Why do you brake check?
Posted by Objective_Piece_8401@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 227 comments
This morning, I’m moving from 75 south to 635 west. Coming out of the high five, I turn on my signal and need to move left because the two right lanes are exit only. I turn on my signal, let this… Person… pass me and as soon as I get behind her she hits the brakes. No one in front of her. Just wanted to be an ass. So, to you Karen (yes, she had the haircut), I curse you:
May you wake up to two flat tires every day for the rest of your life. May NTTA send you zipcash bills that are too high when you don’t use the toll road. May the mechanic charge you double any time you need a repair. May every tank of gas you buy have just enough water in it to make your car run like shit. May your car batteries explode under your hood the day after the warranty expires. May the fireman on scene call an outside hazmat vendor to clean up the battery acid. And may the state take your license for being a generally shitty driver and being rude to your fellow man.
I would wish you to be required to ride the bus but those people didn’t do anything to me and it’s unfair to them.
Old man rant over.
I dont... I just left go of the accelerator and coast. It's not a quick jerk stop but the person behind me will get the point and either get off me butt or go around.
I drive the speedlimit or slightly higher so no need to ride my ass.
You realize that if you’re in the “fast” or hammer lane then you’re the problem here right? Please tell me you understand this
So faster than speedlimit in the fast lane is not enough?
You realize if you are going over the speedlimit and mad at someone else going slightly less but also above the speedlimit, you are the problem.
Please tell me your understand this.
It’s not the “fast” lane, it’s the passing lane. If you’re driving in the passing lane and not actively passing, you are the problem.
Please tell me you understand this.
I understand what the passing lane is.
I use the passing lane as intended.
I just don't want to be tailgated
Thats when I coast and only then.
If they maintained a proper distance I will fuck off to another lane when clear.
I will even speed up if clear lane is taking too long for me to get to at current speed.
Just don't tailgate and all is good.
No, Not if you can reasonably get out of the way of faster traffic, and you’re bottlenecking the flow of thru traffic by way of slowing down the people behind you. Cause and effect my guy you back up the flow of traffic that affects people for miles.
So you would rather be right, and be policing other people’s speed, than just be courteous and move out of the way of faster traffic is your general opinion? Causing people to have to speed up to go around you, creating a more dangerous environment for everyone, simply because you’ve deemed that they are going too fast for the road you’re on, when you yourself admit you’re not even following the posted speed in this scenario.
Not about bring right... it's about them not being right on me.
If they kept a reasonable distance i will move over with no issue.
They can go as fast as they want. I don't want them riding my ass.
I won't be blocking them. I just won't be moving aside. I'm not saying I am going to prevent the flow of traffic. I am saying no ride my butt cause I always got time to coast. Those few seconds I lose while coasting isn't costing me a thing.
How would you know they are trying to pass then?
You say it’s not about being right, but if you see someone on your ass, why not move? They are clearly in a bigger hurry than you as you stated, so why not move? You’re literally making my point for me here. Don’t make it about ego, you have no idea why they are going so fast. Maybe they need to get to the hospital, maybe they are late for work, who cares really.
If in the left most lane, most will assume the person is trying to pass. I too would assume that. So I will gladly move aside if they come at a decent speed and not ride my ass. Issue is coming in fast and just tailgating. Then I become an issue for them.
It's not about being right. It's about them not being right on me. They can go to other lanes. I'm sure someone will move for em.
Not blocking if they have access to other lanes. And they also have the option of slowing down to a regular rate of speed.
Go with the flow of traffic.
Your scenarios describe you obstructing the flow of traffic.
For a few seconds, sure.
See this is a straight up lie if u were passing u wld simply pass but ur not ur waiting for someone to get in ur butt so u can have something to complain about, i guess ur bored w ur life. Well be careful u might get more than u barganed for....
Must be nice to have such an active imagination still.
And damn... whole lot of yall jump to some doom and gloom conclusion
"Move over or you will be sorry, buddy"
And I never complained once... all i said is don't ride my ass and we good.
Ride my ass? I coast on yours. No hand gestures, no raised voice, no emotion... just us hanging out.
Yea ik i tght u were in the right lane not the left but u said either or. Its the either or thats the doom and gloom buddy... learn the rules of the road r dont drive its not emotions its that u r gonna purposely cause an accident
People jumped on left lane talk.
But I was speaking generally. So regardless of lane... even the left one.
Riding my ass will not make me move over. Maintain proper distance and I will move over when I have a clear lane to move to.
It's really that simple.
But lots of people here defending the speedster trying to set world records.
Ok so u simply do not understand the left lane is only for passing which means ppl in the left lane r going faster than said speed limit bc they are doing what u cant seem to understand, passing. Yea u probably shld not be driving if u r that old r that young that u dont comprehend....
You guys are assuming a lot of stuff I didn't say.
What i have said (throughout various posts)
Not policing anything. Coast typically lasts like 3 to 4 seconds when they get the idea and slow down. I then resume my typically highway speed and will fuck off to another lane once I am clear and no tailgating is present.
It's common courtesy to not ride ass and not buy me dinner first.
Ass too pretty for these lames in altimas.
Wrong. In the left lane you do not impede. It is not your responsibility to control the speed of the people behind you. Even if you are going 1000MPH, if someone behind you wants to 1002, you get out of the way.
The reason for this is when you are impeding in the left lane, you are creating a very dangerous situation where drivers that want to pass are forced to move to the right into a slower lane to get around you. That is what causes accidents.
