I grew up near a navy airfield. I miss seeing those, the P3 Orions and occasional fighters and C-5a. Right over our house. I could hear them coming from far away and always looked to see what it was.
I see quite a bit of cool stuff coming into this Air Force base. It’s home to the LC-130 ski birds. I always enjoy watching them go in and out! Wish more fighters came through.
I'm currently a srudent at SCCC for their Air Traffic Control program. I got to see this very aircraft land on Rwy 22 durring a ground control lab in the tower. Pretty neat shit, the Skiers are cool as well.
When I was a kid, I lived in the flightpath for one of Detroit Metro's runways...Runway 21 right final was right over our house. It annoyed my dad to no end. I enjoyed every minute of it. I remember climbing up a tree in the middle of December 1969 to see the first 747 that ever flew into Detroit Metro airport. So I think you're a pretty lucky guy to be there.
I live a couple miles off the end of the runway for a super busy general aviation airport. Really enjoy seeing the variety of aircraft, lots of student pilots, but also good number of vintage fighters/bombers. My favorite one to hear is the stearman or B17, such great sounds!!
I don’t fly anymore myself but I enjoy knowing when a student pilot is still mastering throttle or pattern skills and remembering the thrill of learning to land on my own.
I bet you could feel it in your teefs😂 i used to have willow Grove NAS with a-10s that used to fly all the time. Never heard the brrt. But still was cool
Ugh, I lived not far from Willow Grove on Valley Road too growing up and you could hear the C130s and P3s idling from my house every day. I loved it, miss the airshows too.
Oh man. The airshows alone were why I can get enough of this sub. Seeing all the aircraft when I was like 9.
👀 <-- my eyes locked to the sky even to this day.
Nap time!
I grew up near a navy airfield. I miss seeing those, the P3 Orions and occasional fighters and C-5a. Right over our house. I could hear them coming from far away and always looked to see what it was.
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
I see quite a bit of cool stuff coming into this Air Force base. It’s home to the LC-130 ski birds. I always enjoy watching them go in and out! Wish more fighters came through.
Wright Patterson AFB?
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
Stratton ANGB in NY
Almost thought Stewart Lol
Yeah same
I'm currently a srudent at SCCC for their Air Traffic Control program. I got to see this very aircraft land on Rwy 22 durring a ground control lab in the tower. Pretty neat shit, the Skiers are cool as well.
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
That’s really cool, good luck with that!!
Same I grew up next to a C-5A training base Nonstop You could hear the takeoff jets all late night long
Or Brunswick or Jacksonville?
Depends on the coast doesn’t it
Really miss those Allison T-56s...
I lived in Charleston when the C5As were there...all day long they'd fly over my house. Amazing sight.
Lived right on the flight path in North Charleston.
C-17s / C-5s with the old engines and whatever navy aircraft were stopping by that day was always cool to see/hear.
I was in West Ashley - Orange Grove Rd.
Trenton air base?
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
Stratton ANGB
Look at its little feets!
Wow so huge fly across the sky
Wait so you get every morning an orgasm for free? That's better than any marriage!
I remember there was a C-17 that looked like it was going to fly over my house on flight radar. Then it took a turn, and I didn't get to see it...
I'm still salty about it
More "on approach" rather than "buzzing".
The landing gear and flaps are out. A good buzzing should be done clean and fast.
Regardless, nice video of an impressive aircraft.
good dog
Absolute unit
Big chonky girrrl. So graceful though.
Chunky monkey.
I say it gracefully lumbered by your house.
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
Haha! Very true
The Chonk! It’s the Chonk!
At least it wasn't crop-dusting your house!
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
Nope, but my dog does often
Beautiful video! My folks live in the flight path of Dover AFB and now that they’re retired I get daily plane spotting photos of C17s and C5s.
They are taking away millions of undocumented people. I live near Patrick and see several a day heading south.
Buildings can’t fl….. wut
I like big planes and I can not lie.
I don’t exactly live close to that base but I’m a brat and one day a c17 smoked my house so bad. I loved it.
I usually don't have my audio on but I had to turn it on to hear that C-17 rummmmble.
When I was a kid, I lived in the flightpath for one of Detroit Metro's runways...Runway 21 right final was right over our house. It annoyed my dad to no end. I enjoyed every minute of it. I remember climbing up a tree in the middle of December 1969 to see the first 747 that ever flew into Detroit Metro airport. So I think you're a pretty lucky guy to be there.
I live a couple miles off the end of the runway for a super busy general aviation airport. Really enjoy seeing the variety of aircraft, lots of student pilots, but also good number of vintage fighters/bombers. My favorite one to hear is the stearman or B17, such great sounds!!
I don’t fly anymore myself but I enjoy knowing when a student pilot is still mastering throttle or pattern skills and remembering the thrill of learning to land on my own.
Once you're bitten by the aviation bug...ya never stop loving it!
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
I agree! I love it too. I look up to the sky and watch every single time
That word doesn't mean what you think it means
A+ for bonus pupper content.
Also solid camera work!
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
Hahaha! Love that you noticed
Had an A400 fly over my house at 450 feet today
C stands for CHONK
I bet you could feel it in your teefs😂 i used to have willow Grove NAS with a-10s that used to fly all the time. Never heard the brrt. But still was cool
Ugh, I lived not far from Willow Grove on Valley Road too growing up and you could hear the C130s and P3s idling from my house every day. I loved it, miss the airshows too.
Oh man. The airshows alone were why I can get enough of this sub. Seeing all the aircraft when I was like 9. 👀 <-- my eyes locked to the sky even to this day.
I miss the viewing lot to watch the planes land and take off and every so often you'd get some F18s come in
Me next!
I get so giddy when those things fly overhead.
Unfortunately it's only a couple of times a year, but there is a consolation prize: they usually fly pretty low.
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
Ditto! It’s usually C-130’s (which are still cool) but the C-17 is much less often, so it’s a treat
Amazing camera work!
Nice. Your house and yard must be covered in toxic chemicals from unburnt fuel. Good deal though if you like planes a lot.
Plane_Doughnut_5717@reddit (OP)
It’s ok my tin foil hat protects me
Flying whale