I feel bad that my kids didn't get a lot of these same memories
Posted by Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 181 comments

Posted by Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 181 comments
And proper McD's fries cooked in beef tallow before that bastard Phil Sokolof forced us all to eat fries cooked in hydronated vegetable oils. Today's McD customers don't know that the main draw of McDs until the late 1980s and early 1990s was the french fries, not the burgers.
And the McDonald’s birthday parties with all your school friends.
I had a party at an ice cream place for my 10th birthday. I wish I could remember the name. It was an old fashioned style ice cream place in northern California.
I don't remember but that doesn't sound familiar.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Was definitely Farrells, I remember going to partys there
Ok, thanks. It's been so long ago and I haven't lived in California since 1981.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
How funny, this photo just popped up on my Facebook
It does look familiar. Thanks!
Farrell's Ice Cream Zoo.
THAT was where it was at!
It was hard to outdo Farrell’s for ice cream!🍨
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
The kitchen tour!
The ice cream cake
I don’t remember ice cream cake but again this would have been no later than 86 or 87. I just have vague memories of the long tables with all of our friends, I assume we ate happy meals and brought birthday cake, had party hats and playing forever in the playground. Doesn’t get any better than that.
The Ice cream cake came from Carvel.
You had cake? All I remember were these plastic gloves (hand puppets) and cheap plastic rings.
The cake was so good, and doubly so if your McDonald's had a Grimace to deliver it!
In the Caboose, if your local outlet had one. Or there was one local enough to have your friends, or be one of those friends.
That orange drink from birthday parties is imprinted in my memory.
Have you noticed all the cars on the road are the same colors? Silver, white, black…. Choices, options, variety and colors are just leaving the US. Every part of life is so basic now
It's always been that way, just in different percentages.
What I like is how you can see around '96 and '97 had the most green, and that was back when hunter green was a popular color to see on cars! Miss that color.
I had a purplish-pink Honda civic in the mid 90s! 💜 I loved that car sooo much! Until i started having kids and had to switch to an suv now i feel like im one of the millions of silver cars in the school carline 🤦🏼♀️
They’ll never experience the awesome french fries we had either. The ones today are nothing like they were in our day.
The tallow fried pies were fucking amazing.
Couldn’t agree more. Virginia still sells fried pies like blackberry or peach and they are sublime.
I explained that to my son the other day. We had basically 1 foot cubes of lard in sealed plastic and a heavy corrugated container. When the fry oil was low, you whipped out the box, buried a large scoop deep into the creamy goodness, then ploped it into the vat. You had to wait just a little before you make a new batch (until the new contents melted and oil was back up to temperature).
KFC sells deep fried pies still
My brain still remembers the taste of way back when McDonald’s. I don’t go often but when I do go, I expect that same dopamine rush of flavors. My grandma could make a really good homemade fry in a skillet with the old grease you used to save in a coffee can. It was usually grease drippings from pork and beef products. So, yeah….beef tallow mmmm, mmmm, good.
My dad's side of the family all worked for a major train company in Chicago called Illinois Central. The best thing they ever brought home that "fell off the train" were cases of McDonald's fries.
Sounds interesting. What other types of stuff did they find?
My dad worked for Union Pacific in Chicago area also and would bring us toys and stuff sometimes like Boyd’s Bears and Barbie dolls.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Beef tallow!
I remember going into an American McDonalds once (like 15+ years ago), and thinking the fries tasted 'fishy'.
Fryer for fish. Only for fish. Allergy reasons. Fryer for fish kept at lower temp than others.
Someone prolly didn’t follow rules. But like mex coke the real thing tases better with the original recipe.
Typically that's from the oil, time to change it for new oil.
Legend my Dad is 86 got a dish in the back of the fridge. Not game to open it.🤣
Today's McDonald's food tastes like compressed napkins slathered in way too much thousand Island dressing.
