Did anyone here really like those Valentine Day parties we had in school?
Posted by singleguy79@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 226 comments
Posted by singleguy79@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 226 comments
I was a socially anxious fat kid who got bullied daily, those parties were hell for me.
Same... And my school did the flower fundraiser. So, being the girl who never got flowers (or worse, got one as a joke) was an extra level of fun on top of being socially anxious and fat. Whee! As a teacher, I hated them as much as I did while I was as student. I know it's supposed to be "fun" but it can really make certain kids feel more marginalized than they already are.
And now I know that it sucks for adults, too. Especially the parent (let's face it, usually Mom) who is single and works full-time, so doesn't have the time and money to bake a couple dozen cupcakes, make goodie bags, and cobble together a themed outfit from Goodwill. Especially because teachers and other moms will make you feel like shit for not doing it. No, thank you.
I hated those damn roses. Every year it was just a popularity contest. I never got one and it just seemed like a day that rubbed it in everyone’s faces that if you didn’t get a rose, you were a loser. At least that’s what it felt like!
This is wild to me because Valentines went from give everyone a card in school to nothing in school, do it on your own time. If it was in school, everyone gets one. Somehow you were in between where people picked and chose while on school grounds.
Maybe it depended on the school or the classroom? I just remember some kids having their little mailboxes full to overflowing and mine having a few in the bottom from kids who gave one out to everyone in the class.
That’s my experience. I had maybe one or two and the other kids had full boxes. It felt really bad
This was also my experience.
(I was also one of the kids who put something in everyone's bag, because I knew how bad it felt to not get something)
yeah, that is crazy to me because those Valentine's cards have always been like 30 packs or something. But I was just trying to give cards out and be done so we could get back to horsing around. I didn't have time for politicking in elementary school.
Valentine's Day card exchanges for me were in the 1982-1984 range (third through fifth grade) and I don't remember being specifically instructed to make one for everyone, but that did seem to be the default expectation.
Suffice it to say, the popular kids in class got the most (and the best candy) and the less popular ones' card/candy count was guaranteed to be significantly less than the number of girls in class.
Unless you were a fat girl, like me, then you were lucky to get even a couple. I fucking hated Valentine’s Day in school.
Fat, yes. Girl, no. But I get it, for sure.
I was never skinny, but I didn't become the proverbial fat kid until 5th grade, which---while there's definitely no good time to do it---is a singularly bad time to do it; right about then was when everyone was starting to pretty aggressively separate into non-mingling groups and cliques.
Yeah, it sucks.
I always remember the cards being like 30 packs of smurfs with like 15 girls and 15 boy ones. I'm getting rid of all of them.
I’m fortunate because I attended elementary schools in a couple of very low income areas where families couldn’t afford the expense of cards and candy.
So out of a class of 30 students, maybe only 5 or 6 kids handed out Valentines cards and candy, and they gave one to every kid. I was one of the unpopular kids, and due to my parents’ precarious financial situation, I didn’t hand out Valentines cards until 6th grade. That was the first and last year I did it.
I’m so sorry. If it helps, I was one of the kids that gave a valentine to everyone because I didn’t want anyone to feel left out.
It does help, thank you. Kids like you made it easier for kids like me to make it through the day without crying. 💜
Same here 🥺🤗
Same. Hated them
Yep, this was so painful for me at the time. I grew up in a small town where lots of people go all the way through K-12 together. They had us doing some kind of slow dancing classroom activity in kindergarten (which seems weird now looking back), and the girl i was dancing with was so nice to me I told her I was going to marry her (just dumb kid stuff, not really understanding), and my life turned to hell for the next 12 years. Groups of girls were still harmonizing "EEEEEW!" when I walked by in the hall in high-school. For some reason the card exchange in 3rd grade comes to mind. I've forgotten or blocked mosr of it, but i do recall mean spirited 'prank' cards in my box, and not much else. I've had former classmates contact me about it in the past few years (I'm in my mid 40s) to apologize. Every single one said I never did a thing through actions, style, hygiene, or anything like that, and they had no idea why they targeted me. Except two of the girls who grew up to have autistic kids, who both contacted me independently and told me I may want to look into getting tested 😆. I wasn't alone though. I had/have a good group of friends who I'm still mostly close and in contact with. Without them, I'm afraid I would have ended in tragedy of some kind.
Right there with ya. I had never been very popular with girls in elementary school----not that anyone generally would be at that age, but I had been suspicious that I was less so than most. I didn't know why, but there were definitely signs it was the case.
