Dallas paramedics can now start blood transfusions in the field
Posted by Senior_Awareness_464@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 13 comments
“This week, it launched a pilot program, positioning military-grade coolers containing packed red blood cells in vehicles at Fire Station 32 in Pleasant Grove and Fire Station 42 near Love Field, locations where it found it could quickly dispatch to areas where it receives the most calls for gunshot wounds, stabbings, and other traumas.”
Maybe a stupid question but you need to know the type of blood a person has before you can do a blood transfusion... don't you? How are the paramedics in the field supposed to obtain this info?
No. I don't know DFD specifics, but EMS protocols are generally for low titer O+ whole blood specifically so they don't need to be concerned with matching in the field.
Why would they use O+ and not O-
By the time all these factors are stacked up in a statistical context, O+ is the best option for this use.
I’m O-!! I need to donate more and I just sent in my swab kit to the donor registry for bone marrow and blood 💕
They actually got this switched around, it's 0- that's the preferred blood type because it's universal. Anyone can accept 0- with zero testing, no I'll effects. 0+ is rich in blood cells, good for various cancer treatments, but not universal. Source: Me, I'm type 0- negative, only reason I found out was a blood drive for family friend years ago. I became a frequent donor with Carter Blood care, just felt like it was the right thing to do. I get a letter in the mail from a treatment coordinator at a neonatal unit, with a little gold pin of an outline of a baby in blue, the letter thanking me for my donations. How many children's lives my blood helped save, how important it was, how they wish more people would. At the time I was like 18, I just thought 'oh cool', didn't really hit me how serious it was. I'm rapidly advancing towards middle-age, and beat myself up because I haven't donated in a while. Literally no reason I shouldn't have been donating blood, especially when I know its literally a life saver. I'm off work Monday, I'm going.
Blood typing kit. It’s a little card and it can be done in the field.
Parker County has been doing blood/plasma in the field for a while now and the results have been great! Its awesome that Texas agencies are working to broaden their treatment abilities above the national standard!
Senior_Awareness_464@reddit (OP)
It make be even more beneficial in rural areas where it takes longer to get to a hospital.
I assume it’s cost, but wild how there are no emergency doctors responding to calls here like in every other western country. Even no doctors on air ambulances.
This is great news. Remember to donate! Carter Bloodcare and American Red Cross have locations and drives all over the metroplex every day.
All for it, but kinda ridiculous how long it has taken to get this pilot program moving. San Antonio has been doing pre-hospital transfusions for 7 years.
I was reading a book on the history of blood transfusions and apparently it was used not infrequently during the Blitz in the UK (checks notes) 85 years ago. But admittedly that was partially due to sometimes the difficulty getting people to hospitals especially while air raids were still ongoing.