Has anyone heard of Epic City?
Posted by pakurilecz@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 31 comments
"In case you haven't heard, EPIC masjid in Dallas Texas is launching a new project to create a massive muslim community with over 1000 homes, equipped with a school, commercial outlets, senior living and schools, and a masjid in the middle of the complex. A very ambitious and unheard of plan in the Muslim American space if it can be accomplished."
I have no problem with anyone wanting to build and promote community. I do have a problem with segregating communities, especially when revolving around religion or race. Gross
I don't think its segregating anyone, anybody is free to live there if they're cool with living side by side with many other Muslims looking for community. Countless other religions have communities like these all over the US. Its your choice to move there, that's the beauty of America.
No, not anybody is free to live in "the epicenter of Islam in America".
Here is one of their policies:
"All members and non-members of EPIC will observe the Islamic Code of Conduct and Ethics in all proceedings and at all times, this includes, during meetings, and programs within EPIC premises and/or offsite EPIC events." https://epicmasjid.org/policies/
lol Islamic code of conduct are HOA laws 😂 Jews have there own neighborhoods and it’s against federal law to discriminate against some based on sex , race, religion etc . Jewish ppl have this in side Dallas and all over America why you only mad when Muslim do it ?
I’m Muslim. Personally I’m against this, I’m also against this if it was a Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist.
I’m assuming this is a Sunni masjid, which would alienate the other sects of Islam. Where are the masjids for them?
If you want to build a community for Muslims, it’s not built with building a space like this, it’s built by building local 3rd places where Muslims can meet and get along that isn’t just the masjid, can be the masjid, but doesn’t necessarily need to be one. For example, cafes where they cater halal food or a family friend event space. These third spaces also need to be welcoming of non-Muslims to show them that Muslims aren’t bad hombres, we just want to be left alone and follow Abrahamic law.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
"Â we just want to be left alone"
then why do we see large number of Muslims praying in the streets in Europe and the UK?
Because they wsnt to spread Islam. Plain and simple.
Executive director of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, Nihad Awad introduced in his August 30, 2024 Friday sermon at EPIC a plan to create scholarship for Muslims in the fields of journalism, law, political science, and history. He said that by creating an "army" of 50,000 journalists, lawyers, and members of the academia, who will potentially run for public office, can create 40-50 Muslim members of the U.S. Congress in ten years."
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
yessiree bob. just look at what is happening in the UK, France and Germany
I’m Mexican American, not south Asian or middle eastern.
I couldn’t even tell you what the British Mexicans do over there. What makes you think I know about Muslims in the UK?
I keep to myself, my family, my job, and my community.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
"What makes you think I know about Muslims in the UK?"
I dont my reply was to your comment "we just want to be left alone " i provide that as an example of not wanting to be left alone
People in Fairview threw a shitfit over a single Mormon temple being proposed. I doubt this will go over well anywhere.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
There the problem was with the height of the spire. Similar pushback occurred when a Mormon temple was built near the Aerobics Center on Preston Rd
Wonder how they’ll react when a Jewish family wants to buy a house there.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
or any other non-Muslim family
Non-Sunni family
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
No. There’s more than just two sects of Islam. Even within Sunni and Shia, there are sects within there.
Fun fact, most Islamic terrorism is done by a certain sect within Sunni Islam.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
Sunni and Shia are the majority sects
Correct, and there’s a local random sect masjid in Carrollton. Pretty big actually. Right across the highway from Park’s coffee.
But again, even then, I don’t know what branch of thought EPIC is. For within Sunnis, there are branches of thought, and there are sometimes issue between branches of thought that cause issues.
stay pressed about a hypothetical situation
Will it have Sharia law enforced? Headscarves and beards required? The Jihad will not be televised.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
watch the videos. one shows their girls school and it appears all of the girls are wearing the hijab
oh no! you cant see their hair! its not like you have a choice or anything...
I remember watching this Netflix documentary on this Indian guru who did a similar thing in some mid west area. If I remember correctly dude had the biggest rolls Royce collection.
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
"Amassing a fleet of 74 luxury cars, however, makes perfect sense to the disciples of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, the Indian mystic who takes daily drives around the 64,229-acre Oregon ranch bought by his followers in 1981."
Give it two hours before some local makes a bomb threat to the zoning commission.
Christians build stuff like this all the time. Hasidic Jews have a few entire communities in upstate New York. It's not unheard of.
But these people aren't Christians or Jews, so they won't be permitted the same rights. Expect denials.
Delays and denials, and when the lawyers finally get those roadblocks cleared, expect hate crimes and atrocities that we haven’t seen in …
checks watch
… minutes.Â
pakurilecz@reddit (OP)
another video about the project
I heard there's an old compound down by Waco they can buy...
Nice, Dallas needs more community.
Yes, heard of it. probably a bad idea.