Russian Sukhoi 57 crew taking pictures of US Airforce F35 during Aero India 2025.
Posted by Shankranger@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 601 comments

Dad bod
All of them haha
That's actually fatty liver disease. They probably all drink too much and are carrying way too much visceral fat as a result. Causes the "dad bod" beer belly look.
Do you even know what fatty liver disease is? Unexpected weight loss, jaundice weakness are signs. These guys are plump, normal skin complexion and full of energy. If you bothered to look into the their cuisine you would realise the Russkies eat alot of carbs... bread, potato, piroshky etc. They even have a drink called Kvas made out of fermented bread which is very popular in that part of the world and actually good for you.
TIL I could've been a fighter pilot.
Nah, in Russia you'd just have been sent on a meat wave attack in Ukraine. These guys are connected which is why they get the cushy job of traveling the world drinking vodka at various air shows.
you know those are ground maintenance crew? the only real pilot is sergey bogdan and hes 60 something year old
I mean…the Russian Air Force is still very active in the current conflict firing missiles and dropping bombs. It isn’t like the aerial forces, the wing and rotor varieties, aren’t completely knocked out.
Guys, guys. This is the ground maintenance crew lol.
If you’re going to play Mom’s Basement Reddit Doctor then statistically it’s more likely some form of insulin resistance. So no not “actually”.
At this point I'm assuming it might be an actual requirement for the job. For correct distribution of mass in Russian ejection seat or whatever.
Personal armour in case of shrapnel accidentally finding a completely undetectable stealth airframe, and in case of crash the fat will cushion the impact, should the pilot need to survive, he can carve himself up for additional rations.
"Bumbles bounce . . ."
—Yukon Cornelius
I worked for a carpenter once and we were building a roof on top of a shop.
We were at the point where we were setting the rafters in place and then nailing the 1x4 strapping down to hold everything in place.
Buddy was on a ladder with a three inch spike air nailer driving then into the bottom plate. He missed one but hit enough to trigger the safety and shot himself in the gut.
Luckily, he was fat enough that he just pulled it out and kept on going.
Self grown organic spaced-armour? That's the Humanity Fuck Yeah! material right there
I'm not fat, I'm well-armoured!
Oof, I was about to say something uncouth until I read your comment and realized where I was.
Can the average american fit in an F-35 btw?
Aren't these mostly mechanics?
I think it’s because they’re running out of young people to send not to the frontlines
You just remembered me about a meme showing a conversation about having a dad bod with the body armour to improve the survelliance, about "an angled armour works more, just like in WWII where the Soviets pioneered angled armour as the T-34"
Peak eastern european performance
Woah woah woah... speaking as a Pole, don't lump them in with us. .
Bossman, Poland is central Europe
I know, I know, but too many people don't.
I'm of polish/slovak descent and I either look like I have a beer gut or if I'm in shape I look like the Heavy from TF2
Dodging the Russian front
*All of us
They better lay off that cheeki breeki, SUKA !
Bottom right ain’t too bad
Probably pretty privileged "crew". A trip to an exotic nation? Far beyond range of any Ukrainian drones? Oh yeah, the new recruit isn't going, I am taking this job myself.
100% cushy gig for someone with enough experience to keep it cushy.
Make no mistake, there's not a single slouch or new guy in that photo.
Not a single poor guy. Every one of them hass paid off their superior.
And you know this how?
I think they all might be working for Sukhoi full time. I doubt the pilot is active in the military anymore, he's in his 60s ans has been a test pilot for half his life.
Nah it's realtalk, you can tell how good a russian pilot is by how overweight he is, not fat? young and unexperienced yet, meanwhile dad bod? probably participated in the development of the fucking plane lmao
This made me laugh so hard and I 100% believe you
It’s pretty smart If I was a russian and found out they were implementing a draft I would’ve joined the air force ASAP. It’s better than being forced into the army and sent into the meat grinder that is Ukraine.
Probably dipping themselves in some Malai Paneer Tikka Masala with Naan
Tikka masala was invented in UK so probably not
Not sure why you're getting down voted. Tikka masala was invented in Birmingham england. Lol.
Or cirrhosis
I mean sure the F35 is heavy and bulky, but I wouldn’t call it dad bod
Vodka belly.
Have you seen navy pilots? There's a video about fat pilots versus skinny pilots. Fat pilots will always outperform skinny pilots cuz they won't pass out under high Gs. Having high blood pressure and being a fat boy has its benefits I guess lol
There was literally a stereotype called the "Beer-bellied Soviet pilot" during the Cold War.
I thought you meant the F35
Russian G-suit.
Vlad Bod
Dude has a pot belly larger than a trucker.
That fine Russian Vodka
Lol. I thought you were referring to the F35, kind of a fat looking plane.
Compression suits do wonders for Russian pylotes
I thought you were talking about Fat Amy at first not the Russians
That’s the way we Dads like it. Built for comfort, not for speed.
Probably a Radome, must also have some countermeasures in there.
Beautiful, no matter your country or which army you serve at the end the are pilots, perfect people
Get a good look comrades
someone's jealous
F35s helmet has more tech than the SU.
I watched a YouTube video about that helmet and was amazed.
The crazy thing to think about is what the helmet/system can do that they weren’t sharing. Cause you know for a fact they aren’t letting a random YouTuber know all of the capabilities of a tech like that.
Make me dream. What are some possibilities?
Anybody is open to answer this. Just wondering what are some things that people could come up with.
Hmm, when flying over any western town/city, i bet the pilot can look below them and using eyebrow gestures and winks they can book a massage at any massage parlour below for when they land
And more democracy and freedom, how could you forget?
But we still need a plane to make this helmet fly.
On the other hand - F-35 will not fly without this helmet, so in the real conflict there is no need to use rockets to destroy the plane, all they need is screwdriver to brake the helmet.
What? Will the other pilot go break the helmet mid flight? Will any plane survive a screwdriver through the engines?
its a bot, or worse... a human huffing copium
And US taxes paid for it dearly, instead of getting healthcare or education
Politics aside, Russia-Ukraine war is a pretty good example of what wars you can expect to fight when you don't have an overwhelming advantage over your enemies. I think they regret not investing more now.
... Yeah but when you DO have an overwhelming advantage you get the USA in Afghanistan. It's an improvement for sure but still somehow not desirable
I mean Russian casualties on the low end are in the six figures. High end is approaching 7 figures. US casualties in over 20 years in Afghanistan were what 10-20k? Obviously every death is terrible but I'd much rather be fighting in Afghanistan.
... Yeah but when you DO have an overwhelming advantage you get the USA in Afghanistan. It's an improvement for sure but still somehow not desirable
22,000 casualties in Afghanistan (over 10+ years) vs 850,000+ Russian casualties in Ukraine (in 3 years) sounds like a massive improvement
And with your current administration in power Americans are regretting that they did not invest into education and healthcare more now...
Healthcare and education mean nothing if you can't defend it.
Probably wondering how they’ve built so many so quick and still have quality control
Probably wondering why it can't supercruise, or go mach 2.
Why would it want to?
So you can't be chased down and killed by a MiG-21, so enemies can't escape your missiles.
Tell me how a mig-21 will win a fight with a plane that can shoot at it from 100+miles and is invisible to its onboard radar
Same way China already got a lock on F-35s. Data links and modern airborne radar.
They didn’t. Locking onto an aircraft is an act of war. Had they actually managed to do so, only one of the two machines would have lived to tell the tale.
And given WW3 hasn’t started I call BS
Locking on isn't an act of war...
It is, but let’s ignore that.
Gotta a source then? On China locking onto an f-35?