I made the exceedingly poor decision to become the proverbial fat kid as I was progressing through fifth grade, so by the time February 14th rolled around, my social status was absolutely starting to crater.
I got a nonzero amount of valentine cards in my card box, but it was definitely less than the amount of girls in the class. A lot less.
The same, getting two or three Valentines qualified as a haul and one or two were usually last minute pity cards.
It was the only time I’d get anything positive from my classmates so I really enjoyed it
Not really. If I managed to get some candy for my sweet tooth - that was the only real positive outcome.
no but I was heavily bullied so it was just another way for my peers to let me know I wasn't wanted
My family struggled to afford to afford cards and never candy…most parties were anxious moments for me growing up, but I hadn’t thought about these boxes in 30 years nice little trip down nostalgia lane
Hell yeah, we got a pizza party, everyone had to give a valentine to put in whatever we made that year for it. A lot of parents made cupcakes instead of giving candy.
My jr high had some kind of matchmaker thing where you filled out a bubble sheet and it showed who you would match with by grade, gender, best match, etc.
Made for some interesting conversations.
This was maybe 1993/94/95
Do you mean the faculty-forced popularity contest? Hated that shit. The girls in 5th grade were so mean to me in the "cards" that my school made a new rule against using the valentines to bully. Being told I should kill myself at 11 by 3 different girls sure made me feel loved!
Aww, that still tugs at my heartstrings. Poor Ralph.
For real...it was the only day in school I really felt like anyone gave a shit, as close to mandatory as it was. There WAS one year that a girl that liked me actually handmade one for me and ONLY me, and gave generic store-bought ones to everyone else, but she was ALSO pretty unliked by our class and so when everyone made fun of me I called her a butthole for doing it...had a similar situation with her in high school for our senior Homecoming dance too... ALWAYS felt like a piece of shit for it as an adult
I was this girl but in another time and space, and my versions of things have, unfortunately, made me desperate to express my love but terrified that the other person is going to turn it down. I’m always waiting for the other shoe.
This Valentine’s Day I have made my boyfriend Lego roses, a hand painted choo-choo-choose you valentine, and Skyrim sweetrolls.
I’m terrified he won’t like it.
I get that...I actually switched roles later in life after a huge succession of really bad relationships, including one that was physically abusive. It eventually lead to me being hesitant to show much affection in general for awhile before eventually resetting and becoming somewhat better. Also ngl, that's like MAD creative for V-day, I obviously don't know his tastes but MY boyfriend would absolutely adore that for life
He spent Valentine’s Day with someone else.
I think all of us have had those moments growing up. I remember one time on the playground we were climbing on one of the structures and this one girl that wasn't very popular started climbing up too. And I said something like, "Ew, (Name) is coming up here!" I was not a popular kid either and was just trying to fit in. One girl called me out for saying that and I totally deserved that.
The girl I made fun of and I became friends as teens. I always felt terrible for what I said and it still makes me feel bad. I was not even a mean kid, I was the kid who was nice to everyone, including the girl. I hate thinking how hurt she must have felt when one of the kids who was never mean to her was suddenly acting like everyone else. I did apologize to her, but still felt bad.
Ever try reaching out? I did, a few times. Made apologies for my idiot behavior and had new relationships blossom from it. Really good adult friendships.
Oh we've absolutely crossed paths here and there as adults, as we both stayed local to the area we grew up in, and we've been on friendly terms as well, I just felt like a shithead for handling it so poorly tbh...poor girl put her feelings out there and got called a butthole loudly in front of everyone for her troubles...worse that she was like me and had severe social anxiety issues too,
I getcha. Plenty of us out there. I was the same way and acted like you did as well. Defense mechanisms definitely stemming for me from my non constructive family situations.
It was an entire evolving defense network for me, stemming from terrible home life, extra negative attention from the bully kids due to being much smaller and appearing much younger than everyone else, and later adding confusion about my sexual orientation to the mix. The bullies got what they got, I was small but could defend myself, but I pushed others away too
Have you forgiven yourself yet? She’s not a butthole, but neither are you bro.
I mean yeah, now it's just more of "Wow,.that was shitty" than a full on "I am a total piece of shit", plus we both went on to find wonderful husbands/boyfriends later so no lasting damage, lol
I definitely have some of those moments where I acted like that and feel bad to this day. I try to give myself grace and you should too, kids are just like that. It is hard to want to fit in and figure out life at that age.