Tell me how someone going 1000 is more likely to cause an accident than the person going 1002 if tbe flow of traffic is 950?
Obviously the numbers are ridiculously exaggerated to make the point. The point is that it doesn’t matter what your speed is when you are in the passing lane with no one in front of you.
When you are in the fast lane with cars behind you and no one in front of you, the safe and courteous move is to either speed up or move out of the way. You are impeding the cars behind you.
The impeding driver has much more control over the situation than the impeded drivers. That front car has no one in front of him controlling his speed.
Unless there is a car in front.
A lot of you assume the highway in question is completely bumper to bumper on the right lanes and the left is completely clear with just me in front going 40 just slowing everything down.
In reality, if it were bumper to bumper on the right it too would be bumper to bumper on the left. And easy to assume there is a car in front of me as well.
Now we all going 1000mph and the person behind me riding my ass is doing 1002.
My coasting them to get em off me is bad?
Another correct situation... Empty highway everywhere. Im not in the left lane. Someone tailgates me. I coast.
Me bad?
Me dangerous?
Not once did i say i am holding onto the passing lane forever and no one will ever pass. I have mentioned quite a few times that I would gladly let people pass if they are in need to go faster than my already fast speed. As long as they maintain proper distance. They want to project that they are going fast sooner? Flash your lights. I will notice and speed up to clear the lane.
Riding my ass will not achieve what they want as quickly as they want.
The left lane is for passing. If you are still passing cars to your right while driving in the left lane, however fast you are going, then that's fine. But if you can safely move over to not be in the left lane, then you should do so... again regardless of the speed at which you are driving.
I agree completely.
This is what most on here isn't getting. I'm not intentionally slowing traffic down for the sake of slowing traffic down.
I just don't want someone riding my ass regardless of traffic or speed situation.
Be it the left most or right most lane.
I will move over for any and all cars that drive as they should. But speedsters riding my ass get coasted on.
Justify it all you want, you are actively contributing to the traffic problems with actions like this. Yeah, tailgaters can be annoying, but if you are in the left lane and not only not making an attempt to get over for people going faster than you, but slowing down to spite them, you’re just letting your ego dictate the flow of traffic.
Maintain a proper distance and i will move.
Issue here isn't the speed of the drivers. It's the tailgating.
People will speed all the time. Not enough cops to stop that. People will tailgate all the time. Not enough cops to stop that.
But if you ride my ass... I coast.
It won't hurt traffic, since I would be going with the flow of traffic.
Lane choice makes no difference.
Its the speed they wldnt be tailgating if u knew how to drive
You guys are assuming a lot of stuff I didn't say.
What i have said (throughout various posts)
Not policing anything. Coast typically lasts like 3 to 4 seconds when they get the idea and slow down. I then resume my typically highway speed and will fuck off to another lane once I am clear and no tailgating is present.
It's common courtesy to not ride ass and not buy me dinner first.
Ass too pretty for these lames in altimas.
I dpnt think u have a license theres no way u r of driving age r u so old u shldnt be on the road anymore. Anyways ur lucky if u r actually a driver and not just some random bored w their life person, but ur lucky u havent been in multiple accidents im sure ones coming no way u slowing all the traffic all the time like this a cop wld take ur liscense
You guys are assuming a lot of stuff I didn't say.
What i have said (throughout various posts)
Not policing anything. Coast typically lasts like 3 to 4 seconds when they get the idea and slow down. I then resume my typically highway speed and will fuck off to another lane once I am clear and no tailgating is present.
It's common courtesy to not ride ass and not buy me dinner first.
Ass too pretty for these lames in altimas.
The second you “coast” in the left lane, you are changing the flow of traffic.
Often if the tailgater has enough speed and room to be all up on me it is all clear behind them. So only impeding them while maintaining the flow of other traffic. Cause coasting doesn't slow you down thst fast.
Now if they are just on me to be one me then that means typically the traffic is pretty well stuffed and all driving about the same.
So them tailgating wouldn't gain anything in that case. And coasting would lose about 5 to 10 mph tops. Which in most cases another driver from a different lane will pull in front of me to fill in the spot.
This is such a strange hill to die on.
Have a good one.
Out here living.
It absolutely isn’t.
First, you need to accept the reality that people will drive over the speed limit.
Second, disabuse yourself that you have a place helping to police this because you are causing more harm than good, and you’re not the police.
Third, sounds like when you’re on the highway need to be hugging the far right side when not passing.
I have stated i mainly stay in the left right lanes. Might have missed it. Long thread now.
Either way... 70 to 80 mph isn't slow.
If you are going above that, coo... do it over there and don't ride my ass.
That's it.
Ride my aas... bad. Me coast on you.
Keep safe distance... good. Me move over for you when I have a chance to.
I think the “Hammer lane” name might just be a you thing, dawg. I’ve never heard that one, and Google’s coming up empty.
It’s trucker vernacular technically but “hammer lane” and “granny lane” have been around for decades. Idk what kind of Google you’re using but it’s literally right at the top if you Google it lol
Huh. That's fair, my B. Thanks for the correction!
I think they meant let go of the accelerator
Yes... i meant let go
I have corrected it.
But either way I'll coast on ya ass if you ride mine.
Even in the fast lane.
Slower traffic keep right.
So at or above speedlimit is slow?
Not gonna go 100mph everywhere I go.
That's dumb..
you don't have to, just let those people pass. the left lane is a passing lane. "slower traffic keep right" & all that.
