Well it finally happened.
Posted by Joe_Littles@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 129 comments
It wasn’t fast food or college. It wasn’t the military or a deployment or working alongside the army, or even CFIing that did me in.
It’s these 5 am reports. I went my whole life without drinking coffee, not a single cup. And now I feel like I’m craving a cup to get the day going? Oh god, what’s next?
What habit/addiction/routine did your airline career kick off (and don’t say chikfila)?
I love coffee but I don't like coffee in America. When I'm abroad somewhere, usually Europe I'll bring some home. I'll drink coffee there. In the US, airports usually don't and planes certainly don't have good coffee.
Coffee in America is generally bad unless you find small shops that roast recently. I have a simple espresso machine + grinder and with fresh local beans makes incredible coffee.
It sure beats bourbon and hot wings for breakfast!
Welcome to the collective 🤣
Seriously though, there’s nothing wrong with coffee/caffeine per se, everything in moderation.
Note that your body gets used to it pretty quickly and it quickly builds up to an impossible amount to have the same effect very quickly. BUT, your body also gets un-used to it just as quickly. Just be sure to leave it alone on your off days and/or only use it when absolutely necessary to make it work right.
Not a distributor or and advert or nothing, but I came across this coffee that is extremely effective because it is extremely strong. I strongly recommend never using an entire packet because it might have you up until the sane time 2 days from now. Start off with like a 1/3 or a 1/4 to see where you’re at. It’s pilot job friendly because it literally dissolves in anything, including ice water and cola (except make sure you whip enough of the carbonation out first or else lol). It’s the death wish coffee dark roast, specifically the instant packs. You can find them on amazon. Way stronger than black rifle or whatever else folks suggest. It’s coffee fortified with extra caffeine. You will wonder how it’s not illegal 🤣. Easiest to find from amazon. Throw a little of the unprocessed sugar for that “I’m doing it the healthy way” feeling and roll out
Joe_Littles@reddit (OP)
I never avoided it because of health reasons. I just figured it was going to taste like shit.
Well it does smell like ass...
It's 0400-0430 in the summer in the Gulf. You never really get used to it. I can't go to bed at 1900...
I’m a CFI and have a crippling addiction to caffeine and nicotine. I tell my fellow CFIs that I live off three things: caffeine, nicotine, and a dream. That’s what keeps me going
Coffee also snickers bars idk why they’re good on a long flight
My first airline interview. I grabbed a jumpseat to the interview and got in late the night before so I figured now's the time. My first cup of coffee.
You seen that movie where Denzel Washington is a pilot? That's pretty much my biopic
You were in the military and never developed a coffee and dip breakfast habit? You’re an exceptional human being.
Joe_Littles@reddit (OP)
I didn’t. They all said I would.. they were right but wrong timing 😆
I did drink some Red Bulls packed with sugar when I was doing 12 hour night shifts for 6 months straight though..
Rip its to the rescue!
I think I still have a Rip It ulcer
Badge of courage: While taking field shits with insufficient time to make a cat hole , soldier displayed yoga like flexibility and immense courage believing he could outdistance his dropped trousers. He was wrong but soldiered on . 😂
The full sugar redbull habit is the fent of pick me up addictions, do you need to talk to someone? There is a spot open in my detox clinic, should I ask them to hold it for you?
I was on it for 22 years. I finally kicked it.
I miss it every day.
Joe_Littles@reddit (OP)
No sir I’m recovered.
AGod. 11 years of the Marine Corps, I never picked up smoking (except after IED strikes on patrols lol), dip, coffee, redbull or monster. Then I went to college and now I cant function until my coffee is about 3/4 finished. Still no nicotine or energy drinks though, thank god.
29 years of active, guard, and reserve. Exactly 1-1/2 cups my entire life. Both experiences in college trying to be polite. Hate anything coffee flavored.
Army runs on caffeine, nicotine and hate
Both my parents were in the military. They put coffee in my bottles when I was baby. Kicked off my caffeine addiction young.🤣
that... that sort of sounds horrible actually... doesn't caffeine stunt your growth? or maybe that's a myth, like masturbating makes you blind or hair to grow on the back of your hand (ok maybe that last one was true)
How come my hands are hairless?🤨
in the words of one of my exes "I'm not touching that"
I didn't drink any in the military and still don't in the flight deck. I get weird looks from both pilots and flight attendants that I'm not scarfing down coffee or 3 liters of water per leg and that I don't have to piss every 45 minutes.
I was the same way 10 years of military service and not a drop of coffee, just doing my CFI rating and drink it all the time.
Copenhagen mint or wintergreen long cut was a way of life in the military. I quit that habit cold turkey after my active duty ended. My vice since then has been energy drinks. When I dipped I didn’t have as much of a want for energy drinks. After dip energy drinks keep me going.
