Arachnophobia was a huge blockbuster, but it left 0 cultural impact
Posted by lawpoop@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 300 comments

Posted by lawpoop@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 300 comments
I’m an exterminator, and trust me it left an impact on a lot of people.
My fear of spiders started here.
This is classic, best spider movie I have seen to this day. No fancy effect just primal.
Bullshit. My brother is terrified of spiders, still. This movie triggered it. Spider in the football helmet, specifically.
Also John Goodman stole the movie. He was amazing.
Nailed it. Nothing else to add. 🍻
Does your brother being afraid of spiders really count as cultural impact? Many people were already afraid of spiders which is why they made a movie about giant spiders
What does it matter? We're in an old people's subreddit talking about spider movies. It ain't high school debate. There's not really any rules.
It doesn’t matter but I thought the logic of your comment was flawed and just felt like commenting on it
Well. The world's a twisted place.
This movie is also why I kill every living spider I see to this day. Fucking demon spawn.
In the shoe or running along the shower curtain rod did it for me.
The shower scene, the shower scene!!!
The fuckin shoe. I still shake mine out if they’ve been sitting for more than a week or my lawn mowing shoes that are in the garage.
Ha! I’m that way with shoes anyway because of a real-life incident when I was a kid. My sister stuck her foot into a shoe that had been sitting in our stairwell to the attic, and sank her toes into a newly decomposing mouse.
Three decades later, the image and the smell haunt me and I don’t stick a hand or foot into a shoe until I investigate the inside of it first.
Crap! New phobia unlocked
Rewind. Play.
I let shampoo burn my eyes for 3-4 years after watching this movie. I was deathly afraid of closing them and the spiders coming out.
I’m heartened to know there are other people out there who refused to close their eyes while washing their hair after seeing this movie
This was OUR Psycho shower-scene.
The shoe! The fucking shoe! To this day I shake out my shoes before putting them on.
That happened to me once, like 20 years after that movie came out. First thing I thought of was that scene.
You burned the house down, correct?
Well, I definitely tried....except it wasn't a house, I was on the bottom floor of a multistory apartment building and I was cooking hamburgers on an electric skillet over a carpeted place (every floor was carpeted, even the kitchen and bathroom). Grease forest are a motherfucker.
Had nothing to do with the spider, but I used to go to lengths to "poison" myself by spraying insect killer in the room I slept in. That was, I'd be breathing it in while I slept and the insect killer (i know spiders are arachnids) would be entering my blood stream. That way, if I got bit, I could indirectly kill the spider.
The carpet disgusts me, but your dedication to the art of killing spiders intrigues me.
Both make me glad to see that you're actually still alive.
I'm happy to say it's been almost 20 years since I lived in that...situation.
Can't say for sure if the poison fog spray being inhaled helped or not....but I did shove a towel under the crack in the door to really fumigate the room to the best of my ability.
Spider-Man Villain origin story. I'm calling it.
If Spider-Man shows up looking for a squabble, I can defeat him just by getting nervous!
This made me laugh aloud. Thank you for that
I'm 38 and still terrified of putting my hand into a lampshade
My daughter pulled the mail out of our box and a black widow was chilling on a letter. She doesn’t get the mail anymore. lol
Or popcorn bowl? 😂
Poor fella was just hungry, that's all.
For human flesh.
How dare you forget Orca: The Killer Whale!
Yep! My brother watched this movie when we were kids; I did not. He is terrified of spiders; I am not. We’re working with an n of 2 currently, but I’d be curious to know how many people trace their arachnophobia back to this movie.
John Goodman in this movie became the default personality for every exterminator who followed. Dwayne Lefontant and Cesar would not be the same without Goodman leading the way
Over the Hedge doesn’t get the recognition it deserves.
Bestvline in that movie was "we may seem primative to a guy with a bag!"
Spider in the lampshade is still affecting me
Agreed, bullshit. I still double check my cereal before I eat it and washing my hair has never been relaxing since this movie.