I prefer the garish to brutalist
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
It had character (and characters)
Modern McDonalds, Burger King and Wendy’s all look the same.
This is what happens when Taco Bell wins the Franchise Wars.
Quite a lot was better during the 80's and through the 90's and it's not just nostalgia talking. Up through the 90's, prepared, packaged, and fast food generally tasted better because more effort and better ingredients were put into the product. Shrinkflation and enshittification were less common. The major difference is that speed and convenience replaced quality. Companies of all types, not just food related, started learning just how far they could push those boundaries. But yeah, their fries and burgers were actually decent. I really miss those fried hot apple pies, especially cherry. I am pretty sure that the burgers from BK were even better than McD's too at some point.
There are still lots of great companies these days who have amazing products & customer service. However, for every one of those, there are at least 2 or 3 others who don't care about their customers, employees, or their products in one way or another. It's a bit sad, but that also explains why I rarely eat out and care so much less about buying stuff like I used to. Capitalism sucks.
Dude I remember when BK burgers were the BOMB! There was a burger king not too far from our house growing up, and I can remember being out riding my bike around 9am and smelling the incredible smell of meat getting cooked on a grill that was bellowing from the burger king.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
I swear the foam made the nuggets taste better
They could build a little amusement park in their stores and be a cheap meal. Now it's better to go have a cheap meal at Texas roadhouse.
I remember when the double quarter pounder meal got above $5, thought that was ridiculous!
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Just imagine if Texas Roadhouse built a little amusement park in the restaurant now!
I miss this one.
Not too far away from where I grew up, there was this one that was built above one of the local highways!
OMG that's amazing! I would have died if I'd seen that as a kid!
Anyone remember Mac Tonight, and his animatronic piano performance??
Today's kids will never know the joy of cooking their hands and knees on the hot metal of the Hamburger tower.
Yeah this is how I really remember the old Mcdonald's, with the playground equipment out in the front grass. Before the "playplace". I can remember when they started adding the playplaces, it was a HUGE deal.
The ones that were on Astroturf also carried 50,000 volts of static electricity
I loved that thing when I was a kid, even though it was like an oven in there in the summer.
How dare you misname Officer Big Mac.
These used to be in parks everyone when I was a kid. I loved them.
Or falling off the teeter-totter and splitting your head open
If you never slip down the wet metal ladder and sprained your ankle but played it off so you didn’t have leave. Did even have a childhood?
I still have the miniature version of this prototype like the “Little People” house.
Think it’s worth any money ?!??
Sanitation liability nightmare.
Broke my arm falling off the monkey bars in Houston in 1985 at a McDonald’s. Still loved those play areas there.
Kids' play areas full of piss and vomit. No thanks.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Yeah but when we were kids they were a great place to piss and vomit!
The weird thing is how few pictures there are. Those weird stools are kind of burned into my brain. The playgrounds were always kind of grimy and kids obviously peed into the slide so never cared for those. lol.
who gives a goddamn about MFing Mcdonalds
From funville! with happy colors!...to evil German defense bunker...
And all day breakfast!!!!!
The first Reddit I read was about cleaning these playmates after kids had accidents in them.
This was better than both. Anyone up for a game of Ms. Pac-Man?
Loved the personal pan pizza…don’t burn your fingers on the tiny skillet!
For the kids certainly. I remember plenty of good times there.
For the employees not so much. Climbing inside there to clean puke or piss was a nightmare. And the ball pit was even more of a pain to clean out.
Not for the poor soul who has to clean the ball crawl and other playground equipment.
It's called "enshitification" and we're drowning in it now. Nothing has any soul whatsoever.
Yeah I liked McD's old branding way better. I was just thinking how sterile they look now.
Yeah, the last thing you want is to eat in a sterile restaurant.
The little bit of greasy film on the floors and tables makes a restaurant taste better, right?
Sterile architecture
I was thinking the other day about Ronald McDonald and how most kids today won’t even know who that is.