That's about how I see it now...I was actually nicer about the homecoming one, I just told her I couldn't afford to rent a tux, which was SOMEWHAT rooted in truth as I would've had to pay for it myself and was afraid I couldn't, which sort of justified turning her down without brining up the social aspect. We were actually pretty friendly towards each other for almost all of our school days, and truth be told probably WOULD HAVE made a great couple as we always had a ton of shared interests, but the social aspect of it put fear in me, especially since I had horrible social anxiety at school. We've actually ran into each other here and there as adults and even laughed about it so it's not like a permanently damaging thing in my mind, I just feel like a turd for being so harsh about it.
I can absolutely relate to this.
I choo choo chose you!
And then it has a picture of a train 😄. . . So, do you like … stuff ?
Making the mailboxes was fun and so was getting candy. We had to give them out to everyone so nobody felt left out
Your school was more thoughtful than mine…we weren’t required to give them to every kid in the class & therefore I was always one of the ones who ended up with way less than everyone else. I’m not saying “everyone deserves a participation trophy”…but I definitely think it was unnecessarily cruel to highlight how unpopular some kids are in front of all of their peers 🥺
That is a lot different than getting some trophy just for being there though. Even kids know participation trophies mean nothing. Getting (or not getting) something from a peer is a lot more important to a kid and way more crushing when everyone gets a bunch of cards while you get none. I think participation trophies are dumb but do think if schools are going to let kids give Valentines out in class, then they should require that they give one to everyone. Otherwise don't do cards at school at all.
Completely agree
Damn, my school only gave out cards. You were a baller if you gave out candy too
We didn't give out candy at my school either, but we did a full.party spread with snacks, soda, cupcakes, etc, so no.one really missed the candy.
At my school, most kids would put one of those chalky message hearts in each card.
We had to give cards to everyone, but for your good friends you could tape candy to them :)
My class had some kid’s mom who would make each kid an airplane out of a stick of Big Red gum, some red Life Savers, and a rubber band.
My school didn't give out the candy. Either the teacher did it, or we all pitched in a little.
That was the rule at my school, and one year my bully convinced everyone in our class not to give me one and when I had no cards in my box the teacher shrugged and told me not to be so weird.
I too had an empty mailbox, except for the one from the teacher. It didn't feel good.
Same here except we didn’t even have mailboxes, they were just out on everyone’s desk so you could see who didn’t have any. I was always sooo embarrassed to have so much less than everyone else. I wish I’d have thought to convince my mom to let me skip school on vday every year.
Yeah opening the mailbox at the end of the party was the worst. Everyone watched as I opened my empty box, and my bully and her friends were laughing so hard. I was just glad it was the end of the day and I didn't have to hold back crying for that long.
Omg I’m so sorry. My heart hurts reading this because I know exactly how it feels. 🤗I hope karma came back for them later in life.
Did she choochoochoose you?
Yeah, my bullies got around it by writing shit like "you're ugly" and "you should die" on the cards. I tried to tell the teacher once and got a "I don't have time for this."
I still don't like V-Day that much.
Yeah they did that the next year when the counselor made a big deal about it, by telling everyone about the poor little girl who didn't get any cards. We were a small school, we all knew she was talking about me.
I'm so sorry, your teacher sounds awful. I think I would cry if my child told me that happened to them
Oh my mom was pissed, and she reamed the teacher at spring conferences, but the damage was done. I'm still not a fan of Valentine's. The good thing is I grew up and moved from my small town. Turns out there's lots of people like me in the world and I'm not so weird after all
I'm glad your mom had your back!
You had to give one to everyone, but there was no rule about giving more than one to your secret valentine. I exploited that loophole in the 4th grade
I definitely put more candy in certain people’s valentines than in others.
I refused to make them after a certain point. The last time I did, I only got one from the teacher after writing one for everyone else. I still think it's pointless.
Decorating those tissue boxes was such a blast! Great memories.
I just made one with my third grader. She loved it
Super agree, the crafting part was my favorite part. I'm also a person that prefers home-made Halloween costumes. I like doing it myself and super appreciate the effort when I see it in others.
Decorate a Kleenex box lol
We used shoe boxes at my school.
We used red or pink paper bags. Then decorated them with construction paper, glitter, paper lace hearts, whatever other things the teacher had.
Yes, it meant no learning!!!
When my elementary school classes had parties, some people's parents would bake treats for the class. That was my favorite part. I remember heart cookies with icing and sprinkles. My friend's mom made cupcakes which she put into ice cream cones and we thought that was the coolest thing.
