Italian grandfather all had the mentality you have to work, save, become educated, do your best, etc. as it could all vanish and nobody is responsible for you or your well being except for you. The government isn't going to save you like in movies, and don't depend on social security only.
Same with both of my parents.
Same. 1934 & 1940
Yea my dad was 1945, my mom is ‘48 so she’s gen boomlent(?)
My parents the exact same years. Well mom ‘47 and dad ‘45. God they’re old!!!! 😭
Boomers are 1946-1964. Named for the baby boom after ww2 ended in 1945
Yes I am aware of the origin. Was just playing oof the fact that my mom is also very close to the cusp and could be considered a part of her own micro generation
Does that micro generation actually exist? Serious question
No it’s all in jest none of it is serious. I was just being silly because everything sucks right now and I was trying to find some levity.
Word. Agreed there 😎
Same parents born in ‘42
Mine too!
Dad was born in ‘44, Mom was born on ‘45 just before the start of the Baby Boom. But she skipped ahead a year in school, so they both started college at the same time.
My dad born 1939 and mum 1948, Me 1980 and my kid 2022!
Yeah my dad grew up in the war and still freaks out when he hears the sounds of bombs falling in movies cause he was a toddler in London during the Battle of Britain.
Were you the last born?
I was born in ‘82. My dad was technically silent generation (1942). My mom was first year boomer (1945).
No, both of my parents were from the Silent generation.
grandma born in '08, mom born in '44, me born in '83
so, greatest gen-silent gen- Xennial.
I was definitely brought up with some first-hand depression-era parenting and i don't even have grey hair yet!!
My parents were born in 1960 and I was born in 1979. They both, separately sowed their oats through the 80’s. I spent most of the time with Silent Gen grandparents and younger GenX aunts and uncles. It was a unique experience that I spent a lot of time as a kid learning “old people” stuff. I knew most of my great-grandparents, even. I was very focused on school and learning but socially a little behind kids my age, even relating better to older kids.
Boomer parents who wanted us to be replicas of them and were very disappointed to have typical Gen X 90s teens.
Generations seem to change all the time. My grandparents, who were in 1904 and 1909, used to be part of the interbellum generation who were children of antebellum parents. Now, antebellum and interbellum no longer exist. They were moved to the lost generation and greatest generation, respectively. In 20 years, these will change.
So they're Generation Jones
My parents were silent gen, but not silent at all. They still like to hog the conversation. I'm pretty much GenX since I'm 1977. I'm at the very end and the beginning of Millennials.
Boomer parents. I’m the youngest so born when my parents were in their 30’s.
Edit 2
My parents were born in 1951 and 1954 respectively. In some ways their values were a mix of Boomer but also other generational influences. My grandmother helped raise me and she was born in the 1920s, so that had an influence on me as well.
Mine are 100% boomer, but I’m very last solid X. I certainly fit with xenials best, but most any group is fine. My 2011 kid I have the most in common with, but it’s harder to him to fathom life in the 80s. My kid in his 20s can at least kinda grasp no internet and is much more hands on.
I'm on the opposite side. My dad is silent gen, mom is a boomer.
I'm X, my siblings are Xennials.
Mine were born in ‘57 and ‘59, so they’re “Generation Jones.”
Mine was silent generation, born really late in moms life
Mine were the opposite, old parents, so I was born to a silent generation and the very first boomer.
Born in 85 here and my mom was Gen X. She had me at 18 though.
I’m a Xennial married to a GenJones. I will occasionally yell out “you’re Boomering again!”
Nope. My parents are solid boomers.
Mine are but they became fundamentalist evangelicals so no cool Gen X tendencies to be found.
No. My parents were older. Dad is solid Boomer, mom identifies as such but is technically Silent Gen.
Full on Boomers ‘52 and ‘47 respectively, I had hippies for parents.
Yep! My mom was born in 1961 and had me in 1980 when she was 19
My mom was born in ‘58, does that count? I think that’s within generation jones. My dad is a solid boomer though.
My parents were a little bit older (Mom was 30 when she started having kids). I am technically GenX, but I tend to think like a boomer.
Dad 1950 mom 1952
My parents were 1934 and 1940. I am 1980.
Yes, my mom was 1961 and she said she always related more to Gen Xers. She was 21 when she had my older brother and 22 with me.
