I’m tired of feeling this way…
Posted by i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 619 comments
49M… I’m tired of feeling like nothing I do is good enough. Valentine’s Day is here, I put effort into it. I bought my Daughter a little Valentine’s stuffy, Cinnamaroll wearing a little Valentine’s outfit and a card saying how proud I am of her. She loved it. I bought my SO a card, basically saying as long as we’ve been together, even though times change, I still love her and a little wind up heart music box that plays Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel. I left it on the sink in the bathroom so she could see it before she got into the shower, a surprise for her.
I come back upstairs after I pack my daughter’s lunch and after SO is out of the shower. She’s grumbling about how she didn’t get anything for our daughter and then daughter chimes in to say, “You didn’t put Mommy’s name on the card…”
It’s like this… for years. I try and try, but something is always wrong. Like I’m supposed to be reading off of some little script on being the perfect man.
I’m just tired of this shit…
Quit doing things. I'm also betting they didn't do much for you either. Men always get the short end of the stick on holidays. It's not right, but welcome to the entitlement of women..in case you forgot.
Another bogus holiday concocted to make someone money. While costing the public untold money, relationships and disappointment.
I get it. Spent $90 on high end chocolates, $90 on flowers, $160 on a killer dinner, $60 at the club drinking and dancing. GF still tells me she doesn't trust me while she's drunk, thinks I'm looking at other women, makes fun of my dancing, telling me I don't deserve her. Then we get home and can't get things going in bed then I get yelled at, berated, belittled and just made to feel worthless.
I put so much thought into the things I get and do for her only to feel "less than."
Still trying to figure out why I stay...
I feel bad for you OP. You did some very nice things for both of them. It seems like they are taking your niceness for granted. They are lucky to have you.
Yep. The standards for men on this holiday are astronomical and unfair. A lot of women expect the moon and give nothing in return. I’m sorry your efforts weren’t appreciated. Have you tried talking to them about it and how it makes you feel?
My ex wife expected perfection. Mistakes weren't tolerated, and any mistake was "a clear sign that you don't love or respect me". I was constantly on pins and needles hoping I didn't slip up even slightly, so much so that I ended up having panic attacks. And, of course, my ex surrounded herself with other women that thought the same way, and assured her that perfection was the "bare minimum".
Did I mention she's my ex....
i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit (OP)
Would you ever get the, “When I did this for you, I did tit this way… you did it different… my way was better and shows I love you more…”
Yeah. It be like that.
Hey Reddit stranger..My ex husband said I didn’t wash the car correctly. Or mow the lawn to his liking. Or load the dishwasher right. I screwed up laundry.
You would think a “thank you hon for doing *task*” would suffice but it always ended up with me crying.
Walking on eggshells is not a life.
He'll, I'm a guy and I felt like that for a long time. Once she had a meltdown because I wasn't wringing out the sponge well enough after doing dishes. I was the reason the sponge smelled like mildew. All this while she left it wet in the sink. Taking the rack out of the dishwasher to put away forks and spoons was the wrong way to do things too. I eventually just quit doing all of those things. When the game is rigged, why play.
I see a lot of similarities to my current relationship in all these comments. My Mrs had a meltdown the other week when I hung out the laundry but one t-shirt had a slightly twisted arm.
She HAD to show me how to do it PROPERLY. I said "of course I just missed it, it really doesn't matter and you don't have to SHOW me."
She said and I quote: "but if I don't show you how will you learn?"
Well my blood BOILED and had my own meltdown, and of course I ended up in the doghouse for losing my temper.
I swear to god some people can be fucking toxic at times.
$5 says she was talked to this way growing up. No need for you to be stuck with the ugly patterns she’s repeating.
Mine was so particular that she used to police my loading of the dishwasher. I'm doing dishes loading the dishwasher, and she'd come by and inspect it and get mad that it wasn't loaded correctly. Also she'd have a cow if her laundry wasn't folded or put away exactly how she wanted it done; shirts had to be folded in drawers, but pants had to be hung up in the closet... but only SOME pants, some of them could be folded in drawers with the shirts. Each week it changed! I gave up doing laundry. lol
This is also how I handled it. If you’re going to complain either way then why put any effort in. You can just bitch about me not doing anything instead of me doing it wrong. Same amount of bitching but a lot less work for me. I’m not sure if she ever realized that she’s making more work for herself by not just being thankful for the help she got but overall I’d say it worked out for the best.
At the time we had 2 small children. After dinner I'd do dishes and let her fall asleep with the kids. It's a job chasing them around, I know that. Didn't want a fawning thank you, we're supposed to be in this together. All I really wanted was to not be attacked over something that doesn't matter.
Fuck's sake, it's not a competition. There's something deeply wrong with people who think that way.
Brother, she told me that loading the dishwasher differently than she did, even though they still got clean, was a "lack of respect". It was her way or the couch.
Well, or divorce court.......
I got the dishwasher loading meltdowns too!! I learned in therapy, that this behavior is just a method for them to control you. It's not actually about the dishes being loaded how they want.
Oh, absolutely.
Glad to hear you got away from that.
Thank you. Me too.
She sounds like a classic narcissist. I was married to one for over 20 years. Of course you should go to counseling and see if the relationship can change. But I wish someone had told me to look at narcissistic personality disorder earlier. I wish you so much love in your life. There is nothing worse than feeling like you are always the one in the wrong.
This must be so exhausting.
Time for a different woman.
I hate suggesting parting ways but it sounds like their goals are not aligned. And it has nothing to do with him, but her expectations being way too high. I know so many people who would cherish what he's done.
Same, developed anxiety and panic attacks due to perfect expectations, so much better being a hermit and not be stressed everyday thinking what I did wrong today
It got so bad for me that it literally started to negatively affect my health. At one point, my BP was almost emergency stroke levels. Hypertension so bad I could barely even move my neck.
My wife is like this, has to be done a certain way.... been married for 20 yrs, got a thick skin when it comes to her telling me I'm stupid... from the dinner to the dishwasher, it's criticism sometimes. She's a nurse and I am a retired engineer. I don't worry about it and even tease her about her fixations. And, when she gets out of line, I remind her that there are alternatives, and if she's not happy, she can do something about it . Most of the time, her compulsive behavior is a mask for something else bothering her, and I gotta ask do she can vent. I try to get her from A to C , and skip B....
I hear you, and I'm glad it works for you, but.......
Never again will I spend my time managing the emotional imbalance of any woman. Last time I did it I ended up on Zoloft.
The alternative of that seesaw is a very strong independent woman, probably also alone. And I would argue that, due to some imbalance, a woman will always face stronger emotional issues than a man. A guy has a midlife crisis, goes out and buys a Harley, either kills himself thru stupidity, scares the hell out of himself and sells it while learning a lesson, or adapts to it. A woman going thru menopause will suffer for years with emotionally troubling thoughts as well as physical manifestations. Being strong for your partner is part of it. Not saying that I know and understand women (any man that does that is deluding himself :) , just that I as a man can recognize these issues, and tolerate them, to a point. Love is as much about acceptance of flaws as it is about passion. Oddly enough, I had a class where the professor said that, at any moment in time, 2/3 of women in a menopausal age group will be suffering from a level of depression at any given time... Just saying, its a minefield at the best of times. Looking for perfection is not a good strategy, and isolation has its own problems. It's messy, and guys have their own needs that women should be aware of. That's where somebody has to be strong. If you want LTR, you both have to work at it.
You're not wrong about any of this, but what I think slips through the cracks is the expectation of being able to use menopause or other emotional issues to justify mistreating or abusing your partner. We all know that, for example, pregnant women can be an emotional mess and you're expected to take some hits.. but pregnant emotions should never justify treating yout partner like shit.
I'm currently married to a strong, independent woman. I don't manage her emotions and we get along great.
Yup, last time I did it I ended up getting a pituitary biopsy done because there was so much cortisol in my system that they thought I had a pituitary tumor or was showing signs of cushing syndrome. Biopsy came back good, but turns out it was from all of the stress she created! Also learned in therapy that she showed strong signs of BPD, but she stopped going to therapy so the therapist couldn't officially diagnose her.
You must have a ton of patience AND enough self-esteem to endure it. Wow. She is lucky bc so many wouldn't take that or would feel defeated!
Feeling this today, for sure.
I think these 'holidays' put undo pressure on people for no reason other than to make a buck.
Man, yall can call me out on this, but I feel like this pressure is exerted all around us now, all day, every day. Yet, prices keep going up, and the need to “do” something all the time just escalates.
Mandatory tips everywhere don't help the situation either...Soon we wont be paying taxes on tips so that will be great for me personally.
Let me tell you about the time I got my ex wife a very expensive ($600) food processor she wanted for her birthday (a couple days before V-Day) but then neglected to get her a V-Day card.
My ass still hurts from the reaming I got.
I agree completely. The holidays added to the expectations created by constant social media feeds of what others are getting creates an unachievable goal. And it sucks
It's not a corporate holiday like everyone is now saying and it's not that hard to remember buy someone a card when they got a food processor on their birthday three days before Valentine's Day then nothing on Valentine's Day that's fine spend the day together like every other day but don't act like it's so hard then call it a corporate holiday it's fucking Valentine's Day I don't care how expensive a food processor it was, it still isn't candy or flowers or a nice card and Valentine's Day is not your birthday or something that was invented on social media or something that came about in the last 30 years, it's Valentine's Day, they had Valentine's Day at school and everyone that works in a drugstore or Wal-Mart definitely noticed when it came around, it doesn't have to be a big celebration but at least acknowledge what day it is, the same day every year, what next, you're gonna forget about Easter because it isn't on the same day every year, or Thanksgiving because you don't care about pilgrims?
Jesus. My husband left a Valentine's Day gift on the kitchen table for me. It was a jar of spicy chili crisp from the grocery & was super excited. He wrapped it & everything. Wtf, y'all. These holidays do add some dumb & materialistic expectations. I'm sorry.
I gave my GF a silly chicken bag thing that holds plastic grocery store bags, and she’s gonna make me lasagna. I’m going to the bar tonight, while she hangs out with her sister lol. This holiday is just dumb.
Got a link to that sack holder? That sounds awesome.
Chicken Bag
That is adorable.
My girl LOVES that damn company. She’s frequently buying stuff from them, and to be fair, everything I have seen her get seems to be good quality. She says they often run really good sales as well. We got these Clip On Sofa Tables as well, when we bought a new sofa and wanted to try to do without traditional end tables. Just gonna say, they’re pretty awesome.
Wow - those are really pretty!
They’re surprisingly sturdy too.
I don't remember the last time I got a Valentines gift.
I also won't go into the time I had her flowers delivered and they were dead through no fault of my own and she acted like I was insinuating I wanted to hurt her bc of it.
I got a refund from 1800 flowers but the damage was done.
I bought flowers from there like 6 weeks ago. What I ordered and what she got were not the same, never mind that I paid for overnight delivery and they came 2 days later.
My husband and I (meaning, I) sent my MIL a live, decorated mini Christmas tree. It didn’t arrive. Called 1-800-flowers, they insisted they delivered. Had it re-sent, same thing, she says it didn’t arrive. By this time it’s after Christmas and my poor, sad, lonely MIL has no tree.
A couple months later, she finds two boxes with two dead trees tucked in the corner between her porch and her garage.
Yeah it seems like they've been having trouble from what I've experienced too.
Go to Walgreens tomorrow & buy yourself a bunch of 50% off candy!
I'm not worried about the candy. But it would have been nice to have felt truly loved at least once in my @ half century on this planet.
The hearts are pink too 🙌🏼
YES!!! Good plan! Walgreens is the best for this. Celebrate late every year. I love a good discount in chocolate!!
She sounds fun :/
That is so stupid and lame. I just don't get it. Like, obviously that isn't your fault.
But let me NOT send flowers to her work for Valentines and I would rather be dead when she got home than face that lecture
It's wild. I (and we...my husband & fam) have enough shit already. Our extended family stopped w/xmas presents, too. We have everything we need...food & shelter. I am just sick of stuff, stuff & more stuff, esp for no reason.
We are at that point. Both in our late 50’s now. This past Christmas we did gift cards for the adults and only the kids got actual presents. Not even doing that this year. All we did was pass $50 around the room w a Christmas card. Screw that. Come hang out and chill with us for a meal. Leave “stuff” at your house lol.
It's so much more relaxing. No shopping stress. No money stress. I love it. My husband has 5 siblings & we have approx 3000 nieces, nephews & great-nieces & nephews now. 😆 Xmas eve casual dinner at grandparents house & that's it! I even worked Xmas eve & Xmas day this year. Maybe I'm a grinch?!?
Not a grinch just an adult who’s got a brain lol. Our daughter & SIL goes nuts and literally breaks their bank for their two girls for Christmas and I keep telling her she’s just teaching them bad habits. By the time she’s done anything anyone else gets them something it’s more than likely a duplicate.
4 sets of grandparents and a great grandma they get way more than enough. They are the last of the little kids in our side of the family unless husbands nephew has some.
Same. Some people are fully bought into the consumerism. I've got everything I really need. Although sometimes a couple extra bucks would help get more food for dinners etc
I hear you on that.
My condolences internet buddy. Romance is dead and your wife/SO straight up murdered it.
Toxic femininity is basically normalized psychological abuse.
I used to work for them. This happens way more often than you would think.
I would have challenged her to call them and have her send you some dead flowers on purpose. You literally cannot ask for that there because they aren't in the catalog. 🤦🏻♀️ Clearly reasoning and logic eluded her.
Been married for over 20 years and never once got a valentines gift. I gave up myself about 10 years ago but still get her flowers.
Stop doing that. She’ll notice, real quick.
Hopefully you dodged that bullet and walked away.
I'm divorced now so yeah
So get out there live dude! Take care of yourself first and foremost.
As cheesey as this sounds... the rest will fall into your lap.
My husband asked me to go to dinner out tonight. We're old married farts who are really comfortable with one another, so I am like, SO stoked. My aging FIL lives with us and having a date night with just the two of us is pretty awesome.
What makes it more meaningful is my husband is a vet with a pretty raging case of PTSD, so going out to eat is a sacrifice on his part. It's really tough on him. But, he knows that hitting a restaurant every now and again is one of my favorite things...so we're going out tonight.
He's totally a keeper.
I hope you have an AMAZING dinner, and that he's relaxed enough to also enjoy it!
Thank you! He's one of those hyper-vigilant types, so it's a little rough. I love that he's giving it a whirl for me tonight.
It must be hard for him to live in watch dog mode all the time. I can only imagine it’s difficult for you too.
What a beautiful gesture on his part to hold his difficulties while recognizing what you need.
Has to face the door so he can see incoming threats? Knows where all the exits are? Keeps the butter knife close to his dominant hand? Yeah, it’s exhausting for us, too.
This isn't normal? Well except for the knife part I always face a door and keep an eye out for trouble.
I'm not a veteran but that's also how I pick a table. I'm an overweight short woman so I guess I can sound the alarm first because I sure as hell cannot take anyone down.
Me too. My dad taught me, "Face the door, always know your exits, look out for trouble, and always park where it's well-lit.'
People have laughed at me when I repeat this.
Yeah, I almost said the same, which is why I hope they have a fantastic dinner. I try REALLY hard to offer the choice of seat to my wife when we go out, but she knows I'd rather have my back to the wall so I can see the place. I also have PTSD from an incident 30 years ago, so ...
Oh, I see you've been to dinner with us before. :D
I feel his pain. Hope you had fun.
Yesterday my husband (going on 27 yrs) suddenly realized today was V-Day (probably because I snarkily said “happy valentines” in a text where I picked up a gallon of margaritas with Mexican food for dinner) and later on came out to ask if we had money for a matinee tomorrow (he was working today) to see Capt America. I don’t remember the last time I bothered to go to a theater. I’m quite happy.
I hope your dinner went well!!
Enjoy it. My wife hasn't left the house to do anything with me in almost 4 years. No amount of temptation with a nice restaurant, fun activity, whatever, will get her to go out. I'm so tired of this shit.
Much love to you & Mr. Siren. Have a good time tonight.
Good for you, have a great time.
Aw, have a fun date!
Thank you! He struggles a bit but that he's willing to go for little ol' me makes my heart go squish.