In fifth grade, there was a boy named Jason who my friend group thought was snobby. He had just moved from another city, wore a leather jacket, and didn't talk to anyone. We had to give a valentine to everyone, but my friends and I used black sharpie to cross out all of the nice words in Jason's cards, and drew Xs through the hearts. I still feel bad about that. He was probably just shy, being very new to our city/school. Also, my friend group was the 'nerdy girls' - kind of unfitting for us to punch down.
No I absolutely hated it. Kids were so shitty in my school
I loved all the parties we had at school. Not having to do work and you get a bunch of sugary treats? Hell yeah!
I loved choosing what Valentines to buy and hand out. We had a rule at our school that you had to give one to every member in the class so no one had hurt feelings. The teachers also bought extra boxes of Valentines to send home with any kid whose parents couldn't afford them, so they could still participate.
I did feel bad for the 2 Jehovah's Witness kids who were never allowed to participate and went to the library during party time.
Not enough to remember them. Getting old sucks.
It was a break from normal school work and you usually got candy out of it. What's not to like?!
I didn't but my child just had one at school and is now decorating the whole house and is throwing us a Valentine's Day party now.
Funny story, I used a shoebox and designed the side of it like a car, using pictures from a cigarette ad from a magazine. The guy was driving this convertible sedan with three beautiful women in it, i cut up a picture of myself and put my face over the guy from the ad.
But to answer the question, mostly no. The people I liked never liked me back until high school.
You got liked back in high school, huh?
Not, you know... a lot.
No. Glad when it was over and done with after Elementary. Valentines Day is my sister’s birthday so there was always that.
Bro. Making those mailboxes was so fun.
No 'classwork' & candy? Oh, yeah!
In 5th grade I had a crush on a girl in my class, so I put two different Valentine’s cards in her card box ( the one we all had to hang from our desks ). She straight up asked the teacher why I gave her two cards, the teacher yells across the room to ask why I gave her two cards, the whole class starts laughing at me, and the girl gives me my extra card back. Up until then, yes, I enjoyed the Valentine’s Day parties.
We had secret valentines for 25 cents that the school put on. Sign up in the hall, and they would come class to class and give them out, read them out loud in front of the class, but not say who it's from. I bought one for a guy, poured my heart out. My teacher asked who it was from and they told her in front of everybody!!! The teacher and the whole class busted up laughing!
Same boat as you, afterwards.
Damn, that’s brutal! I’m sorry that happened❤️
Similar situation here. My excuse when confronted?
"Oh, I must have lost track of who I'd made valentines for."
Of course, I'd put three or four clearly differently personalized ones in her---and only her---card box, so it was still kind of obvous.
This is the only reply I've seen with any negativity. Like, what happened to OP?
I was thinking you gave her one with your name on it, and the second one was a secret admirer valentine. …. I am so sorry that happened. I hated fifth grade.
The secret admirer angle would’ve been the smart play lol.
The worst she could say is no. /s
Woooow, bro couldn’t even help you out.
I thought that exchanging cards was stupid. But it was a very nice break from my boring classwork.
Yes, cupcakes and silly pun cartoon cards, what's not to like?
We always had a competition on best box. It was fun to go through all the valentines when we got home. Now mot schools in my area make boxes at school to avoid competition. Parents always made the best boxes anyway it seemed lol .
The whole everyone's a winner and gets a prize thing hadn't started yet when I was in school. If you weren't a social butterfly your card bag was empty and tough shit if it bothered you. Generally half the class would have empty bags every year. I'm amused by all these stories of everyone gets a card, no one left out, and maybe candy too. lol
Loved it up to Junior High. Making the boxes and finding the right Valentine card boxes within budget (fam wasn’t extremely poor but we were def poor growing up)
I started to hate it in Jr/HS because my schools would bring in roses to see and they would be delivered during class at some point during the day. Those roses made most of us feel like losers.
I liked making valentines, I liked the candy, and I liked having a break from schoolwork. So overall, yes.
At my school we were required to make the valentines by hand and say something nice inside to each classmate. My craftiness made that enjoyable, and I think it helped me look for the best in each person, including the ones I didn't like.
It’s bonkers to me that my daughter’s school makes them give blank valentines. I get that it’s way easier for the teachers but at that point why even bother?
My daughter did this all on her own this year. Major proud parent moment. She’ll get 17 generic cards in return, but I think she’ll still feel good about it.