Seems like a lot of the fun is gone out of life these days...there's too much concern with possible lawsuits and CYA to let the kids enjoy a bit of down time in a public place. Seems like a generation or two ago, parents were not so paranoid about potential dangers; not to say they weren't good parents, just that the style was different. Kids were allowed more freedom to be kids w/o an adult looking over their shoulder 24/7. Also looks like McD's has shifted completely away from what used to be a heavy focus on kids. Corporate craziness, IMO.
One is like going to an amusement park.
The other is like going to an insurance agent’s office.
I know one that was the former, closed, and re-opened as the latter.
I think after the rebuilding, thet stll had the play area with ball pit. I could be totally wrong.
I wish I got to eat at 50s or 60s McDonald’s
Yah, but now Gen X is dying of heart disease early from a lifetime of fast food.
Why live if you're not enjoying a Big Mac?
There's just better food than that.
Both equally bad.
Not sure that was even a thing early to mid 70s, almost positive my kids did more of this kinda thing in the late 90s early 2000s
Yeah, I was a bit too old by the time they became mainstream. I had my daughter later and she is lucky she got to experience the play places in the 2010s.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
I'm 1974, definitely did this as a kid in the 80's at least. The local ones by me had playgrounds into at least the mid 90's but yeah they were really disappearing after that
That's my memory. In the 80s it was themed around kids, at least the ones I went to. Bright colours, the clown and the gang was all over the place, Happy Meals were prominent.
Then in the 90s you started to see the more modern look. It changed slowly, but by the end of the 90s it was leaning more towards adults. I seem to remember this coming around the time that they were starting to get criticised for marketing junkfood to kids. They started to introduce salads and stuff, which kids obviously didn't give a shit about, so they needed to make the place more appealing to adults who didn't want to feel like they were eating in a day-care centre.
I'm in Europe though so our change may have come at a different time. I remember someone posting pics of some of our fast food restaurants and American posters being really shocked at how they looked like "fancy". I really can't think of any fast food place here that is themed around kids anymore. Not like how we had it in the 80s and early to mid 90s.
Today's world sucks we had it good
When I was a kid I loved McDonald's.
For the last 25ish years I have avoided it.
My 24 year old daughter won't go near it.
I still eat Mickey D's about once a year as a nostalgia trip. The food hasn't changed much but the minimalist restaurants are depressing in comparison with the good old days.
The only time I ever stop there is for an unsweetened ice tea for my wife, or to get a post-workout McQuad.
My 15-year-old is the same. Won't go near it. Ever since they did the reno, she said it's not the same, plus, she doesn't like the food.
My parents took us to BK because they thought their flame broiled patties were healthier.
The BK’s around us had amazing Hot ham and cheese sandwiches back in the early 80’s.
Ours did too, and they were good. We also had a Hardee's that had a really good hot ham and cheese. My friends thought it was weird to order a ham and cheese in a burger place. I just said they didn't know what they were missing.
I was the same way for about a decade. But having little kids has changed that. And honestly, it's gotten pretty decent again.
But, as kids these days would say, "Their breakfast slaps."
For me, it's closer to 40 years. A road trip stop in Salinas getting a cold Big Mac had me disliking McDonald's. I couldn't even finish it and I was hungry. Terrible experience for a teen.
Idk - I had to hose week old barf and shit outta a McDonald's play place in 90 degree plus heat.....
The day we went to our local McD's after they renovated to this travesty, was the last day my daughter ever wanted to go there.
She was nine and told me it looked soulless and boring.
I rarely go now, but when I do, I never see parents with young children there like I used to.
This is silly nostalgia. There's a plenty of reasons why those things don't exist anymore. A lot of them having to do with gross diseases.
Oh dear lord yes!
TBH my kids are grown up and don't need a playground. When the grandchildren finally show up, the McDonald's playground crisis will once again be front and center. Meanwhile, if I'm feeling "fuck it" enough to eat fast food, I'm glad that McDonald's is a reasonably clean and non-chaotic "fuck it" option.