My dad is technically Silent Generation, mom is barely boomer.
Mine are Gen Jones, hence my siblings are all solidly Millennials. My wife’s parents are as well. I think our parents quite dramatically impacted how we grew up.
Hot_Study_777@reddit (OP)
How do?
I really consider myself an xennial (1980) even though a lot of people don’t even know what that is.. lol they say it doesn’t exists.. I’m a very young looking 44-year-old that does not identify as a Gen X or millennial, which is my little sisters who are 10 years younger.. my dad was almost 52 when I was born so I always had older parents. I just lost him a few years ago in his early 90s. And I was a newly single parent … my dad was one of those people that lived in amazing life and I came along after he had already been married to somebody else for like 30 years lol it’s interesting. Going through his box of stuff since he’s passed away and seeing the whole life he had before I was even thought of.
Hot_Study_777@reddit (OP)
I’m sorry for your loss!
My grandpa fought in WWII. So, my parents are the definition of baby boomer.
Same here, both maternal and paternal grandparents were all born in 1925 as coincidental as that sounds. Grandpa on dad's side was on Gold Beach invasion and lived, grandma on mom's side was a literal Rosie Riveter building C47's at Tinker AFB in OKC. Parents born in '52 and '53.
Both my grandpas were WWII vets, my Dad was first year of boomers, my mom a few years later. So core boomers.
Nope, my parents are Silent Gen.
My dad's parents were 22 and 23 so they were part of the greatest generation... if I looked it up correctly my mom's parents were part of the silent generation. My parents were generation Jones... My sister is tail end of gen x and I'm early part of Millennial.
Yeah, born in ‘81. My parents were 20 when they had me. It was an ok childhood. They were working to be get ahead and eventually divorced which left me (the oldest) to take care of my brother while my mom went to college and worked. The music played in our house was top tier and they didn’t really care that I spent my time on my bike or out in the woods reading. They preferred when we weren’t in the house. They were pretty lax and I had all the freedoms I could want as long as I did what they needed me to do when they needed it and my little brother didn’t do anything stupid while we were outside.
dad - 54 mom 58
Yes my mum is born in -59.
Mom is '58, I'm '81. Bio dad was firmly early boomer, the result of the Marines being in Guam during WWII. Didn't learn this til much later in life. Father who raised me was '56.
Jones wasn't really a thing I remember when growing up. They both would identify as Boomers, my mom very proudly so. There's definitely differences to older Boomers, but my parents were nowhere near Gen X.
Pure boomer here... 1953 and 56.
No my parents were born in the late 40s. Me, 1979.
Yep - my parents are 1959/60 (Gen Jones, apparently) and I’m 1982 (xennial).
Silent generation for both my parents, all siblings are boomers
My mom was born in ‘44 and I was born in ‘63, we are both technically boomers. This is BS! No similarities! I don’t feel like a boomer and I didn’t experience a boomer life path. What am I? My daughters were born in ‘87, ‘96 and ‘98.
My parents were born in 1957 which is in Generation Jones.
Yeah, my parents were born in ‘62 and ‘63, I’m a millennial born in ‘85, but the Xennial stuff is what I remember most of childhood, etc.
My dad was Gen Jones - 1959 and my mum a Gen X - 1966. Both very stereotypical for their times
Dad and mom 60, 61! Right there! And were are the biggest assholes.
Silent (1943) and boomer (1947). Ha!
Yep. I'm late '83 and my parents are '65.
Similar, born in 87, my dad was 66 and my mom was in 67.
That’s wild. I’m ‘80, my dad is ‘38, mom is ‘41 and had my sister in ‘65.
I'm '78 and my partner is '69. I could date your parents 🤣
My parents are '53 and '55.
Sort of the the same here, I'm early 84 Dad was 63 mom was 65.
Same, early '83 for me, and my mom was '63 and father is '65. They were/are horrible people/parents anyway.
That sucks. Sorry, man. I am lucky mine are pretty great.
Thanks, but it's ok. I'm glad you had a great experience. The thing that gets me through is stopping the generational abuse. It ends with me, my kids are great and know they're loved.
Same. And my childhood sucked.
Bummer. We were super poor until a few years after my mom graduated college. But only made it because my mom's parents could take care of me while she finished school and dad worked.
Dad was 58' and mom 64' - so Gen Jones Boomers.