Spoiler, you don’t
It doesn’t mention a lock on at any point in the article
It mentions the Chinese awacs remotely targeting missiles, which they cannot do without a lock.
It only sais it’s supposed to do so, not that it did.
Seriously read the article, at no point it’s said the AWACS had a lock
If that's so then this airforce brass has nothing to complain about
This isn’t even about understanding military topics anymore I feel like you don’t understand English.
At least you just acknowledged you were wrong in saying China got a lock on an f-35, even if you didn’t realize that
Then what's that guy complaining about?
He’s "complaining" about the ability of the Chines kill chain to use data link, and at no point is the f-35 mentioned as the target of said kill chain.
Because yes the f-35 isn’t the only plane in the US arsenal.
But let’s ignore that: you were wrong, you claimed there was a lock on and have been unable to provide a source.
Cope and seethe all you want I take this as a word
Where does that say anything about locking on?
This means the Chinese awacs is quarterbacking, which they can't do without a lock, and the USAF wants to kill the quarterback because of it.
Has no details as to the distances involved, and I highly doubt they’re flying F35’s anywhere near a KJ-500 without adding RCS modifying parts, so as not to give the Chinese free data
Any example of a fighter getting killed because it couldn't go M2 against a MiG-21?
Yeah, Yom Kippur war
The Israelis and their M2 capable Phantoms?
And A-4s and Mirages
Mirage III is M2 capable.
The Skyhawk is a subsonic attack aircraft. It would be like if you said "cars under 200kph are worthless" and then proceeded to cite a bicycle. Are you trolling?
If your car is only marginally faster than a bicycle then it's not winning any races
Man what the fuck are you talking about? The F-35 is significantly faster than the Skyhawk. And its not the fighter jet's job to win races.
lol all 3rd gen fighters are supposed to be faster than that, it's a fighter jets job to win fights, which greater speeds help you do. That's why supercruise was a requirement for the first 5th Gen fighter.
Complete bullshit. I've given you plenty of time to produce an example or an official study that proves M2 capability makes or breaks a fighter and you've yet to do so. Hell just give me a fucking example of a fighter jet, any fighter jet with combat load routinely and primarily operating above M1.6. An empty slick F-15 doing M2.4 doesn't mean jack.
All you've done so far is troll, giving a bs example and failing to elaborate on literally anything.
So? Requirements change, nevermind the fact that the F-22 and F-35 are different instruments for different jobs.
lol ok, the F-22. Primarily operating at mach speed is called supercruise and only 5th generation fighters can do it...
The F-22 has a grand total combat record of 1 weather balloon.
You don't have a shred of proof that it primarily operates above M1.6 (supercruise capability != proof), nor you have proof for any other claim you've made, and the fact that the F-22, the most world's most advanced air superiority fighter, is the supposed single example, helps the F-35's case, it doesn't hurt it.
M1.6 isn't part of any definition, the definition is supersonic speed without using afterburners, and it was a requirement guy the ATF program.
Are you able to read, like at all? I asked this question and you supposedly gave the F-22 as an answer.
I did not fucking ask for the definition of supercruise, which you got wrong. Being able to fly without afterburners above mach has nothing to do with whether the F-22 actually does primarily operate above M1.6 in a combat scenario. And seeing as F-22's sole combat kill is a weather balloon, you would have zero information regarding that.
Is this grade school breakdown simple enough for you to comprehend? You're a fucking troll.
The F-22 cannot supercruise at M1.6 you are so genuinely full of horse manure.
You mean the MIG-21 that was getting shot down by the F-4 in Vietnam?
Outright top speed isn't the be-all and end-all of military aviation anymore, it hasn't been for a long time.
Besides, none of the fancy features matter if the aircraft is vaporware that cannot be built in relevant numbers.
Even if we hypothesize that the Su-57 is the best jet fighter in existence, what does that matter if you have like...11 of them? Good luck with that.
Maybe if you only fight guys wearing flip flops, fancy features and wunderwaffe don't matter then either.
Fighter aircraft haven't gotten much faster (if at all) compared to the 60s.
F-4 Phantom would do Mach 2.2. That's faster than the claimed top speed of the F-16. I guess the old Phantom is better then?
The Delta Dart could do Mach 2.3 and that thing was introduced in the 1959.
The F-18 Hornet came into service in the early 80s ('83?) and it will top out at Mach 1.8 or so. It's replacement, the Super Hornet, will only get up to 1.6 apparently.
So please, stop talking about subjects you clearly don't even understand the most basic things about.
Why are you acting like supercruise and top speed are the same thing? Basic things, eh?
I'm not acting like they're the same thing. In fact, I didn't even mention supercruise at all.
It was you who said:
Seems to me it's you making a clear distinction here between the two things and I'm merely responding to you bringing up the ability to "go mach 2".
So you admit to cherry picking and lying by omission? Mach 2 speeds were achieved by prior generations, which means a downgrade in capability of a new fighter that can't match and exceed that performance.
Why are you acting like supercruise is the end all, be all for combat aircraft?
Because Lockheed told me it was
The US government seems to disagree with you.
Why can't the American planes do things that no Russian plane can do? You must be a Russian bot. Lmao
Who says it can't?
low-observable properties degrade significantly at M1.4+ due to friction heating
You mean RAM coat properties
Lol the SU57 can't either. They're still on the 'I30' engine.
A lot of huge tradeoffs for efficient mach 2 flight.
Whomp whomp
The quality control things a joke right? 🤣🤣
The F-35 has been an exceptionally safe and reliable aircraft. It just had a number of high profile incidents because it was built in such large numbers (over 1000 in service), while the SU-57 barely even exists.
Every few months, more F-35 are built than SU-57 exist in total.
Yes. But. The cost of the Su-57 program is probably somewhere in the range of $10 - $15 Billion. The cost of the F-35 program is $1.7 Trillion. Yeah they're pretty different numbers right? Essentially, pretty much all the Russian aircraft development companies got reduced HARD in the 90s. Now they have way less experience than Lockheed Martin and they're obviously doing much worse financially. And let's be completely fair.
While yes, the Su-57 has its flaws, we still don't actually know pretty much anything valuable. The RCS is really REALLY under question because it received new engines and all the sources say different stuff. Obviously the RCS is still worse than the F-35, but this is the second stealth plane Russia has built (pretty much). The whole "it's the size of a city block" argument is also ironic considering the B-2 and B-21. And all of this while on a budget literally 100 times less. It's still a really good aircraft. It has good speed, maneuverability, not bad RCS and (while not an important statistic) it looks really damn nice. That we can agree on, I hope.
As much as we can parrot the hate mail this thing gets, It's still a good aircraft, and we are all inherently biased for or against it.
(Also, original commenter, I'm not necessarily addressing this to you. This is kinda just a general post to see others opinions.)
Figures like this are difficult to compare because they're very context sensitive.
$1.7 trillion is an estimate that includes absolutely everything. Development, procurement, and full cost of service including maintenance, upgrades, and even fuel.
The claims for the SU-57 in contrast a vague and likely only included a part of research and development, since for example spending on other programs that ended contributing to the SU-57 likely was not included. The program hasn't even made the investment to enable actual mass production, instead running on an artisinal scale of a few airframes per year.
Alright so basically everything you said sums to "we don't know enough". I'm not even like trying to start beef or anything, we literally just don't know enough. Again, to me it is obvious that Lockheed Martin spent a lot more on the F-35 program, but we just don't know how much. About the B-2, I meant that people have no problem with it, but with the Su-57 it makes it bad because it reduces stealth. Meanwhile one of the stealthiest aircraft ever is a large bomber.