Sounds like your guy knows you and knows how you like things. I can only imagine that leaves you feeling happy when he understands just how to reach you.
Whoa. He wrapped it?!? Sexxxxy or you've trained him well. No joke. No attack.
I feel guilty not even buying a gift bag anymore.
Ha! He is a 100x better in the gift wrapping dept! He's the artsy-fartsy type! Just use brown paper bags & kitchen twine. Slap a pinecone on it. Ta-da!
😂😂 Mark Stewart at its finest.
🤣🤣🤣 Hahaaaaahhahaa!!! At first I was like who's Mark Stew...OOOOOH!
That would make me so happy. Simple, useful, and spicy.
28 years ago today we buried my dad, who died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 58. I was 24 and it devastated me. He was an amazing Dad and the loss was the worst thing I've ever experienced. This day has never been the same for me. I think nothing of it and never do anything special nor do I expect anything from anybody. It's bittersweet because of my Dad.
I think the best memories of Valentines Day was in elementary school. Taking the time to create an amazing shoebox/mailbox and then writing out all the Valentines cards with candy to pass around to the entire class, everyone got one. Everyone. I hope that tradition still holds.
Sending love. ❤️
May you get ALL the Jars of Spicy you want 😁
Hugs to you.
Good to see that it's your ex who behaved like that.
Sorry to see that she was your wife.
Looking back, can you see any indicators of this behavior that you might have missed last time around before she was your wife? So that you can avoid marrying a creature like that again?
Some yes. Being that I'm halfway to 50 and don't date I'm mostly relying on avoidance of everyone being my avoidance lol
🤣❤️ so you're 25. I didn't meet the love of my life until I was in my 30s. After a divorce. So there's hope.
In the meantime, would you mind noting some of those flags for the other younger'uns to read, so they can perhaps catch the warning signs before getting too far in?
My ex was - and is - a good guy, just didn't do people well. Which was fine and perfectly manageable as long as he had his group of friends that he grew up with. Once we moved, he didn't have them anymore, and I was working, so he was on his own and just tanked. None of us had any idea how bad off he was until well after we married, had kids, and moved. No recommendations for avoiding that, we couldn't tell.
Oh damn sorry it autocorrected! I'm halfway to 50 in my 40s 😆 I really misworded that and didn't catch what came out
The odds of me ever dating or marrying anyone again are slim to none. Hell ive already made my funeral arrangements
Your mention of social media reminds me of when it was Christmas growing up at school everyone would come back from Christmas break and tell each other what they got. Sometimes that was hard on me being from a poor family we didn't get a lot.
Goodness...where are y'all finding these ungrateful bitches? That's not love.
That’s why I’m 57, never married (or anywhere close beyond a dinner date or two), no kids, no family. Too many horror stories taught (repulsed) me from risking my sanity and well-being for “good enough”, which really means “desperate and willing to endure great hardships”. It just wasn’t workers it to me. Had things worked out I believed it would have been a very happy life, but that just wasn’t the case.
Yeah, I'm almost where you're at. Single, never married, no kids. I grew up in the south and was raised old school when it came to values. Always be a gentleman and you were expected to sacrifice whatever it took to make your gf/wife happy. Always got railroaded and walked all over in every relationship. It was totally the "happy wife happy life" bullshit that we were fed, and it's only now that people are starting to realize just how much bullshit that notion is.
Same 53F with one kid, never married, thanking my lucky stars every day!
My wife hates Valentine's day. I like to express my adoration of her but it's not her thing. She knows it's mine.
So we check in early - are we doing anything for V day?
And then it's business as usual.
This is important! Checking in so nobody is disappointed.
Help me pray tell find a grateful one that's not already married or otherwise attached. Til I get recommendations on the next one I'll stay single
Wow. My birthday is also close to Valentine’s Day. We did nothing for my birthday this year because I’d ordered myself something fairly pricey ($200) and didn’t want us to spend more $. And so far neither of us has even mentioned Valentine’s Day and we’re both at home. I couldn’t care less. Maybe that’s why we’ve been married for 37 years — we know what’s really important. Sorry you were treated that way.
My birthday is on valentine's day. My entire life it's just been combining both events into one day, always getting watered down!
🤷♂️ I deserve it I guess idk
No you do not. Absolutely not.
Thanks. I just wish I could recover as easily as she did 🤷♂️
Stop thinking, caring about what she did.
More proof she really gave minimal shits about you.
Walk on my dude!
I just can't bring myself to risk any of that again is all. Especially for my kids. Meanwhile she shacked up with who she told me was the "first guy she met on the dating site"
Any of what?
I'm saying stop lamenting over her. She did you a favor. Be there for your kids when you can be.
Bury thoughts of getting back together "for the kids" because nothing will change and you will be her doormat... again.
No no I would not date her again.
I'm saying I can't even think about dating anyone. It's been 6 years or more now and I haven't been on a date or even tried in over four.
I'm totally there for my kids. But do I just give up on ever finding someone for me? That seems the best course of action
Aaaaah I'm picking up what you're dropping now.
Honestly, do whatever makes you happy. Being alone sucks sometimes, yes.
On the flip side...
Being alone sometimes is really fucking awesome.
I "found" what I was "looking" for when I wasn't even really trying. Or it found me, depends on your outlook I suppose.
I'm sure dating in todays world really sucks a big set of bull balls.
Nope. Her priorities were screwed up.
You did not deserve it. Everyone wants to feel loved. Men deserve presents and attention too. It's an ego thing for a lot of women. They want to brag about what they got to their friends. Social media has made it worse. Everything for Valentines Day is 2 or 3 times more expensive. Everything is so crowded too. My boyfriend shows me he loves me every day through his actions and I do the same.
No you don't deserve it. That was a lovely thing you did for your daughter. You're a great dad by the sounds of it 👍
The daughter thing was OP but I'll take your "great dad" as a compliment to me if it's OK thanks 😊
You certainly can 😊 I'm sure you are too!
Totally this! My birthday was Monday and I treated myself to a hair cut lol!! My husband always gets me treats and flowers. We don't care about Valentine's Day at all.
What the hell. For me, v-day has always been a celebration that chocolate exists on planet earth. That’s it. I have never once gotten upset because someone else didn’t get me something. I have a job and a car and my lazy butt can go get myself my chocolate! It’s not my celebration of loving my partner or my partner loving me. It’s about my love of chocolate and their love of whatever it is they love. In the case of my ex husband, he liked coconut. So it was about his love of coconut. It was simple, easy and totally the perfect holiday.
These people getting pissy over cards and nonsense. Ugh.
Happy chocolate day! That's a love i can celebrate 😂
Happy chocolate day!!
I bought my ex wife diamond earrings for Christmas. She disliked them, because they weren't the same cut as her wedding ring...
You can send them to me! DM for my address
Christmas dec 25 Her bday jan 24 Vday feb 14. Also been together for close to 30 years. Im out of ideas and sick of the internet telling me that i must give extravegant gifts for all of these days.
Oof. That is a *tough" schedule. So sorry!!
Given that my spouse and I don't need any more stuff, I tend to do experiences - concert tickets, restaurant reservations. Maybe a record here and there.
We agreed long ago, we celebrate but no on Valentine’s Day and it's a very small gift. Plus we take urns on planning a special dinner. It's my wife's turn this year.
My son was born on Thanksgiving, and I always had to struggle to make sure in-laws and other family didn’t lose his birthday in the holiday celebration.
People who have birthdays near other holidays usually have been shafted their entire lives. Family members always combine the gifts, or completely ignore the birthday.
Celebrate them distinctly separately, and they’ll probably love it.
Oh I know. The issue was that this particular time money was tight and I had literally spent so much on the gift I didn't have any to spare for the card. Plus she was always screaming at me about spending money and analyzing my spending bc her ex cheated. "Oh I saw you spent $8 at Hallmark, who did you buy a card for?" "You" "oh why did you spend that Much on a card that was dumb." No pleasing her
We just discovered chilli crisp! Definitely a great gift. 💝
What is this "chili crisp" of which you speak? 🤔
Ohhh let’s see - it’s a “umami topping” you might put on sushi or ramen or noodles. Here are some examples: our fave
Another one we liked
Interesting thanks! Spicy or just umami?
I do not find it to be spicy. But that may be just these two we’ve tried. Others may be spicy
My kids are into flavorful but not "hot/burny" I'll check these out!
That’s why we don’t worry about these holidays. We get each other things through the year, not because Hallmark “tells” us to.
Oh shoot, it’s Valentine’s Day!?
I agree with you about the holiday. It’s less about showing love as much as it’s about showing consumption. Even going out for a nice meal feels like being out on a conveyor belt. I hate how restaurants limit meals to a few selections.
The OP though, doesn’t talk about empathetically responding to the women in his life. His SO expressed difficult feelings about not getting a gift. That’s an emotional bid for connection from her that seems to not be addressed.
The daughter does the same. Her bid to receive love from her mother seems to fall deaf to the OP.
The OP expresses not wanting to feel “this way,” that nothing they do is “good enough.” It may be the OP is missing what is being asked for, connection. Connecting is not about gifts. It’s about seeing our loved ones for who they are in each moment and honoring, acknowledging those moments of sadness, excitement, anger, distress, even resentment. I’m thinking this is what may be behind the OP’s distress.
“Yeah, that probably makes you feel sad that you didn’t do enough for Valentine’s Day.”
“I can only imagine, not getting a gift from your mother must hurt your feelings.”
These moments of not acknowledgment may be what the OPs family are really behind his sensing something is not enough.
I told my SO when we got together years ago do not ever buy me something for VD. I do not want to support the overpriced industry. I would rather receive flowers or chocolate or whatever other VD type thing any other day of the year than on this day. I told him if he really must get something to please wait until the next day at least so that it's 50% off the ridiculous price it was the day before! It just doesn't mean anything
Told mine not to waste money on flowers. We just say 'happy VD' and laugh. We're good....
This is the exact reason my wife and I don’t participate. Even Christmas we have a limit in place to level and keep expectations realistic.
Truth! 💯
Hallmark Holidays
*undue... Read a fucking book.
Thanks for the advice friend.
I don't think so. I think OP's wife is a bitch.
The last Valentine's I was married my ex was really pissed off that I made an effort for him "because NOW I have to do something for YOU!" As if that was the worst thing in the world. He came back with some roses that looked like he'd swiped them off someone's grave.
I can't imagine being a jerk bc my name wasn't on the envelope. And sending my kid to say that.
We have one side of the story. Careful with recommending the nuclear option.
She sent her kid back to him with a complaint that her name wasn't on the card or envelope.
That's so nit picky and a stupid thing to complain about.
And involved the kid as a go between. And used their child to make him feel small. Did not even say it to him face to face, like an adult would.
Sure, that's what we're told. There is an old saying that I hold near and dear, 'believe half of what you see and none of what you hear'. Going nuclear based on one side is short sighted and myopic.
I was married to someone like that, and I'm SO happily divorced.
Your circumstance is just that though. I'm confident you already know this.
True. But probably pretty common, and not unique in any way.
Yep, my wife and I do not buy anything....we will just go out for a nice dinner
Nothing wrong with that. I've been married for 30+ years and compromise is the absolute biggest thing for long term success. Modern relationships tend to be, my way or the highway. Holidays and money are two huge drivers for people quitting which is weak. Discuss these details early.
My husband got me a card. No flowers this year. I still think he wasted money. But then we don't give each other gifts for birthdays or Christmas either. Relationships are built on how you treat each other every day, not what some greedy companies are telling you to do.
Been married 30+ years now. Fuck these companies artificially made BS
It's the BS on social media that make people feel inadequate.
It's been happening before then, social media only amplifies it a bit more now since we watch less TV. 'Every kid begins with Kay' -TV commercial
I am a woman who abhors Valentine’s Day for this reason. Be good and kind most other days and I will appreciate it so much more than some last minute flowers.
Been happily married for 30+ years. No Hallmark holiday will convince us otherwise.
I feel like it's every month I have to buy some shit we don't even need to say "I care," or "Happy (this and that)." I'm pretty much over spending money on arbitrary shit.
"Happy Love day!!"
Yup! Very early.on my husband and I mutually agreed that we're not doing Valentine's Day. We help the kid with cards for school, and they did actually get me a plant and my favourite chocolate when they were at the store yesterday, but it was definitely not an expectation.
Tell me you love me, often and authentically. I don't need much more.
Well there’s one other reason. To bring relationship challenges to the surface.
I’d like to undo some shit myself, come to think of it.
I think you meant “undue,” but what you wrote also works.
Sometimes Samsung Swype chooses for me and I don't catch it.
You can edit it or leave it wrong.
At this point, my typo is already exposed.
There's real holidays, and then there's Hallmark Holidays®.
The only holiday my spouse and I celebrate religiously is St. Patrick's Day. And we do it the day before to avoid the insanity.
“Hallmark Holidays”
My wife loved Valentine's Day and her birthday (at the end of the month). I don't know how the joke started, but it became her "Season". My rule (being the not very romantic type) was she had to tell me what she wanted, and I'd make that happen best I could. Some were awesome; I get up early to watch sports in Europe and she wanted pancakes so I made homemade berry sauce from frozen fruit (that actually became a weekend staple). She wanted a steak for dinner so I took her to the steak house in a Casino in Lake Tahoe...for a weekend. Others sucked and I got to think about (improve upon) the failure, but she always took her "Season" with a grain of salt. One year, my parents were delinquent in getting her a birthday card, and she decided her "Season" lasted until the last card showed up...that year was May. I had to draw the line at Easter...some longer, some short, but she always got a season.
TL;DR: I put in a good faith effort on her favorite days of the year, and I got the ideas from the source. That made it easier to manage Valentine's/Birthdays for both of us.
Sorry to hear that, I appreciate every little thing my husband does for me. Maybe stop doing things for her and see what happens??
So, counterpoint, what did she do for you?
Counseling time
In addition to couples counseling, I think the wife needs therapy. My mother was like that, constantly finding fault in every member of the family, and seemingly on a mission to make everyone else as unhappy as she was. It stemmed from her crappy childhood and resulting personality disorder(s).
I’m obviously making a huge leap assuming OP’s wife has issues similar to my mother, but I have yet to meet a person who acts like his wife does who isn’t deep down really messed up.
Exactly. Came to say same. There is not enough info here to judge SO. Obviously there are resentments built up on both sides in this relationship. You have a daughter you both love. For her sake, get thee to a marriage counselor!
This is correct, literally what counselors are for. Using one doesn't mean you are weak, just that you would like your relationship to be stronger.
Let's get this to the top.
Women don't understand that if they want specific acts they have to make specific requests. Men would LOVE to know exactly what to do. It's not fair.
And people genuinely wonder why I say I'm happier alone.
I'm sorry she's ungrateful. I'd be thrilled. I seldom even get remembered unless there's a crisis to handle 🤣
Valentines Day is a bullshit corporatist holiday. My wife and I don't celebrate it and neither should anyone else. If you need a special day to show your SO how much you care about them, then your relationship is already trash. Valentines Day does absolutely nothing but put pressure on people to do something special, so they can raise prices on everything associated with it.
My husband and I said Happy Valentine’s Day to each other and that’s pretty much it.
We have shortened it to Happy VD. Then we laugh.
My wife and I don’t celebrate Valentines Day. We prefer to show our love for each other all of the other days of the year. Valentines Day appears to be a day where flowers and restaurants are 50% more expensive.
A bullshit "holiday" cooked up by greeting card companies to sell more cards and apparently to increase the number of suicides.
My SO is my valentine every day.
My small office co-workers received flowers at work, but I threatened my husband years earlier NOT to waste $$ on them for me - ever! After work that day I went home and asked him if we could go buy a $100 George Foreman grill. I used that thing for dang near 20 years, then sold it to a guy for $15. I smiled every time I used it, in remembrance. We also used to go to a gift card store and read the cards until we found the 'perfect' one, then handed it to the other one. Laughed, put them back and went on our way. Now we just say, "Happy VD" and laugh. Our love is solid.
You be the first to tell them that you are aware that you are far from perfect. Repeat when necessary.
You were just the sperm donor.
Valentine’s Day is stupid . I’m a gen x woman. I never understood why people are so particular about Hallmark holidays. Just don’t do it. I forgot my husband from buying roses for me on this particular day because of what it’s doing to the Colombian rainforest (deforestation).