Solid boomers (‘47, ‘49) and had me later than many of their peers had kids at 33 & 35 (‘82), so I often felt very outside of the norms since most of my friends in school had late Boomer/Gen Jones parents. My kid is Z/Alpha cusp herself (‘09).
Is this one of my kids?
Hot_Study_777@reddit (OP)
Nah we was 18 and 20 lol.
My dad was born in 1958 and my mom In 1960. But they're a different kind of boomer. They're Mexicans so it's hard to describe.
This is my family as well. Although life wasn’t hard, it was much harder for Gen Jones than it was for core Boomers financially (I have older uncles that were drafted for Vietnam or had that risk, and they all had things much easier financially). Most of us boomeranged repeatedly or never moved out. My parents lived in a second house my grandfather owned on the same street.
My dad was a boomer, my mom was between boomer and gen x, I think they call that Generation Jones. He was a solid 14 years older than her.
No mine were part of the silent generation
Omgosh yes! My parents were born late 1950’s and had me at 19/20ish also. Also, my paternal grandmother was a teen mom so she was a grandma at 40!! Mom & dad have always been more like friends than parents. I had a childhood that looked lovely to the friends and neighbors but my father was very emotionally and verbally abusive. I was (and can still be at times) resentful but the older I got in life I have realized that we really grew up with each other.
I def had the “cool” parents (they did have strict rules and at first we had grueling curfews) who were very fun bc they were still so young plus I was raised very fortunate we had all the toys so everyone always wanted to hang at our house. But my brother and I really could’ve stood to have more direction, life lessons, etc. in place of young, good looking, social butterflies who taught us how to have fun. The grass is always greener though right? lol
My mom is a younger boomer, 1960
Many of the major Gen X figures were actually Generation Jones
I'm 82. Mom 63. Dad? Fifty something. Step-dad 57. Step-mom 60 something.
I live in wisconsin, so i grew up going to bars. Didn't start drinking at bars until high-school though. 42 now and still go to the bars with my mom and Step-dad. My dad and step-mom don't go out much.
My parents are boomers (mid 1950s and early 60s)…
My parents were born in the early 50s. I have a millennial sister. My daughter is on the cusp on Alpha/Gen Z. She was born in 2010 and she’s one or the other depending on who you ask. She identifies as Gen Z though. Hates being called Alpha.
No, they were born in the mid-late 40s.
I'm the youngest of two youthful Silent Gens who mostly blended in with the Boomers. Friends thought I had young parents despite their age. My older siblings are late boomers and early Gen-X. Technically, my oldest sister is old enough to be my mother but her kids are Millennials.
The cusp would’ve been ~1964. I’ve worked closely with several people born right around that point, and they all struck me as very GenX and not boomers at all.
My parents were definitely Boomers, born in 1947 and 1950 and both with fathers that served during WWII. They waited until they moved back to their hometown before starting a family.
I’m in the same boat. And let’s just say I took almost everything they did while raising me, and did the opposite. My kids are amazing and I don’t talk to my mother, while the first time I spoke to my father in about 10 years was on his death bed, and I don’t regret it at all.
Yep. I’m a xennial and my parents are generation jones. They were very young when I came along. Yes we grew up together. Ups and downs for sure. My parents stayed together almost 40 years until his passing.
Both of my parents born in ‘62. ‘83 here
My mom was born in 1968, pure Gen X territory. She was 17, almost 18 when she had me. Granted, I know I barely make the Xennial cut being born in 1985... but being raised by a Gen X mom sort of have instilled a lot of Gen X traits in it's stead. Very independent minded and cynical to the core. My partner who was born in 1984 just agreed with that last statement I typed and she has a LOT of millennial tendencies, it's kinda funny the dichotomy of that lol.
Yeah....I was born in 79, mom was about 2 months shy of 19 when she had me. Don't know bio dad but he was the same age.
She's definitely either a really young boomer or a really old gen X, depending on how you want to do the cutoff lol
Step-dad was born in 68 and is PRIME Gen X. Saw Queensryche in the 80s, huge REM fan from the early days, graduated high school before 1990, the whole 9 yards lol
Generation jones.
I can beat everyone here.
I was born in 1983.
My mother was a Middle Baby Boomer ('56).
My father was a Silent Generation member ('32).
My 7 siblings are all Boomers to Gen X ('56 to '69, and '74).