The F-35 program has measurable successes in its production volume and number of export partners. It has proven that it can be produced and operated in great numbers and is an extremely popular choice amongst air forces.
We don't know how much the SU-57 realistically cost, but we can tell that it has still not managed to produce a significant number of aircraft and that there is very little experience with actual operations.
Flying-wing stealth bombers operate on different principles than fighters. The lack of tail surfaces greatly reduces their maneuverability, but enables 'true stealth' rather than the 'low observability' of 'stealth fighters'.
Stealth fighters like F-35 can be detected by long wave length search radars (although not as easily and as far as conventional fighters), but are difficult to target with more precise targeting radars. While true stealth bombers are also difficult to detect.
In practice, low-observable fighters operate with anti-radiation missiles like HARM that automatically seek out enemy radars. This means that the enemy has to limit their use of radars substantially and will have no advanced warning against sufficiently stealthy aircraft, since there is no radar that can provide warning without being in the danger zone itself. HypOps have done an excellent video on how the stealth of F-35 specifically works against heavy air defenses like S-400.
So basically on your first point you yet again parroted what you said at first. Clearly, as a nation with basically no stealth experience, which started their project 7 years later, and has most likely a fraction the budget of the F-35 program, they have achieved relative success. You keep ignoring this, it seems, but the reason why the Su-57 isn't being produced at the rate that would match the F-35 is due to Sukhoi not being able to afford to do so. Lockheed Martin as a company has a far bigger net worth and has experience building Stealth Aircraft while for Sukhoi it's a first.
I think the issue comes down to two things.
It's not as capable as contemporaries like the F-22 (coming up on 30 years old), the F-35, and even the Chinese stealth aircraft.
Secondly, you can nearly count the amount of Su-57s with your hands (if you exclude prototypes).
1) I disagree. Especially with the last statement. While yes the RCS and stealth is worse, I think it comes down a lot to missiles used. Long range fights are more on missiles and radar imo.
2) The amount is not known. The last we've heard (AS OF 2023) was 22 excluding prototypes. And they're starting on new batches. So normally I would agree, and obviously there's was less of them than the F-35s, but we don't really know how many more there is now (around 1.5 years later).
From a maintainer point of view they are pieces of shit. 4-6 go out and 2+ come back with issues.
Downvoted by salty muricans, gotta love it (:
I'm not American, I just happen to know the statistics of other major fighter jets.
Many older major fighter models had amassed more major incidents in their trials and first year of service than the F-35 has in nearly 20 years of service with over 1,000 airframes built. Which turns from impressive to insane if we consider that it has a STOVL-version.
Meanwhile Russia primarily keeps its hull loss numbers under control... by barely flying their aircraft. Like 500 built MIG-31 sounds impressive, until you look at how few flying hours those have until they go to the scrapyard. The only reason they still exist in any number is that they just don't fly much.
Reducing carrier operations to zero by not having an operable carrier anymore also helped a ton compared to the safety record the Kuznezov's air wing had, while carrier sorties by F-35 eclipse those of every other nation combined.
Now do China ;)
We simply don't have enough data for that. For most other countries, we have a pretty decent baseline before considering potential ranges of undocumented incidents. With China, we lack such a baseline.
Soon we'll have more than just data, gonna get some combat experience in Taiwan then coming for the US mainland
Well, enjoy your fantasy universe.
Hope you've started learning Chinese
Notice how they’ll never answer to well thorough responses, because they know they can’t.
Just like how the first guy made an edit but refused to answer to the people proving him wrong
Clowns, all of them
The f-35 has a lower crash rate than the f-18 or f-16. What exactly says bad quality control?
As someone who's handled the 120 page long routers for manufacturing the most basic F-35 parts, yeah, they have quality control. Do Lockmart's engineers know how to properly apply GD&T? No! (Although they're worlds better than Boeing) But that just means everything gets double verified, before it's checked dozens of times over.
And I know it's the same story going up the supply chain. There's definitely plenty of jank built into the processes, but there are so many checks and verifications and certifications
Actually easy to answer. The F-35 is multinationals effort, Su-57 is domestic only.
money, the answer is money....difference between acting like a superpower and being a superpower
Boeing took all the QC blindsides so none were left for this beauty.
Well I mean they pulled the quality control from their passenger division.
I don't think Lockheed Martin makes a lot of passenger planes these days
You are 1000% correct. I dunno why I thought Boeing and Lockheed Martin had merged. My mistake.
Lowes and Home Depot have a better selection in the hardware section, that their Russian equivalent.
Goddamn I wish I could reward this post.
The 57 still needs external power and air start. Say it ain’t soooooo.
Of course, because it's basically like a Lada with Porsche bodykit. The engines on it are from 1982.
Which is nothing compared to bombers. So many have their roots in the 1950s.
Wait, doesn’t the SU-57 have AL-41Fs? I thought 5th gen engine development was the one area that the Russians were as good as us at lmao.
Ha, no.
Russian engines perform pretty well if you believe their public numbers, but they way they do that is running them hot as fuck and accepting that they are going to have to rebuild them far more frequently than a western engine.
I can't remember the specific model this is for, but one of their mass-produced fighter engines needs an overhaul every 250 hours and has a design life of only 750 hours. I don't think there's any American engine in service that even hits it's first interval by that point.
You're talking about original Su-27 engines, they got to 1000 hours MBTO and 2000 lifetimes in the early 2000s and kept getting better since.
Still WAY behind, heck, even a GE engine. Much less a Pratt engine.
The new one has pretty much the same output as the F119 while being a third lighter and will have a better lifetime than previous Russian engines, so they're definitely not behind. Literally everyone that has used modern Russian engines has only praised them in the last 20+ years.
Are you a Russian bot or do you just have no clue what you're talking about. Pratt>GE>>>>>Russian>>>>>Chinese.
No, I'm just not a moron.
Ok, so you just have no clue what you're talking about. Got it.
Yeah, I know nothing, not the dumbass parroting 40 year old info, lol.
You either know nothing or are a fossil that thinks nothing changed since your 40th birthday, either way, I don't care.
They are, but design on them started in the early 80s on Project 1.44.
Ah I see, thanks for correcting me. For some reason I thought engine development on it began later and that it was shoehorned into the Su-35S last minute.
Because you're confusing the AL-41 and the AL-51. The former is older and installed on Su-35s and as a placeholder on the Su-57, the AL-51 is the new one that's supposed to be insanely good.
The F135 started development in 1986.
And long development cycles are not a bad thing.
The whole Russian military was just a facade, it's much cheaper to make a facade than to do real R&D. Look at them launching that 50 year old missile that they put together from bits of SS-22 and re-painted. And now how much Putin was running around telling everyone, even during visits to schools, to schoolchildren about brand new hypersonic missile (which it isn't, hypersonic missiles don't exist, they are the ones that can maneuver at those speeds), whereas this is ballistic missile, that just falls down like a cannonball from the top its ballistic trajectory, same as Hitler's V2 rocket which was also "hypersonic" in Putin's sense.
They didn't plan to have a real war, which is why it was such a disaster for them, they thought everyone believed their facade, and West did, but Ukrainians saw right through that charade.
Not a Su-57 fanboy (I think it's a very large piece of metal that is tactically garbage) but that is an extremely weak argument to complain about the age of the engines development when it is an updated and upgraded version. The F-35s engines started development in 1986.
By that logic we should rip into NATO for using a missile from 1956 (the AIM-9, which has absolutely no commonality now as it did then)
The F135 did not start development in 1986. The F119 did around that time, and there are some similarities between the two engines, but the F135 is a significant departure from its parent.
