It was totally worth getting caught in a hailstorm to see this (OC)
Posted by portraitsofspeed@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 36 comments
I thought I might never get to see the Frecce Tricolori. I couldn’t make any of the dates of their North America tour. So imagine my surprise when they showed up at my local small airport on the way to Boston. The flyover ended up being cancelled due to a sudden thunderstorm that dropped marble-sized hail on our heads for close to two hours. Totally worth it though.
Photos are my own, captured 26 Aug 2024.
I love it when I can swipe between 2 images but it’s just the same image
This comment. I started swiping and went ooooohhh very quality post and the image cropping was done properly
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
Thank you! I’ve done this in my Instagram but I didn’t know it worked on Reddit until I tried it for this post. Definitely going to do it more for wider crops.
Frecce Tricolori - Italian Aerobatics team
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
Very good. Wish I had known the tricolori were gonna be there. Would have flown up for the day.
Saw them in Orange County NY last year. Didn't know what to expect from them, but oh man was I impressed.
They instantly became my favorite flight demo team, because they kind of spit in the face of the rather silly and drab "loud = good show" trope that the angels & birds go on.
Cant wait for my next chance to see them again!
These have the Best show and coolest dudes out of TBirds, BlueAngels and Russian Knights. Red Arrows are not far behind though
cool you got to see them! I heard they'll be switching to a new aircraft type, so you got to see these Aermacchis before the move on to the next aircraft.
Nice catch! Look at them in their designer suits, Gucci flight boots.. I’ve seen them before it was a wicked demo!
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
Wait, are they actually Gucci boots?
Absolutely not haha
I have absolutely no clue, sorry OP I should have out /s. Be cool if they were though.
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
😂😂😂 honestly it would not surprise me one bit if they were
Lmao yeah I’m typing it like “hah nice one man. Wait… what if….?” 50/50 shot I guess
I'll bet these guys are way less douchy than the blue angels.
There's nothing like the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds with all that raw power coming from an f-18 or F-16 especially when they do a high-speed pass just under Mach 1
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
We unfortunately don’t get anyone anymore. The Rhode Island Air National Guard cancelled the annual air show indefinitely, and we haven’t had one since 2018. So seeing these guys even on the ground was pretty cool. There are other air shows around, hopefully I’ll be able to make it to a few this year.
I use them as a bathroom break at RIAT lol
I saw them as a kid near Venice and here I am 25 years later still desperate to tumble through the sky with them. We have the Red Arrows here. I used to live near RAF Valley so I’d see them often (and very low over my back porch when they were done) but I’ve never been impressed with them the way I was with these guys.
What’s the texting all about? Quite cliquey.
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
They’d just landed after a flight of several hours, probably checking to see if they heard from loved ones or updates to their itinerary.
It looks like they’re texting each other.
I love TF Green, never any line at security
Looks like a viper jet?
They’re Aermacchi MB-339PANs.
That 767 Patriots 😍
Nice! Glad you got to catch them! We saw them at Ocean City (both days!) and they put on a great performance.
At first i thought you were taking images of the JetBlue (i didn't see the other planes until 10 seconds later)
I saw them perform at Mather Field and it was awesome. The pilots also walked all around the public areas in their uniforms taking pictures with people--the women were swooning like crazy lol
Very cool! That Pats plane is also gorgeous.
Gorgeous is not the word id use to describe it..
portraitsofspeed@reddit (OP)
It’s the highlight of the airport before and during the season. We also occasionally get the Boston sports-themed JetBlue liveries on the tarmac at the same time, which is neat.
I used to work the ramp at Denver Int’l and I saw that Patriots plane doing random cargo runs a few times. Always caught my eye
Agree! That JetBlue plane is pretty 😜
Thats awesome! i wish to see them. Ive seen the Patriots plane many times up close at local airshows.