Mine are 100% Boomer. Born 1950. But my two older kids are right on the Z/Alpha boundary, one slightly before, one slightly after.
Same, mine were born in 49 (dad) and 54 (mom).
Parents were boomers & I wish I had 2 Zoomer & 3 Alpha kids by now.
If I had my eldest in 2007 I'd be worried about paying the 2025-2029 4 year undergrad tuition of $374,538.
This for me too!
Early 50s Boomer parents with Z and Alpha kids
My parents were both '54. I think that's a year or two before "Generation Jones", the cusp generation.
Same. My parents were born 1951/1953. Solidly Boomer. My oldest is a late Gen Z, and my preteen is right on that Gen Z/Alpha boundary. But I say she's more Gen Z because of her brother. They share a lot of the same attitudes and influences.
1953 & 1957 here ✅
Mine too, 1948 and 1951.
I just looked up Boomer ages, and this is my parents. I'm at the edge of xenial/millennial, while my kids are towards the end of Gen z. They're among the last of kids to grow up with McDonald's play places... Which disappeared almost completely with covid, just as they aged out of them.
We drive around and basically all those McDonald's and burger kings, etc are either completely gone, or have been remodeled and had their play places removed. I honestly can't imagine what we'd have done without them. SO many hours spent in them on cold, wet, days.
Parents 1951
Boomer mom. Silent gen dad. Generation Jones half siblings. Gen X husband. Gen Z adult children.
Isn’t that Generation Jones?
1947 and 50, and their values certainly show it. Was a very strict household, and we didn't have cable until 1996 when I was 13. And MTV was blocked until 2000 when I was 17.
Yeah my mom is the youngest boomer. My dad was born in 1957. They were too young and to this day still do not have it together.
I was the parent and still am
Mine are. They were 19 when they had me.
My parents are Gen Jones the cusp between Boomer and Gen X. Still assholes.
My mom had me at nearly 40. She is in the silent generation. Growing up my other siblings were already adults so it’s like I had 5 parents which was ok but I felt like an only child. Thank the maker for Nintendo. Nowadays my mom is very much an old lady so it’s like she’s my grandma.
My parents are at the tail end of The Silent Generation (43-45). They raised 4 early Gen Xers (66-72) and me a Xennial.
Dad was a boomer 1951 and in Vietnam War at 18. Mom is 1957 and definitely more Generation Jones. My sister born 81 and I’m 83. My husband 71 and is definitely older Gen X and our son is a 2011 Gen Z/Alpha.
My folks were both Boomers, born in 58 and 61. My grandparents were silent generation - one grandfather missed WW2 by about a year. I always wondered how he felt about that. Gratitude to not have to see that hell or upset he couldn’t help in the fight.
Did your parents have you as teens? Mine were solidly boomers.
Both parents born in ‘59
My parents are solidly Boomers, born in 55 and 57 respectively. My eventual stepmom was born on the cusp of Gen X circa 63. She did not try to "parent" me though.
Yep, mom is Generation Jones, born in 64.
My parents are on the cusp and even though we are military they were pretty laid back. They do carry traits of both.
The one that killed me was that they need me to be a homebody that would rather be reading or streaming instead of dancing.
Yes, My mom and I are both basically gen X. Im the oldest millennial and shes the youngest boomer. We both liked the same music/movies. She raised me on bands like Black Sabbath, and I got her into metal. We have similar humor. Its nice.
Yes. My mom is ‘62.
I’m very early 84.
My kids are very late gen z (2009) and a s/alpha cusper (Dec 2011)
Eras of being a parent
Yep, my mom was 19 when she had me. She's a boomer but barely, but she definitely doesn't fit with X.
I have one boomer and one silent gen. My siblings are Gen X.
My dad was a 1950 Boomer and Mom a 1956 Boomer. I think even Mom was a bit too old to be Generation Jones, though her younger brother definitely is.
my parents are boomers but my uncle, a late in life baby, is gen x and halfway in age between me and my mom. he lived with us when i was a kid. he’s had a huge influence, mostly on my music tastes.
Parents are/ were smack in the middle of Boomer (‘55 and ‘56). I’m the youngest, so both sisters are Gen X, and I’m 1980, so right on the line.
My mom is the last year of the silent generation, and my dad was a boomer. So no
I was mostly raised by my grandfather, born in 1920.