Just have the chat and say I don’t want to be stressed anymore about this overconsumption. The stuff in the music box are all things that are gonna end up in Goodwill.
I'm sorry your SO is like this.
Was she always like that? Did you miss or ignore some of the signs? Or did something change and she became this way?
If she was always like this, it probably isn't going to change. You gotta figure out if it's worth the pain of dealing with this behavior, and you ALSO gotta figure out what precisely "it" is that you're trying to preserve by dealing.
If something changed at some point, there's more hope. Can't turn the clock back, but can possibly try to hop off the path you two are currently walking to try to find d a way back to the path you were on before it started.
Good luck, OP.
Interesting how her reaction was a reflection of her lack of thought.
Years ago, I went out and bought my wife a brand new truck. I knew what she wanted because she had driven one that my buddy had. Me and my buddy went and got the truck without her knowing, and brought it home as a surprise. I was giddy that I’d been able to do something like that because I was poor most of my life. I brought her out to show her the truck, and the first thing she said was, “I wanted an extended cab.”
Yeah, now we live in a world where whatever you do, it's not enough.
Reading this post and most of the comments makes me millions times more grateful for my wife than I already was.
You did everything right, and went above and beyond. They are gaslighting you, whether they realize it or not. You can't call it for what it is and ask them to stop, but you don't need to feel any guilt.
I get around this whole ball of wax by feigning benign neglect. I forget all these holidays and therefore remove this pressure in my day. It works well.
I’m impressed with the amount of effort you put into the day. Sometimes people who are insecure within themselves make what others do about them. Your SO needs to go to therapy to get their shit sorted so they can stop shitting on others. Imho.
All I wanted was to walk around Wegman's with my hubby for Valentine's Day. I just like hanging with him. 30+ years.
But this.... this sounds like my brother's life. I'm truly sorry.
Sorry man, that's my life too... I woke up this morning (as I do most mornings) to my wife yelling about what a fat lazy piece of shit I am...
Early this morning I put out their valentines gifts-- for my wife a nice $120 toaster oven, cat calendar, slippers, box of candy, book, art kit etc... And my son got a new scooter, stuffed animal, cryptid calendar, some roblox toys and gift card and lots of candy. They both got nice cards that I put everyone's names on despite being just from me. For context in the last 13 years I have been the only one in the family to buy every single xmas, birthday, valentines, easter gift and card and usually get absolutely nothing myself, maybe a pack of socks...
Anyway the issue was my son didn't do all his homework last night (he told me it was done) which is apparently 100% my fault despite my wife was home all night too. So my son joined her in blaming me with both of them loudly complaining about it being all my fault. After they left I went upstairs (I live/sleep in the basement of my own house, lol) to find neither of them touched or even acknowledged any of their valentines gifts. No surprise there was no card or anything for me.
Tired of this shit too. My wife filed for divorce last month and moves out soon. But I've already met someone new. So at least someone is going to appreciate her valentines gifts.
I'd be gone. Out of that life.
Next time play Don’t Know What You’ve Got (Till It’s Gone)
I had one of my sons print me up a little Shrek toothpaste cap…. You screw it on his belly and then when you squeeze the tube, he poops toothpaste.
Happy Valentine’s Day honey!
She laughed, I laughed, we went on about our day.
She did get me a box of shitty Russel Stover’s chocolates in a heart shaped box. It was a foot across and had all of six little truffles in it.
We both made fun of it, cursed the world, and then promptly bit all the candies in half and shared them. First time in 25 years or so that she’s gotten me anything on Valentine’s Day. One year she totally forgot my birthday until we went to bed that night.
But you know what she never forgets?
To text me as she leaves work to see if I need anything on her way home. To ask me if I want her to cook. To hang my shirts facing the same way if she puts clothes away. To leave a kcup in the keurig with my mug underneath. To always kiss me goodnight.
My fellow Xers… that stuff… that’s the good shit.
I don’t know how these women have a good man when they expect perfection. I’m a 55-year-old woman who would appreciate a handwritten note for Valentine’s Day on a little scrap piece of paper. I am single by choice because I am too nice and get involved with men who don’t give two shits and I still stay and try to make it work. I am happier just being alone than having to deal with all the stress of having a SO.
Amen. I'm 75, have been alone for almost 30 years, and have been much happier this way. I have a great son, but never wanted to be married again or even in a relationship.
I’m sorry that you have these feelings of inadequacy. I suspect that you are putting this on yourself. A mild comment from your daughter or SO makes you whip yourself with the comment. It’s a hard and painful cycle. Everything we do is imperfect and they aren’t expecting perfection from you.
You might want to look for ways to start to get satisfaction with yourself so you can wallow in small successes. It can really help. I might suggest trying little things that you can do consistently that can have a benefit of its own with the added benefit of a simple success. Like going for a 20 minute walk 5 times a week. You’ll quickly see that the walk gets easier to do and easier to look forward to. Do it by yourself or with your SO. You might also get a small weight set and just do a few basic exercises with the weights. Again, you’ll see that you can quickly do more curls, for example, after a week that you could when you started. It will build confidence and happiness.
I’ve been there. When I talked to my SO about my feelings and really took time to explain what my brain was doing to me, they started to look for ways to cheer me on as I left for work or did just about anything. It was so sweet and was a huge help. But, ultimately, it was up to me to find little ways I could pat myself on the back for a job well done. It takes time, but you can do it. You’re GenX… you can do anything.
I think Valentine’s Day should be done away with. I don’t need the calendar or the media to tell me when to do something nice for those I love and if I get something on Valentine’s Day it doesn’t mean much of anything to me. Do something nice on a random day for no other reason than that you love me..that means the world to me. I would rather get some hand picked flowers on a day someone is thinking of me because they love me than to get two dozen roses on Valentine’s Day.
I’ve been married for 47 years, Valentines is just a day now, oh we say happy valentines, but if I want something I just get it myself, same for him.
“It’s like this… for years. I try and try, but something is always wrong. Like I’m supposed to be reading off of some little script on being the perfect man.”
Married 21 years here. More unhappy years than happy ones, unfortunately. You know what this line says to me? It says she’s been telling you exactly what she wants for years, and you still aren’t listening.
You know what the perfect man is? Not someone who is actually perfect, but someone who loves his woman enough to pay attention to her, to notice her, to know her inside and out as a best friend. You’re the perfect man when you just pay attention. Because when you pay attention, you are getting it right.
Different women want different things. I don’t want a bouquet and a card. I want to not have the same damn argument about his kitchen habits that we’ve been having for 21 years. The point here is that if we’re important to you you will take the time to get to know us and what we actually want. Nobody needs to be a mind reader. You just need to pay attention.
If you know more about sports, the stock market, or whatever your pet interests are than you know about your wife, there’s a problem. You can keep all kinds of info in your head like that, but not remember not to do the thing we keep asking you not to do? We know your attention & focus is elsewhere, and that’s what we’re upset about. Guess what? She’s tired of feeling that way too.
You did great! No good deed goes unpunished friend. You scored two touchdowns. So what if you fumbled the ball on the last play. You'd already won the game champ. You did the great thing. You made your daughter happy on Valentine's Day and got a thoughtful gift for SO.
Sounds like the SO dropped the ball entirely.
The daughter just wants to feel loved by both of you which is really sweet.
You did great. Do your best and roll with the punches. When you try, and do your best, and life kicks you anyways. Treat yourself to something. Dinner at your favorite restaurant. Tickets to a game. Buy something you were putting off.
Sounds like you are like me and have no tolerance for criticism so you do everything you can to avoid it. You work harder. But... Still take shots.
Sounds like your stressed out man. How do you unwind. Like really unwind?
I obviously don't know your personal situation, but judging from your feelings of discouragement it sounds like there are some underlying issues between you and your SO that have been going on for longer than today. It might well be that the disappointed reactions of your SO and daughter stem from the fact these issues aren't addressed. They might feel the gift is inadequate because a gift can't resolve other serious issues such as (and i don't insinuate this is the case here) lack of meaningful conversation or emotional connection, lack of quality family time, resentment over past unresolved conflict, etc.
You are right to be frustrated. Your wife disrespected you in front of your daughter and she is teaching your daughter to disrespect men in general and her father in particular. It’s shameful the way many women treat their husbands in front of their children.
You can try to explain this to your wife but it is very unlikely to make a difference if this is a pattern that has repeated for years already.
I dont get? SHE was grumbling because SHE didnt get anything for the daughter. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s her being critical of herself not being critical of you.
Secondly, the doctor said he didn’t put mommy’s name on the card Whoopty whoop like that’s not really even a criticism she’s just making an observation.
You bought the gift to be thoughtful to them. They are mad that you didn’t get enough credit for doing it??? And your internalizing, your wife being upset with herself for not buying her daughter anything. And being unnecessarily, sensitive or offended by your daughter, making an observation.
This is not a nice way to spend life.
For me, it was the walking on egg shells all of the time, eventually one leaves an hour early for work, and work late just not be at home, the safe space.
I will be honest, I am now alone for about 6 years, I am happy, I get lonely, but I am never lonesome.
I have now become comfortable in this manner of living, me and my cat, and it is enough.
I truly hope you and the mrs have a good sit down, this cannot last, for your daughter's sake.
And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries. Simon and Garfunkel.
Ever think that you need to be the strong one in the relationship? My wife was on her way to bankruptcy when we met. I cared. Picked her up, cleaned her off, put her on a good fiscal path by telling her what I expected fiscally from our marriage. Sometimes, when people want someone to blame or are afraid to make decisions, you have to be the leader. You make the decision, you accept the consequences, and if she can't accept those consequences when you are wrong, is it really love? Being a man is all about making decisions and accepting consequence. Either that, or you accept the defaults for your life.... sometimes, the default settings are no good.
Sometimes it doesn't always work like that. I was this guy, but all it ever got me in my relationships was them playing victim and creating shituations about me being too "controlling".
And sometimes, people are just assholes like OP's SO.
Been there. When the drive home from work feels like it takes 40 seconds because you're dreading it, and you pull in the driveway with lights off and just sit in your car for about half an hour before you go in!
Go watch reruns of Married with Children, it hits different now. It's no longer a comedy, its a got damn documentary.
VD is one thing, but the common theme here of husbands dealing with controlling, correcting and careless, callous wives is………..familiar. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my suffering. I realize we are all different and when you are different in marriage you should be aware. Communication is supposed to help solve issues. I have asked before and when I do it gets better for a short while, 30 years in. What I ask and wives should know, say one nice thing for every 3 criticisms. Or maybe start each correction with a compliment. SAY SOMETHING every once in a while that tells your partner you value him. The daily grind of correction, critique and condemnation is exhausting. The flexibility and understanding needed to keep a marriage healthy for some is immense. Still worth the effort. Good luck everybody.
Welcome to being a modern man.
No really sometimes the little things you do are not appreciated, it sucks but unfortunately without looking like a dick you cant really say anything.
Seems like a no brainer to put mom’s name on the card.
Still not a big deal. It was on the sink, right next to the shower, where she was.
I mean it’s not your problem she didn’t get your/her daughter anything.
Also. Reconsider this whole thing. She’s pulling you down, dude. You did sweet things and she’s throwing dirt on them. Life is entirely too short.
I told my girlfriend when I first met her, I will treat you extremely well, spoil you on a semi-reglar basis, but don't expect me to participate in a manufactured holiday like Valentine's Day. We've never had any issues on V-day. A fake holiday shouldn't make you have to prove you worth or case additional stress. Remember everything you do for your family throughout the year. Remind your SO if needed.
You did great. I'm so sorry your SO finds a way to criticize instead of just appreciating every effort. Your daughter is probably bummed that her mother didn't do anything for her. But in the end she will know that her dad always got her Valentine's gifts. It's so, so sweet. What a good dad.
The same scenario played out in my family this year - my husband bought my daughter a little gift and myself as well, when I hadn’t bought my child anything - but I didn’t have those negative feelings when my husband presented my daughter with her gift. I interpret your wife’s reaction as a sense of failure at being a mom, which she then turned on you. Your wife might be - like so many women are - in the grip of anxiety about failing and not doing enough as a mum. The pressure wrought by society is immense. A lot of times, it can lead to women being hyper wound-up and critical of their partners, trying to control everything so they don’t fall apart or prove their fears correct.
There’s a book I used to create a shift in my marriage but it’s for women only (The Empowered Wife by Laura Doyle), so I’m not sure how much good recommending it to your wife would do. But often women need to begin to understand what the controlling angle is doing to their marriage, even if they feel they’re justified. I’m sorry this happened to you and I hope things improve.
I still remember my dad giving me sweet Valentine’s cards and little treats. And it was fine that I got something just from my dad. Parents don’t always have to be one unit.
I’m sure your daughter will treasure those memories.
Take care of your daughter, but don’t effort for your SO. If they don’t try, nor should you. I tried like hell to be “perfect” for decades…it cannot be done. It just leads to the other party taking advantage of you. Get out or stop trying so hard is all I can tell you. Being nice is a sad, sad road with zero rewards.
I just don’t get the hype. My husband and I are like “oh yeah…huh…it’s Valentine’s Day.” No cards, no gifts, no pressure, no problems. The million little things he does for me every day are his gifts to me. Everything else is just nonsense.
I got groceries and got her the coffee she likes. She was pretty happy. And a plant... from the grocery store...so it can die on the kitchen table over the next few months..
Be a King and Treat yourself
This whole king and queen shit is ridiculous! You are not a king nor is she a queen!!!! Be a good man or a good woman. Simple.
I quit holidays years ago. Made my life SOOO much less stressful! That's not to say I don't gift, but it happens when it's organic, not because corporate America needs to pad their bottom line.
Please cancel all holidays. It will greatly benefit your mental health. My family expects nothing from me and its so nice. They weren't too happy at 1st but oh well, im not stressing that shit anymore.
Stop trying... sincerely stop. If your efforts go unrecognized, stop. You're running a fool's errands. If you know you're a good husband and father, then your cup is full. Full is all you're gonna get.
We’ve been married over 30 years and don’t give cards or gifts for Valentine’s Day. We know we love each other and show it every day. We surprise each other now and then with small gifts and gestures randomly.
Good Chocolates. That’s what I buy myself. I don’t have a SO and if I did probably same or a funny valentine card. It’s going to be - okay you do more than most men- you remembered!
My ex-wife divulged to me on V-Day that she was having an affair. As I gave her a gift and she had nothing for me. OH, she had something alright.
Loved this day ever since. Just somethin so special bout it!
I just want to say that you seem like an extremely thoughtful person and a fantastic dad. I’ve never seen a heart-shaped music box that plays Billy Joel, but it sounds amazing and like the most perfect Valentine’s gift.
I never expect gifts, but I’m always filled with gratitude whenever I get one. You’re a good person.
I just avoid 100% of this by having my wife agree long ago to ignore Valentines Day.
Seriously, totally manufactured holiday as a money grab.
No thanks.
My wife and I don't give gifts for any holiday. We spend time together and just enjoy each other. Much less pressure.
You all are having a serious problem, and it’s you both, collectively. You are adults, communicate and set expectations for each other and fully communicate your needs on the relationship. That’s why it’s been this way. You all are adult children. Get some therapy and learn how to communicate your needs to one another.
Why would mom’s name be on the card when it’s a valentine from dad?
For the kid's sake; I've had the conversation "nice!" "from my mom!" "and what did your dad get you?" "oh, nothing" "......?? awkward silence" and that's how I learned that not everyone's dad is Like That. It's nicer for the kid if she can say Mommy and Daddy gave her a toy, rather than have it be a competition of who gave her the better gift or who loves her more (especially years like this when Mommy forgot, arrgh, not the kid's fault).
Huh. I guess she should have gotten her something or discussed it with her husband if it was that important to her. Seems it’s not as she grumbled and complained in front of her daughter. For some people, in their minds, their spouse is blamed for everything.
And why the heck wouldn't the mom get the daughter a valentine, too, if the one from dad wasn't a joint gift from both?
Right? My Daddy would always get me a rose or some candy or a stuffy just from him. I loved it.
🤭🤣🤣 You are a victim held hostage by females.