Good job raising a lovely kid. ❤️
That sounds really nice!
Ooh ooh! My third grade teacher threw a beach-themed party every year for Valentine's Day.
You learned about it pretty much from the time you entered kindergarten and you wanted to be in her class for that party.
As soon as you got your teacher assigned over the summer between second and third grade, you were thinking about that party.
Teacher showed videos of prior year's parties to get you excited.
Valentine's Day comes and all I can remember is we wore shorts, there was a kiddie pool, we listened to Beach Boys music, and there was some sand. All this hype and I remember that hype, but not the party.
I liked getting candy.
Any party days were fun for me. Less class and more snacks lol!
We had those books with the punched out cards you'd pop out of the page. I always started with the ones I liked the best for the kids I liked best then the ones I thought were ugly and didn't say much about liking a person for the kids I disliked. 😂
I found one of those books on Amazon several years ago and that's what I give my kiddo still. Love those things!
Yes! I loved Valentine's Day as a kid! 💗
The treats and doing something different were nice. As a boy, Valentines were a minefield. So much potential for being teased. Plus, it was tedious filling one out for everyone.
I liked it, but looking back i feel like it's weird to bring children into Valentine's Day. Am I wrong?
I remember when these parties happened there would always be one girl who was a little too into me and then one girl who's completely disgusted by me. Coin flip what type of stress middle school me gets to have that day.
I liked them.
In my school it was completely unchecked so kids got away with harassing and bullying other kids via "Valentines". Some kids didn't get anything. I was targeted and harassed by my classmates who either had a crush and said some pretty disturbing stuff inside those cards or kids who just wanted to spread hate. I still remember sitting around with my fellow rejects trying to figure out which bully card belonged to whom by comparing them with each other and also trying to figure out which of my classmates had a disturbing R rated problem. It was a little terrifying. I repeatedly skipped this day of school.
Dear Lord, where did you go to school?
...also I am assuming this is high school.
The adults in your town failed you.
Yes. It was a break from the mundane. Plus that time I gave Mary-Frances two valentines. And then her best friend Anna was like, OMG he gave Mary-Frances TWO valentines!! And I was embarrassed, so I tried to play it like "oh they must have been stuck together" but man, the way Mary-Frances smiled at me after that... whew boy!
The arts and crafts part I loved. The actual giving of cards candy and expectations to be interested in another human being in that way . Nope friggen hated it.
I was the kid who only got a valentine from the teacher even though I got cards for the entire class and shelled out for candy grams for everyone. (candy grams: you pay 25¢ for a note with a lollipop taped to it that gets delivered to that kid's classroom during the day)
So no, I hated Valentine's Day at school.
You mean did we enjoy getting candy at school? Uh, yeah
It was free candy, so yeah.
Those little candy hearts with the words on them are disgusting though. I'm not sure exactly how they made sugar taste bad, but they did.
And construction paper, stickers, and glitter. All my favorite things back then.
What was not to like about an hour of eating candy with your friends instead of doing school work?
There were kids in my class who didn't have English as their first language. One of the kids gave out cards that said things like "to my beautiful wife." They were full size cards, too.
Any excuse to avoid math.
Anyone else remember those chalky valentine heart candies with stuff written on them?
I loved passing out my Rainbow Brite, Popples, Disney and whatever other Valentines cards I had over the years to my classmates. Not to mention any holiday party was fun. Less work, free treats. Also when you could have the moms making delicious cookies and cupcakes and not this individually wrapped gluten free, sugar free, stuff.
I either had generics or Garfields, which honestly was probably one step away from generics as ubiquitous as he got in the 80s and 90s.
Free candy, hell yeah. Our classes always had a mandatory "everyone gets a card" thing so I don't remember any kids being shunned or anything. Hell, if they were I would have been one of them lol.
I know for a fact that everyone on my class always got at least one card, because I made extra sure not to miss anyone.
I was also a bit of a little bitch, and lightly bullied the other kids in my class every year to make sure they were also giving everyone Valentines. Did it make me popular? No. Did anyone get completely left out? Also no, so I consider it a wash.
I loved them.
Reddit always makes me think my school years were an outlier. I'm not saying there were no problems, but for the most part, elementary and HS, most of us got along. There were of course different groups, but it was fine.
I don't think anyone was that person who got 0 cards or anything like that. Of course I could be wrong, but I truly don't remember that happening
Fair. I don't remember any specific conflicts where people got singled out or where things got generally toxic, either. Not until fifth or sixth grade, anyway.