I learned how to wash my hair with out closing my eyes because of this movie.
The one under the soda can got me.
I grew up in an extremely conservative household. The rating 'PG' was taken seriously...parental guidance meant that it needed to be reviewed by a parent before I could see it. Except for whatever reason, this movie. My Dad got it at the local rental place, put it in the VCR and went off to do whatever. Scared the piss out of me. During one of the scenes that was building up anxiety, I had my tshirt clutched by both hands. When the scare jump happened, I literally ripped my shirt off (didn't tear clothing, but jerked it off through the head hole). It took me at least a month to not be scared that spiders were everywhere waiting to kill me.
Before this movie, there was an old B&W “B” movie called Kingdom of the Spiders. My baby sitter watched this when I was a little kid and it gave me Arachnophobia.
My parents used to say we kids had arachnophobia-phobia
Same for me. I was fine until I saw it. And then a series of unfortunate events wherein tiny human me continuously got bit by spiders while sleeping and having allergic reactions to the bites every time.
From a wolf spider, to a yellow sac spider, to the I will fuck you up brown recluse.
Oh fk that.
He's was like a wannabe southern politician with a bug bomb bag
Are you my sibling? This is one thing that triggered my arachnophobia. That and recurring dreams of spiders killing me after a wild tarantula ran up my leg when I was but a wee lad.
I think about this movie every time I grab a cereal box
Same, I would have never guessed it was a financial success but it did ingrain that life long fear
This movie made me afraid of spiders, too. I remember being a kid, about as far back as I can remember, and we had those orb weavers that can get really huge and I would get close to them and not be afraid. But then I saw this movie when I was a little bit older and have been afraid of them ever since. Wolf spiders are my biggest fear, then those orb weavers are a close second.
I still check my shoes, helmets, toilets…
Yeah, I carried a horrible fear of spiders until a couple years ago and r/spiders totally reshaped my view of them. I am not like, rushing to handle them or anything but they don't freak me out any more. 100% this movie did all that shit to me and everyone my age.
Yeah, that sub quelled most of my fear of spiders too. I still don’t like them, but I don’t freak out anymore.
This is where I'm at as well. It took YEARS to get over my stupid fear that was triggered by that movie.
That's right! I'm bad!
Ahh Jeff Daniels from Dumb and Dumber 1 and 2.
The one in the toilet mad me weary to take a poop after I watched it
Burn the whole house down and start over
It taught me that if I'm scared of that,I should never go to Australia
That poster is iconic I think. I’ll never forget hurrying past it at the video store as a kid.
I remember a big publicity campaign and then the movie vanishing pretty quickly, and I was expecting a whole lot more John Goodman based off the commercials
Bullshit. I’m still afraid to close my eyes in the shower!
My very real fear of spiders in showers and toilets would beg to differ
I always thought the movie poster looked cool
Yeah now that I think about it, you're right. It was everywhere for a bit, but it never comes up in conversation at least in my circles.
This post is not right. This was the first horror movie based on existing wild creatures. Countless movies took off from this movie. It literally became satire by the time the idea became Snakes On A Plane.
Jaws was made 15 years before Arachnaphobia.
Completely different type of film. People don't worry about a shark biting their ass when taking a shit.
Many kids worried about sharks in the deep end of the pool, myself included!
First horror movie based on existing wild creatures? Wouldn’t there be many others before it? For example, Alfred Hitchcock The Birds.
Completely different. Birds don't just show up in people's basement or sneak into your shed or hide under a toilet sheet. The idea of using spiders played into the idea that you were gonna think of this movie every day all day for a long time.
We have movies like The Swarm (1978) that was about killer bees. I just think it’s stretch to say arachnophobia was the first movies of its kind.
Nope, Arachnophobia was first.
I hope you’re kidding cuz Birds was like 30 years before Arachnophobia
Or Tremors
Tremors??? Umm I hope not..