I thought I was reading /r/DivorcedMen thread. I was overwhelmed with joy yesterday at the store with my daughters when I realized I did not have to buy some meaningless present and then worry how it would be perceived. 1 year for me and I’m quite happily divorced and to not be tired of ridiculous expectations.
See you on the other subreddit my friend.
I'm sorry, but my mom used to give me presents/cards every valentine's day when I was little AND when I was big, and if she had time she'd make heart-shape cookies or cake too. It's still the first thing I think of every year. Don't stop treating your daughter, no matter how awkward things get: Valentine's day can be hard for girls too, and knowing year after year that no matter what there'll be something special from her dad, that could mean the world to her. (I mean, sign Mommy's name on the card to keep the peace, daughter's not an idiot and she'll know who actually went out shopping last night, who tied the bow on the package that way, whose writing is on the card, etc.)
Meh- I’m alone and have been for many years (58F). I ordered and had delivered a steak dinner, shared some with my GSD, kissed my Ragdoll cat, and plan on watching a movie or true crime show under an electric blanket with a piece of chocolate cake I ordered with the steak dinner. Pure BLISS. I always appreciate my effort and am never disappointed 🤣❤️
I made my wife a coffee in the morning and said happy Valentine’s Day, she said thanks, are we going to have a balls deep fuckfest tonight to celebrate ?
I’m 48 and don’t do Valentine’s Day bs anymore. I was at the grocery store watching all the guys stressing today. I’m happy I just stopped doing the bs.
Give your wife some grace, she's probably having a bad day and is mad at herself, not you. Sounds like you're a good guy and a good dad. Maybe next minor holiday (anniversary, or whatever), get her whatever gift, but keep it hidden. Don't act like you got her anything or did anything special. See how she feels when shoe is on the other foot. Just a thought.
I will never understand why people take these holidays so seriously, It's insane to me. My husband and I gave each other a nod and we moved on with our day.
All of these “holidays” are just for retailers to make a buck and put undue social, financial and emotional pressure on everyone who already have enough going on. If you love someone show them through every day words and actions.
I am sorry this happened, it sounds like you went to a lot of effort.
Honestly you sound like a great dad and if seems your daughter has a slightly off relationship with mom, possibly an anxious attachment
49 F, i have started feeling this way a lot the past year about several different levels of life and people and family and friends and work. That nothing i do is good enough. I think it’s a feeling that hits one way or another the last year of your 40s.
My husband told me yesterday that we're gonna get dressed up tonight and go out to dinner and I said absolutely not. We can go out on Sunday, but we are not leaving the house and doing all that Valentines prefix dinner, crowded, wait four hours for your meal, Valentines dinner anywhere even if we were able to get a reservation. We don't tend to celebrate Valentine's Day by getting cards or anything. I don't think he even realized it was Valentine's Day when he said we would go out to dinner tonight.
Lighten your expectations. People are famous for dashing what we hope to see happen. Roll with it in laughter. But make it passive aggressive fun.
'No sweetie, Mommy forgot to sign it'
i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit (OP)
Fuck, I wish I was quick on the draw like that. Would’ve been perfect.
It wouldn’t have been perfect. It would have been a shitty dick move. This is part of the problem with “venting” your problems on reddit. You get shit advice.
The correct answer is something like, “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t think to add your name to the card. Can we talk about how to fix this?”
Folks, your time on Reddit can fuck up every relationship you have if you let it.
The fuck kind of garbage take is this?
Here to encourage practicing a smidge of self-awareness.
Ok well that’s Bullshirt. One, vent where you need, they don’t post pictures or name names. Two, some people feel alone and venting helps. Three, I would have said to the child oops! But in no way would I have said that to SO. Giving them a way out? People should be responsible for lack of caring.
If your focus is on “not giving them a way out”, you’re in a shitty relationship and you’re a big part of the problem in it.
Tell her mommy signed it in invisible ink. And then produce the pen without ink
Changing how we think is work. Some the older, deeper rooted behaviors are tough to unlearn. Totally can be done though.
Here comes something you didn't expect to drop in your lap this morning...cognitive behavior therapy.
CBT is a set of tools that allows people, through patience and repetitive practice, to edit unwanted and or unhelpful thoughts and behaviors while developing new, helpful responses and perspectives which lead to favorable behavior.
Key to it all is, you have to want to drop shit that's heavy to pick up traits that are light.
First, you have to rid yourself of Piaget's Classical Conditioning.
Somehow I read that as "Piglet" and momentarily wondered if that was something from "The Tao of Pooh." 🤦🏻♀️🤣
Tigger is my go to for advice 🤪
I have to second this. This sort of attitude shift is a) not easy and b) pays massive dividends.
It took me a while to get the hang of it, and I'm definitely not perfect, but positive reframing is infectious and I found my SO and child started to reflect the approach pretty quickly.
I really like this
CBT?! Cock and ball torture?!
She didn't forget to sign it. It was a gift from HIM to HIS daughter. He put in the effort she didn't. Why should she get awarded for doing nothing?
Bingo. I have to do this to manage my daughter's expectations all the time.
Just say it was from both of you any time this happens.
This☝️The key to a long marriage with kids is to keep your own personal expectations low, push the kids to do their best and hopefully the wife gives it up 3 times a week and maybe pay a bill or 2
I see the downvotes. Just for the record I did hand out presents to my wife and daughter this morning and did not get any back. It’s still a great day!
Not sure if this is the answer - maybe he should rather reflect on who he‘s surrounding himself with.
I understand, mate. I'm in the same boat as far as the SO is never happy with extra effort. Hopefully, it will iron out for you.
Could be worse. My SO doesn't have a sex drive worth mentioning and has been on Zoloft for five plus years. I'm hoping for you to get some tonight, lad.
Valentine’s Day is such a stupid waste of money. Why some women make such a big deal about it - even to the extent of causing breakup’s because of (insert Valentine’s Day crime here) baffles me. So stupid.
How about communicating with your spouse in advance? “Let’s get our daughter this!”
I have a surprise for you…
This is for you: ❤️
Sorry you're going through that... It seems like nice guys often get taken for granted and toxic, abusive men are often adored.
Put gifts open on the table for at least a week before the holiday. Don’t let them tough them. It’s killer! I bought a huge premium Valentines heart of chocolates (it came taped up!) for me, my husband and 22-year-old son. So aggravating to have to wait. This is my new deal. Suffer bitches!
Your wife was a jERK. I hate how she handled that. Just keep doing your thing. You don’t need to sign her name. You’re allowed to do whatever you want on your own. Sheesh.
That’s why my husband and I decided to stop getting each other gifts for all these “Hallmark” holidays.
I'm a quilter. Making a quilt takes a ton of hours, not just of energy, but fabric, time, work, etc. There's a refrain among quilters that once the quilt is handed over, it is out of our hands. We never know how the recipient may love (or hate, or not care) about the quilt. BUT we know that we hold that person (family, etc) in our hearts and minds as we work.
You put your thoughts, emotions, time, etc, into choosing these gifts. How your family receives them is their reaction. They own that. You can't. BUT you can own all the thought and care you put into doing it.
I hope you might instead take joy in the feelings you had when you picked the gifts, and when you gave them.
It might be an opening to tell your daughter that you can give her a gift alone, and her mom can give her a gift alone, and sometimes it comes from both of you. My dad had two girl kids (me and my sis) and I cherished everything he did specifically for me and not "the girls."
I hope this perspective is helpful.
Tell your SO to get off her butt and get something. It's still Valentine's Day. Be a jerk - she forgot the kid's present, you didn't.
Ick. Are you married with kids? Parents are literally supposed to parent together and do things to help each other out. It's crazy to set a precedent of both parents buying separate gifts--It would lead to a unspoken competition over who got a better /more thoughtful gift, especially if money is not shared and one parent has more income than the other. It just feels like a recipe to an unhappy marriage and spoiled kids to me. It's hard for me to wrap my head around parents actually doing that unless they are divorced.
OP did not work in perfect parental harmony with his partner when he gave his daughter a gift without signing Mommy’s name. Did they discuss whether they should even get her a gift? Doesn’t sound like it. It’s a valentines trinket, he’s not trying to monopolize his daughter’s parental love.
No. But in the future, have Mommy sign the card too or look into why you didn't automatically think of this. Unless you were assuming she was buying her own gifts for her if that's what she usually does.
What did you get? Exactly! Right there with you my man.
Hallmark can suck it.
Fuck yeah, making people feel like shit on a holiday that screams love but what's the love for? Your partner? Nah, for public displays of love usually by spending money so you look like a good partner and your relationship looks perfect to other people. I hate that. But ya know that I do love, my husband and I'd rather have many moments of love throughout our lives than a "perfect" Valentine's or whatever day.
Someone needs to come out with t-shirts with this on them. Be even better if Hallmark came out with them.
I'm dealing with not only being alone on Valentine's Day.....it is also my anniversary, husband passed in 2018.
Virtual hug. May he not be forgotten.
I hope you find peace in your day and your most cherished memories. And a happy Valentine's day from me!
Happy cake day, too!
I’d tell them that if it isn’t good enough, you’re going to stop doing it at all. If they’re going to be dissatisfied either way, might as well save some money and let them be mad about that.
Why didn’t your wife get your daughter anything?
My SO and I don’t do gifts. I have no idea why but neither of care about them at all. Sometimes he buys a little lot of flowers from Costco or an orchid but that’s it. It’s so much easier. When we want something else we just buy it.
Yes, sadly some people don't get it!
What did she get you? If nothing, then don't feel bad. Valentines day is a COUPLES holiday. NOT a WOMANs holiday.
It sounds like you need a new wife. "I have been there, done that". After the divorce I had more fun than I had in my 20s, except for the financial hit. Eventually I found my soulmate, who is the Morticia to my Gomez. There is still time to find a better partner. Godspeed!
This is definitely a “her” problem, not about GenX or societal expectations. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I remember years ago in the beginning of my last relationship, I was working as a short order cook and walking everywhere because I didn’t have a car. I sneaked off to the mall every week to pay for a layaway of a pair of tasteful diamond earrings for this chick for our first Christmas together. She opened them up and laughed and said “I know one day you’ll be able to buy me some real diamonds”. It only got worse from there, as it will for you. I’m sorry.
You sound whiny.
I don’t remember the last time my husband got me anything for Valentines but I would still at least get him a card, make him dinner….something like that.
This year, I didn’t bother doing anything and when he got out of the shower this morning he asked what we were doing for Valentines. I just said that I decided that February 14th was just going to be that this year and nothing more. He actually looked hurt!
Some woman are just difficult to please. It sounds like its a team effort in your household. Id invest in a man cave.
I guess I'm lucky to have a found a SO that thinks these types of holidays are as BS as I do.
I got lucky this year and received a happy Valentine’s Day text from my spouse. Huge improvement from other holidays like my birthday or Christmas which he skips entirely. Your family is very lucky to have you.
I love Valentine’s Day! Then again I love any reason to celebrate life and love 💕
Sorry you’re feeling this way. It absolutely sucks to feel unappreciated. I hope that you can find a way to change your situation. And I’m optimistic that over time as your daughter grows up, becomes an adult you will still have a strong relationship with her.
i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit (OP)
Thank you… I try to not let it get to me. But somedays I just feel weak. I’m hoping my day gets better.
Others here are mentioning talking to your wife about how you feel. It’s probably not what you want to do today, but at some point it’s necessary if you want things to change. If you’re already expressing your feelings and she doesn’t listen or want to talk, that’s something serious to consider. If you haven’t talked about your relationship, it’s time. You might consider couples therapy. Best of luck. Your internet friends here are rooting for you!
Absolutely. I don’t know why people, given the myriad of interpretations of a gesture, chose to pick the negative one, but his wife needs to learn to give OP the benefit of the doubt. And OP most definitely needs to tell her how he feels, either directly or with the help of therapy.
I mean, do it. Here's a pet rat on a shoulder to calm you down:
And yeah - you should put mommies name on whatever you do for your daughter. That's appropriate.
NAH - you tried. You'll concur next time
You are killing it, don't worry.
Hey friend. I’m really sorry this happened, and I hope your day gets better, too.
When you’re ready and you feel like you can talk about it with her, try telling your wife what your intentions were. Maybe something like this:
“Hey, I wasn’t trying to just check the expected holiday box. It’s more than just a card. I want you to know that I love you, I’ve never loved you more, I’m so glad I chose you, I’m so lucky you chose me. You’re my mate, my boo, my beloved. I admire you as a person. I respect you. I want you to know how precious you are to me.”
If you can, look her in the eyes while you say this and hold her hand in yours. It might be uncomfortable if this isn’t a level of verbal/emotional intimacy that’s common between you. She might try to look away. It might make her uncomfortable. That’s okay. Be sincere. Don’t mention hypotheticals (“I’d never leave you” or “I’d kill for you”), just be tender, say kind words, and be forthright. If you mention her looks, don’t just say “you’re my beautiful wife,” tell her that her face is the face you look to for comfort and understanding. Tell her that your heart flips a little every time you see her through a crowd.
Sometimes, V-Day activities feel forced. For a lot of us, it’s a gross, gray, depressing time of year. Cards are great, but they’re ultimately someone else’s sentiments, and we’re all a little cynical about commercial holidays. (Also, we live in a geopolitical climate where it feels safer to assume the worst intentions about everything anyone ever does, unfortunately.) I’m getting the feeling that your wife accepted your love gesture (card, etc) with as much sincerity as she thought you put into it.
When you’re feeling a little better, tell her you meant it. Say it with your chest. “I love you. I love you. I love YOU.” I hope she hears you. 🩷
Man... stop bending over backwards for these ladies. Love is a two way street.
She's not a child.
Nor is she a Queen or Princess. Even though Disney says she is.
And what do you get from her? Did you get anything? Does she put efford for your B day etc?
I hope your day gets better too.
When people point out my mistakes on little things like this I'll usually say, "Yeah, I make mistakes sometimes, sorry.". I'll try to remember next time. Hopefully the people close to you have enough love to show you some grace and you can do the same when they bungle something up.
Don't let things like this get you down, too much. We can be a very bad friend to ourselves and ruminate about our mistakes magnifying their impact. That can lead to a very dark place. Don't do that.
Keep being you. You are doing just fine. Some people expect way too much out of others or want to keep up with the Joneses of the world. Your gifts to your wife and daughter were truly on point. You did well and should not feel poorly about it. Your wife, however, needs to be reminded to be thankful for the gifts she does receive.
It sounds like you tried really hard. I’m sorry your SO didn’t recognize your efforts. 🫢 from an Reddit stranger, keep on truckin’.💝
I refuse to acknowledge valentines day as anything other than made up bullshit to boost sales.
My wife and I have never done anything for each other on valentine's day.
I think you should point these things out to your wife and consider counseling. Emasculated is not good! Good luck
The fact that any adult, especially someone in their 40s, would care about Valentine's Day is amusing to me. If my wife asked me what I got her for Valentines Day my response would be something like. "Are you kidding? The shit we went through this past year and the way we supported each other day in and day out, and you need a box of chocolates and flowers just because Hallmark said so?" Fortunately she and I are on the same page. Not that she doesn't deserve or get flowers, just not on February 14th out of pure obligation.
Fuck em
HS sweethearts married 32 years. I ordered some valentine stuff in last week’s Target order for the 12 year old and will Apple Pay the two older kids. We recalled some fun valentine days past this morning and mapped out our day. At this point, it’s the daily stuff that matters to us both. We’ve buried all 4 parents, lost a nephew and don’t have time to get worked up over manufactured bs. I hope your day improves
If you are not used to it yet, you might want to make a list of the little things that we all forget sometimes.
I’m so, so sorry OP. 😞This is really sad. I’m big on holidays, and I’ve never had a guy I was dating do much of anything for Valentine’s. They said it was man-made and didn’t believe in it, or just flat-out refused to buy anything. I remember literally being in tears, sobbing to an ex on how happy I would be to just receive a Valentine’s card.
Your gifts sound sweet and thoughtful. It makes me sad that they weren’t enthusiastically received.
if she is mad at you, its projection for not doing anything for yalls daughter. stop apologizing. its OK for a SO to be mad, esp when their anger is clearly at themselves.