As an awkward introverted weird kid… no I did not.
Yes! My 4 yr old son gets one today. I made his treat baggies last night.
No. I’m glad they’ve realized how bad the free-for-all approach was and mandated “bring enough valentines for everyone” at my kids schools. They thoroughly enjoy the parties and don’t feel left out. No candy now though.
Really?! My kids got so much candy and plastic junk from Valentines that it seemed like another Halloween.
Everyone is hyper-aware of food allergies now, for good or ill.
Our district (and I think most around here have adopted the same policy) doesn’t allow “food from home”, I live in CT.
See, this is crazy because I always remember those dumb little cards being 30 packs. You had to spend extra effort to pick and chose...I ain't got time for all that in elementary school.
Hated them. Had to give everyone a card in my class and only got a few in return. Any have those tootsie pops that were like ghost and you could send them to people? Hated that too.
A day where I could trun my brain off and just craft something and then get free candy. What's not to like.
Hated it. What I remember most is in 4th grade my teacher was Jevohiah Witness so did not allow the class any parties whatsoever. This attitude applied to everything, she hated kids and hated her job, it was a long year of zero fun at school. So I really looked forward to 5th grade. I got the "good teacher" everyone wanted and we had movie day every single Friday. Well Valentines arrived, I gave everyone a card and candy, and got mocked mercilessly for it. I only got a couple cards. I didn't get the memo that we were all suppose to be assholes. Which was the theme every school year after that.
Half the students weren't getting any cards or were getting prank cards (some were nasty).
Valentine's week wasn't fun at all.
Free candy and it gave me the love of crafting and why I love the holidays.
My elementary school had what we called “Candy Grams” and all of Valentine’s week, a kid would come deliver folded paper cards with candy stapled on. Usually mine came from my mom… they cost like a quarter or 50 cents. I have such happy memories of the decorated shoe boxes and picking out which character valentines to buy and choosing which friends got the big ones- each pack had one or 2 larger cards.
Mixed feelings on those. At our school everyone just bought the big multipacks of Valentines cards and gave one to each student whether they liked each other or not, so it felt goofy and forced. But at the same time there would be some kind of treat - cupcakes or cookies, and a break from normal school work.
I did!
Anything to break up a school day made me happy. I didn’t remember the parties until I read the post- I guess we did have them. I remember my mom taking me to the store to buy valentines and we took out the class photo, so I could write the names of all the kids on them without missing anyone. It was about as fun as thank you cards at Christmas. I remember dropping each of them off and then just standing around chilling the rest of the time.
When I was in third or fourth grade I accidentally shorted the class on valentine's and didn't have one for this girl and she started crying, I had never felt so bad in my life.
I enjoyed them. The process of filling out cards was pretty fun, and I remember enjoying filling out ones for a few of the crushes I had, hehe. And getting candy and sweets early in the day was great!
My school did singing valentine's and flower deliveries. I never got any, at least not from the people I actually liked. I was pretty and cute but I wasn't popular and I was kind of geeky. All of my friends would get flowers and signing valentine's and everyone would act so shocked that I never got one. And later, in college, so many boys admitted to me they had crushes on me but they couldn't tell me because I was a nerd.
I did do singing valentine's, though, because I was in choir and had quite a good voice. It was always fun to shock people because I was normally shy but then I would come out with this amazing voice. And it was fun because we dressed up in our prom dresses and tuxedos and looked glamorous all day.
I did!
I liked the candy and the arts and crafts stuff. Anything involving glue and glitter and construction paper was my favorite thing. I didn’t really care about the valentines. Sometimes I’d keep the cute ones for a couple of days just to look at them, but they all went into the garbage.
Pawing through the stack of envelopes to find the fat ones was the highlight of our month. The really cool ones had the big chalky hearts in them.
I’m volunteering at my kid’s second grade Valentine’s Day party later where I will see what the kids today are doing. Some of them are very extra. There’s one mom last year who did custom photos of her kid in Valentine’s garb with a place to put a lollipop, I guess this is a thing now.
Ah yes the day of school sanctioned bullying. I tried to be sick on this day often enough. I almost wanted to claim to be JW so I could opt out and go to the library.
Only because today is my birthday and any time off from doing schoolwork was like a birthday bonus. On a side note, I’ve officially outlived Lester Burnham from American Beauty. That makes me feel really ambivalent about today for a variety of reasons.