Won't be a problem if they don't tailgate.
A decent approach. I'll pull off to the right lane once I pass the car to my right. No problem.
If you coming in fast and just riding ass... nah we both gonna be late
idk can't see myself wasting my own time like that & it's probs better for you to not do it either, people are crazy on the roads
Isn't much time wasted by anyone though.
Typically the coast lasts about 5 seconds tops. Tailgater realizes and backs off. No sudden stop like a break check so it's safer for everyone.
I'm not gonna coast em for 10 miles. Just so they can get off me and I can make a lane change.
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
You are looking at this wrong. Are you passing the car to your right? If not, is there a car in front of you preventing you from passing the car to your right? If the answer is no, get out of the left lane.
Are you a police officer? No then knock it off.
You are looking at this wrong.
I'm not preventing anyone from passing. Just preventing a butt rider from passing as quickly as they would like.
Maintain proper distance and wait for me to get a clear window to allow passage.
That's it.
But if they wanna ride ass... they get coast'd
Slower is a comparative adjective. If you're going slower than the cars behind you, you are slower traffic.
It's not a difficult concept if your iq is more than 17.
Go with the flow of traffic... that is a key thing about driving.
Just because someone wants to drive 100mph doesn't mean we just automatically move for em.
Actually better and safer to maintain speed and direction.
I'll do all that... but as soon as they come up to me and ride my ass.
I coast.
Again, incorrect on all points. You're being a hazard and creating dangerous situations. But you feel good about it I guess. Hope you don't piss off some maniac with a gun 🤷♂️
It's in correct if you the one riding ass.
Just maintain proper distance and everything gonna be golden.
I wanna see u tell the cop i wasnt speeding i was going w the flow of traffic. Well sir not paying attention to ur speed just cost u $350 dumb*ss
Left lane is for passing so if u r going the speed limit i wld have to go faster than u in order to pass u thats what the left lane is for, passing...
Agreed. But tailgating won't make me move faster.
Maintaining proper distance would. Light flash would.
The coasting usually lasts at most likely 5 seconds. They get rhe idea quick and back off. I then move over when I have a chance to.
If I am in the fast lane I would be doing around 70 to 80. So not exactly slow.
But doesn't mean just cause you doing 100 I have to automatically move over if I can't. Maintaining speed and direction is more helpful than just slowing down and changing lanes to someone driving erratic
I think what the other commenters said its ur fear of the road. Its ur opinion that u arent going slow but if ppl r in ur butt enough that u on reddit complaining about it it means u r the one thats wrong. Literally cannot be everyone else. Nice chat i have a house to clean. Later reddit
Nope. Means they are rhe butt riders.
Means they are the issue most likely.
If a driver in front of you is already going 70 to 80 and someone just jumps behind you riding your ass... most will brake check em.
Now thsrs dangerous.
Coasting is a graduate slow down. That the rear driver will typically pick up on pretty quickly.
I don't fear the road at all. I just don't care for tailgaters.
Again this applies to all lanes.
I can be passing on the far left and fuck off to another lane when it's clear without issues. Do it daily. I know what the left lane is for.
Nobody said go 100mph, just get over...
Don't ride ass then.
Be happy at 70 to 80mph
You're throwing a lot of stuff out that nobody is saying. You have too much ego while driving, and trying to teach lessons on the road will only get you or somebody else killed.
It's this simple. 1. You're not the police, and you can't do their job. 2. It's a common courtesy to move over, that you clearly lack, which makes you an asshole.
You guys are assuming a lot of stuff I didn't say.
What i have said (throughout various posts)
Not policing anything. Coast typically lasts like 3 to 4 seconds when they get the idea and slow down. I then resume my typically highway speed and will fuck off to another lane once I am clear and no tailgating is present.
It's common courtesy to not ride ass and not buy me dinner first.
Ass too pretty for these lames in altimas.
Yeah.. ok..
Rich, pretty, poor, ugly, accidents don't discriminate. Just be safe out there 👍🏽
Sure don't. But a crash at 50 is better than one at 100.
Yes, going slower than those behind you is going slow, even if you think it’s at or above the speed limit.
Also, by letting go of the accelerator and coating on them you are taking some pretty aggressive action. You’re basically starting a fight. That’s what you are doing. I’m sure you don’t think you are but you are. If you don’t want to be the person starting a fight don’t let off the accelerator. Either keep going the speed you’re going, or ideally, pay attention to what’s going on behind you and if you see you’re the one holding up traffic, be polite to your fellow travelers and move over and get out of their way.
Yes coasting is aggressive while the speedster is the victim.
Starting a fight would be brake checking. I'm just letting the tailgater tailgate a little closer till they realize it's too close and fucks off all on their own.
Yall keep bringing up traffic like I'm in the left lane just driving 40mph.
I'll be going 70 to 80 in a mostly empty highway on the middle lanes. Some random car, usually an altima, just pulls up behind me riding ass.
I coast.
They now have a choice. Either slow down or go around.
When in traffic I use the left lane as a passing lane only.
Ok. You’re not hearing it from me. I get it. Ask everyone you know (although they may not tell you the truth since they probably want to stay being your friend) if what you’re doing is right or wrong. It’s wrong. Not that there aren’t other wrong people out there, but you’re still wrong too.