😂😂😂😂 Oh God is there something I should know that I don't??😩😩😩
Same. Hope there are no real things from Tremors.
Lol I said TREMORS when I saw that. No thank you.
Jaws would like a word....
Yeah. Sharks aent a think people worry about coming out of their drains. Jaws is way different and doesn't play into the same psychological day to day fears.
I think because everyone was like, "Wow, that was a good movie.... .that I'm never watching again!"
I’m gonna watch it again…now.
How was it?
Perfectly nostalgic! You have to be Xennial or GenX to understand. 😀
Watch it on hard mode.
Fear Factor style. Watching the movie while Joe Rogan pours spiders on you.
Definitely agree. Even just thinking about watching it has me getting the creepy crawlies. Watching it will give me nightmares.
It’s due to marketing. I never saw it but had a glow in the dark cup and a poster.
It does for us because we live where it was filmed.
That was me with Sling blade, so I get it
I'm still scared of cereal boxes!
Terrible take - everyone knows arachnophobia
It's weird. I have a strong fear of spiders. I love this movie. I guess, given how I feel about spiders, I feel like the movie does exactly what it's supposed to do as a horror film!
It left an impact. I still can’t reach under a lamp shade to pull the cord.
I watched it again last October, and it's the only horror movie I've seen where every single jump scare got me. There wasn't a single miss in the entire movie. I don't give a crap about ghosts, demonic possession, or any of that stuff, but a massive infestation of poisonous spiders is terrifying. There was a recent French movie on Shudder, Infestation that was fine, but it didn't hit the same levels as Arachnophobia for me. When the remake gets made, it has some big spider filled boots to fill.
Yeah my dad let me watch the at 4 years old. Ruined me
Not in the way you're probably thinking - quotes, memes, etc.
But shit loads of people became terrified of spiders for no good reason starting in the 90s.
The spiders pouring out of the sink is the image that has stayed with me from this movie.
I was already afraid of spiders and 9-year old me somehow thought that watching this would help me get over it. I was very wrong. It took another 25 years to finally get over it.
No way great movie, I've watched with all my kids.
I saw this movie for the first time in the early 90s. I still check my shower for spiders before I get in to this day. That’s how much of an effect this movie had on me.
I disagree. Freaking terrified of spiders now. When we went to the theatre to see it one of my sisters’ friends had her feet on the back of the seat in front of her. She got startled and broke the seat by pushing outwards! Maybe it just wasn’t nailed down well? Anyway, freaking terrifying!
I still think about this damn movie.
To this very day, just before I sit down on the toilet, I lift the seat about an inch and let it drop with a clack to see if anything is hiding underneath. Seriously.
My partner blames this movie specifically for their fear of spiders. But I’ve heard no one else talk about it. I had to see it myself and felt it’s undeniably in the same vein as jurassic park but significantly less impact.
John Goodman is a national treasure
I know. This movie and the Big Lebowski are so fucking great!
You should see him in The Righteousness Gemstones. He plays the part so well and I almost die laughing while watching it
Loved him in O’ Brother Where Art Thou
Rewatched 10 Cloverfield Lane yesterday. He’s brilliant in it.
Were you listening to the dudes story?
No, I was bowling
Yea, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
I knew everything was going to be okay when Dan Conner showed up.
Yes, of the UK.
King Ralph wasn't a documentary dude.
Calmer than you are
You will NEVER convince me of that.
I always check the back of the toilet when cleaning now.
I wouldn't say it left 0 cultural impact. I can reference this movie in conversations and people know what I'm talking about.
Great movie BTW.
This movie was terrifying. The way those people just dropped dead after being bit scared me as a kid.
I remain traumatized by this movie and terribly afraid of spiders, so it did affect me 😭
A Blockbuster? It made 53 million world wide.
Never saw it. I was aware of it, but wasn't interested and didn't feel like I was missing out.
For the best, I think. I'm ok with spiders - they hunt flies, and I hate flies.