That's a fair characterization. They took the high compressor and I think high turbine from the F119 and made a higher bypass ratio engine with more thrust in the F135. So the lineage is there, but it is a totally different engine in the end.
The T-14 Armata is running a modernised version of the Tiger tanks engine.
It was made to be used for gas pumping stations. Some idiots decided to put it in a tank, now it can't even drive through parade without stalling.
You realize that Lazerpig video that started these rumors was basically all bullshit, right?
What rumours?
The gas pumping stuff, the Armata having an engine based on captured German ones and the T-34 and T-90 having the same engine.
Literally none of that is true, which is why Lazerpig threw his drunk tantrum after people corrected him.
Lol go on wikipedia and check it for yourself. Go on military forums. It's not secret stuff. I have no idea what video you are talking about.
Ah yes, wikipedia, the mother of all sources, lol.
It's funny that not even you checked it, because it clearly says the Armata engine was based on an earlier Soviet tank engine, not a German one or a pump engine.
And for the T-90, anyone who knows anything about tanks can tell you that there's literally no parts commonality between the V-2 and V-92 engines. I mean it should be pretty obvious that you can't just double the output of an engine like that.
According to that theory, not the Tiger tank engine. It was planned replacement for the engine of the Tiger II, and never made it anywhere.
That being said, the story is has been disputed.
US spends more than any country on military, more than next several centuries combined. While US citizens don’t get any higher education, healthcare, tons of poverty in every city.
The U.S. has a higher level of higher education than any other country in the world. The U.S. has a lower poverty rate than China or Russia. The U.S. has better healthcare than Russia, and is only slightly behind China.
Thought terminating clichées with little data behind them
Where are your sources? Here are mine:
2023 Russia poverty 9.3 vs US 13%
Holding a Degree: 50% Russian, 37% Americans,friends%20outside%20of%20campus%20life.
Don’t get me started on Americas scam of health and insurance. Though both countries have each problems, US is not something perfect like some claim
Your source for poverty rate is the Russian government itself.
Also, the poverty line in the US and Russia are not the same. Important thing you should mention
As for my source it’s the world bank, that disagrees with the figures you provide. I dunno but the world bank seems more reliable than the Russian government.
Poverty rate is a clusterfuck, but when looking at available income for instance, the US has 10 times the average of Russia, with cost of living differing only by a factor of 2-3.
The U.S. is in fact number one in higher education, because most of the top rated universities of the Shanghai rating are in the US, with 8 of the top 10 being American.
The U.S. also has one of the highest student immigration rates in the world.
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Yeah but at least American citizens don't have to spread propaganda on reddit for a living, huh Ivan?
We also don't have a military made up of conscripts earning slave wages.
US did , here’s a source about during last 20 years in Middle East:
That's just rationalizations. You'd still prefer US for higher education and healthcare. Innovation comes at the cost of capitalism
Well no, if you actually want the best education and healthcare you’d go for a Northern European country. American education is pretty high quality at its best, but wildly inconsistent and is likely only going to get more inconsistent with the Department of Education getting stripped. Our healthcare is high tech and effective, but our insurance industry makes it laughably expensive and inaccessible.
A country like Denmark or Sweden tends to do a bit better in both fronts.
Indeed the US is home to both the smartest and most stupid people in the world.
Remind me how many Fortune 500s Denmark and Sweden's top university grads created?
You mean the list of the 500 largest companies in the United States? Probably not a lot considering they're all US companies by definition. Of the Fortune global 500, as of 2023, the US only held 136 out of 500 spots. Not great for "the richest country on earth".
That is genuinely the dumbest possible metric you could have given, wtf. They have a fraction our population and overall economy size, which is obviously going to have a significant influence on how many wealthy people they have in total.
That has nothing at all to do with their individual education or healthcare quality.
Don't go far, your northern neighbors have pretty much same standards of living of not better than Denmark and Sweden. In fact Canada the last 15 years ranked 1 or 2 in that regard.
True. Just thought of Northern Europe first because that entire region stands out pretty well.
Ehm... NO.
People say this, but they'd *immediately" jump at the chance for a ride at MIT or Cal Tech.
Oh yeah! Just miles of folks willing to dump $200k+ on some college debt.
Yes, that’s why the U.S. has the highest immigration rate of students in the world.
Also the MIT is making tuition free for household owning less than 200k a year, ie most of the world
There literally are. Half the kids going to these colleges are coming from Asia and Europe.
...Of course they would, no shit. You've just listed two of the best universities in the world. Not every US university is anything like MIT or Cal Tech though. Most would jump at the opportunity to study at Oxford or Cambridge but that tells a very different picture to the rest of UK universities.
How many people are traveling to Russia for cancer treatment?
You do realize that there is more to this world than USA and Russia?
You do realize this is a us vs Russia discussion? Did you forget what the OP was? Keep up.
Cuba has longer life expectancy than the US.
And they would still cross the ocean to enter US
Prefer the USA for higher education?? Have you read the news in the last few years? The USA is absolutely chock full of college grads who can't get degrees because they paid $80k++ for a useless degree
At least in Europe if you pick a degree that isn't lucrative you won't be in debt.
Quite the same in Russia, but US at least builds thousands of cool planes like F-35, not 5 pcs of "wanna-be-5th-gen" su-57.
Oh wow. Tell me how's that going to help the average citizen.
The US could do both if it wasn't run by people who actively hate 90% of their population
Eh, we also spend more money on those other things than any other country. People always point to military, but we spend more money on healthcare than we do the military. People just don’t realize how rich the US is compare to the rest of the world.
Most of that money goes to soldiers and their benefits though.
We could do both if the rich paid their share so it’ll never happen.
External power is a standard for all aircraft when getting maintenance done on them
F-35 doesn't need external power for most basic tasks like those that would occur at an airshow.
There's probably not even a hint of malice about this photo. Just a few dudes watching a jet they'll see very few of in their lifetimes, and documenting the event with a phone vid (as we all would)
A lot of airforce pilots probably have a little bit of jealousy towards other planes they will never get to fly, whether or not it's a better plane. Human sentiment to feel a bit of sadness on knowing there is a great toy you will never get to experience.
Just like two sports teams^* killing eachother on the field, then having a beer afterwards.
A jet they HOPE they see few of at least…
lol tell that to Ukrain
The guys in this photo have zero relation to Ukraine... What are you on about? That's like saying the same thing about American pilots taking pics of the Su-57 because there's a conflict in the middle East
Love the guy who is hanging onto the nose of the Sukhoi!
This is pretty wild seeing the two so close together. Pretty cool though.
Less than 30% of F-35 aircraft are mission ready, fact as reported by congress recently. The Russians are simply taking a snapshot of a rare sighting. 😂
And you believe this?
Absolutely believe it when congress and the airforce seniors openly admit to it. Facts are facts.
No point being discreet about it
One is pretty thick, and the other is pretty flat, to be fair. No insult here.
Comrades against NATO
And the funny thing is, the F-35 is quite abundant compared to the Su-57, the usaf will send 35’s to pretty much any air show, no matter the size
they didnt send one to china though
i meant domestically. many small town airshows have f35s along with 16's and sometimes things like kc135s and c130s if the airport is large enough
Deep down, both sides were once little kids who were enamoured with the great blue expanse of the sky
I find this sentiment very very touching
Truer words never said. Fuck political divides.
From what we saw- both crews respected each other and the bands even played music that they mutually danced to. Lot of professional respect and support between the two forces. Heard of a US pilot who drove 14 hrs to reach home and grab a camera so he could snap a pic of the SU. The Russian pilot gave the American crew a salute as he taxied back. Both seemed excited to see the others. Orders aside, you could see the avaiation in them mutually resonate.