Those people aren’t doing anything to you at all. They’re not getting in your way or making you drive faster or slower. But because you’re scared, you’re forcing them to change how they’re driving. That’s amazingly rude. Other people don’t get scared of the freeway, but you do, and you take your fear out on others. Others don’t see it as a risk but you do and because you do you’re going to teach them a lesson. That attitude is pretty awful. You’re amazingly selfish but you think you’re justified.
Amazingly rude to go with the flow of traffic and not allow an aggressive driver to pass me by coasting for a couple of seconds?
I'm OK with you thinking I'm wrong.
But I wouldn't be putting anyone in danger. I would actually be slowing the danger down. What they do once they pass me is beyond me.
Maintaining a safe distance is all I have been talking about. You some how started talking about fighting, emotional damage, and all sorts of stuff.
I just dont wanna be tailgated. Don't do that and imm scoot over once I have a clear lane.
If there was a clear lane to begin with, which happens often, they could have scooted over themselves before getting to me.
Because maintaining speed and direction is more important when encountering a speeder. Sudden lane changes and loss of speed can effect their actions causing a bigger issue.
Maintain a safe following distance.
In the right lane, yes.
That law applies to all lanes.
If you're tailgating, you're wrong, and quite possibly an asshole.
The law states left lane for passing not left lane to go slower than mama. No need in tailgating if ppl driving the speed limit r in the right lane.
The law doesn't say "maintain a safe following distance but it's ok to tailgate if you think the car in front of you is too slow."
You don't get to break a law because someone else is breaking another law.
The law also says don’t impede traffic. You don’t get to blah blah blah….
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
That goes both ways…
Brain dead.
I was on you side until this. If you’re in the left lane and someone is on your ass, you probably need to move over.
If they maintained proper distance i would move without issue.
It's the ass riding I'm not a fan of.
Simple flash of lights is a reminder to scoot over. Which again, I would do once I have access to an open lane. I much rather flashing brights to move over than ass riding.
Flashing lights from a distance is even better... let's me know you coming in fast so I gotta get out the way fast too.
But ride my ass without the flash? ...what lupe fiasco say?
Left lane is for passing no reason to even be in the left lane unless u r trying to be a karen. U want someone to argue w well making ppl have road rage bc ur bored is gonna get u hurt
Damn you guys really be making shit up in your minds.
Left lane is for passing. Agreed.
I will be in the left lane to pass.
If someone rides my ass I am coasting.
If no one rides my ass I will pass and leave the left lane.
Hope this helps.
Don't get me wrong, they shouldn't be in the left lane, but they aren't putting people's life at risk like tailgating does. 2 wrongs don't make a right
Should read what I said again.
I did typo though. Typed "left" but meant "let" but either way I did mention being at or above speedlimit.
Even in the fast lane there shouldn't be an issue with thst. Since you know it's either same or above speedlimit which is intended as a passing lane.
I don't stay in the left lane all day. I use it as a passing lane. But will wrong a butt hugger, I guess.
If you move over that's fine, and fuck tailgaters, but there's people that try and road police by driving just at the speed limit in the left and they shouldn't because someone could have good reason to speed a bit and also cruising in the left lane is illegal (which also applies to the people driving too fast). That's why people get on edge about left lane stuff.
All that I agree with.
Totally disagree. When the tailgater or person pushing in the hammer lane can’t pass, what do they do? Either tailgate recklessly or try to pass, and when they do they are now introducing a faster moving car into slower moving traffic in the attempt to pass. Way more dangerous. Not to mention the bottlenecking causes more traffic in and of itself which then leads to more on road issues.
The tailgating is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.
Immature bad drivers teach lessons to other drivers. Just drive to your destination like an adult.
Stop trying to control other people’s behaviors.
My husband likes to talk a big game about people being idiots and not knowing how to drive, but I cringe when I’m in the car with him he drives so aggressively bad.
Driving at or slightly above speedlimit.
Bumping 2chains or junior senior... depending if kid is in the car.
I somewhat do this, but with a twist: I will tap the brake pedal ever so slightly just to engage the lights, but not actually slow down significantly.
Works most of the time!
Yup, my grandmother always called this one “slow-rolling” people.
If we’re driving safely and not impeding other sane folks on the road, you shouldn’t be letting others dictate unsafe driving practices to you or goad you into them due to pressure from their unsafe driving.
So you force them to go around, and you also continue to drive on your own terms. It’s just safer than letting them run you up, forcing you out of the way, or brake-checking them.
Left lane most of the time I’m sure. You sound like a delight.
Corrected my response... typed "left" but meant "let".
Actually stick usually to the right 2 lanes most the time.
Left most only when passing.
Like a good driver.
Driving fast naturally makes us more emotionally excitable so if you combine that reality with the brain of a selfish moron it just amplifies their sollipsism and self importance.
People have fragile egos and have little to no patience or self control
all the cogs of the machine, spinning, living their worthless unexamined lives
Or, have the cogs taken a good look in the mirror, fully examined their lives, and are now bitter and angry at the fact that they’ve found them to be tiny? Discuss.
well if they'd have fully examined their lives, they'd have realized the bitterness and anger they feel are not directed towards another person who also has to drive their own car
Some drivers in Dallas are the worst. I was driving home from work in North Dallas and because of an accident up ahead, traffic was barely moving. Because of where the accident occurred on 636, cars in the far left lane were having to merge into the inside right lane, around the emergency vehicles. There was a large pickup truck right on my bumper, meaning he was not going to let any vehicles merge in front of him, so I let quite a few, merge in front of me, without ever coming to a complete stop. This seemed to ager the guy behind me, and once we got pass the congestion and our speed picked up, the truck driver goes around and gets in front of me to brake check. This was only because I allowed cars to get around the accident!