Nope. Both are firmly boomers at ‘51 and ‘56 and both are the youngest of 4
I must make friends with the Kongs and avoid the mines.
My parents were solidly mid Boom.
Mine were both from the late end of the Silent Generation, my parents were older than usual when they had me. I was born in 77.
Nope. Total opposite. One silent generation, one on the boomer/silent generation cusp.
Mine were the same. They were 18 and 21 when I was born. I love they’re so young. My dad and I really bonded over music and would go to concerts together growing up. We hang out now. They’re really enjoying life and they’re young enough with enough energy to do so. I followed in their footsteps and had my kid at 21. It really put their experience into perspective for me and gave me a new appreciation for them. We really did grow up together.
Nope my parents were solidly Boomers both born in 1953. I was born in ‘84 and I was the first born
The term you’re looking for is Generation Jones.
And nope, the old man was the last of the Silent Generation and mom was a Boomer.
My dad is on the cusp of being silent generation
Those would basically be teenage pregnancies. Boomer generation ends Dec. 31, 1964, so if we’re counting 1962-68 as the cusp, it’s mothers who were about 10 at the absolute earliest and 22 at the latest. I’m sure there are a fair bit of those, but much younger than average for the developed world.
My dad turned 21 two months prior to me being born in 1980, and mom six months prior, both born in 1959.
My mom had me at 19.
Mine were teenage parents - 59 and 61 and I was born in 79
Yeah my mom turned 19 2 months after I was born. Late, but still solid boomer, born in 60
The opposite, my parents were born in 1944 and 1945. I was the youngest of 3
I did. My Dad was 1963, and my mom was 1965. Dad had just turned 21 a few days before my birth, and mom was 19.
I'd say my childhood was kind of retrograd compared to my schoolmates. My brother and I were raised more along the lines of the Genx memes. My dad had this old school mentality of boys will be boys, so we built forts, swam in a creek, played on the abandoned rail road tracks, stayed home alone while my parents were at work, and learned how to cook and clean up after ourselves at a younger age. They both also had a real boomer work ethic ( get job go-to work, ignore all else), and silent generation savings habits. They also, especially my dad, were into technology and electronics, I guess, because of their ages. I remember my friends laughing because their parents couldn't set the VCR timmer or figure out how to set up the satellite dish (we lived out in the middle of nowhere and couldn't get cable) that shit was new at the time but my parents were into it so it was never a thing in our house.
Ollllld boomers here, 1946/49. I was the baby of the family. My brother is 14 years older than me. Pure Gen X.
My dad and mom were firmly boomers cause my dad was born in 50 and my mom was born in 49
My parents are for sure. 64 for both of them but were obviously very young when I was born.
All my friends parents were born in the 50s and I thought they were so old. Can always tell by the music they'd listen to
I'm 40 my parents where born in early 60s one 62 and one 63 and weirdly they are both the age 62 and 63 right now
I had old parents for the time.
They got married in their 30s.
They were/are solidly Silent Gen and I am the youngest of 4.
My dad was 46 (cusp Silent/Boomer) and mom 54 (solid Boomer). I was in 80. My husband is early Gen X and his parents were Silent (38) & cusp Silent/Boomer (46).
His family was rich, mine poor. We have barely clawed our way to the lower middle class, together. Husband and I had very different upbringing where he hsd his grandma always around with his parents at work and no siblings to raise, first job at 20. I had parents always at work and siblings to raise, so I ran a lot of the house & worked since I was 8. We have not had kids, because....who can these days? Happily though, husband has embraced all the weirdness of Xennial life and really fits in well with my cohort.
Xennial here, parents were 21/22 when I was born. They are so totally Boomer in mentality that it’s vaguely embarrassing. My mom, at least, should identify as somewhat GenX, but no. None of those traits whatsoever.
Mine are solid boomers, 47 and 50
Silent generation, but I think they identify as boomer.
I wish! Mine were the freaking silent generation!
Mum was born in 64, I was born in 79
Until reading these responses I had never heard of “Generation Jones”. My mom is 20 years older than me. It was a lot like being raised by a sister. But the flip side of that was I got exposed to music from 1960’s—> onward that I would have been to young to find on my own at that time. Kids now are SO lucky to have streaming services at their finger tips (and lyrics). (In the early 90’s we did have a “digital DJ” that let me hear bands before it made it to local radio, never met anyone else who had this)
Always felt like my parents were cuspers too. Very late '59 and '61, married right out of high school, I was born barely into '82. Dad was barely 40 when I graduated high school. I spent tons of time growing up with my Silent Generation grandparents and Greatest Generation great-grandparents. Each generation (until mine) had kids young, around 20-24, so I had great-grandparents around until my 20s and 30s and was quite close to them.
