Orlando pilots
Posted by PhilosopherNo6162@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 11 comments
I’m a student pilot from western New York (13.4 hrs) and my instructor just left for a new job flying private jets. So since I’m in western New York, the weather this time of year is hit or miss so I’m looking to move down to Florida for 4-6 weeks and get my PPL done. I was just wondering if anyone here has anything to say about the Sanford Orlando flight club? Any opinions or information is appreciated.
Doubtful you will get it done in 4-6 weeks. It’s possible but not probable.
PhilosopherNo6162@reddit (OP)
I’m going to be looking to fly every day
Unless the place has in house authority - most are part 141s and their curriculum is longer than 4-6 weeks, you are going to have DPE scheduling availability issues. Most instructors won’t schedule and DPE won’t take an appointment unless they are signed off and ready to go. So that works against to ask
PhilosopherNo6162@reddit (OP)
Gotcha. I’m part 61 does that make a difference?
Nope. Very few 61 places have in house authority. A few 141s do. But one of the issues is just getting on a DPE schedule for checkride. Most are at least a couple months out. Which far exceeds your 4-6 weeks
PhilosopherNo6162@reddit (OP)
Makes sense I’ll keep that in mind thank you!
Are you on the career track, or just doing it for fun?
PhilosopherNo6162@reddit (OP)
Also part 61
PhilosopherNo6162@reddit (OP)
Career track. Just doing my PPL there though
i’m a part of orlando christian flying club, i love it
This is a copy of the original post body for posterity:
I’m a student pilot from western New York (13.4 hrs) and my instructor just left for a new job flying private jets. So since I’m in western New York, the weather this time of year is hit or miss so I’m looking to move down to Florida for 4-6 weeks and get my PPL done. I was just wondering if anyone here has anything to say about the Sanford Orlando flight club? Any opinions or information is appreciated.
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