If you're on my ass for an unreasonable amount of time, you're getting checked. Only reason I will ever do it.
Gotta say that I was recently tempted to brake check for the first time. I'm a student driver with a sedan and was on a side street recently that was plenty wide and not busy. Considering I'm a student and it was dark I was absolutely going 5 below.
Of course this vaulted pickup rides me for over two miles, brights on the whole time lighting up my whole car. Didn't see any cars going the other way the entire time so they had AMPLE opportunity to pass but no, they were practically kissing my tires. I was genuinely worried they were trying to drive over my small car. I'm not going faster than I feel safe doing though so tough shit asshole, learn to pass.
The driving is terrible in Dallas. I even think El Paso, TX has way better and more considerate drivers than here. It's one of the big reasons I'm considering leaving DFW because of the driving alone.
You're not gonna get anyone who does this to out themselves and explain why on Reddit. Over the years I've asked similar things on here... it's useless.
Excellent curse though!
I'll admit it. I break check lifted trucks who ride my ass when I'm minding my own business in the far right lane going the speed limit when they could change to the left lane and pass me. I know it's stupid, but I can't help the irritation it causes. I leave early, give myself enough time, if you're in a rush don't blame that on me.
That's just dumb.
You're not going to be the winner in that situation, if they hit you physics is not on your side, they are going to crush your back seat and push you into the highway divider or into another car.
Plus those people generally have a cattle guard/push bar that is mounted directly to the frame of their truck, that thing is not going to crumple like your thin metal/plastic car.
Don't break check because you don't want to get rear ended if they are glancing at their radio, etc. Just gradually slow down, that will deliver the message just as much without the danger.
I personally prefer to leave enough room in front of me to stop if there is say a chair or ladder in the middle of the road. If someone is tailgating me, I make sure I leave enough room for the both of us.
What if I want to get rear ended? I was trying to avoid a hazard in the road, they were traveling too close.
I get frustrated with assholes too, but best case scenario if you get rear ended is being inconvenienced and losing hours of your day. Plus dealing with insurance for weeks afterward. It’s not worth it to me to try to prove a point that won’t land anyway.
To you, maybe not. To me ..
You sound like my kinda person 😂
You could be found partially liable. Worst, it can cause a fatality and then you've just thrown your life away, for what?
Liable because I used my breaks to avoid a hazard? Not my fault they were following too close. Any resulting actions from them rear ending me would be on them.
Yeah, you're still partially at fault if you break check. There is a difference between needing to slam on your breaks to avoid a real hazard and break checking.
I didn't break check, I was avoiding a hazard.
Dash cams and all the street cameras can easily prove different and I’m sure you’ll be able to just go about your life after a fatality you were involved in due to your fragile ego. Plenty of what if’s in that situation, how about just drive and get to where you’re going safely.
Didn't I see you get pulled over for exactly this the other morning? Really made my day at 8am, thank you!
Brb putting this on a comically long bumper sticker
Is it still considered a bumper sticker if it wraps around the car?
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
I asked Chat GPT to paraphrase and got the following: “I have tiny PP”
Starts on the back bumper, ends on the front
I would 100% put this on my Corolla 😭
> when they could change to the left lane and pass me
Brake checking is far too dangerous. In that situation, I just slowly slow down until they get the hint and pass.
Riding my ass is dangerous.
Hopefully they pull your hair while doing so
Your brake-checking is absolutely more dangerous for you than for him. Even discounting the odds that the redneck is armed and stupid.
Don't tailgate someone with nothing to lose.
I don't brake check, but I do lift my foot off the accelerator. "They seemed to be in a hurry so I was making it easier for them to pass" is a lot better defense than brake checking, if you get pulled into their nonsense accident.
I don't brake check them but I slow down when a lifted truck is tailing me at night, I have an astigmatism and the lights make it very difficult to see. I don't understand why the choose to ride peoples tails instead of moving over
Because they're assholes.
No no no, they are the #1 most important, and you did not fit into their plan for the day. That's what you have to keep in mind!
My dad it and always done it for a while until I turned 17 and didn't do it on my car and we had an argument about it. He even called a friend of his in front of me to ask about it.
To be fair, English is a second language for him. He came here when he was a kid so maybe his dad did it. Learned behaviors are hard to change.
Those warnings wouldn't exist unless someone tried it and sued.
Probably people from states where you put a registration tag on you plate like cali
Sure, but they also can't read?
No, they can't. The average person is stupid
Things I have learned over the past 6 years. No one reads.
sounds like Dallas.
I was driving and a tesla was 100 feet behind me in the same lane. We were coming to a point where the lanes merged and I was alread going 5 over in a 45. Well the jackass in the tesla put on the acceleration, switched lanes, barely passed me in time and then slowed down.
You know I rode that guys ass for 5 minutes honking just waiting for him to get out so I could beat his ass
Good curse. I hope she goes to get an oil change and pays for an air filter and cabin filter and radiator flush and none of the work gets done.
I find that method too aggressive. See, what I like to do, particularly to those tailgating, I just get off the gas. No sudden brakes, no reason to risk anyone getting rear ended. I just let the car coast until it's slow enough that they get annoyed and will try to pass me on the right, where they'll find a car blocking that lane, and find themselves merging in behind me again. Mind you, I already drive 10 over the limit on freeways and typically stick to the left lane until I'm 2 miles away from my exit.