As a weekend nanny in the early 2000s, the McDonald's playground was a lifesaver. One of the only times this kid was able to interact with other children.
Canada is boycotting US fat food chains. Fuck McDonald’s
My kids got to go in the ball pit and slide at McDonald’s it’s our grandkids that seem to be missing out on this memory.
Yeah, kid don’t get experience getting perped on by some old creepy guy anymore.
Or the diarrhea some kid had on the slide.
I had my birthday there when they used to have a tree that talked and mini mushroom seats.
They must have been selling real, Happy meals, there. They had too into tripping out to imagine a talking tree and see mushroom seats.
I feel similar. She knows about the mascots.. Ronald Mcdonald, Hamburgler, Grimmace etc, but she never experienced them in Mcdonalds. She's 9 and has thus never been a huge fan. She picks other resturants over it. Don't get me wrong, she's had her fair share of happy meals while we were travelling for an on the go easy meal, but I thikn she's not a super fan because it wasn't fun like it used to be.
My children know what Flintstone vitamins are, but they've never seen The Flintstones cartoon.
No, everybody was fucking chain smoking in there.
Yes, today's children will never be exposed to how dirty other children are, or get an infection from the McDonald's playground because not everyone housetrains their children.
McDonald's is a real estate company as much as a restaurant. The old buildings will always give visitors the feeling that "This used to be a McDonald's" and the new owners don't like that when they are trying to sell pizzas or tacos. So when an old McDonald's sells it sells for less because the new owners are going to tear it down and rebuild. McDonald's can maximize the resale price by making the buildings as generic as possible. The new owners will pay more because they are going to save money by not needing to completely rebuild. This is Capitalism baby.
Thankfully our neighbourhood McDonalds still has a play place. It’s not quite the same as what we grew up with, but it is the only one in the area. It happens to be located in a small indoor mall as well, which makes it very odd. They e renovated the restaurant recently, but kept the play place the same.
Maybe? The kid would find all sorts of nasty in those tubes: dirty diapers, vomit.
Not to mention the snakes and needles in the ball pits. /s
I agree, these days it’s very sterile
The modern look is grim and uninviting. The old version was fun.
Needs less grim and more Grimace?
Hell yeah!
Honestly, whatever keeps them from wanting to go there the better. Shitty modern architecture, anything
all day breakfast,yes
Apparently not if you’re the poor person who has to clear out the ball pool lol
Oh it was always so gross. I can see how sticky it is just from the picture.
I can’t but I remember the sticky. Every surface was sticky.
Hell yes. Foul!
I miss the old school menu layout
It certainly used to be more of a real outing back then, like a poor man’s Chuck - E-Cheese. The decor, the playground, the Happy Meals that didn’t contain apple slices…it was a child’s paradise. I remember they used to have a Kids’ Day and we’d get a free sundae. Good memories!
This was the thing that my sister and I always loved at a McDonald's that had an indoor playroom back then. I never even liked their food as a kid, but I loved the Grimace bounce & bend.😂
Whatever, they can make memories elsewhere, somewhere better. I say that as someone who has positive memories of that place, but who also realizes that their good memories because I was a child who could find magic in mundane places, not because the place was so special in itself.
Why? So they are not tempted to eat garbage? There should be better places to make memories.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Really feel like you missed the point, but to each their own
My point was, not everything you enjoyed as a kid was good enough to give it to your kids. Nostalgia is fine but keep it at bay.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Still missing the point. It was the experience of going to the playground and going crazy, making temporary friends, going down the slide, going in the ballpit, all of that. The food was secondary. Even as kids it was a treat, but no one thought it was gourmet
I never went one as a kid because they weren't a "thing" when I was a kid. Plus we were poor. Eating "out" didn't happen often.