Husband and I didn't make any plans at all because they always end up shot to hell due to other people's demands. Told him last night I'd be ok with going to a bookstore, or even waiting until tomorrow to go out.
After we had that convo, we had two different people (the ones often messing up our plans) offer to take care of the youngest so we can go do something. Our plan now is to get something to go from a favored restaurant and find somewhere to sit and eat like a park so we're not fighting for a table.
That sounds really sweet that you did those things.
My husband and I wish each other happy Valentine's Day and he beat me to it cuz I'd forgotten. To be fair at anniversary was two weeks ago.
Atleast you have someone to share Valentines Day with, alot of people are by themselves.
Where does it sound like his SO is the type to share anything? She actually sounds pretty selfish and manipulative.
Your right, he's better off alone.
Shit, you didn't get the manual either?
Your little girl loves you. I’d say that’s something you did that’s far better than “good enough.”
I have three daughters and a SO. I feel you, bro.
I guess be thankful that you have people to care for? A lot of us are alone on these days and its incredibly empty
Did they do anything special for you?
i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit (OP)
My Daughter wished me a Happy Valentine’s Day. Hugged me. I couldn’t ask for anything more from her.
I have yet to hear anything from SO resembling a “Happy Valentine’s”
Of course not. You made her look like an asshole in front of your daughter by failing to involve her in this gift.
You aren't wrong. That's probably where SO's head is right now. The sad part about this situation Is that daughter knows exactly what is wrong with Mommy and is trying to explain to Dad what the problem is in order to keep the peace in the house. Daughter is walking on eggshells around Mommy, too.
That’s a lot of reddit-social-media-delulu-oriented extrapolation.
Is it? I don't think so.
They should agree beforehand on what to do for Valentine's. It's a set date. They should also discuss what to do for other holidays and occeasions that also have set dates. Discuss whether they will do joint gifts or separate ones, etc.
Holidays shouldn't be hard and they shouldn't be surprises (because they have set dates) and they definitely don't need to be super expensive either. Like historically holidays were simple and about spending time with the people you loved and having a gift and nice meal if you could financially swing it. Like getting an orange for Christmas used to be a big deal and it was looked forward to all year.
But that would require having a conversation. Something many Redditors aren’t wont to do.
It kinda sounds like his SO IS an asshole.
Shocking! Someone complains on reddit about their SO and they come off as the hero! I can’t believe it! Who'd a thunk it? How could that be?
Hi OP's SO! So what did you get OP?
It sounds to me like you two may have some deeper issues than just Valentine's Day. It might be time to set aside a quiet block of time and discuss it calmly. If that doesn't sound possible, you may need a mediator.
Then tell her march 14th is steak and BJ day, she hss a month.
That really sucks about the SO. Happy Valentine's Day from Jimmy.
Leave now
We skip all the Hallmark holidays.
One comedian described Valentine as the "patron saint of demanding girlfriends," lol.
I bet a cool 1 dollar bill that they didn't get you anything...except for the same "gift" they offer every year.
Not tired. You should be used to it by now.
You should be tired of this shit. Your SOs attitude is ridiculous. Number one, your gift to her was really nice. I would have cried if my husband did that. Number two, you’re not responsible for what she does for your daughter, nor should you be. My mom was a bit of an outlier when it came to these kinds of holidays. I guess she told my dad when I started kindergarten that she didn’t want flowers anymore for Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day because they’re made up commercial holidays and she was fine with whatever I made at school. So my dad would bring me a valentines gift every year. Do you remember the giant greeting cards you used to see at the store? My dad would bring me one home every year plus candy or a stuffed animal. My dad died pretty young when I was in high school but I still remember that he never let a Valentine’s Day go by without giving me something. Please continue the tradition with your daughter. She’ll remember that for longer than you know.
Hey ho! Let’s go😉
What did they do for you, OP?
Are you blaming yourself - or is your wife blaming you? If you are blaming yourself, please don't, what you did is amazing and you shouldn't feel bad at all. If your wife is upset with you, she shouldn't be. I read the grumbling as she was frustrated with herself for not being proactive (I hope she thanked you for your gift).
Personally, I think you did good!
First let me applaud you on the effort! I wish my husband of 20+ years would leave me a music box that plays Just the way you are! That was very thoughtful! I’m sure she will thank you later when the day slows down.
Also, trust me it only gets worse when the teenager years hit so buckle up! 😄
I would wait until cooler heads prevail and ask your SO how she would like to handle these holidays. Joint gifts for daughter, gifts for each other, etc. I mean I woke up to a bag of starburst jelly beans and a card. I am totally down with it.
One of the problems may be that you’re posting about it on Reddit instead of talking to your wife about it.
How does she complain about you?
Maybe it’s therapeutic to just vent anonymously when you feel like no one around you understands 🤷🏼♀️
Wow, guy is here looking for empathy and you responded exactly like his wife would by pointing out how his efforts are 'doing it wrong.' Congratulations you found the problem.
Communication is key. Did the wife know he was getting the daughter a gift? Did he know his wife wasn't going to? Does the wife even care about Valentines day? Some women don't. Like my wife. I know this because we talk.
These might seem like small things to bring up in a conversation, but you can bet the farm if they're not have conversations about the little things. They are not conversing about the big things.
It could be. I’m trying to shake it loose.
So often, Redditors complain here about stuff they should be talking to their spouses about. I’d bet she has some complaints about him, too. They need a conversation together, not some kind of false validation from strangers who know fuck all about the situation.
Yikes, dude.
In our family, we tell the other people if something needs to be a big deal or not. And then we honor that.
Example: I told my husband that our anniversary is soooo close to Christmas and we both tend to forget what day it’s on (this has been a running joke for both of us), that to ease the pressure, can we please do nothing for our anniversary?
He got me a lovely heartfelt card but that’s all. I brought him lunch and a rose to work. That’s basically nothing, as I bring him lunch most days.
Today is Valentine’s Day and he went all out for our daughter. Stuffed animal, cute valentines pjs (she’s 4) and an adorable card with a singing cat on it. This is a home run and I told him how much we both appreciate it.
Also I’m 48 and married, this is a holiday for younger couples and stuff. At least, that’s what we both think. He did take our daughter out yesterday and she got me some twizzlers (my favorite) and a cute card and some earrings.
I’ll bring him lunch and a treat from the bakery.
I’m sorry that you’re not just unappreciated but it sounds like you’re being belittled too. That’s just not okay. 💔
This is the correct answer. Communication before or the event is key!!!
I would not feel bad at all. You did an amazing job. You went way above and beyond what I would have done. Much of this depends on the age of your daughter and your wife’s expectation. It sounds like your SO is not that worried about Valentine’s Day - if she was, she would not have forgotten to get something for your daughter. As a dad of 4 kids, I only get a card and a very small gift for my daughter, and usually just a card and a very small gift for my wife. There have been years where we didn’t even buy cards because we were too busy. Cards and gifts don’t equal love or show how much you love someone. I would just say we are going to all do something together as a family for Valentine’s Day or that there will be another surprise waiting for her after school. It should not be a big deal. I always say set expectations very low for gifts, and outperform if you have the time and resources. This may also be a good lesson on expectations and how to react appropriately to situations for your daughter. Just a thought. You know your family dynamic better than anyone.
My effort has waned to almost nothing over the years regarding Valentine’s Day. It’s kind of a bogus pseudo holiday. My wife never does anything for me, but she also doesn’t care if I do much as she looks at it as a fake holiday. Took her to dinner last night as weather is going to be bad today and ordered her a t shirt so she has it for a concert we are going to see this summer.
We don’t do anything for our kid other than get her valentines stuff to hand out at school. I don’t think she or I got anything when we were kids either. Come from families of anti-valentiners I guess.
My husband and I agreed not to celebrate Valentine’s Day. He gives me just because flowers throughout the year and that means more to me than obligatory holidays gift giving.
I have never felt so similar to. Reddit post in my life. I feel like I always say something or don’t say something correct and people get their feelings hurt. It just causes me to revert to avoidance and don’t talk to anyone or do anything with people that I may offend. God bless you brother
At this point besides my cat I have nobody. I'm a bit of a loner and I'm not too disturbed by that but when I read stuff like this it makes me sad because there are so many people like me out there who don't have anyone to give a Valentine to or to get one from. I bought myself something just because I try to 💝 me at least but it looks like USPS lost that so I'm not even getting the gift I bought for myself.
No offense but people need to count their blessings. I'm doing that today even sans Valentine. I have a roof over my head going on 4 years now, no mean thing since I was homeless for almost 6 years. I still have my beloved 18 year old furball. I'm chronically ill but I am still here unlike most of my friends and my Ex all of which passed way too young. I live in a place I love and always wanted to come back to and I'm not paying a small fortune to do it.
Life isn't perfect but it's pretty good compared to where I was from 2017-2021.
I can live without the roses and the candy...
Happy Valentine's Day to everybody.
My wife and I normally leave town every Valentines weekend as that’s also our anniversary weekend (27 years now). That’s our gift to ourselves and takes all the pressure off buying gifts and planning something special. However, on one occasion several years ago, when our kids were still in school , things were hectic,and Valentine Day was in the middle of the week, we decided to stay in town, go out for dinner that weekend on our actual anniversary and just get each other a small gift. Because I hadn’t really had to think about a Valentine gift for years, my mind was blank about what to get her. I ended up getting her flowers (easy default gift) and ordering her pajamas from Pajama Gram online (heard an add on the radio, she had mentioned wanting some warm pajamas as a Christmas idea, and I was desperate for an idea). I ended up ordering some pajamas that were listed as “flakey”. It was basically light blue fleece bottoms with snowflakes on them and a white top with some sort of giant snowflake on it. There was an option to personalize it with the person’s name on the shirt. I just wanted to get it ordered and done with so it would arrive on time. So I had her name added to it, and even paid extra to have it gift wrapped.
The gift was delivered the day before Valentines Day, and I was relieved knowing that I had ordered a “thoughtful” gift, it was already wrapped, and I would be able to give it to her in the morning before work. The morning came and she was very happy with the flowers . Then she opened the gift and had a very unhappy look on her face and said “Is this a joke!!! She wasn’t totally angry, but clearly wasn’t happy. I was a little crushed because, while I bought them at the last minute and knew they weren’t the most romantic gift, I at least thought it was thoughtful, a little different, and actually practical as she had given it as a Christmas idea just a couple months earlier. Then she pulled the top out of the box and showed me the front. It had an emblem under the snowflake that said “Flakey” which I didn’t catch when I ordered them. She said, “Are you saying I’m flakey?” I told her not at all. Then she showed me the back of the shirt that had the name “Suzy” across the bottom, and now in an angry tone said “And who is Suzy?” Needless to say, that is not my wife’s name.
Once I explains to her what had happened, she actually laughed about it. When I called the company about the snafu, they apologized said they would send me a new shirt. I explained that after what had happened, I didn’t think a new shirt was going to fix my issue. They then said they would give me a refund. When I asked if I needed to send the pajamas back, they basically said no. So in the end I got my wife a free pajama bottom (I think we donated the top to Goodwill.”
As I type this, we’re currently out of town celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary. We’ve left town every year since the pajama incident (if it works, don’t fix it). With that said, I feel sorry for anyone who is getting grief for what they did or didn’t do for Valentine’s Day. At the end of the day, being together should be enough…and a nice dinner, gift, or weekend trip alone is just icing in the cake.
Communication is so important. That may be the important lesson in this experience?
You can be miserable and blame your wife for being demanding, but you're never gonna improve your relationship that way.
A relationship is all about growing through communication, not giving up because she/he hurt your feelings. No blame or shame to you, I just want to help you use the opportunity, instead of spending a day of love for eachother, upset. That's not what your daughter would want.
A question: Does your wife typically buy gifts and put your name on everything? If that's how things work typically, when/if you told her that you were getting your daughter something, she definitely expected that you would be doing the role of both parents, just as she would have done.
Consistency is so important, especially when it comes to kids. My dad was not a communicator, some years he would buy me random gifts and just hand them to me, but my mom's planned gifts would still have his name on them too because my mom made sure I saw them as one parental unit.
If my spouse picks up anything for the kids, it's unspoken, both of our names go on the gift. That may be easier for us than some because we don't have to argue over who is spending what since we share all of our income equally. I think that has a lot to do with how we have learned to communicate.
So all that rambling to say, go talk to your wife. This isn't worth having a rift over. Use this as an opportunity to never have unspoken expectations when it comes to your daughter again and you'll be so much happier. Make a solid agreement that you only give gifts that have both of your names on it so it's never a separate gifts from mom and dad expectation of your daughter and you know your wife has your back if she tells you she got gifts and she can expect the same from you. If you want to buy something special for your daughter, it's about the joy parents feel in seeing her have the thing, not about the credit of it being just from you.
I've been with my missus for 14 years now. We said from from day 1 we don't do shitty made up corporate holidays. And I'm in the UK! So bugger that rubbish.
I’m 47, my dad buys me a card and a mini rose bush every year for Valentine’s Day. My mom never signs the card. It’s our thing.
Sorry man. You’re not alone I promise!
OMG...guess I am lucky my husband and I found each other..no Birthday, Christmas, vday presents or cards. Sure we recognize these days..This morning he said happy valentines day and I replied Fuck I thought it was tomorrow..lol...
Too many women these days have adjusted their expectations according to what they see on TikTok and IG, and it’s causing them to lose good men.
It's a psychological abuse tactic, they are abusers. Nothing you do is ever enough because the second they acknowledge that you did great it creates contrast to their void of shitty neediness that ironically gives you less than nothing because nothing at least is not toxic.
Holidays are created by corporations. F all that. Also sounds like you need a different SO. 🤣
Love is amazing. You give someone the power to ruin your mood once a day, and in return they sometimes bring you food.
Ugh I’m sorry. That is bullcrap. My dad used to get me a little flower with vase and a little stuffed toy every year, from HIM. Not my mother, she didn’t get me anything specific, maybe candy sometimes when I was younger. I didn’t care. What I cared about was getting something special from my dad for Valentine’s Day. He showed me how I should be treated and loved. Your wife is being selfish in my opinion and should have gotten your child something from her if she wanted it so bad. Valentine’s Day is personal to me, not a holiday with you get couples gifts to someone.
Sounds like she's worried about how she looks 😕 I'd appreciate that effort . Corporate-lism sucks ass ..
For what it's worth , Happy Valentine's Day 💌
WTF? WHY didn't the SO buy the daughter something? THAT'S NOT ON YOU!! Why is that your problem? She needs a come to Jesus meeting right quick.
Are you in a relationship with your senior officer? What the hell is SO?
Significant other
Thanks. Most people say partner lol.
You must be military ❤️
I know what you are feeling. I am much happier being a hermit so I don’t need to be perfect everyday. Stress level so low, I might live longer not having to meet any expectations
That's really sad. I asked my husband NOT to buy me flowers or anything else for this completely fake and money-grabbing holiday. Bah humbug. :P
I feel the same way! But I feel guilty about it. Like I’m killing the romantic part of our long marriage. We don’t have much romantic moments and I kill Valentine’s Day… bruh
I get it. Ironically my husband is the more romantic of us two. Personally I think it comes down to people's love languages (husband and I read this book together which was super productive and revealing). I'm not a gift person, neither giving nor receiving. But if someone is gift-oriented I could see how these holidays would be a problem.
OMG .. we are living in parallel lives Same with my husband. He got me flowers (which I hate/love) and a week ago he told me he felt like chocolate bars, so I got him some ironically I gave those to him today for Valentine’s Day…I truly hate all holidays that require a gift. I rather have a good meal with people and that is my gift.
Your love language might be “quality time” - it’s one of mine.
Yes..making memories with people. We have such a short time in this world
When my wife and I were dating, we discussed gifts as we apprached our first holiday together (it was Christmas). I told her I would prefer to never exchange gifts. Gift giving and receiving always drives extra anxiety for me, do they like it...do I like it...what if it's not good enough? She agreed and now 15 years later we still don't exchange gifts. It is perfect.
Learning about boundaries was life changing for me.
I'm sorry your SO was critical instead of appreciating you thinking of her and your daughter. I don't know what's up with all of that, but I hope better things come to you before the day is over. In the meantime, have a Valentine from me:
Dunno, the wife sounds a bit meh and kid..well. she's learnt from mummy
Message to OP...up the book No More Mr. Nice Guy. Read it. Do it.