Mi Li
Almost sounds like they wanna commit insurance fraud.
Really hard to pick a side.... I've seen plenty of cars barely move on that exit with no cars in front of them. Are you driving really slow throughout the whole exit? Because that shit is annoying man. Please stop if you are.
Don't curse let God deal. This is how Dallas was and is.... Unfortunately....
When someone tailgates me, if they don't move over, I change lanes to let the fools be on their way...
Are you sure it was a brake check? I see people just randomly breaking for no reason at all pretty often. I suspect it's some kind of "I want to look at my phone so I'll just slow down that's safe" logic.
Drive like a Canadian. Go a reasonable pace, stay right if you’re slower than other cars, let people merge. Practice kindness.
If someone tailgates me, and I’m not in a position to pass, I slow down to a safer speed & increase following distance in case there is a need to stop so the person behind me has more control. As soon as it’s safe I move over.
A lot of people do that to get hit for insurance fraud....that's why dash cams are getting so popular.
Because it feels good Next question please
Defensive driving specifically teaches you to tap the brakes to alert someone that they are following too close. Some folks are so nervous or scared or frustrated or angry that they tap the brakes pretty hard. So it might have been an act of defensive driving rather than road rage.
You made that up. It’s funny you think an antagonistic behavior is somehow defensive driving.
I’ve taken defensive driving five times in my life and it was in the course every time.
I’m actually concerned that you’ve had to take defensive driving so many times…clearly you aren’t learning something
LMAO fair assumption, but no. Taking it gets you a discount on your drivers insurance, if you're taking it voluntarily. Every couple of years the discount expires and you can take defensive driving again to get the discount re-applied. I take it online at home on my couch and then report it and get the discount.
I’ll answer honestly.
I would let my ego get the best of me, feeling I had to show/teach someone a lesson and would brake check to feel ‘superior’ in a sense. Like “aha look what I almost made you do!” Just being an asshole. Or if I felt someone brake checked me I felt I had to get them back cause they must’ve did it on purpose. When 9/10, really 10/10 cause I’m just assuming, they probably didn’t even notice me nor even purposely did it, but I felt I was wronged in the moment. I would find different ways to justify my reckless driving and road rage.
Since then I’ve worked on my anger issues by going to therapy. Road rage is not worth anybody else life just cause I was emotionally immature. If I get mad, just yell FUCK! in my car and continue along to my destination. People are just trying to get home, go to work, see loved ones, or what not. Road rage isn’t worth harming or taking someone’s life just cause I’m upset. Usually upset over something that I’ll forget by the time I reach my exit.
Its dumb, I was idiotic, and careless. I don’t want to put myself nor anybody in that position again.
This morning I was appropriately braking with the traffic in front of me, but a Mercedes who had been whipping around cars had pulled in inches behind me while I braked. They quickly switched back, and then when barely a space opened in front of me (silly me for trying to keep a minimum of a cars length of space) they swerved over and harshly braked checked me.
Like??? I never brake checked you, you were just following extremely closely and driving erratically
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
Same person passed me I think. Saw a white Benz zipping across lanes to get around people. Luckily I was never in their path.
Fast drivers are at least rational. Get out of their way and they’re gone, driving predictably fast away from me.
Irrational drivers bother me. Make it clear what the fuck you want and as long as it doesn’t harm me, you go right ahead. This morning she watched me come down an on-ramp and didn’t want to allow me to merge into traffic.
About 2 weeks ago a Tesla break checked a bunch of cars on DNT and caused a 6 car wreck just because they missed their turn and didn’t know what to do.. I was involved in this wreck and worst part is DPS came and gave tickets out for “failure to control vehicle”….
People here can’t drive
Teslas are prone to phantom automatic braking so it may have not been intentional.
This is definitely becoming more common. Just simply changing lanes/speeding up behind people so that you can pass them, and they seemingly start to panic and slow down/brake. Not saying some people don’t pass rather aggressively, but getting passed is not a personal attack on you.
I have thought about this a lot and I really really don’t think they are panicking. I really think they’re doing it on damn purpose.
Oh I agree, I’m just trying to make sense of it because it’s definitely becoming more common. I have never once seen a car behind me speeding up and thought to start panic braking with absolutely nobody in front of me.. that’s just asking for a wreck here.
There’s a post al title further down, by migs something or other, who admits to doing something similar to this on purpose. Defends it by saying they have the right to go the speed they want/the speed limit and if they feel someone behind them is too close they feel justified taking action to teach them a lesson about it. Amazing.
I hate the people you are talking about but reread what migs wrote because they didn't say that, and they had a followup that they dont stay in the left lane.
Yep. I don’t want to be unfair. They totally did say they don’t stay in the left lane. And they did say they’re looking out for their own safety as their intended goal. Both of which I respect. And they also said they’re not brake checking which would be egregious of course. So I hate that I’m being harsh. But when I’m typing my replies and thinking through their thought process I just get heated. I can’t not see it as really selfish and aggressive…
I do too, and it's easy to make assumptions and lump people together. I thought the same until I read their reply. This site makes it easy to get out pitchforks too. Really people just need to stop tailgating and lane policing but at the end of the day I just try and stay out of all of it, people be crazy on the roads. I've had to give up caring about dick drivers for my own sanity.
And that's absolutely the right choice. I just try to assume they have someone bleeding or giving birth at home and figure they're really distracted. Best to just get out of their way.