Ha! Jokes on you. To this day I'm convinced that South American/Central African jungles hold species of vicious, primordial death arachnids whose size and potency would shatter our fragile minds, and that some dumb biologist is going to walk into the places man was not meant to go and bring one back to the rest of the world. Either hitching a ride on their corpse, or puppeting their cadaver like a disguise, or controlling their brain via psychic influence and sipping on their cerebral juices.
The first time I saw it was Freshman biology class.
Because we discussed spiders, and the numerous species used in the movie (because it wasn’t one type of spider they used).
I hated biology, but that teacher was awesome… Mr. Dermody I think.
Fuck this movie. My dad made me watch this shit and then crawl under the house later that night because some pipes were froze. I got about 5 feet in and just start crying. Spiders everywhere.
This movie triggered lifelong phobias in half its audience. No impact, my ass.
Should’ve killed a beloved pet. Rip Artax
Still a good watch!
Except that my babysitter when I was like 4 or 5 decided it was a GREAT movie for me to watch, and I was terrified of spiders for the next decade...
0 cultural impact. This movie is the reason I have a fear of spiders.
I have a huge case of arachnophobia, and this movie bored the crap out of me. As a movie, it was just bad. A few funny parts, but it really belongs in the WalMart $2 DVD bin.
False. Multiple friends and family members still terrified of spiders because of this movie. And the ones that have kids passed the phobia onto them, and the kids have never seen the movie.
I check my shoes for spiders. I’m 47.
Not all blockbusters leave a cultural impact and many movies which have a massive cultural impact were huge box office failures.
I remember that shit like it was yesterday
well, I remember going into that movie not afraid of spiders...
The fact that you're talking about it 35 years later means it has more than 0 cultural impact.
As an aside, I miss movie posters like this. It's a work of art in its own right. Now movie posters are just a photo of the actors usually.
They should really remake this movie.
This was the first horror movie I saw in theaters. It started my love of the genre. I will always love this movie.
Dude, I had the book adaptation because it was less scary because I couldn't see the damn spiders.
Pretty sure watching this movie at daycare gave me arachnophobia
Saw this one as a kid and remember liking it at the time, but for the life of me I can't remember anything at all that happened in it other than it was kind of goofy at times, and John Goodman was in it.
I also remember watching some old 70s creature feature movie about spiders. This would have been on TV sometime in the mid-80s at my grandmother's -- she let us watch horror movies -- and it was probably something on the Elvira show. I just remember spiders took over an entire town and basically killed everybody. One of the final shots was like 1 or 2 survivors looking out across the town at the end of the movie and the entire place was web covered. For the life of me I have no idea what the name of it was. But that freaked me out as a kid.
I feel like we all know the word arachnophobia as a result of the movie.
True story;
This was the last movie my family watched together before my Dad died. He thought it was funny my mom was afraid of spiders and he thought this movie was hilarious.
Almost the weekend after his passing, there was a wolf spider that resembled the brown recluse in every single room of our house.
Haven't seen this since I was a kid. Definitely need to revisit it
Bait ass title and you knew it.
My sister and I were visiting my grandmother when this movie came out. My older cousins came over to see us. Grandma gave us all money to go see “Ghost Dad” we saw this instead. I was 9, the youngest of the bunch, and felt bad for lying to grandma but, really enjoyed the movie.
This is one of the scariest movies ever made.Watched it when I was too young and still am terrified of spiders. Still check my shoes I am 41. Fuck this movie all week long and twice on Sunday
I wouldn't go absolute zero - I still have friends that remember it and laugh about it. It's got its campy realm, but it's like the Matthew Sweet or DJ Bobo of blockbusters from that era. Only the real ones know, haha.
More than a feeling
Nope. This made so many people irrationally terrified of spiders the way It and Are You Afraid of the Dark made people terrified of clowns.
God I was little when I watched this movie. It was terrifying as a child.
To this day, I always check under the toilet seat before I sit to make sure there’s no spiders under there.