Agreed. While there may or may not be nefarious intent in taking those photos, I have no doubt that they're nerding out about getting a chance to see a foreign jet up close.
Yeah I was surprised it took me this far down the thread to find any mention of this being a counter intelligence nightmare. They fly at insane speeds to get video/footage of these bad boys… I’m sure they love the allowance of being able to take this footage and I wonder why it’s being allowed.
Who's gonna stop them? They're in India, the Americans have no power there.
Also, the F-35 has been photographed from every possible angle for over a decade, there's nothing major to find out here. Even modelers have access to those
Also the Russian pilots have spent hundreds of hours studying the f35. Of course they were excited to see one in person.
Tbf they study the f35 because they wonder how they're plane is so shit
It’s the latest and greatest thing fielded by the United States. I was drooling when I saw one at Fleet Week.
nods in Ace Combat protagonists and antagonists
And the \~2M of us arm chair fighter pilots on this sub...
Os americanos também filmaram e tiraram fotos quando o SU 57 estava em vôo porque vi imagens que confirmam.
Actual fighter jet vs aerobatics display plane.
I'll give them that it is a damn cool aerobatics display plane tho 🤣
Is it tho? I dont get this? I dont know anyone IRL that thinks the 57 is "cool". I see people post comments that it is from time to time and im like ????
You’re delusional. Su-57, beside the fact that it’s not there yet, is one of the coolest looking fighter in the world. That’s a fact
okay tankie
F35 sucks as a fighter jet, that's what the F22 does.
The F35 is designed never to let anything get close enough to merge.
Idk why you're being down voted for this. The US has literally said the strategy for the F35 is stealth. The plane is not designed for dog fighting. It's more like a sniper. Undetected and the only reason you know it's there is your buddy just got blown to pieces. Also the F15 E-X is supposed to be a missile truck for the F35 using beyond horizon interceptors to allow the F35 to designate targets while the F15 remains out of radar range. It's all very public information.
That's quite awesome
But the f35 is still highly maneuverable, hell probably slightly better than the f16 from what I've heard. I know that there was a dogfight between the 35 and 16 during the 35's development and the 16 won, but that was because the aircraft had limitations set to it so it couldn't perform at its maximum cause it was still in development.
anyone talking smack about the 35 is just huffing their own copium.
Because people are dumb. They think modern air combat happens at spitfire/bf109 speeds and distances.
They cant conceive that the world's strongest aircraft will rarely engage anything directly itself.
It's so friggin cool
Nothing is as cool looking as an F-22. I look at the F-35 and think chubby boi. F-22 is the fit athlete.
Not one of those fat crew members is holding a camera
Wait does the 57 not have vert fins??
Snapping a pic on their Huawei phone… The CCP thanks you for submitting this piece of intelligence, but we already stole the blueprints.
and they still couldnt really reproduce it... the j20 and j35 rcs is garbage compared to the us equivalents according to us, india and taiwan
I'm sure China would fly them in their stealthiest configuration so their opponents take measures against it
And Meta and Google thank YOU for your personal data.
Damn, now google is gonna give me more ads for Lockheed Martin products.
Not using Meta nor Google products. Luckily I live in a country where I have the right to opt out.
Nice. That’s the best way
Stole the blueprints? They already cloned the plane. At least the front half by the looks of things.
As for the Russians, they can just ask the White House I guess.
I mean, beyond all the political banter and all the hurr durr fifth gen murica vs fourth gen show-off wannabe blah blah blah ...
Wouldn't you?
^Wouldn't ^you?
This is a damn cool looking plane. I know I'd be doing the same if I was standing right in front of one like this, and these guys are obviously into it. They're fans. Let them have it. This is the "men with toys" aspect of the whole game, let's celebrate this part. There's enough bullshit out there right now anyways.
Exactly, American crew would do the same thing if the Su-57 taxied by.
Somehow, some braindead redditor downvoted that statement
Two of the coolest planes flying. Wow what a picture!
Unpopular opinion, but the F35 only looks good from certain angles. In person she is Ug-Ly.
Because the marines screwed it up with the hunch they had to make for the lifting fan behind the cockpit.
It could have been sleek like the J-35, but unfortunately it's not.
Well it's earned nicknames like "fat Amy" and "battle penguin" so there's that lol
F-35 A and Bs look good from most angles to me, but there's a few angles that are less than flattering.
The C though looks like an ungainly teen going through an awkward growth spurt with those bigger wings though.
I see lots of people on reddit saying how cool nato grey looks, but I've never understood the love for it. Russian camo looks infinitely better imo
The NATO Grey actually does something though. It's radar absorbant so it makes the plane harder to detect. Granted, it won't turn an F-18 into a stealth fighter, but it's not insignificant either.
No, that's just the color deemed to be the best at blending in with the environment both in clear skies, clouds, with the ground, etc.
RAM paint is used only on small parts like panel edges, screws, etc, and can be any color you want.
Radar return is temporary, drip is eternal
Mr PATRIOT battery would suggest otherwise
Oh no, Mr. Patriot agrees with me, once the SU-57 gets spotted, the flaming debris on the ground won’t have a radar signature, but those cool camos will be remembered for looking cool asf as it was crashing into the ground
It even looks better on American planes too. Those aggressor squadrons rock some badass camo schemes. The Arctic Splinter F-16s and F-18s in particular.
Yeah, it really catches the eye
As well as radar's eye too.
Never said it was practical heh
Air Superiority Gray, it's practical, but kinda boring.
Idk man I don't see an F-22 there.
(Jk, I agree with you)
Haha! I did say two of the coolest. Everyone knows the F-22 is THE coolest ;)
SR71........... sorry ;)
They aren't flying anymore. The OP said "two of the coolest planes FLYING"
I would agree but it was retired in 1999 and the original comment was “planes flying”.
Ah gotcha missed the currently flying bit. In that case agree on F-22 (gripen might have a shot), but the blackbird will forever hold a special place for me. Saw one fairly up close at an airshow as a kid.... incredible machine.
Would you intercept me?
What about the 757, I don't see it!!
The power of stealth.
That's an F-35
India is getting F35's so this is the least of our worries.
Well, the 'how' isn't really a mystery.
Agreed, while I doubt its touted performance, the Su-57 and basically any Sukhoi post-1975 (especially the Flankers) are undeniably beautiful airplanes.
I think Russian aircraft are like supermodels: drop-dead gorgeous, but they only really shine in specific, well-controlled situations
American aircraft are like female athletes: while they might not have quite the same level of flair as the Russians (with the exception of the F-14 and F-22), these ladies can walk the walk and have demonstrated as such.
Chinese aircraft are like AI-generated photos of supermodels: Possibly technically impressive, but they just seem... off.
You misspelled F-15!!!
The F-15 is quite pretty, but compared to the F-14 and F-22, the Eagle is an all-business kind of gal. That said, no other modern fighter can best her resume, and her F-15EX cousin will reportedly be even better in every way
And the Eagle flies like a wet dream!
I actually don't find the Su-57 that attractive. It looks like a dopey fat guy that's been smooshed living under high gravity or something. It's just so wide and flat, like a pancake or something, and so the proportions just seem so weird.
The Flanker family however is pure sexiness.
Oh it's performance numbers are DEFINITELY fudged. Putin made them expressly for selling to other countries he thought were never going to use them. Just another scheme to put money in his pocket.
Top of all that, do people think there's some photographically attainable secrets being lost here? Like we just whoopsied it and forgot to put up the "no photographs, please" sign, and now our air defense is more vulnerable? Dudes modding War Thunder is a bigger threat than some Rooskies taking pictures.
its an airshow, everyone is taking pictures
Exactly. At their core, these are pilots, and they love what they do. Both aircraft are objectively fucking cool, and seeing either of them in person taxiing by would be amazing.