If you’re speeding up to pass, you still shouldn’t be tailgating the car you’re passing. You have to keep that safe follow distance until you clear the lane. You’re not saving any time by nearly sideswiping the car you’re trying to pass. This shit happens to me all the time, like we’re driving nascar. You don’t need to draft.
Fuck that. If you're not first, you're last.
Wait… you let them by and they still brake checked you?
Not that brake checking someone is ever an appropriate answer for anything, but why would she do that because you let her by before merging?
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
Why do people change speed to match you in Dallas. Why do they pace you without passing you or falling back?
Regularly on Bush, I’m one lane right of center doing 75 using cruise control about 5 over. I come up on a vehicle and I can slow down or move left to pass. I signal and move left to pass. They then speed up and drive off. So I move out of the left lane again. Guess who just slowed down? The lady this morning was a derivative of this same type of driver. It’s like they get their jollies off by controlling me.
The DFW area is full of people with fragile egos. That’s why the 30k dollar millionaire stereotype exists. People are upset that the Jones family down the street has a nicer yard than them so they put thousands of dollars into landscaping to compete.
The idiotic drivers probably go to work to deal with toxicity and have a shitty home life, so being a bully on the road is their way of getting a bit of payback because they feel like they are powerless. No different than the people who play music on the train.
“Cause fuck you that’s why!”
Is what I assume when people pull dumb shit
There are lots of different kinds of intelligence in the world and people who brake check possess none of them.
My guilty pleasure on the freeway... When someone is right on top of me for no reason, I start driving with 2 feet. Just randomly, lightly contact the brake to get the brakes lights to come on. But I keep driving like nothing else is happening. I do this less than I used to, but I still do it sometimes.
Just letting my foot off the go pedal is all it takes for the brake lights to come on with the regenerative braking on electric cars. I hate that feature. I’m sure I piss people off daily just slowing down in traffic and coasting because my brake light is on.
If someone is tailgating me on the right lane when the passing lane is OPEN and WITHOUT any cars on it, I'm break checking you. Don't fucking do that.
The 75 to 635 west interchange is roughly 4 lanes merged to 2 ( one for the people coming from southbound 75, 1 for northbound) and then those 2 merging to 1, and the merging happens very fast. Most people today aren’t paying enough attention but having 4 lanes to 1 and then have that 1 merge onto 635 with no merge room provided is just asinine roadway engineering. TxDOT is the problem here
Its not breaking the law its trying to get around someone who obviously doesnt know how to drive. So therefore u have to pass them in the slow lane bc they r in the left and dont know what its used for. So yeah they gonna cause an accident making traffic tailgate them. They shldnt be behind the wheel.
Buy a dash cam
I don't brake-check ever, as it's a guaranteed way to spark road rage in a jackass who is primed for it. The closest I come is when someone is riding my bumper for no good reason (I'm not in the left lane, I'm going the speed of traffic, there's room to pass me etc) is I'll just let my speed gradually dip back down to the speed limit, or maybe 2-3 mph under. It's not an overtly aggressive move, but will usually get the person to finally give up and go around without incident. I just know I made their day a little bit more frustrating.
Bonus points if I catch up to them at the next stop light. That drives 'em nuts.
These are illegal in many places anyway. They are also a courtesy of sharing roads with others. I am rarely the first to be an asshole, but I don't have a problem being the second. Maybe the next question will be about people who don't know the difference between a two-way and a four-way stop. That annoys me also.
It is my civic duty to correct the situation. The next step is a citizens arrest. /s
I hate brake checkers. I am like, "Why are you putting on your brakes!" There is no one in front of them and they are in the fast lane. I ride them till they move or I have a clear shot to get around them. Then I see they are on their phone...smh.
I definitely know where you are coming from OP. I will say though, on my cars if the sun hits the windshield just right it has triggered the emergency braking system a handful of times. I’m not saying this is the case because most Dallas drivers suck, but consider that.
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
Fair point. Sun was behind us though and I don’t know what building would reflect back at 8:45 am.
Well then I agree with you, that Karen sucks ass!
My girlfriend’s friend brake checked me on DNT one morning “not knowing it was me” but when I got close she took a picture of me eating a banana and sent it to their group chats. It infuriated me and that morning I remember glaring into the back of her car the entire drive. “I’m going to endanger a couple people because I feel like this person doesn’t see me braking” was her explanation
I've heard "someone's got to teach them" and "If I don't teach them who will?"
people brake check (not a good idea btw...) because they don't want you so close behind them.
if you hit them for whatever reason, it is an incredible inconvenience to life to have send your car in for repairs, etc...
Yeah, but they catch me on a bad day, WE ALL gonna have a bad day, and with a dash cam I might even get the insurance company to see it was the brake checker's fault
This is it. When I was younger I used to brake check tf out of people who rode too close, partially to piss to them off and partially to scare them into backing off.
Now that I’m older I’ve realized two things: (1) road rage in general isn’t worth it because of how dangerous it is and (2) like 95% of the people I ride in the car with are too close to the person in front of them (by my standards), so I’m just the odd one out. I always like to maintain visibility of the bottom of the tires of the car in front of me.
These days I just keep my distance because no way I’m going into the car in front of me if someone rear ends me.
Only break check when someone tailgating me close when I'm going the speed limit lol
Was it right away, or was it a few seconds later as you were possibly right on her bumper? If someone is riding my ass, I will gladly brake check, or just not use the gas and just coast a bit. There is absolutely no reason for someone to be riding my ass when you are going 50+ on a freeway.