When my kids were little our local didn't have a playground. When we moved to BFE the Micky's 30 miles away had one. So once every 2 months or so they got go.
10 years ago here on reddit I was reading about how filthy those playgrounds were. Vomit, poop, kids coughing.
After covid that local MD's playground is gone.
No grandkids and probably won't have any unless step-kids or maybe adoption. I'll leave it up to the adult kids to decide if that is a memory they want to make.
If there are still indoor playgrounds around.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
I think playing in those dirty playgrounds is why our immune systems are so strong
Childhood vaccinations being mandatory to go to school is why our immune systems are so strong.
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
10,000 percent!
Your's maybe... I have a super shitty immune system from baby age on up. Luckily my kids after infancy have done well. They grew up country like me.
I'm going to be asking my PCP at my next appointment if I can get my titers checked what with measles being in the news. Also tetanus. And Walmart is advising me to get a pneumonia shot.
Just give up. You can’t fix stupid.
Calking somebody stupid while being amazed by generic McDonald's playground is kinda rich.
See, I told ya!
Told me what?
Talking to the person who you accosted with your vegan propaganda.
I am not a vegan. But I expected that kind of stupid assumption from someone who eats McRubish.
McRubish called. They said you left their other ‘b’ in the women’s restroom. 🤣🤣🤣
You are the pinacle of comedy.
Pinacle called - said you left their other ‘no’ in their women’s restroom.
I sense you have some issues with women. Or just women's bathrooms?
You’re the one who keeps leaving letters in them. You control the conversation.
Somehow you find my missing letters in women's bathrooms. Why are you so obsessed with those places?
Hello! The businesses are contacting me to inform me of your missing letters. They said would contact you directly, but they were concerned that only parts of the messages would be received.
You don't have regular playgrounds where kids can go and do all that stuff?
Come to think of it, I was more of a Carl's Jr fan. 49 cents Happy Star or Chicken Club with alfalfa (when I had a coupon).
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
Nothing wrong with that!
My shitty lil city has been expanding Westward and all the fast food restaurants (Mc Ds, Popeyes, Bell, Wendys, Arbys, Churches, Box) all look like this... It's very boring and kinda dystopian...
Seeing an image of a McDonald's playground that's outdoors is wild!! 😮
It's a soulless place. And so are most fast food joints.
I’m sure today’s kids will have memories of better places than some crappy junk food restaurant. And I’m being generous when I call Rotten Ronnie’s a restaurant.
Without Chuck E. Cheese's there are no better choices.
It's fucking McD's. Reminisce over something substantial for fuck's sake. Y'all must not remember miles or roadsides full of McDonald's foam packaging.
Our kids won't know what a world full-to-bursting with natural fauna was like, because we're in an extinction event. Maybe spend time pondering that?
Fuck McD's, and fuck the lowbrow crybaby shit surrounding it.
Looks soulless now.
There's one here in San Diego on the 8 East. The playground is inside.
I like this design. It keeps my grandkids from begging for the absolute garbage poison these places are somehow allowed to call food.
Same - since they elected an orange dipshit I must boycott McDs forever.🇨🇦🖕🏻
Suspicious_Bar9995@reddit (OP)
There's better reasons to boycott them, even before the Cheeto in chief the food got bad and is way overpriced
So true.
In an oligarchy, your dollar is your vote. That why I don't eat there anymore.
Remember the pirate ship instead, with tables in it? We just HAD to sit in the ship any seats were open.
We had a train with booth cars to sit at.
My order? I'm here to file my taxes.
Sir this is a McDonald's
The birthday cakes were so good!
FYI there are still some of these restaurants that sell the cakes! You just have to call ahead of time!
My husband gets me one for my birthday every year and before my mom passed away she always would!
Do you guys actually eat that?
I don't think I've been anywhere near a McDonald's in this century
These playscapes actually seem to be popular these days, although they seem to be enclosed indoors.