It's kind of weird to get family members Valentine's gifts, IMO, but it's really sweet that you did. Is all this really about gifts though? Maybe I'm projecting, but this seems more like an ongoing failure in communication.
For example, my SO sometimes over reacts to a minor complaint I have. I say something and move on, but he'll be in a bad mood for hours. That means we aren't communicating well.
Anyway, just putting it out there to think about. I'm sorry you're feeling this way, especially when you honestly made an effort.
Also your thing about the card reminded of me of something that really pissed me off recently. I always have to buy the cards to send to our parents for birthdays and holidays. So, I give it to my SO to sign the card for his mom (because he should sign first). He signs and seals the envelope. I ask if he signed my name for me. Nope. I've been signing cards to my parents for him for decades. I'm obviously still salty about it. (Normally I'd immediately take the card back after he signs - this is what I get if the smallest amount of work is left to chance.)
You sound like you are depressed. Maybe it's just really bad stress. You're going to give yourself an early grave with a heart attack. I would suggest you sit down and try to tell your wife calmly what you are feeling. Write down what you want to say and keep that at hand so you won't forget something important. Make it a list, whatever helps you stay focused and remain calm and not get overwhelmed.
If that doesn't work out for you, I suggest couples counseling so you can express yourself in a "safe" space. You have to get these feelings out, your wife needs to know before you cheat or just file papers. It's a simple fix, but she can't read your mind and know that you're taking her criticism personally and she needs to find a new more productive and sensitive way to express her displeasure. She also needs to shut down her daughter's nosey self. She had no place in that conversation and she got a present, it's assumed that it's from both parents. The ungratefulness is kind of gross.
I get it. With kids you gotta do something because of societal expectations. But we’re now empty nesters and don’t participate in these stupid holidays. I put a pot roast in the oven this morning at 225. That’s what I did to show some love. Even cut up the veggies myself. It’ll be ready around 5pm. Maybe I’ll open some wine and it’s supposed to snow later. Probably binge some tv tonight. Tomorrow morning maybe I’ll go get some discount flowers and chocolate but 50% off is still too high. Most likely be a Sunday, 75% off strategy.
I think I was like a junior or senior in high school when they introduced Sweetest Day. I remember feeling like it was just too much and very out of place. I actually felt guilty when my boyfriend of the time got me flowers! I don't think it was very well received and I don't hear about it much anymore. Some of these holidays are gimmicks for the greeting card industry!
That isn't even taking into account the fact that Sweetest Day started somewhere in the 1920s and was a day dedicated to feeding homeless children! It was never meant to be Valentine's Day 2.0
The struggle is real. This is the way. A tired, thankless existence where every victory is overlooked and every defeat is illustrated.
Do you guys do separate gifts for other specials days, too? Birthdays, Christmas, etc and just put one parents name or the other on it? If not, I'm wondering why her name was left off the card, did you ask her to sign it and she refused?
Does she buy Christmas gifts and just put "Love Mommy" on them? If that's your normal, cool. If not, why was today different?
Don't get me wrong, I think it's really sweet what you did, but if your wife does heavy lifting the rest of the year regarding gifts from both of you and then you decide to get your daughter something and say it's just from you, that's kind of shitty.
When I was married in my early 20s I would make my now X husband lunches and put a sweet note in there. After weeks of sewing he didn’t open them I asked if he saw them and he said yes. From that day forward ( now 50) I have never done this again for another man. I did this for my dad for years when I was younger and he still has those notes saved. What I learned very quickly is not all men are created equally 🤣🤣🤣 I am sorry you put effort in to show your love and end up feeling disappointed in the outcome. Total bummer.
Sucks dude.
I had to temper my expectations years ago.
I was feeling good about myself as I’d done 6-8 loads of laundry, folded it all, and put everything away. We had two young boys so lots of little shirts and pants to fold…
Sure, I had some time for other stuff while the first load was in the washer and then dryer to do other things, but I showered, drank my coffee, and watched some TV.
Wife gets home from work and the first thing she sees and says, “I see you didn’t do the dishes”.
I learned to not to expect appreciation and/or recognition. I thought she’d be happy that she didn’t need to worry about 6-8 loads of laundry over the weekend.
Our relationship is 90% good, 5% great, and 5% spread out on the far extremes of not good and way beyond great.
So I try to concentrate on the majority and let the minority go unnoticed. But it is always the minority that seems to affect the other 95%.
Hallmark holidays only exist to sell over priced glitter cards. People put way too many expectations into them.
I do the heavy for every holiday in my family, but when it comes to presents for the kids, I understand my wife and I are parental unit; both names go on the gifts.
If you want to let your daughter know how proud you are, tell her, take her out to lunch, spend some time with her 1 on 1. Have a “Daddy Daughter Day”.
Yeah, I'm wondering what happens for Christmas? Birthdays? Are they always going buying separate gifts for their daughter with separate names? If that's the case - this would be their "normal". If not, why for this holiday?
Yes, I’d like to hear what OP does for Christmas and Birthdays.
I hope your day has improved by now. Hugs
Me & my husband don’t do holiday cards/gifts/flowers. I’ve always felt it’s so overpriced and not necessary. It totally takes the stress & pressure out of it. I think he’s more sentimental than me, but appreciates the money / stress saved. We go out to dinner / take vacations during less crowded / cheaper times.
Silly question, what did they get you? no need to answer, I already know.
And what did they do for you?
This is why I stopped celebrating Valentine's before I graduated HS. Unfortunately, I think this is just how your wife was raised. There's always faults in what's done. Nothing is good enough. Have you tried to communicate that you have these feelings of being measured for all your thoughtful contributions?
You need a therapist. You're beating yourself up for the wrong reasons.
Wow you are so sweet and I would not put up with that. Me and my husband don’t celebrate valentines. Valentines is a made up holiday from Hallmark so they could sell more cards. I can’t believe they were able to make it a “holiday”.
As a woman that grew up without a father around, thank you. As a single woman who left abusive relationships, thank you. As a 49F GenX alone, raising two nearly adult sons, thank you.
I appreciate seeing the effort you’ve made.
You’re kicking ass! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. ☺️
Happy Valentine's day. You rock.
Thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day! 😊
My ex wife was the type that would expect things, but never reciprocate. In the 5 years or so we were together, she would expect, b-day, Christmas, valentines, and the real topper FUCKING HALF BIRTHDAY GIFTS. Yes, she celebrated her half birthday as a real thing. Not once in the entire time we were together did she give me a single fucking thing, other than debt, heartburn, headaches, and a drinking problem (joking there).
I would like to say how very sorry I am for all of those who have put a valid effort into providing the properly expected gift for what ever the season/holiday. It hurts much when you put forth such effort and it’s not appreciated. And how dare you forget or are late. It’s just a horrible feeling of failure when the significant other/spouse does not even appreciate the effort. The government/social media and all the holidays do not make it any easier with the pressure of this or that to purchase and how to spend the said holiday. My husband and I have made a practice to not expect or to pressure each other based on what the calendar says which holiday it is. This has brought many happy years of marriage with neither of us having hurt feelings. After all, was it not the said holiday that brought the problem?
If anyone gave me something that played Billy Joel’s “Just The Way Your Are” I would melt!! We personally do not do Valentine’s Day due to the idiotic pressure placed on a holiday that should be everyday with someone you love. I am sorry but the music box is the perfect valentines imo!! You did good…no, great!!!!
Your wife is a bitch
If your wife wants something for valentine's day then tell her about march 14th.
My husband’s birthday is on 2/25 so we always combine his birthday and Valentine’s Day with a little winter getaway. Sometimes we shop the after sales and give each other a gift late. The kids always have a little something when they wake up. We’ve never been one to feel the pressure to make it perfect. It’s cheesy as hell, but my husband truly tries to make everyday like Valentine’s Day by getting me little gifts and doing kind things (candy in my car snuck in the night before so I see it when I leave for work; hidden post its in the classroom I teach that say “I love you;” buying me Starbucks when he’s out doing errands, getting up with the kids so I can sleep in). So many fights happen over failed expectations on Valentine’s Day.
Mom developed dementia and I quit my job, moved in with my parents.
Some of my toughest days were buying cards/ gifts from my Mom to my Dad on birthdays, Valentine's, and Christmas as her disease developed. She wouldn't sign cards or sometimes take the gifts and hide them. It was heartbreaking and frustrating in equal measure.
OP, in my world if someone wishes me happy whatever, gets me a card, maybe a gift...the acknowledgement and time taken in those instances is more than enough for me.
For what it's worth (great song..), I think you're doing fine. Don't give up trying even if things don't seem appreciated.
Very early on in the marriage my wife caught on that I'm broken when it comes to dates and holidays. I regularly make her feed special with gifts, meals, doing things she likes, however I simply am not wired to observe holidays.
Tonight I'm going to finish mounting the new TV, make a homemade pizza, and watch the new resident alien with her. No cards, no flowers, but the romance is there, and is behind my actions.
Expectation is so often where we stumble. I can't imagine being in your shoes and putting in so much effort, only to be made to feel. like you somehow failed. I do believe that this isn't your problem, even though you're recipient to the result.
Bro you are not alone . The expectations have increase thanks to marketing telling us “we need to go above and beyond for our gals…..but don’t expect anything for you..go it!!” This is why I wish we did it like Japan. Valentines for us and white day for her .
Screw Valentine’s Day in the total butt. I hate feeling guilty about shit too. Work hard, pay all the shit, stress all the time then get hammered over the wrong names on the freaking card? Just yikes. Now swallow the bellyaching and get back to work. Keep being you. Be the best you and be and stay sincere. You’re going to be okay. And frankly tell them both to try harder to live gratefully so they don’t wear out people who love them in all the important ways. But don’t say any of that out loud. Because you’re a dude and you have to take the wrinkles in your face rather than enjoy some empty vindication. It’s all meaningless. Hang on till the asteroid get here then… sweet relief.
I’m outta beer.
My dad warned me of marrying someone that was never content with life or anything I did. That didn't work out so well.....
I cant imagine a situation where I didn't discuss with my wife what I had purchased for my child. At the very least there is a surprising lack of communication in this relationship.
This. My mom signed all the cards love mom and dad. Did my dad ever see the card? Now maybe but probably not when I was younger. Definitely a communications thing.
Do you think your wife could have meant that she hadn't picked up a gift or card for your daughter (and you) yet? Like she's been busy and was planning to bring something home today after work?
Maybe she is disappointed you didn't coordinate with her on your daughter's gift. Did she know your plan to give your daughter a gift this morning from Dad only ?
Stop doing things for them. Either they will learn to appreciate or they’ll just complain.
We stopped doing valentines day stuff probably 25 years ago. It's a dumb invented holiday. The kids got stuff for a few years, but we quickly weaned them off of it. But they are boys, and i know that hits a little different.
33 years with my SO, hated/dreaded 32 of those Valentines for reasons like you shared. She told me a few weeks ago she’s filing. I’m thoroughly enjoying the stress free Valentines today and looking forward to spending time with my kids having fun. My next SO won’t care about made up holidays and definitely won’t always expect me to out do the previous every time. Unreasonable expectations are relationship killers.
Oh dear! These Hallmark holidays put so much unnecessary pressure on people. We need to appreciate each other every day. Not to say gifts and all that stuff. I mean do it because you want to but not because you feel you HAVE to. If you take away anything in this, know that you did something nice and your intention was to show love and kindness. We cannot control what others do or how they react. Shame on them for making it negative!
Today is Valentines Day???
Aww crap.
My husband and I wish each other a Happy Valentine’s Day and that’s pretty much it. If I happened to be at the store, I might get us some chocolates to split. I just don’t buy into all the lovey dovey valentines crap lol
Valentines day is absolute bullshit. So are a few other days where you're expected to do some shit where companies expect to buy shit to accomplish the shit that's expected on that shit holiday. I'm fine with going out for dinner on Valentines day, but I'm not going thru some big thing for it.
That said-- I suppose you could have written SO's name on the card but no big deal-- you could have also said, oops I forgot it's from mommy too.
Seems like everywhere you look, there are dysfunctional relationships. You did nothing wrong here...Valentine's Day is supposed to be about people you love, however you interpret that. It could be romantic love, or family love, or whatever. Not your fault your family was so critical. I understand your frustration.
I mean why wouldn't you tell your wife you got something for your daughter and have her sign the card ahead of time so it's from both of you? Are you trying to show off? Why wouldn't you include her in your daughter's gift?
Why would she have to sign the card? She's a fully formed being, supposedly an adult. She's old enough to buy her daughter a gift herself.
Because a couple should act as a team. Secretly buying your kid a holiday gift and making your spouse look bad is not it
She made herself look bad. They should but what kind of mother wouldn't have come to OP to begin with instead of doing nothing herself and complaining? She's manipulative.
This is why so many relationships fail. People don't understand you're supposed to have each other's backs.
I agree 💯. My husband and I communicate and do have each other's backs.
If everything OP has said is true, then I feel for OP. That's not a life I'd want to live. She sounds extremely exhausting.
Transactional gifts will never ever feel good. The joy has to be in the generous gifting, not the expectation of correct response. Give in the ways that feel fulfilling to YOU, so the gift is as much for you as them.
Gifts with expectations aren't actually gifts.
My wife and I have no such expectations. We give things to each other because we want to. If we sometimes don't, neither of us feels slighted.
This year, my wife bought things to give to our kids. I did not. They know she is the one who put it together, but its both from "us."
I bought my wife cards, balloons, roses, presents, chocolate-covered strawberries and put everything on our dining room table for her (except the strawberries were int he fridge) last night so that she'd see them first thing in the morning. She said I didn't have to go to all the trouble, but i wanted to. She asked me if I would be ok if she used 3 of the 4 balloons I bought for the kids' presents and I was more than ok with that. The kids mean everything to us. My wife hadn't had time to get me anything before today, so she ran out and got me cards and some other things. Nothing big, but doesn't matter. Its the thought that really counts and we both know we love each other very much, so with or without Valentine's day cards and presents, we're good.
I went to a hardware store to get new thermostats, wife joined me. Afterwards we had some sausages and fries with a coffee. That was our Valentine's day. Instead of getting pressured by made up things like this, rather just randomly surprise your s.o with flowers or sweets or sth. else. It's really not healthy to get goaded into these things if you feel frustrated.
Holidays like this are pointless. I see so may people just compete on social media about what they got ( meanwhile the have terrible marriages) It doesn’t seem to be about what you get someone anymore it’s about the bragging rights. You did great if the people in your life don’t appreciate that they don’t deserve you. I have been very happily married for 25 years ,we decided a long time ago to not bother with made up holidays we still get the kids something but that pressure to get the perfect gift is unnecessary and stressful. I buy myself whatever I want all year long so much better than something I don’t like or won’t use. We as a society should collectively stop participating. Imagine not having the stress and expense of holidays and just doing something sweet for no reason at random throughout the year.
These posts always make me appreciate my wife even more. Neither of us care about Hallmark holidays like Valentine's Day. We just try to do nice things for each other all the time because we want to, not because we are supposed to.
Why would your daughter’s mom buy her a Valentines gift? I thought that dad bought the little girl a present.
Where do you get that reasoning? So children with no father figure in the household should just miss out on Valentine's Day? What about lesbian couples with children?
That’s a good point. I guess I should say why are the parents giving their children valentines? I guess the whole holiday is made up to buy shit. With that being said, I always bought my kids valentines also. I was just thinking I probably wrong.
I don't think it's ever wrong to use holidays as an excuse to bring a smile to your child(ren)'s face(s).
I know I was wrong about the other stuff. I liked giving my kids smiles.
We don’t celebrate Valentines Day. It’s just another cash grab for corporations. My husband and I don’t need ego boosts because a day in February says we need to do that.
Her momma can run out during the day and get her a card, there are enough stores around selling them. She can stop and do it
Your daughter expects her parents to act like a unit. Kids do that. She's not judging you as a unique person. However, because you posted this on the Internet and are therefore fair game (as a GenX you know this), I do judge you for your musical taste and trite gift ideas.
This is why I choose not to celebrate bullshit holidays.