I must truly be a miracle then, haven’t had a single drop of caffeine when operating on the line (I did need a couple Red Bulls to survive the type rating though)
I’m honestly shocked about the consensus over Zyn pouches, especially in this community.
Well most airlines prohibit smoking, vaping, and smokeless tobacco.
Zyn is a tobacco free nicotine pouch.
Fully in compliance.
Where does nicotine come from, if not from Tobacco?
Think of it kinda like if you were going to by a pure capsaicin crystal.
Does it come from peppers? Yes. Is it peppers? No. it's the extracted compound dehydrated.
Or like sea salt. Comes from the ocean but you remove the ocean from the concentrated salt.
They'll catch up and use "nicotine products" in the language soon enough. All else being equal, I'd rather have a pilot not hepped up on mild stimulants.
Actually there have been studies that show nicotine increases pilot performance. Additionally if you are asking a pilot who routinely uses nicotine to abstain from use for a day, then their performance actually decreases. So you really want them in there with those pouches if it's something they regularly do. It's probably one of the least harmful things a pilot can do. Simply being in a cockpit and traveling consistently is more harmful.
Nicotine is bad for your long term health but from an acute safety of flight standpoint I don't see the problem.
Honestly I'd rather have someone who's addicted using Zyn than have them going through withdrawals. No different from caffeine addiction in that respect.
Change your call sign to STFU
You just described coffee and caffeine
No they won’t.
So does coffee.
Feels like a massive marketing campaign or something going on in these comments..
Maybe those fantastic Zyn^^TM folks are just fortunate to have enthusiastic Zyn^^TM users, it’s just that kind of product.
People really just enjoy it — and they remember to use it responsibly.
Maybe it’s the bold new flavors, or the convenient packaging that let’s me enjoy little pick-me-up while I’m on the go — whether it’s at work, after church, or just while enjoying the great outdoors… Zyn^^TM is always a key part of my everyday carry.
Nah we’ve all just taken a little trip to Zynbabwe, it’s a wonderful place.
One of my most bewildered experiences in aviation was a Spirit instructor who introduced himself to our group by announcing the completion of his vasectomy operation, and then promptly put two zyn pouches in his mouth before beginning our lesson. And before you ask, yes, he had the Joe Rogan fit. And yes, all he did was talk about himself for 3 hours. And yes, he was paid a disgusting amount of money to do so.
That’s all I needed to see to understand zyns were not for me.
I think I know this instructor. NK?
At Zero-Dark-30, nothing beats a cup of coffee...black.
"Working alongside the Army" may I ask what your job was?
Joe_Littles@reddit (OP)
Air Force weather. When the two split the Air Force gave wx support to the army, army gave veterinarians to the Air Force.
Exactly... I actually got some coffee this week. 39yo. Do not drink or need coffee. Hate the smell especially all the diehard coffee breath people who got to have it everyday... Who get in your face and talk too much ..
Well. This week I got 3 shots of espresso to get me going at the office. I feel it's better than an energy drink.
2 things. Catching a nap on longer hauls, and grabbing a poutine when the commute-in flight lands 4 hours before your showtime.
Just wait till you are always in need of a Monica LewZynski
On pouches are low-key way better. Smaller, 20 per tin, more mg options, better taste, and way cheaper. Also now sold in select airports!!!
At my local store it’s buy 3 ons and get 3 free… and I also feel like they last way longer than a zyn too. 30 mins in and it’s still full of flavor whereas a zyn seems like it’s flavorless after about 15-20 mins
My fellow “On” man! Also bonus the cans done look like dip cans in your pockets or leave skoal rings either!
And they're 10x easier to discretely open. Trying to open the zyn tin was always a pain.
Brother how are y'all not shitting on every leg? I love a good lippie but I can't do it while I'm flying unless I wanna do the walk of shame.
gotta get accustomed to it and not get too much nic in ya. upper deckys baby
Nothin better than a Thomas Jefferzyn to start the day. Just a casual Declaration of Zyndependence.
Oh man those things are too much for me lol. Even as. Coffee addict
i stopped caffeine because I was too addicted to it—constant Ghosts, White Monsters, and Celsius every day. I could not go a day without it. 3 weeks without, now I'm a Zynaholic, lol
A crisp glass of Zynfandel
2- 6 millivanillis and a double shot espresso to really get it going!
Wait until you find the Euro Zyns....9-12 or bust! Better flavors and cheaper to order online in bulk than buying cans at the gas station. (I'll save you the trouble: the 12's aren't as good as the 9's flavor-wise)
I was accustomed to 3mg Zyns. Ran out of them in Irland and bought some Nordic Spirit or something where they don't list the content in MG, just a little icon thing. I put on in and almost fell over a minute or two later. Turns out they were 9mg
Zynbabwe baby
Let he who is without Zyn cast the first stone
Eating some Zynner for breakfast
The airbus A380 ain’t the only thing in the sky with a fully loaded upper decky
Join my airline. The coffee's shocking - hot brown water. I gave up at work years ago
Every carrier I’ve ever worked for functions on shitty coffee and nicotine.