This isn't spying or political. This is professionals impressed by cool shit.
I mean, we're literally all talking about a picture with an SU-57 in it - and we've been doing the same for at least four days
Of course we'd take the picture!
I bet both sides were taking plenty of pictures, as well as a large number of the civilian visitors. Who wouldn't, given the opportunity?
I'd photograph a J-20 too. Not everyday you get to see those
Russians would agree
I, in fact, would have done the same if I were an American air crew member
Sukhoi fighters look cool as hell
I mean it looks bad ass in the Camo, more so than F35.
Except hopefully our guys would be in better shape lol
What? The F-35 might be the least cool looking plane I've seen in a very long time. It looks very dull.
I was one of these guys once. Not Russian, but serving in an aviation unit because I'm a total aviation nerd. First time I saw an f35 up close i geeked out too
I would do it for any plane honestly. Best day of “volunteering” I ever had was with my friend collecting trash bags at an airshow.
Best football game I ever played in was against a school on base during that same air show a year later. All the jets flying over while we played made it feel like an action movie.
Russian soldiers KNOW that western/US shit is awesome. Might be less accurate now that all of the professional soldiers who have seen western aircraft and tanks up close are dead. Russian patrols in Syria would end up running into our patrols and shooting the shit.
Or they'd set up and head out to attack an American position, and get absolutely shot to shit.
When you summon a B52, you know you’ve made some choices.
Just extrapolate, don't think the war, or the countries. You are sitting on one of the most unique machines created by the humans, a thing most of us dream to be able to fly or see. And you see in front of you another one in a million creations.
I'm taking all the photos I can, damnit, I would love to greet the other pilot and talk about the planes freely!
Yeah god damn 100 years ago we were barely flying now we're going twice the speed of sound. Imagine placing anything from the 21st century next to the first pilots in biplanes.
Twice the speed of sound?
We have powered flying machines pushing mach 5 these days!
Hell, America built a Mach 25 glider, you just gotta drop it from space.
The X-15 was pushing past mach 6.... 60 years ago.
Until somewhat recently, we've sorta taken a step back in terms of trying to push the limits of speed. There just hasn't been as much a pressing need, and other capabilities were seen as a higher priority.
We've started exploring that ultra high speed regime again somewhat recently though, with the X-43A pushing past mach 9 20 years ago.
Tangentially related to this:
One on my father's favorite stories is about hearing Hannah Reitsch talk (at SETP) about flight testing German ww2 rocket planes. Pilots are pilots.
When I was allowed to see some F-35s they took away our phones so we couldn't take photos
As someone with genuine professional and personal interest in aviation, it sucks that simping after these planes makes you look like an American imperialist and bloodthirsty because they're weapons of war.
There's no ground or sea based equivalent. These are the supercars of the sky, the technological peak of what we're aware humans can put in the sky. The fact that some of these aircraft have a positive thrust to weight ratio is mind numbing. They are truly incredible machines.
Well said.
Also it's an airshow. Showing off the planes and letting people take pictures of them is the whole goddamn point. If US military didn't want Russians to take pictures of their F-35s then they wouldn't have taken the plane to a damn airshow.
If espionage really looked like this then I'd be thoroughly amused, and relieved.
Other way around, actually. 5th Gen fighters are supposed to be able to supercruise and achieve twice the speed of sound.
Says who? Who defines these arbitrary "generations" ? Marketing teams?
Says the people who made the first 5th Gen fighter
Who are also the same people who made the second. But you are saying the second isn't 5th gen? Your logic seems flawed.
It's perfectly logical, people lie all the time.
Which proves my original point. The "generations " are just made up names. Thanks for helping me substantiate that point.
Ok so then the F-35 isn't 5th generation because there aren't any generations according to you. Cool.
And neither is Su-57.
Fighter planes don't even exist anymore
Cool. I'm not interested in your trolling activities.
You're so smart, you had to deny the meaning of words to prove me wrong
Not taking the bait, guy.
You already did but go off
That guy is 100% a paid Russian bit.
All of which is pointless if you don't have the single most important characteristic of 5th gen - true VLO stealth. The 35 is also considerably more advanced in its electronics suite, another important characteristic of 5th gen.
There's a reason nobody serious is claiming the 35 is a 4th gen aircraft.
When we had F-35s on our carrier we were told multiple times not to take pictures of them because even the profile of them is classified, every picture you have seen of them have been modified, so I'm guessing that the one they brought out there was also modified because they knew the Ruskies were going to be taking pictures of them no matter what they try.
It's all fun and games until somebody bombs a children's hospital. Let them have it? No. It's not fun and games anymore.
In Abbotsford in the late 80s and early 90s getting our first views of Soviet tech we were drooling over their planes.
Did they look rough? Yes. Do all military planes look rough? Yes.
That's what I thought. Sure, their government are cunts. But planes are cool, and if you work in the industry and came across the Lamborghini of planes, you'd want to check it out.
How long before those photos are being passed around in the Kremlin? 20 minutes? 30?
This is my take. I have met aviators from all over the world and they tend to be all very similar. They love aircraft and are super stoked to one - show off their own and two - meet a bunch of new ones. (Shout out to the RAF Harrier pilot who absolutely stole my heart when I was 17.)
Ultimately it’s boys showing off their multi-million dollar toys and the inner kid in every guy can relate to “cool plane with guns”
I mean it's literally a photo of them taking a photo of it... Our photographer is doing the same
Yea I wish people would realize that. These planes are really fucking cool and if you’ve spent years and years with one jet then had the ability to view an equally, if not more impressive one then you’d probably be fascinated
Reddit has a hard time remembering that Russians are in fact humans too...
Someone should tell putin
Anyone half sane would be taking pictures standing next to either of those planes. I remember seeing older American jet fighters in an air show in Finland and all I could think was : fuck me,this is impressive!!!
100%. Russians build some beautiful airplanes. They’ve always had very clever engineers
SU-57 has Well Fed Aura
I know it’s not a great plane but the livery/camo looks awesome
You can put lipstick on a pig to pretty it up.
But it's still a pig.
It’s their first time seeing a 5th generation fighter
The picture really made me consider if the Su57 had rudders, cause I knew for damn sure It used to,
Turns out the photographer took the photo at a insane angle
Holy crap, didn't notice until I read your post, then I was confused as hell. Yeah you see one edge on. Didn't realize they were or could be turned at that angle compared to the fuselage. I didn't even know to look for it there until I saw another image at a slightly different angle.
Exactly, I knew its used for airbrakes, just got very very off guard with this picture, Although an tailless su57 does look good in my imaginations haha
That SU looks so aesthetically pleasing.
Hate us cuz they anus!
Russian fighter jets are ugly as shit
how long till we find out elon gives russia one thru india?
Born as rivals, meet as brothers.
The entire 5th gen is so weird.
Russian crew looks like a senior bowling league
Y'all will find excuses to shit on anyone.
I looked into it, and it appears that the Russian armed forces do not enforce physical fitness requirements for officers.
It’s apparently a hot button issue in Russia and a point of national embarrassment, and the previous Minister of Defense between 2007-2012 tried to make reforms to address the physical condition of officers and generals regardless of rank basically by saying that if they don’t get in shape they would lose their jobs. However, as you might already know, the Russian military has traditionally been extremely dysfunctional and corrupt, so unsurprisingly they didn’t bother enforcing these rules. But it sure made for some nice propaganda about how Putin’s defense minister was coming in to fix everything.