I recall having those in elementary school from third through fifth grade. I don't remember specifically being told we had to make one for everyone in the class, but I remember thinking that was kind of the expectation. We didn't have to go around individually and deliver in full sight of everyone, we just sort of all did it at once, so everyone was mostly up and milling around and you could somewhat surreptitiously deliver them if necessary. This was good for me, because my way of letting a girl know I had a crush on her was if I made her multiple cards with candy in them. That way, if confronted, I could play it off like I'd lost track of who I'd made valentines for. I don't think it ever occurred to me that such an excuse was plausible deniability for someone getting two valentines, but hardly the three or four clearly individual ones with different messaging on them I'd delivered.
At the end of the day, you could easily tell who was more popular with the opposite sex by the amount and quality of the candy they got. That usually meant the popular kids got a pile of fun-size foil wrapped chocolates and full rolls of Sweet Tarts. If you were not popular, you usually got a small stack of Valentine cards that added up to maybe a quarter of the girls in class, many of which "To:" and "From:" fields were left empty. I'd also usually have a small handful of those chalky conversation hearts that were curiously limited to the blanks or, at most, the decidedly less amorous ones like "Groovy".
My Valentine's box won the best box contest once so yes.
Yes! I miss those simpler times!. Our students get to do this also. However, we are not allowed to call it valentines day here. We are to call it "friends day".
An afternoon of no school work, cupcakes, and candy to take home? Yes, I really liked the Valentine’s Day parties and was definitely bummed when there wasn’t Jack shit that first year of junior high. No recess and no parties? Fuckin bullshit.
No. Total Bs
Yall had valentine’s parties at school?
Elementary school was fine but when I got to junior high and we started having the carnation sales where carnations were delivered in class my mental health took a huge hit. I was not popular with the boys and all I wanted at the time was a boyfriend, and getting left out every year while other girls had piles of flowers devastated me. I hope schools aren’t still doing that.
They made us give everyone in the room a valentine and then complained when we grew up to be poly sluts.
I loved all the parties because we didn’t have to do school work.
I think what was actually awful was in high school they would sell flowers for Valentine’s Day. Then volunteers would deliver them to you. Think the candy gram scene from Mean Girls. There would be girls with tons of flowers walking around school like Miss America, dudes that would get a flower from some girl they didn’t like, so they’d destroy it, or people goofin and sending flowers to some kid and saying they were in love only for it to be a prank. The money usually paid for some dance or activity. Most of the time it was just cruel pranks.
Yeah, I never really got any cards other than the one the teacher gave everyone and the one or two from the kids whose moms bought and addressed cards for the whole class. It always made me feel like complete shit.
My mom bought those big packs of cards and I gave out cards to everyone, she also made me write the names and sign them myself.
The one year I had a huge crush on a girl and she knew about it, and she actually gave me the card back and said she didn’t want it. Jokes on her though - she was a fat ugly little bitch (no idea why I had a crush on her) and last I saw is a fat ugly grown woman, and I’m married to an absolutely gorgeous woman who treats me like a king married 15 years coming up soon, and been together for 17!!!
Charlie Brown is my spirit animal so no I didn’t enjoy those Valentine’s Day parties
Yes. We always made mailboxes, teachers had candy, and usually a parent volunteer would bring in Rice Krispie treats or cookies or whatever and we didn’t have to do any school work.
I haven't had any. But then again as a German a lot of my experiences are different from you Americans
Hallmark doesn't run your schools?
I loved it because I always had crushes on boys. I was boy crazy lol. So I was more than happy to give them Valentine's.
So much.
I loved it! We’d give a valentine to everyone in class so nobody felt left out. I always saved the more lovey dovey ones for my crushes in class
Did anyone else's school do carnation sales for valentines and some other holidays? They were a dollar each and you picked the color, filled out a little note, and they were delivered usually in homeroom. I don't even remember what the fundraising was for but some school programs I'm sure. I remember we did green carnations for st paddy's, yellow/red/pink for v day, probably some other holidays too but I'm drawing a blank on the rest.
Yes! I loved getting those conversation hearts and Lifesavers strawberry and crème swirled lollipops. I would have kept all the little Valentines too if my mom had allowed it.
More than Math, Science, etc? Hells yeah, its a party.
No. Usually felt left out.
Yes, being an obligation was much better than being a friend!
Yeah. They were lots of fun. There was one year our class had to do a music program for Valentine's Day
Absolutely, I wish we did it as adults
I have no idea what this is. You had school parties on Valentines Day? I remember in primary school we might have made cards to give out, but it was probably very casual.