Both boomers. Mom born in ‘54 and dad born in ‘46
Mine are older boomers… we have several long generations in a row in my family. If my paternal grandfather were alive, he’d be 115, and I have a three year old. Meanwhile, I have high school classmates who are grandparents and their parents are in their 60’s.
My dad is the youngest of the silent generation. My mom is a boomer.
My Father was solidly a boomer
My parents missed being Boomers by a few years. My mom turned 19 while she was pregnant with me. My dad is a year older than she is.
My Mom is, but my Dad was born in ‘43. He is too old be a hippie and too young to be greatest generation. He’s like a hyper-boomer and spends all his time sending me bullshit on Facebook or buying crap on Amazon.
Yup 1965!
My mom is solid Boomer (1953). My dad was Silent Generation (1942). Yeah, an 11 year age difference. Scandalous.
Mine are super solidly Boomer.
Both my parents are greatest gen thankfully!
1940 Dad 1961 Mom
Mom and Dad are '56 and '55. Kids '77, '79(me), '82. Mom today is just awesome like a best friend, but as a parent she could be pretty brutal. Dad was good to one too, and I miss him, RIP. Neither were perfect, but who was? I'm just happy we could all be adults at some point and find common ground. No issues there, I'm not sure whos luckier... Me for them, or them for me!
Dad's a boomer from 59 and moms gen x from 66
No. Born 1951
My parents are both GenJones Boomers ('59), and my kids are solidly Alpha.
I had a silent gen mom and an old boomer dad.
My parents had me kinda late, my dad is silent generation and my mom was born in the height of boomerdom and did not do much to help those stereotypes.
Nope. My parents were a different cusp Silent/Boomer.
Dad born in 46 - the most entitled of boomer years.
I was born in 82, my mom was born in 63 and my dad in 53. My dad’s super tech savvy and always has been, so I avoid those types of things at least
Silent Generation parents. Born during WW2.
I was mine were 1962/1965. Really interesting to see how they have similar behavior to both generations. I had a pretty good childhood. We were pretty poor growing up that’s about the only notable thing.
I was the last. So both boomers
Mine were full on boomers both born in the early 50's. My older sister is on the Gen X/ Xennial cusp.
My parents put the BOO in Boomer.
Mine were boomer + silent gen and I'm almost too young to be a xennial even 🤔
Yes I had Generation Jones parents and they are definitely different than both the boomers and Gen X. Unlike my friends parents who were older they didn't have stories of Woodstock, civil rights protests, or Vietnam's impacts. They don't have the pessimism of Gen X but sometimes skew too far with their idealism and freedom. If it was free or cheap my sister and I were free to try whatever it was because it might be amazing. They were semi-latchkey kids when younger so they had no concerns with my sister and I being complete latchkey kids. They refused to filter any of our media and instead just made themselves available for questions or consumed stuff with us and discussed things after. It took me awhile to realize that most kids didn't read erotica with their mom or discuss shows on skinemax with their parents.
49 and 53
I, uh, don’t know the generations. Lol
My parents were born in 1934 and 1943, if that helps. I was late to the party. My siblings are 10 and 13 years older than me.
My parents are both solidly Boomers. My mom is a malignant narcissist and my father left when I was two. When I tried to re-establish contact as an adult he told me I was a mistake he made when he was 20. I latch-keyed and got beaten every day of my childhood. My children have never had a hand laid on them. It’s been frustrating, sometimes, having to always talk through every problem, but it’s rewarding. I don’t a lot of us remember our parents talking through our problems with us.
Yes. My mother had me as a teenager. She is very early Gen X.
My parents are early boomers. 1948 and 1951.
My parents are on the older side of boomers. My dad was born in '49 and my mom in '51.
I was a product of their second marriages though. I have half brothers a decade older than me. They were both in their 30s.
Actually no, one Silent Gen, one solidly boomer. Both had kids late.
Full, on brand boomer parents in my household, pwning Facebook as we speak.