50 is pretty slow on a freeway for all lanes, but if you’re doing 50 in the left lane thinking that’s acceptable, you’re absolutely the issue in that situation.
During rush hour?
Oh during rush hour you’re the person to be behind if you can be cruising at 50!
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
It was immediate. She didn’t even let me get all the way behind her before she hit the brakes.
The car in front of her was accelerating. I was trying to nose over in traffic. As she was passing me, she slowed down to pace me probably because I was using my turn signal.
It was irrational on her part. No excuse makes up for it. I understand your question but that situation doesn’t apply. She was moving faster than me because I slowed down to get over. She was just behaving like a bitch.
This exit is treacherous. First they remove a lane on the entry and then the 2 right lanes are exit only and everyone coming down 635 is doing 70 or better. At this exchange you should be far more concerned with the car's ahead and the ones coming up on your left than you should be about the guy directly behind you trying to do the same thing. Brake checking or even intentionally slowing to teach someone a lesson at this exchange makes you the ass not the hero.
personally if i got brake checked when im already on the worst highway of all time im just rear ending them at 80mph and now we’re both dying, i drive a shitbox i got nothing to lose
Hey bud, as an adjuster who deals with claims like this from time to time, please, I am BEGGING you, get a dash cam installed. If you would’ve rear ended her, you’d be liable, unfortunately. But with a dash cam, that would’ve been a big middle finger to her and her insurance company.
I brake check people because I am not the boss at home. I go home every day and get walked all over like a door mat, and somebody has to pay for that. Brake checking isn't the only way I take my complete lack of self-respect out on undeserving people, but it is in the quiver.
That's a good driving move on Karen's part. You have to respect the competitive driving in dallas. Karen probably scored some extra points screwing up your day. And 1k more for you coming on reddit. Damn Karen, that was OG.
I would assume she felt that you changed lanes too close to her cat
First time?
Because it's fun.
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
Same curse to you.
It's a joke yall chill 😂
The person you're talking about is obviously an asshole
Literally had someone switch lanes to slow down in front of me, intentionally goes slow, then hits the brakes. I switch lanes to pass. Then they speed up so I can't get in front. Like wtf do you want sheese
I got brake checked 2 days ago on 161 toll. I was going 75 MPH in the middle lane with absolutely no traffic, no cars around me and some douchebag in Lexus gets in front on me and slams his brakes.
Objective_Piece_8401@reddit (OP)
These people are the worst. You aren’t in the left lane, using cruise control, and some asshat passes, gets over right in front of you, and slows down.
Unhinged people are allowed to pilot literal death machines on public throughways. It really do be like that. :(
It’s definitely a weird ego thing, using their vehicle as an extension of their ego makes them feel powerful. The illusion of power is intoxicating to weak people.
I'm sure, right or wrong, that Karen thought you did something to deserve it. I can't see randomly brake-checking people. Was she possibly distracted or scared? I see oblivious drivers every day. Some ride/tap their brakes.
I’ll say this, having been born and raised here and learned to drive here… it made getting used to driving in Mosul a relatively easy transition.
Whenever I leave Dallas on a road trip, every time I get back into city limits I say “welcome to the thunderdome, head on a swivel” .
It is what it is, been here 30+ years, I-35 is still under construction, and living and driving in Dallas still basically qualifies you to race nascar.
I had a moron in van follow me yesterday because i honked at him as i passed by his right side as a precaution... too bad he got stuck at the ling red line while i used the u
Sometimes a light tap is just a thanks for letting me in the lane.
This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read.
I thought the thank you signal was flashing hazards once, that's what semis do
Respectfully, I groan when folks brake after I yield for them to come in front of me. I agree with the person above, a lifted hand waive I can see through the windshield and that’s appreciated.
Try waving next time. Or putting on your hazards like a truck driver.
Commuting to work on Tuesday after the storm ended at 7-ish, I was going down 635 west on the second from the left lane. I was behind a car going slow, understandable, and wet road, but I feel confident enough to drive faster than 50mph. I change to the left lane so I can drive at least 60-70. Tell me why they immediately signaled for 1 second, swooped in the lane, putting me off, then slowed back down to 50? I am a very defensive driver, but I have never wanted to just ram my car into the back of someone so badly. Waited for an opening to my right, went around the slow person, and kept going. I checked my rear view a couple of times, and they never sped up so why even get all the way left?
I used to do that when I was younger. I speed and always have (my grandfather would tell me to drive faster and my parents didn’t know that). So my logic then was that if I was already speeding and some jackass was riding my ass, they deserved the slight scare. This was doubly true if I literally couldn’t change lines.
I’m older and no longer do this (I still speed). It’s not worth an accident and I’ve also calmed down somewhat. Some jackass wants to jackass…ok whatever.
I usually just try to get out of the way if there’s a lane I can change to if someone wants to faster. But on single lane roads it’s a bit tricky, sometimes it’s just better to pull over and let the person go than start a passive aggressive fight, never ends well.
Most are hoping you aren’t paying attention and they’re going to get an insurance check. Auto insurance TikTok taught me to get a dash cam and make sure it is working at all times. It is the only thing between you and a payday for these scammers
i’ve only ever brake checked those who brake check me, as a “how do YOU like it?” and then i speed off immediately to get away from them and their bullshit
Stay off the the road old timer this here is for whipper snappers. Also who still uses blinkers lol
Decent people use blinkers. Apparently you aren't one of them.
Missed the obvious sarcasm?