As a little kid, I never understood why I had to give Valentines to kids I didn't like.
My elementary school was super generic about handing out valentine's cards. Everyone made a bag, and they all got taped to the chalkboard tray. Then we basically did the "assembly line distribution system" of putting a card in every bag. It would have been more fun if it were more personal.
I work with a bunch of Xennials and Gen X now, and we've spent the first 30 minutes of work handing out cards, candy, and personalized favors to each other and that has been way more fun.
Yes because in 3rd grade i gave all the girls Chicago Bulls valentines and all the boys Barbie valentines and I have never gotten boo'd/laughed so hard in one hour. Like I am hi fiving lil 8 year old me all over again, ha
I remember them being fun just because it was something different. In every class I had where we did a Valentines party, we were required to bring a Valentine for everyone. My mom and I picked out the Valentines and candy at the store. I remember very specifically picking which Valentines I’d give to the boys (eww! Cooties!). I didn’t want them getting a Valentine saying that I loved them. Like Ralph Wiggum, I always enjoyed the Valentines with puns.
Middle school! We let the girlies know if we were interested in them 😁😎 (at lease at my school. Inner city ATL)
I was a fat kid. Any day with cupcakes was a good day.
Nope. Kind of knew I'd never really have an actual valentine. Was bullied, isolated. Forced to buy those stupid shitty candles and cards to hand out, got scolded if you didn't.
Hate this day. Passionately. It's another day for the lemmings.
I loved the party but hated the cards. They were too sappy and I had major anxiety about which one to give to each person. My school we really didn't give out candy, only the paper cards placed in paper lunch bags we decorated. A few kids would give out the ones that had a sucker attached. Definitely the rich kids. 😂
We got candy and did not have to do school work, what's not to like?
There was a girl i had ZERO interest in bring me several balloons, a teddy bear, and candies. It was awkward and I felt bad that I had nothing to reciprocate. I carried that stuff with me the rest of the day while my friends made fun of the situation. The next week I got her a gift card to a store she liked and thanked her for her gift while explaining my feelings. We are still friends almost 30 years later.
I liked making the card boxes. My mom used to get really creative with it. One year she made a tiny version of a coke machine, where the 'coin' slot was big enough to put the cards into.
I loved it! It was always fun making the mailbox and going to the store to pick out the valentines. Can't go wrong with Garfield! I'd always save the best Valentine for whatever boy I had a crush on at the time.
Just helped my decorate her box a couple days ago
Free sweets and a break from actual schoolwork was reason enough for me to like it. I don’t remember being told to have a card for everyone, but that’s how everyone did it—no issues on that front. By 5th-6th grade the teachers figured out there could be actual crushes involved and the card exchange would be an opportunity for kids to really embarrass themselves, so we just had the treats.
My kids don’t have Valentines parties at their school. Instead they have Manners parties, where they all are supposed to dress nicely and use their best manners. They spend thirty minutes a day for a week beforehand learning things like chewing with their mouth closed, which utensil to use, where to put the napkin, and so on. The boys learn to pull out the girls’ chairs. They’re elementary kids, so it’s kind of cute. They enjoy it.
Free candy and usually a parent brought cupcakes or cookies. Hells yeah!
I liked the candy and having a break from ordinary class. The rest was just busy-work as far as i was concerned.
The cards were always terrible but it was fun going through them at home and wondering if your crush was thinking of you while he signed his name 🤗
i did. we got CANDY.
It was alright. I didn't love it but it was an enjoyable activity like any other.
It was something to do and look forward to. I kinda liked it.
Yes, and no. It was fun because it was different from the mundane school day... but I was bullied by some boys that were ugly to me during these times. I still go plenty of v-day cards in class and it was a nice treat.
They were alright. But I can tell you as a parent, it’s yet another bunch of crap to have to deal with. But we made it fun this year. I got some washi tape and my daughter taped down pencils to hers. And specific people got the ugly tape because she really doesn’t like some of her classmates and hates that she has to give them out to everyone.
I remember those parties. The cupcakes and cookies
no, but i did do a wrestling ring with thumb wrestlers for a box and got no valentines.
i thought something cool would work. nope lol
Free candy at school when you're a young child, what's not to like?
Yeah. The cards were like little lotto tickets. Sometimes they had chocolate. Never from me but sometimes from others.
Guess someone wasn’t bullied every day at school.