Neighbor Not Leashing Dogs
Posted by Independent-Math-914@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 24 comments
I live in a HOA. Neighbor has a couple of dogs that they'll not leash. They aren't trained, so they'll come up to me instead of having a recall. I know it's illegal to not have dogs leashed. So, my question is if I report this to the police (not sure if they'll take it seriously tho) or if I first report it to HOA).
Talk to your neighbor directly. No one likes a snitch and that opens the flood gates for animosity. If they find out, everything you do will be under a magnifying glass. Had this happen wish some of my neighbors last year and it ruined the dynamic of the block. Address it directly, don’t be a coward and follow the golden rule.
Independent-Math-914@reddit (OP)
Great idea! I'll also not leash my dog!
… Not what I said at all.
I really want to agree with you but in this case I don’t think it will help at all, and when nothing happens and they have to call 311 anyway, now the neighbors know who did so. When it comes to unleashed dogs, some people just don’t get it. My experience is my dad. When I was still under their roof, he would let our dogs run around unleashed in the front yard. The rest of us objected to this behavior, especially for the safety of our dogs themselves, but that only seemed to made him more determined to do so. He still does it, and thankfully nothing bad has happened yet.
Kick the dogs in their heads. If they are huge dangerous dogs shoot them.
Do both. We too live in an HOA and were once dealing with a neighbor and a constant dog barking issue. Working from home, it got very tiring.
1) We did the neighborly thing and went and talked with them. They told us that they don’t have time to train their dogs and if we don’t want them barking, we should train them for them.
2) That obviously didn’t work so we went to the HOA. We outlined the violations, along with a few quick videos. The usual process followed — they were issued warning letters that then turned into fines due to repeated barking.
3) In tandem with the HOA, we notified the city. We were given a tracker to track the dates, times and duration. It was highly encouraged to get videos here and there and we did that.
Barking continued despite the HOA fines. City issued a letter. Barking still continued. We were about to get a court date which would lead to significantly higher fines (this time by the City), but they suddenly moved.
Do the HOA and city at the same time — they don’t rely on one or the other to be completed first.
Are the dogs otherwise friendly? Do they just want pets? Going to the city or cops will likely get them euthanized if they’re taken in.
Talk to the neighbor first.
Then the HOA.
Then 311.
Unless they’re aggressive, in which case jump to step 3.
I'd start with talking to the neighbor but if they don't improve there's an animal section on Dallas 311 website and app. They've been pretty prompt with previous submissions on the app.
I'd go straight to 311. No need to make it a potentially ugly personal situation when 311 is there to do it. Code enforcement made a presentation to our neighborhood and they said, "always let us be the bad guy."
Yeah, guess it just depends on your relation with your neighbors. I have a decent relation with many and when a new person moved next door and left their dog outside barking 16hrs a day I spoke to them before I called 311 and they responded pretty positively. If your neighbor is an asshole who's going to retaliate, go to 311 first. I feel like I see on Reddit people escalating things too quickly - I don't know OP's situation but calling 911 for a loose dog could make things worse than just talking to them.
The coin toss is you don’t know if the neighbor is going to be an asshole about it until you talk to them and then you can’t take it back. It’s Schrodinger’s Asshole.
If they don't leash their dogs, I bet my life they'll act like an asshole when you ask them to leash their untrained dog
This just makes everything more hostile with the neighbor. I’d snitch take a photo. Cc the hoa, Call the police if any dog gets close to me. I’d rather take action now than later.
name checks out
Live in HOA and scared to nark?
Pfft... leave the HOA if you ain't gonna use what you overpaying for.
Independent-Math-914@reddit (OP)
Huh? I was literally asking what the best thing to do, which would get the quickest response. And that's me being scared? Look inward, you're so judgemental.
Oh yeah I judge a lot.
All the time actually.
Either way... you apy for HOA so let them handle it. That's what it is there for.
They ain't doing shit? Call the cops if you scared of their dogs.
Cops ain't doing shit? Wipe out the water hose and spray em if you see em around... spray the owner i mean. He's the one in the wrong.
Independent-Math-914@reddit (OP)
Scared of their dogs... surrrreeeee
If they aint scary then leave it alone.
Over here struggling what to do with some chihuahuas or shittzu
steal the dogs
Then send em Polaroids with the days newspaper.
Giving the dogs pets and fatty treats.
And a few of you walking them on a lease being happy and forgetting their original owner.
Modern problems calls for modern solutions.
People who don’t leash their dogs are the worst and never listen. If they aren’t leashing an untrained dog, they’re delusional and not going to change from you asking. I’d go straight to snitching
Independent-Math-914@reddit (OP)
Honestly my main concern is that I work with other dogs for a living. Not sure if their dogs are fully vaccinated, sick, etc. They're jumping on my clothes before I go to work and I obviously don't want to spread anything if they are sick at any point in time, to the dogs I go to work. My other option is to find a new work schedule where I do interact with them on a morning basis.