Why do you brake check?

Posted by Objective_Piece_8401@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 227 comments

This morning, I’m moving from 75 south to 635 west. Coming out of the high five, I turn on my signal and need to move left because the two right lanes are exit only. I turn on my signal, let this… Person… pass me and as soon as I get behind her she hits the brakes. No one in front of her. Just wanted to be an ass. So, to you Karen (yes, she had the haircut), I curse you:

May you wake up to two flat tires every day for the rest of your life. May NTTA send you zipcash bills that are too high when you don’t use the toll road. May the mechanic charge you double any time you need a repair. May every tank of gas you buy have just enough water in it to make your car run like shit. May your car batteries explode under your hood the day after the warranty expires. May the fireman on scene call an outside hazmat vendor to clean up the battery acid. And may the state take your license for being a generally shitty driver and being rude to your fellow man.

I would wish you to be required to ride the bus but those people didn’t do anything to me and it’s unfair to them.

Old man rant over.