We only do a gift for our 4 yr old son. Not each other. It's just unnecessary and a waste of $$
That's awful. You're doing just fine. Sounds like you're not being appreciated enough. By yourself either. ❤️
Just do what I do... absolutely nothing on Hallmark holidays.
Fuck peoples made up expectations that stem from corporate greed.
Research the tale of Saint Valentine. I'd bet everything I "own" that your wife and daughter have no idea about it.
Like most of the general population.
What did you get ? What did your wife get you ? How much thought and effort went into getting or doing something for you ? None I bet. And I’d be willing to bet, people will chime in and say, it’s not about that. YES IT IS ! I provide and support the whole family and every holiday everyone expects everything….. but I’m the asshole when I say “can’t wait see what I got”…. Knowing I didn’t get shit.💩 It’ll never change.
Yes, you’re the asshole if you say “can’t wait to see what I got” if you know you didn’t get anything. That’s childish and passive aggressive. If you have issues, address them like an adult. That said, you absolutely deserve thoughtfulness, consideration and being shown appreciation for your contributions. If gifts (or at least some thought on special days) are important then say this. Being a provider is often a thankless role and people should be reminded that it should be appreciated and acknowledged.
Of course it’s an asshole move, after 20 years, it’s gotten old. you assume the issue hasn’t been addressed like an adult. Get outta here. And before anyone says it. We tried therapy, I tried therapy, obviously I already now the answer.
If someone can provoke you to the point where you cannot behave with maturity then you need to address that. Only you control your reactions. You can definitely expect gratitude. Millions of caretakers throughout the years rarely get thanked for all they do. But you are welcome to have whatever expectations you choose. After 20 years it seems in vain to me. Seems like an endeavor in constant disappointment, but that’s just me. If your needs are unfulfilled you deserve more. But only you can decide what life you choose. I hope you find what you need but immaturity will not achieve that, in my experience.
Only you can make the change though. If you've clearly stated that you want thoughtful gifts to those you are giving gifts to. Then make it clear that you will stop doing all the work for holidays and gift giving if they don't reciprocate. At that point it's put up or shut up on both sides.
If they want gifts they need to give gifts and they understand that they won't get them otherwise and you don't want to hear about it. Same for you though. If they don't give gifts, but you want to give them anyways, then understand that it won't be reciprocal and you don't get to complain.
If this is more of a spouse dynamic where you do everything for the minor kids but your spouse can't even bother with one gift for you, maybe look at the whole relationship and see if this is a dynamic throughout the whole relationship. If it is maybe the gift to yourself is divorce.
You know I got from my husband? same thing I got for my birthday: nothing!
I don't honestly care. I'm commenting only because if you were my spouse, and you got me a card and a music box, I'd be happy as can be.
My friend, the grind should be anything outside of your family. I don’t make any assumptions but based on what you did for them, I’m sure they feel exactly the same for you (appreciated and loved)
Bottom line, you’re surrounded by loved ones. Some of us aren’t so lucky. 🥹❤️
I don’t think wife has enough respect for you. You dont obviously want ultimatums or threats of divorce- but I do think you probably need some changes in your relationship dynamic. As a woman I’m actually pretty peeved at your wife- you are thoughtful to both your daughter and wife and you get criticism. If you had signed she may have been peeved you didn’t consult her. Now I will tell you that perimenopause does have me thinking really crazy at times and sometimes being really emotional- but my partner is always very real with me and I frequently apologize and actually tell him that he may want to stay away cause I’m in a mood that has nothing to do with him. Relationships are hard - but again - you deserve respect for being thoughtful. I think marriage counseling may be great and maybe some individual counseling to figure out how to advocate for yourself - like should you say - no daughter - mom can get her own card if she wants and wife - you can either talk enjoy this with me and we can plan together or you can do you own thing. If she’s having a tricky time she would have said - I’m burnt out and I’m upset with myself that I forgot to get anything for Valentine’s Day. She doesn’t get to take her negative feelings about herself and push it on to you .
You sound like a good person. I love that you reflect on how your actions affect your husband. I wish you could give my wife some of that. 😕 She lives and reacts in the moment. I know this about her, so I always try to compensate. It's still hard sometimes, and it's been 25 years.
I work in special education so I’m constantly reflecting on my practices and listening to myself. I also learned a lot from the Brene Brown parenting book. She talked a lot about shame and guilt. I always try to remember a story she told about a person trying to get gas and their debit card/ credit card wouldn’t work ( it wasn’t her fault ) and while she was talking with the clerk they yelled at her and shamed her and then she went back to the car and then yelled at the child - releasing that negative emotion. I see that with kids , parents , friends , coworkers etc etc . I try to stop myself and when I don’t manage that I explain and I apologize. Relationships are hard man- I’m sure my guy could tell you the many ways I screw up but I do think he’d tell you I do admit my faults and I do try to not keep making the same mistake over and over. We both have actually gotten into the habit of admitting when we were wrong about something immediately- and we both laugh about it because then the person who was right can’t have the joy of pointing it out.
Only one thing you can do to fix this my man. You can choose to keep things the way they are for do something to change it.
What am I asking you to do?
Whatever it is that you feel you should do to change either your outlook, or your situation. But one thing is for sure. Complaining about it gets you absolutely nowhere.
My wife and I do not celebrate anything other than our birthdays. Everything else is just created by big card and a complete waste. We don't have children which allows us to eat out at nice places, we travel twice a year outside the country.
She, and some of the other spouses people are describing here, may just be a narcissist.
I'm 99.9% sure my husband is, and he says this same type of thing. Everything is a competition where I am the loser, and he exceeds his own expectations.
I am incapable of x, y, z, or anything. I say the wrong things. When I make these mistakes, it's because I don't love or care for him enough and just don't gaf (in his eyes).
If I really cared, I wouldn't do or say x, y, z that way because it hurts him.
Or because I made a, b, or c mistakes, I don't "really know" him after all of these years, because that's not the thing he wanted or way he'd handle it, or whatever.
I'm sorry you are going through this and that she has started influencing your daughter in this way.
Don't worry about the present that you didn't add your wife's name to. She's being manipulative and projecting her own happiness onto you.
I'm so sorry that you and others are being treated this way by someone who is supposed to love and care for you. I wish there was a cure for narcissism. It's way too prevalent in our current days.
what did they get you?
oh boy here we go again
I refuse to participate in Hallmark holidays.
"You didn't put mommys name on the card"?
This is not the failure you think it is... Don't beat yourself up over that?!?!
I've always hated this holiday. For me, it's just another day. It's not like I dont have someone in my life who'd be happy to get me things and take me out, I just don't need it. I've never understood needing a special day to show love for your partner, I'd hope happy couples take opportunities to do that unprompted throughout the years.
Stay strong fellow Xer!
I'm spending my Valentines getting a tooth pulled.
I did this after getting a crazy nice gift and getting the “meh” For every damn thing big or small, we plan it together. And when they ask about “being surprised” I just remind them 1. Of said gift that got the “meh” 2. Wouldn’t you rather do/get something you actually WANT?
If the reaction is “but my surprise” I just say, “my feelings matter, and I’d rather spend our time/money on things we appreciate”
Been 17yrs and we’re ALL happier bc of it.
If someone doesn’t appreciate the thought behind any gift, nothing will be good enough. Some ppl are just ungrateful. Also there is a toxic trend of parents who compete with their children. Don’t let anyone shame you for doing something heartfelt for your daughter.
You did an amazing job at showing your care for them! That said, it comes across as a bit passive aggressive to gift your child without signing for or consulting your wife. Both of you should have approached this subject beforehand 100%. You are obviously very thoughtful and connected to the needs of your family and I am saddened that your wife has not prioritized this for whatever her reasons, you do deserve better. But what did you think when you were signing the card? Did you not even think of your wife? You definitely need to talk with her about her commitment to your family and especially the need for her to prioritize your daughter but remember that your daughter should always see a united front from her parents. Regardless of what the dynamics are between you two. You sign your wife’s name not to help your wife necessarily but to send a positive message to your daughter. That both her parents love her.
As for your wife, you need to have a long think about if this is just a phase between you or if this situation needs intervention. Sometimes it is extremely challenging to love someone “just the way they are”. Good luck OP, I wish you well!
Strongly disagree with him signing for his wife. Both parents don't have to give every gift to a child together. This wasn't like a huge gift, like a bike or first cellphone for Christmas or a Birthday. This was a small token of love that OP saw and thought of his daughter and decided to give for Valentine's Day. It would be one thing if his wife asked him to pick up something for the daughter for Valentine's Day or he was picking his wife's brain for gift ideas for the kid. Then I would think it was a bit assholish not to include his wife, but in this case not so much.
As a kid I would wonder why one parent forgot me and as a parent I would never want my child to feel that or think that. If it were not a special day where there is an expectation of gifting then it would not be necessary but sometimes it really is the thought that counts.
Hey OP, tell her you'll try to find a music box that plays this next time.
When emotions have been monetized and capitalism has turned love into a transaction, what are we to expect? I don't think our society is conducive to altruism anymore, where you do things for the benefit of the feeling of doing them without expecting anything returned. I keep thinking of this lyric from Röyksopp's Vision One for the last few weeks. It's too late to worship human emotions when we have already evolved into machines in our minds.
Been there. My 3rd wife was extremely high maintenance. For whatever reason I didn't realize it until it was too late.
After our first year or so together, it didn't matter what I did, it was never enough. And I did a fuck ton. Overcompensated constantly to try and make her happy.
Now I'm perpetually single and very very happy. Never again.
Work at company that recognizes a bunch of international days: women, LGBTQIA2S+, pancakes. You name it. Which is great! All for it!
International Men's Day comes and goes and not a peep from HR, mngt, nothing. I could care less but it speaks volumes.
We quit celebrating valentines day a few years ago...This year the hubs got me flowers a few days before valentines day just because I have been working so much overtime. Valentines day is a dumb holiday. People are upset on social media because "my significant other didn't ask me to be their valentine".....dumb dumb dumb in my opinion.
I have to remind my wife often that I don’t read minds. It’s really helped our communication. Best wishes to you and I hope it gets better!!
Have you tried talking to your SO and telling her how you feel? Any gift or show of appreciation should be acknowledged because you've obviously put time and effort into it. If you're not feeling appreciated, tell her.
i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit (OP)
I’m a man, I’m not supposed to have feelings… /s
Seriously though, there’s been conversations. They always end up in typical fashion with her crying and me apologizing for some fucking reason about feeling stuff.
Gawd, I understand your situation 100% like I wrote it. Where I end up apologizing when I try to talk about something that is bothering me.
Even in this situation, I wouldn't even know how to broach the issue with my wife without causing immense fallout. Even something as simple and direct as, "My feelings are hurt because you didn't acknowledge my Valentine's gift to you this morning," would spiral.
My wife's new thing (within the last couple years) is withholding. She would reluctantly apologize, but then I would be cut off emotionally for a period of time (sometimes as long as a week).
So I feel you brother. I'm not going to give you flippant answers like gEt coUnsELiNg or brEaK uP. Just know that it's not just you, and you aren't going crazy.
Damn, I really feel for you putting up with such manipulation. Therapy might force someone to take a good look at their own behavior as it appears to someone outside off their household.
It sounds like your SO is manipulating you.
You can HAVE feelings. Just keep that shit to yourself.
Your wife is using manipulative behavior. I know reddit is quick to say therapy, but it wouldn't hurt in this case. Therapy for yourself would give you the tools to shut down her little crying games and to stand up for yourself. Marriage counseling would help both of you be able to communicate better with each other and hopefully get both of you to a place where sharing your disappointment or weaknesses doesn't cause a fight or cause further alienation.
You did everything right today. Your wife fucked up and she's pissed at herself. Pissed that she didn't remember your daughter today. If you haven't gotten anything from her (Valentine's Day isn't just for the ladies), she's pissed she forgot to get you something too. Or she might not like Valentine's Day and is pissed it's being celebrated at all. In all of these situations it's a HER thing. She forgot or she isn't communicating. If she forgets smaller holidays like this, instead of getting pissed after the fact she could put a reminder on her phone and ask you to remind her a couple weeks out too. She could ask that next year you include her on your daughter's gift.
Right now you are being a decent spouse, she is not. You don't deserve to feel this way after your efforts and you shouldn't ever have to feel like apologizing when you clearly didn't do anything wrong. Those aren't healthy dynamics.
So you need to change the method of conversation. Are you familiar with Esther Perel?
Have you guys tried Couples Counseling/Marriage Counseling?
A good MC/CC can help you guys develop much better communication skills and patterns. Warning - MC/CC’s come in all types - some are excellent, some okay, and some are hacks so don’t be shy about trying a few until you find one you both can groove with.
You may also find some benefit in a recently-released book “It Begins With You: 9 Hard Truths About Love That Will Change Your Life.” It is An easy to absorb read and gives clear guidance and some tough love as well.
Next time, don't be quick to apologize to make her stop crying. Just let her marinate on what you said a bit - as long as it was truthful and cordial I mean. Only a suggestion.
Honestly, Is this relationship worth the time to change both her and your communication issues? Essentially, it's communication. You feel underappreciated. Ask yourself if you would be happier alone or possibly in another relationship. Not trying to ruin your relationship, but have a really long think about exactly what you need.
I have found through years of failure that communication is the key. You have to step in front of that train every time. At least that is how it felt for me at first. I am a 49 yo man married with 2 daughters so I get the feels for this.
Not to pile on....but you use words like ' failure ' and 'try' and 'tired' to describe your feelings. This is not how a relationship should make you feel. I'm not saying it's sunshine and roses every day, but essentially, you should feel loved and that your partner has your back.
It's Valentine's Day, and I am expecting nothing and I'm okay with that. It's a useless holiday anyway. It's what you do for the rest of the year that counts, IMO.
Time for a heart to heart with your wife. Sometimes you have to communicate your expectations of the relationship. It would be great if your wife knew exactly how you feel but that’s not always the way it works. Do I wish my husband knew that I miss the little love notes he used to surprise me with? Sure I do but he’s not a mind reader.
I give my kids Valentine's gifts and some candy for my husband. He has a (2020) TBI so I get nothing. Sometimes I buy myself something, sometimes I feel sorry for myself. Good luck to everyone navigating life out there.
She’ll find a way to put you down, so just dont give a fuck
Flowers and a card. It’s not hard guys.
I think these holidays highlight the strengths or weaknesses in relationships. People that are happy with their partner don’t really care about these holidays, because love and appreciation is shown throughout the year. If the relationship isn’t working, this is a reason to feel neglected and angry. The lack of gift, bad gift, whatever, is really about feelings of neglect, lack of love, resentment, etc.
That sounds terrible! I can’t imagine complaining about a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift. Have you considered talking to a therapist? I found it incredibly helpful when trying to sort out relationship issues.
I've never understood why women get so worked up about this materialistic holiday. If I am gaging my spouses love on a tangible gift once a year and not how they care for me every day, then there's a problem. I'm a woman btw. It's the gesture that matters. Making coffee for them, asking them how their day was. I get that some people like receiving gifts, but anyone can spend money. What do their actions show? You put effort into it and that's what matters.
I’m with you but every one has their own “ love language”- I wouldn’t be with someone who values material gifts over everyday acts of service or kind words but that’s me.
I honestly think it has a ton to do with social media everybody’s constantly needing to compete in the “look how amazing my life is” insta Olympics and you can’t post a picture of a hug and true devotion
Commercial retail has ruined holidays in general, Halloween has too much cuteness to go with the dark & scary (which is watered down alone these days) now, speaking of candy there's usually too much for Easter now that it's ½ price when it starts.
After Thanksgiving, it's almost like Christmas is here already, whoever thought of sticking Christmas elements in turkey day parades should've been shot, there's so much Christmas music that by the time December 25th rolls in, more people are tired of it than not, I mean even New Year's Eve is just a one night event that, afaik, has never had as much pre-celebration, or anticipation, even President's Day sales since our youth seemed ruined.
St. Patrick's day, bars & alcohol breweries seem to go in on that more than others, it's odd because the saint himself is not even Irish (fun fact the only saint I know of so far who brewed beer is St. Arnulf. ), when that day comes around it sometimes seems people overdo it with green.