Dip/nicotine. I would chew red man loose leaf occasionally in college. Then while still working on my ratings I got a ramp job for a cargo carrier. I found snus becuase you didn’t need to spit it so I could do it sneakily on the ramp. The. I got an office job working in an ops center on the 2nd shift. Then I started flying the line at the same place and it just became second nature to pack a pouch before departure and arrival every leg
Military dudes are locked in on ZYN. I love it
America runs on Zyn and Celsius
White monsters
They’re healthy because they are low calorie and don’t have sugar! -me slamming a couple a day
Coffee is fucking awesome. I wanna drink it all day but limit myself before noon. It’s a great habit.
Have you tried crack?
I find coffee addiction to be very useful and much more productive in the morning than I am in the afternoon ergo I make money on a caffeinated self
Royal Farms chicken tendies have become a very unhealthy part of my drive home from work for the last 6 years.
A sneaky slice of Casey’s pizza does me in on my drive home
Pilots act like this then wonder why LTD premiums are going up
So... How old are you?
Joe_Littles@reddit (OP)
Almost 30
Ah. I didn't start drinking coffee untily first child was born.
Coffee is good for you. Has antioxidants.
Staves off Alzheimer’s if you have >4 cups a day.
... because you die from caffeine-induced heart disease before you're old enough for Alzheimer's symptoms to present?
You got your crocodile switched around in your original comment
Brawndo is good for you. Has electrolytes .
its what plants crave!
Wait till you try a Zyn
Joe_Littles@reddit (OP)
If only the world knew most of this industry runs off zyn and Celsius
What are writing reports about? Just curious what airline pilots do.
Lol we call show times report.
5am report = 5am show time
Oh, thank you!
Much better than having to be done with the TPS report by 5am like when you were back at the office, aye?
About that. Did you see the memo about the cover pages for your TPS reports?
5am report to work. Meaning they have to be either at the plane by 5am. Or if it’s an overnight usually it’s the van time.
I stopped trying to better my career and started to seek to better my life. Make friends, get hobbies not aviation related, buy a house despite it being expensive. Anything to keep my mind off the idea of flying
Sufficient Zyn for the mission has replaced my fuel check before I take off.
Pilot fuel... check.
Airplane fuel... check.
Pilot fuel... well another wouldn't hurt.
You're either air force and using the 'army' as an example of hard core duties
Or you're a Marine and using them as an example of a headache😂
Either way, SFMF
August 2024 - began sipping on those energy drinks. Help.
Welcome to the party.
it starts with black coffee, then cold brew cause it kicks just a little harder and it’s smoother. before you know it you’re slamming reigns and zyns just to feel normal
There's a Starbucks at my school that basically offers free Starbucks for meal plans. I nearly fell asleep after my flight once, tried coffee, and fell in love.
Not looking forward to the high blood pressure and diabetes but sweet drinks are delicious
Oh, yeah. Coffee is the one true faith. Embrace it.
I started watching movies about gladiators
Nope still can't stand the taste of coffee. I'm mostly a PMr but even today had a 5:30am report and just drank some water and off i go. Coffee makes me nauseous.
Hahaha it was night flying that got me into popping Zyns.
Red eyes are a one way trip to Zynn City
It’s when you’re craving penicillin after a week away that you have to worry.
I also don’t drink coffee, AT ALL. I hope I never do but this is scaring me and my future :)
Brawndo is next. Kept my caffeine and nicotine addiction from the military but flying exacerbated it.
I need the coffee and dip to fly. Cope pouches now though.
Man don’t scare us like that, judging off the title I thought this was gonna be a DUI post or something 😵
I was the same way. Went through the military and various jobs that sometimes required night shift without ever drinking coffee until I was around 35. After a few years in aviation, I dipped my toes into the caffeinated pool and have been trapped ever since. Now I drink it casually... for the taste... what is wrong with me?!
Energy drinks, but for no reason other than I find them like a little gift to myself after a day of flying
Download the charbucks app and start collecting your points…
The gym! And I'm okay with that lol.
A bit of Japanese green tea always does me good
This is a copy of the original post body for posterity:
It wasn’t fast food or college. It wasn’t the military or a deployment or working alongside the army, or even CFIing that did me in.
It’s these 5 am reports. I went my whole life without drinking coffee, not a single cup. And now I feel like I’m craving a cup to get the day going? Oh god, what’s next?
What habit/addiction/routine did your airline career kick off (and don’t say chikfila)?
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