On the other hand, the reason they didn't bother enforcing it may just be that they realized they would lose an overwhelming and debilitating proportion of their officer corps if they instituted a serious physical testing requirement.
They actualy do have a physical activity recuirements for officers. And its way harder than for any of the regular troopers. Basically they can ignore all physical activity but 2-4 times in a year they all have to pass an exam, and depending on a score they got, they can have a 90% drop in payment. and if they didnt pass any of the tests, they can be enforced with a dayli fitnes training(altho officer can bail out of it)
Not really relevant to the fitness of officers, but I feel like that might have been one of many orchestrated failures by Putin. Bring in new defense Minister to fix something important, Medvedev takes over, nothing changes and thing get worse, people start thinking we really need that Putin guy to be our strong leader, Putin comes back for life
They got their wings in a bucket.
I'm sorry, Smokey. You were over the line, that's a foul. This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.
After that video of their 63yr old test pilot flying high-G maneuvers, their senior bowling league still kicks ass!
Man those creeps can roll
Looks like the US Olympic curling team.
Just crew with seniority
Look at that absolute fucking SPECIMEN chilling on the canopy rail.
Looks like the cat-calling construction guy from Futurama. He’s about to give a wolf whistle. “Hey there F-35, how you doin’?”
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Su57 might be a paper bear but it looks cool AF. Arguably more than the chubby F35
Fuck russians man.
I've met russians on the regular since 82, and they've always been arrogant fucks.
I really hope they all don't fall out of any high windows or drink that special tea they love to make.
My company have a meet and greet with some russians in June, there are a whole lot of us here that just can't fucking wait.
So you're going to attack or kill some random Russians ?
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Russia is fuckedddddddd
So fucked that your president is installed by them?
Let them dummy dog fight it
So, I've been wanting to understand: Why can Russian stealth jets have camouflage paint, but American stealth jets must always be in that same grey tone?
One is stealth the other is an air show toy.
Ahh novice here, where the hell is the tail of the SU 57?
Two sides of 5th gen fighter having romantic moment during Valentine Day, I'm ain't see nothing wrong here as SU-57 crews seems admiring to F-35 is just normal interaction
Two sides of 5th gen fighter having romantic moment during Valentine Day, I'm ain't see nothing wrong here as SU-57 crews seems giving compliment to F-35 is just normal interaction
Oh no they figured out the secrets! 🙃
Aviation fans geeking out
Switch to guns
None of them are taking pictures, except one.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say they probably aren't really the aircraft crew.
Don't worry it's probably the export varient.
Airplane version of distracted bf meme.
I’m happy I get to see the F35 fairly often because of where I work. I still take pictures of it lol so of course they are. It’s awesome!
Why is theirs the size of a humming bird on our radar, when ours is the size of a Boeing 747 on their radar? Russian crew probably.
Why is theirs the size of a humming bird on our radar, when ours is the size of a Boeing 747 on their radar? Russian crew probably.
Maybe the Russians really do have higher G tolerence then decadent westerners. That Ruski crew looks like they're all pulling a couple Gs just standing there, afterall.
Apparently people with high blood pressure tend to handle G forces better.
Then again someone who is fit can last longer in a fight
G = Guinness
Pretty sure one guy is taking picture with an old htc phone.
When you realise spys lost their lives to do this excalt thing
They are happy because they will get these in like 10 years.
When given opportunity, I’m sure the F-35 pilot would have the same chubby in the pants to take a pic of the Russian jet. It’s in the flyers’ blood.
"Nikolai, they claim it is 5th generation, but where are the canards!!??"
Nah, Russia doesn't use a bunch of canards either. The 57 doesn't have any.
Yeah, this pic made it look like the 57 has a canard (facing downward), but maybe that's just part of the air intake.
Fake 5g looking at real 5g….
People forget stealth is useless, when you see small bird target moving at 300+kts\h you still know it’s a mil plane
Google "radar noise", it will blow your mind.
Because yes stealth planes don’t pretend to be birds, they pretend to be noise, and noise moving at mach 1 is not uncommon
Being stealth is not useless. Good luck getting a solid lock on a bird moving at 600mph+. This is why the F-117 only got hit when it had a right angle from a broken bomb bay door.
Air Force is two words
I take a picture of any military plane that comes by my home. Hell I've even gotten to touch and feel an F-35. And I'm just some civvie plane nerd.
Don't blame the russians. I don't care how many times I see a plane, I always snap photos.
Gut Force.
The Su-57 is still mot in the army, but the F-35 is!
Wonder if they'll forward the close-ups to Eagle Dynamics lmao
Ah that what a real fighter jet looks like, our knock off just ain’t it!
The Su-57 looks awesome, I like the overall contour of it more than the F-35, it would be nice if they never had to fight against each other
They won’t, the Su-57 has s DOA.
I was there for the air show on day 2 & the Su-57 blew the audience away! The 60-something year old pilot of the aircraft displayed some amazing skills. Dude was showing off by hovering/floating at pretty high altitude, much to the crowd’s delight!
Also much to the delight of manpads.
Good luck, fuckers! You ain't never gonna figure out what's inside that thing, and it's not even our best fighter. Those are the ones we sell to other countries; when the Raptor comes for you, you won't even know it's there until you're dead.
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It's the closest they'll ever get to an actual stealth fighter.
If I was a su57 pilot I would not want to get within 50nm of the f35
Do rudders on su 57 go up and down?
Oh it’s Aatish Pillai. Heard a lot about the fella.
Boots on the ground say the crews flew back to back flexing their machines.
5th gen Distracted Boyfriend meme
They done took the vertical stabiliser!
It's just facing the camera on edge.
Booooo fun police!
Nothing they wouldn’t already see on the internet.
Why bother? Tulsi will send them everything they need to know
The helmet alone probably has better tech than most of their cockpit. Nevertheless I'd still want to take my camera out to take some shots of that plane. Might even ask the crew to pose a bit.
The sukhoi 57 has no vertical stabilizer?
Two beautiful aircraft !
Jokes aside, it’s a public air show and you can get 20 feet away from the F-35 and take pictures of it here in the US, I just did in August at an air show. I’d be taking pictures of the SU-57 too. They’ll likely never see one that close again. They’re all interested in planes or they would’ve never been involved in the air show to begin with. I’d be photographing everything that came by me, American or not.
“Hows it feel looking at a real 5th gen fighter instead of your shitty 4.5 gen”
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Those canards on the Su-57 are just cool!
All the out of shape fat russians lolllllllllllllllllll
Top gunt
The F-35 looks hungry. And the crew of the Su-57 looks hungry 😂
First time the (literally) stand in front of each other!
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Move over boys, actual fifth gen fighter coming through
Oh hey you're the ncd guy
The Russians always come up with some crazy designs. I never noticed before how those canards are hinged on the rear. That’s nuts.
Ok, not really canards. More like the F-15’s adjustable intakes but you know what I mean.
Completely different, they don't have anything to do with engine intake airflow control like the F-15.
These are Leading Edge Vortex Controllers (LEVCON), and the Su-57 is the first aircraft to implement and pioneer this technology. It's basically taking the Leading Edge Extension (LEX) and making them moveable, giving them the benefits of LEX while also tapping into canard advantages without needing the additional complexity of dedicated canards.
Nothing wrong here. Just dictators taking pictures of more dicks.......Pathetic all buddy buddy selling war machines....So much for peace talks.....
The Sukhoi has a stealth vertical stabilizer.
i’d take pictures of all the planes😂
The F-35 is the plane you want. The Russian S-57 is the plane your mom tells you that you already have at home.
i heard putin doesnt swallow in case his boyfriend is trying to poison him
Can't blame them, it's probably their first time seeing a stealth aircraft in person.