My parents were boomers. Born in 1948 and 1953. If they hadn’t waited ten years to have kids after being married, I’d be a gen X.
Mine are and firmly identify as Gen X, 66 and 68. Early Gen X Alex P Keaton vibes. Not Winona Ryder/Ethan Hawke in Reality Bites. (I’m 85 yes teen pregnancy)
Also has anyone watched Reality Bites? I saw it in 2010 and I graduated college in the 08 recession. The Hulk would’ve been concerned for my wine rage watching that movie.
My parents didn't have kids until their almost mid-30s so they're both Silent Gen (albeit cuspers). I definitely had a different (and possibly better) upbringing than a lot of friends my age with Boomer parents.
My parents were young, both born in 1962 and only 19 when they had me.
My first couple of years, we lived in squats and then my parents split, with my Dad disappearing from my life a bit later.
Me and my Sister both still have a great relationship with our Mum, and while she might have fallen short in a couple of traditional parent skills (my Stepdad was the cook), she did a good job with us and her young age never got in the way of parental responsibilities.
I've had two Stepdad's in my life, only one I have any relationship with as an adult.
Funnily enough, me and my Mum have spoken about generational divides before as like me with Millennials, she feels no connection to the Boomers. We were trying to figure out what Generation Jones was, but I don't think it translated to Britain.
Yeah my mom was 64 and I’m 83. Got to watch her party it up in the early 90’s after she left my deadbeat dad. Was interesting!
My mom is exactly on the cusp, she is the last year of Boomers in 1964. 17 years later, she had me the first year of the Millennials.
My parents are cuspers between silent Gen/boomers (42-45) I am an Xennial and I have 2 Gen Z/Alpha cusp kids. Weird how that works.
Exactly the same for me
Not me, my parents are late Boomers (‘57 and ‘59), but my husband’s mom is a cusper born in 1964. She was fairly young when he was born (84), and I think the impact on raising him was more to do with her being barely out of her teens than it had to do with her generation.
lol. One Silent and one barely boomer for me.
Younger Boomers (born 1955-64) were kids during the 60s and by the time they became adults, they weren't only too late to be hippies or anything else we associate with their elder siblings or cousins; but ran straight into the Oil Crisis and its aftermath which ran from 1973-82, which was (then) the worst depression for at least 25 years. In the UK, the economy didn't right itself until 1984-85 in the Southeast of England and arguably never has in many other places.
No, my parents are on the cusp between the Boomer and Silent Generation, but they fall on the Boomer side.
Interestingly, my dad is older yet feels less like a Boomer in terms of politics, temperament, and personality, whereas my mom is a full-blown Boomer.
My parents had me at 30. They were straight up boomers but didn’t live long enough for “boomer” to be a thing.
Back then “baby boomers” were what they were called and it wasn’t ever a negative thing.
My mom is 1964
My dad is an early boomer and my mom is a late boomer... 15 year age gap. Makes for some very interesting discussions at times.
Silent generation yo
My parents had us later in life. They were married almost 20 years before I was born. They were both born in 1941, so Silent Generation.
Nope. Straight up boomers
My dad was born in 61 and my mom was born in 66, so they were both Generation Jones cuspers.
My Dad was born in 66 and my mom just snuck in Jan of 69, and when I was born my mom was in high school and my dad was only a year or so removed. It made life different as I had one foot in the past and one foot in the present all my life. I was also raised mostly by my grandparents, and in rural Ohio that meant that you were stuck Five Years Back in Time on a regular basis. As I've grown older it's made me appreciate a lot more of how technology gives convenience, and at the same time I am completely at home in an analog world in a way most folks younger than 40 just aren't anymore.
*I still have a set of Radio Shack parts somewhere in an old box in a closet, lol*
My parents ('52 and '55) are full on boomer in nearly every way. They STILL ask me the most simple and basic tech questions over and over and over again. Things like how to open and find attachments in an email, why their cellphone ringer/volume is off, etc. It can be maddening at times.
Mine are solid boomers,
Parents are boomers. Mid 50s babies
My mother was a boomer (closer to gen x side)
My father was smack in the middle of the silent generation
Mine are solidly boomers. You would have young teen parents for them be on the boomer/gen x line. Gen x is only 15 years. My kids are both zalphas. I was 29 and 33 with them, 2009 and 2012.