St. Valentine's Day can seem more disastrous depending on circumstances, I think most would rather not talk about it but it seems more likely that it's not going to be a good time, all retailers care about is staying in business to make more money.
Being taken for granted is one of the worst feelings. Sorry man. You have a good heart. Just keep being yourself.
Talk to your family about gratefulness and appreciation. When things are going wrong, communicate.
That sucks, man. Deep breaths because everything changes eventually. On a Valentine's related note, my wife and I decided that everything is too ridiculously expensive and there's a pretty good chance that the economy will crash in a year or less so we bought nothing.
I'm sorry, I know how it feels. I went through this same thing and made it known to my wife, even the dogs got talked to better than I did, so I quit doing all the things. I'm not going to get into because I know what i did won't work for most but you have to let her know and be a little selfish for you. If you don't appreciate you and your time no one will. Things are much better now and I hope whatever you do makes you happy but tell her, get counseling. don't go through life like that
My husband asked me if I wanted him to take me on a dinner date tonight a couple of nights ago, I gave him a look and said “fuck no!” Valentines AND a Friday night? He let out a small sigh of relief and said, I figured that would be the answer, but I just wanted to make sure!
I know he is going to the store tonight to get dinner, so I imagine he will pick up flowers or something, but he doesn’t have to, and I wouldn’t think twice about it if he didn’t.
My wife said we're not doing anything for Valentine's Day, but we bought each other Lego sets that we're going to build tonight while we watch movies and eat Thai food.
My SO and I skip all the Hallmark holidays. They were created by the greeting card companies to sell cards. I have no idea if that is true be we are going with it because it works for us.
Everyone is talking about the holiday being the problem... I say it's the crappy people you all are in relationships with. Only been dating for 6 months? Yeah, it's awkward and the relationship needs to sort what the expectations are. 10 years of marriage, and the other person always makes you feel like crap? That's not a good relationship.
You sound very sweet and thoughtful, and I'm sorry your partner doesn't see that and appreciate all the effort you put in to make your family feel loved. That's sad.
I can't believe how many flipping posts I had to minimize to get to this answer. Because this is the correct answer. Op feels unappreciated.
Well, the truth is Valentine's Day is a holiday created for retailers to make money and nothing else. Not sure what the discussion would look like over this card, (or why it's that important), but maybe you can suggest that the two of you come to a consensus on Valentine's Day and every year you do something like finding a new restaurant you think you'll both love or doing an activity you'll both enjoy. That way you're both responsible.
Nobody's perfect, man. That expectation is completely unrealistic. I'm sorry you're going through that BS. Being unappreciated, especially when you're making an effort, is just the worst. My advice would be to stop, but you sound like you truly care and I don't think that's going to work for you. I'm not trying to make you feel worse. I would drive myself to the brink with guilt for not making the effort. I wish I had some wisdom to share, but all I can offer is comiseration. I feel your pain, man.
I feel this. I had a pretty negative week at work, seems like everything I did wrong was pointed out, lost some clients who left to go get high, and my wife pointed out some shit I need to work on.
Feels like it’s been years since I did a goddamn thing right.
The last sentence is a hammer blow. And I know how it feels to feel that. I'm so sorry.
Thank you. I know intellectually that it’s not true, but….
Don't underestimate the damage it does to you while you live like that.
I’ve never been big into V Day. Today we said happy v day and that was enough. We then talked about how I was already ahead of the game as this time last year I had several IVs in me and things were a bit precarious.
The last para is not really relevant though. Whether is is a rip off or not, the fact is people want to feel loved and appreciated on this day.
My husband and I discussed what we wanted to do for Valentine's Day this year. We decided to go see a superhero movie this weekend, since that's one of our traditions ever since we saw the original Daredevil in the theater on Valentine's Day, 2003. Other than that, we're not exchanging gifts or anything, because that's what we decided to do.
I think it's shitty that your wife seemingly expects something that she hasn't clued you in to. She got a card and a gift, and you also got your daughter something (which is not part of Valentine's Day, so that was super extra -- I've never done anything for either child on Valentine's Day, nor has my dad ever done anything for me on Valentine's Day, since we are not dating / together... But I digress )
Anyway I read your whole story and I still don't see any "screw up" anywhere? All I see is rudeness from your wife, who seemingly didn't acknowledge your gift? And a bit of teasing pertness from your daughter, who seems like maybe she was subtly ribbing her mom for making you do all the holiday related work? I don't think it was at all meant to be a dig at you, because why would you sign someone else's name if they had nothing to do with the gift? If your wife wanted to be acknowledged by her daughter today for giving a Valentine's Day thing, she should have arranged to give a Valentine's Day thing herself.
I think your wife is loading you down with too many unstated expectations. It sounds like a miserable way to live. Your daughter may have picked up on that and is starting to treat you the same way .
Do you have access to individual therapy? I want you to have at least one safe place where you can talk this out with someone trustworthy. You don't deserve to be treated this way. You deserve compassion, love, and respect.
Sorry but it’s not your responsibility to read your partners mind and figure out her gifts. She’s an adult and if she was too busy, she can communicate that she needed you to help with something for the kiddo. She’s putting it on you when it’s really on her. Stop letting her.
My husband got me a little box of chocolates with a kitten on the box. Less than $5. I was happy he thought of me, but even if he had forgotten the day entirely it wouldn't have mattered. He is a wonderful man and a good father. We've been married for 28 years in April.
Valentine's Day is the biggest Hallmark corporate shill going. You deserve to feel appreciated for the everyday, not because a calendar tells you to do something.
That’s why I didn’t have kids and I’m currently not married.
Please know that there are women out there that could care less about Valentines Day. The true origin and story of it is not something I care to celebrate and is so far strayed from how we know it today. It’s a dumb day meant to make retailers money. No, I’m not bitter. I have celebrated in the past. I’ve just changed my views over the years and feel it is a waste of money.
I do enjoy a good pieces of chocolate tho. I stock up when all that stuff starts blasting the stores. I get it the day of so it is grossly marked down.
Just another day.
It's not you. We women are just like that sometimes. Your Valentines gifts are more than enough! 💗 Although my husband knows I LOVE surprises, throughout the years I think he's surprised me once or twice. (I've learned not to get so mad anymore 😅.)
So don't fret. You can't control how people react. Just go on doing what you do. The fact that you put in an effort is enough. Happy Valentines Day!
Fukn Hallmark Holidays can kiss my ass. Love each other everyday, and made up days, like Valentines Day, won’t mean shit.
Maybe show this post to your wife
I went through this with my ex husband. Neither of us expressed appreciation for the other. We started making daily lists of 3 things we were grateful for from or about the other person. It seemed to really help our relationship until I found he was cheating on me. It was always easier to see what the other one did or didn’t do that we didn’t like, then to see all the things they did do. We took each other for granted. I am no longer making excuses or blaming anyone, but I do think he wouldn’t have gone outside our marriage if we had started expressing our appreciation sooner and focused more on the good than the bad. My guess is your SO is feeling similarly. your daughter is focusing on what you didn’t do possibly because that’s what you and Mommy are modeling. My guess is she would become more appreciative if she saw you and your wife being appreciative of each other.
OP, you never mention what YOU got for Valentines day. Did you get anything? If no, then I think you need to just take that as your guide for next Valentines day. It needs to go both ways. Or have a talk, ask what, exactly, you are doing that just isn't good enough. Let her know you are putting in the effort, and want a clearer line of communication on what the expectations are for this holiday, or, gift giving in general. We all fail with gifts sometimes. But the effort does count. I hope you have a wonderful day, you deserve it! Treat Yo Self! Even if it's something small.
basically same age. In a relationship for 20+ years, and we acknowledge each other and the good times over the years, then go out for an amazing dinner together. Gifts and material things can be so wildly misconstrued with the purpose and value - tied to how much you appreciate someone (diamonds vs, a card, vs a flower)... Keep it simple and appreciate the ones you love.
I got the kids something, got the wife something from the kids, got the wife two things from me and a card... I got nothing...
I know my spouse doesn't celebrate the silly little holidays. My kids are Upper Elementary and almost High School. They know that I'm the one that gets them the silly holiday gifts. Your kid will eventually figure this out too.
I know it hurts. Maybe it's time to tell your spouse about how it makes you feel. I also agree about keeping your expectations low. I'm about 95% sure that my spouse forgot about Valentine's Day and it's probably not getting me anything. I bought them an expensive set of miniature paints at the beginning of the month and just gave them when I got them because my spouse doesn't like to wait for gifts
Oh that sucks. My husband and I are a perfect match. We don't care about Hallmark holidays.
It a Hallmark holiday. No bfd
Communicate with your partner regarding the daughter gift beforehand.
It's a partnership, not a competition.
total outsider here obviously, but what you described barely sounds like…anything in a relationship.
i_am_jacks_reddit_@reddit (OP)
Ask me the last time there was intimacy…
Not good friend. It's not a relationship then. 51(M) divorced twice, four kids (all grown now). 2nd marriage ended 5 years ago last month after 20 years together. If there's no intimacies, there's no relationship. I wish you all the best, and keep loving that little girl. They don't forget it!
Buy us tickets to Billy Joel concert and will meet you in an Italian Restaurant. Sorry you're having bad years and hurting. Limerance is painful indeed. Happy Valentines Day
I have this with my SO. I gave up, sort of. I bought everyone a box of chocolate and already know I will get nothing. If I wanted a box of chocolate I would have bought it for myself. I normally would have got a gift for each person with the chocolates. But now I don’t. I temper down how much I do, but I’m still me. If that makes sense. Would it be amazing to be loved and spoiled like you did? Yes! But I accepted that I won’t be unless I do it for myself.
Don't worry about shit you can't control. You put the effort in. What you are getting in return is your SO reflecting her own feelings of inadequacy.
My 14 year old daughter and my 21 year old daughter expect me to get them stuff. (they are not even close to having boyfriends or anything like that) My wife is easy to please. She loves those Lindor Truffle chocolate candies and she is not sentimental. Plus, years of disappointing her for all the major wife/mom/anniversary holidays has lowered her expectations, so that's good.
Sorry, man. Being bummed out stinks. For me, it's helpful to count my own blessings when I'm feeling burdened. Sometimes, perspective can recalibrate a nasty emotional state.
Also, talk to your wife about it. Reddit is a literal group of monkeys with typewriters. We're going to say many things, and most of it gibberish. She'll be better able to hear and respond, especially if you tell her that's what you want from her.
I know exactly how you feel. Married for 25 years and nothing I ever do is good enough or right. So after a while I just stopped trying. Don’t let yourself get to the point where you don’t care anymore.
All the gifts in the world won't compensate for a lack of communication and compromise. Compromise and communication isn't her getting to manipulate you with tears and you giving hollow apologies. Nothing changes if this is how every disagreement ends, the can just gets kicked further down the road.
FWIW, I think what you did for both of them was really sweet. I think your wife was just upset about her own mistake and I wouldn’t take your daughter’s comment to heart. She’s a kid. Happy Valentine’s Day.
I feel you. Everyone needs to throw away the spreadsheet of right/wrong and win/loss tallies. I save that for the people I don’t live with
We stopped holiday gifts years ago, realizing we are all caught up in consumerism. Perhaps thoughtful notes, dates, gifts “just because” will be a good idea going forward. I’m sorry you feel like you do and hope you can lovingly express your love, positive intentions, and ask if your SO can receive that as the beautiful gesture it is… and agree on some ways you can do things together going fwd that will make everyone happy.
FWIW, I’d trade my big toe to have my SO back in my life and would love a little thoughtful surprise to brighten up my day. You were thoughtful. Sometimes there’s so much going on, we take for granted those things others are praying for… Have a wonderful day
Your life will improve as soon as you realize you don’t have to participate in bogus holidays
Suck it up
You sound like a very thoughtful and kind husband and father. I'm guessing this isn't about you, your wife is unhappy for her own reasons. Aging is hard on everybody and people often take things out on those closest to them. I hope your day gets much much better.
Married for 30+ years, last time we celebrated valentines day was more than 20 years ago. Unexpected little gifts are better.
I feel you. I'm sorry you're feeling unappreciated. I'm kind of the opposite in that I really don't want to do anything special today. The holiday seems farcical to me. I don't understand why significant others need a special day to show their love and appreciation for their partners. And before anyone comes at me, I feel this way about Christmas too. The unbelievable expectations we've created around these holidays has rendered them meaningless.
Reframe your mind. You’re not the issue here. The mother forgot to get daughter a valentine gift. V-day is February 14 every. single. year. That’s on her. You bought gifts from you to them. If they aren’t happy or thankful, that’s their problem. At this age it’s DGAF. You made the thought and effort. That’s a great thing! They are forgetful and ungrateful and that’s their issue. And you can call them out on it though it won’t make a difference. Some people are just like that. You did this out of kindness of your heart and thoughtful mind. That’s all that matters.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
"She's got a way" is a far better choice - don't be basic.
You should have put her name on the card honestly, bring your SO out on a surprise date somewhere great and spontaneous
Buck up Buckaroo, only 30-35 years to go.
I feel you. Once kids are grown, it's easier to focus on what's left of your relationship and build a new one but there's no reason you can't start now. My husband and I were missing that intimacy, not just sex but even talking and just enjoying being together. So I kind of stuck my neck out and suggested we pursue a hobby he's been wanting to pursue for a long time, but we do it together. It was not anything I enjoyed, very much the opposite, but I gave it some honest effort because it made him happy, and now I do enjoy it. It hasn't made our marriage new or perfect or anything but we spend time together, just the two of us, and we have something to talk about. BTW, those were sweet gifts. You know who Cinnamaroll is and I've never seen a music box that plays Billy Joel. Your wife is disappointed in herself, not you. You just happened to be the one to remind her that she forgot. Take them both on a date, get your wife's input on what would be fun for both of them and be the hero. Bail her out and help her save face.
Don't get me started.
My birthday isnon Feb 13th...I would usually get some sox and jox or a lynx deodorant pack from my ex. The best gifts I got were ones I bought myself such as a complete power tool set that I hid for 2 weeks. My ex would always complain that I did nothing on valentines day. I told her that when she put some effort I to my birthday I might do the same for v day I dont play into the days that are designed to buy things for woman...with the exception of mothers day.
16th here. This month in its entirety is mine alone for my own celebration. Forge on fellow Aquarian!
Don't do shit for the next 2 valentines days Then, do a small token the next. They will think you are amazing.
When you're an asshole most times, then are nice once or twice, people find it amazing. It's a totally stupid concept but effective, and just amazing. If you're constantly thoughtful and nice, people just take it for granted.
I suggest you take the "Hallmark Holiday" back to its origins. Lupercalia. Sacrifice 2 goats, a dog, and wipe blood on their foreheads. Clean the knife off with wool dipped in milk, have the servants and all local workers trade names in a hat, swap partners for the festival, and enjoy the festival of fertility..
Honestly, man, this traditional life bullshit is tiring. It isn't the fucking 50s, even though most of us are in ours.
I will grab my wife a card, write words, and call it a day. We have a loving relationship and ofc YMMV, but we have agreed to avoid most acts of commercial motivated indulgence.
Maybe a box of chocolate, shared.
Good luck, take some time for yourself, and realize we have just the one go at this rodeo. There is no need to waste it being unhappy or being made to be unhappy by someone else's misery.
Damn. When did Vday become so one sided ? Do the women just think it's all about them ? Don't answer that....
Nope, not myself or the people I know. I don’t go all out for my hubby, but there’s always a small gift, a meal, and a homemade dessert!
Always has been imo and I'm old.
It's always been an advertising campaign to sell women's luxury products and men do it in the hopes of being appreciated or at least getting laid.
Bah! Valentine Day! Learned long ago not to expect anything and don’t bother celebrating it.
I would rather treat someone on their birthday.
Hallmark Holiday
All the advice is talk to your wife - why would you start off Valentine's Day with an argument. Suffer in silence like a MAN and go about your day. This isn't hard.
Stop buying stuff and just do them nice favors during the day with attention to their needs. If that fails, you tried, but at least you didn't waste money on Hallmark crap.
That’s awful, and I’m sorry. But like someone else said, you’re going to continue to have a strong relationship with your daughter as she gets older. Feed that.
I’m sorry you feel unappreciated for your efforts. Have you told your wife how you feel unappreciated?