Hey go easy on them it’s their first time seeing a next gen fighter
"Hey comrade, where are the rivets and screws?!?!"
No wonder it was called FAK AP originally /s :)
Is special radar absorbing rivets, comrade.
The Su plane in show is a t50 prototype.
They’ll have their own soon.
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Correction: Lemon driver gawking at brand new Ferrari
Hopefully one never destroys one of the others, for all our sakes.
They want to see what an actual gen 5 air craft looks like, can’t say I blame them
I'm so jelly they don't have stupid waist standards. Lol. On a serious note, peer adversaries are still peers and we all have a personal appreciation of each others hardware & technologies. Man what I'd give to have been at this airshow.
I'm so jelly they don't have stupid waist standards. Lol. On a serious note, peer adversaries are still peers and we all have a personal appreciation of each others hardware & technologies. Man what I'd give to have been at this airshow.
Two awesome fighters from two powerful countries
You wish! Russia can’t even defeat Ukraine, pathetic.
Fuck Putin!
Photos are great, but once we hand the F35 over to India the Russians will have the blueprints too.
Wouldn’t it be great if a few years down the line, these 2 exact aircraft land up in an engagement, and the F35 puts all the ruski fangirls back in their place😁
LOL does the plane itself not have any cameras that are recording?
Forever-Demonstrator VS mass produced combat ready fighter
How are so many people not seeing the vertical stabilizer on the Su57?
Did they take off the vertical stabilizer?
Where are the vertical stabilization on the SU57?!
They are just curious what it's like for your jet to work well enough to fly itself to the airshow. Notice once again the SU-57 came in a box and had to be put together at the show.
"How do they make the screws look so good? It's almost like they're not even there!"
The Su used in show is the prototype plane
Comrade, your English sounds better if you include all the proper articles.
I know it's "the" three times in one sentence, but that is how it's done.
Thanks for your correction. The’s are such waste of time
Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.
lot word waste time few do trick
There use to seeing the F 15 with its philips screw in the nose cone that stops the entire plane from falling apart
“Yeah, we’ve only got about 600 of these…you?”
Man, that crew all looks old. I wonder how many maintainers they sent as infantry to the meat grinder already.
I'm super confused... Where are the Su-57 vertical stabilisers?
They are edge on, look carefully , you'll see what appears to be a slanted line, it's the edge of the left one (from your POV).
Is this American propaganda?
Not really just people in comments trying to make it political
They just wanna check each other's rides. Very damn cool ones I must say! I wonder if they mingle and how that interaction would be.
Jokes on them. You can’t photograph a stealth plane.
This made me laugh. Can you imagine them checking their images later, and all it shows is the tarmac with a big blurry spot? It would be funny as hell.
They want to defect with the F35 to Montana and raise rabbits.
At this point the F35 has been on show so many times, that these folks are just taking personal pictures. Heck even I got to go near USAF aircraft at a flight show, and I'm just a civilian.
Kinda like the guy that takes his car (a VW chassis with a Ferrari body kit) to a car show that stops to take photos of a REAL Ferrari
Yes I mean alot of them are also just straight up airplane enthusiasts aswell like car guys but in the air.
And the newest shiniest car just rolled by the car meet you’d snap a pic too
Vodka and potatoes; the breakfast of losers.
Aviators just love to fly. No politics. This is them, this is us. Sadly, the leaders we have are idiots
You know both crews were snapping pics. That's such a cool opportunity.
I love my car a lot. I still take pictures of other cool cars too. No big deal. I dont think theyre better, i dont envy them, i just like to look at other work.
I don't have a license but I still take pictures of cool cars that I see
Su57 design looks even more sci fi without rudders
They are there
The vertical stabilizers are there, it's just the angle of the camera
🤣 in a few weeks they’ll have the full schematics on this and many more US military tech, thanks to Tulsi Gabbard, the new DNI.
The Su-57 is called the felon due to theft of technology during the F35 development.
As per my message on the thread posted last week this makes me happy.
Thats a big day for those russians; its their first time seeing a real stealth fighter up close.
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I’m guessing thats one of the T-series prototypes since russia doesn’t have enough production aircraft to go around but why is it missing vertical stabs.
It isn’t. The one on the left is just turned to face the camera. And the other one is out of shot.
I had to do a double take as well as I didn’t notice it at first either.
I was like, how do these even fly without them??
Forgive me, cause I don't get it.
Lol took me way too long to realize that
I see it now thanks
"So that is how a real 5th gen should look"
"The Americans don't use wood screws?"
Where are the vertical stabilizers on the felon?
Wait, how is this permitted? One of them could dash (har har) to the F-35 and scrape some of that super duper secret radar-defeating dye for reverse-engineering..?
Pretty cool
And here we are having to be careful with anything ITAR
Su has no rudders?
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about
Nothing to see here…
You vs the guy she told you not to worry about lol
There making sure it's really there they still can't pick it up on radar
Never knew Su 57 had canards like that.. Damn! what a smart way to implement canards.
the respect was mutual
“…….what is the minimum engagement range?”
As aviation lovers I’m sure they’re just happy to be there
Those boys sure like their beef stroganoff………
I actually like the Sukhoi better in terms of look.
They know they would be fucked xD
100%. Russians build some beautiful airplanes. They’ve always had very clever engineers
game recognize game
well I'll do the same , take pics of both planes
Boys and their toys. This must have been wicked for both parties. Especially being avmechs that close to a specimen of aviation engineering.
One person was taking a picture, not the crew… you know semantics and all 😂😂
Sure the collective noun "crew" refers to the entire group, but, even if just one crew member took the photo, it can be attributed to "the crew" as a whole because they were collectively present and engaged in the situation.
This needs to be meme'd. "Well, that was awkward"
In their defense they may not be 19 an 20 year old military techs, but 50+ year old engineers and techs from the manufacturer. When you try to sell a multi billion machine at a trade show, who do you want there if something goes wrong. Sgt snuffy with 3 years on the flight line, or the guys who designed and built it? I can guarantee Lockheed Martin has their own techs there as well.
Russian ground crew looks like they do not move a lot...
That’s peak rolling performance !
The leading edge flaps on that Sukhoi are straight badass.
The Russians have more belly than the F-35
They're in awe of its immensely smaller radar signature
“Yuri, crank the radar up, it our only chance to catch that puppy on the scope”
Uh this is not good… if they can take pictures this close with out trying they can take close ups in internal workings and figure out how to replicate.
They are in a war time economy. Their best engineers next project would be that.
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"We we're inverted"
Didnt the US and so its f35 chicken out the confrontation?
The F-35 flew in the air show.
F-35's strengths do not lie in airshow acrobatics. How well an aircraft does at an airshow is irrelevant to how useful it is as a fighter. Russian fighters have always been able to perform insane manoeuvres, but their avionics, sensors, radars, weaponry and stealth are decades behind, as shown by Russia's reluctance to ever deploy the Su-57 in Ukraine. The fact that Russia doesn't trust the Sukhoi to run SEAD missions against decades old air defence systems should be evidence enough for the inferiority of its electronic warfare and stealth capability.
we have 5th generation fighters at home -Mom
Well…russia and china need something to copy!
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HLC was here
That Sukhoi looks stunning
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Just out of the frame is a Taco Truck. Obviously placed by a CIA operative to get a picture of the Russians looking towards the Imperial Fighter, um , F-Whatever.......
Looks like they’re trying to do that thing to start it like they did in top gun Maverick
Nothing to look here guys let them enjoy their date ^(#happyvalentinesday)