This movie is so fucking good. And stacked; John Goodman, Jeff Daniels and Julian Sands. This is an all-timer.
0 cultural impact? I STILL scan for shower spiders.
Toilet seat spiders for me. And lamps. Ughhhh
Don't forget inside the slippers/shoes! I spent years pressing those, just in case some spider was inside... Also, still thinking that spiders can jump in a crazy ninja way... So I won't take any chances of getting too close. Yes, this movie gave me new traumas that still pop up, but I still really like it.
John Goodman Nuff said
This movie is how I learned to make a diy flamethrower
Still refuse to see it
Excuse you? I'm not afraid of spiders, but I get paranoid about a spider falling on me when I'm in the shower and slowing being washed down my body...
I dunno, a few times I have declared, "Not the chateaux..." when holding wine and people have got it.
My wife only saw it recently and loved it.
It left many of us with crippling arachnophobia that has taken a lifetime to get over! Most of us never do
Eh. I hold this film in higher regard, than say, Avatar.
This film continues to impact my daily like in a way that Avatar never will.
Everyone in my third badge class was sticking their head in the toilet bowl to make sure it was spider clear. That movie was Jaws for toilets.
This is a horrible take lol.
Because most people don’t like spiders?
Twister was a hit but then it was gone too.
Hit a little different in Australia. The spiders "cast" as the deadly hybrids or whatever, are common Huntsmans which are everywhere here, and harmless to humans.
You see those in the movie, and there's probably one or two of that exact spider in your house at any given time. And you don't mind, because they eat bugs and other spider species that you definitely don't want around.
If you're bothered by spiders, those are the guys you make an exception for.
I was too scared to watch as a kid, n I've never got around to seeing it, seeing as I'm still afraid of spiders
I was so terrified of the trailer that I forced myself to read the book first and it was so disturbing that I didn’t end up even seeing the film for years and years. I went on to have spider night terrors well into my 20s and still lose sleep at night if I encounter a spider I can’t identify during the day.
The cultural impact was the fear of basements
Naw, every time I reach my hand into a lamp to turn it on or off I remember this damn movie, lol.
That’s not true. Do you know how many flaming spiders I’ve shot out of midair with a nail gun while they jump to attack me? Can’t remember the last time I killed one any other way, frankly.
RAID makes a kit now, it launches the spider at you and sets it on fire. If you don't have a nailgun, you can try to blowdart thumbtacks at it, but it's Advanced mode at that point.
A real time saver! I’ll keep an eye out. Watch out, spideys!
Why would you kill one any other way?
Pretty sure there isn’t one, and even if there was, why argue with results!
This movie made me afraid of spiders for years
Great movie!
0 IMPACT??! MY cousins forced me to watch this shit when I was 8 and since then I can look at any 8-legged creature without having a full body reaction.
Excuse you! I will never re watch this movie because of the trauma
The credits music is by Jimmy Buffet too lmao
Don't Bug Me is the song and IT SLAPS.
its cultural impact has been deeply ingrained in our collective subconscious psyches.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck spiders that movie was scary as shit i still have a visceral reaction to them.
This was the firm film I saw at the cinema without my parents, just with a group of friends. It's something of a core memory for me, and yes, I think of this film very fondly.
Pedantically I would say it DID leave a cultural impact, before this movie people were afraid of spiders and had issues with them but this is the first time anyone knew there was a name for those fears. In my life and experience THIS was the first ‘named’ phobia that truly entered the zeitgeist. Ask anyone on the street what arachnophobia is and you’ll get a response. Ask what agoraphobia or trypophobia are and I doubt you’ll get as much response.
Fk that. I kill every spider I see thanks to this movie.
I get John Goodman on their litte 8-legged asses.
The fuck it didn't lol. I only watched it once against my better judgement and I feel like I still remember so many horrific scenes. It's honestly a great movie but I have arachnophobia and never want to see anything like it again.
I am terrified of spiders. Tried watching this exactly once and lasted less than 5 minutes. No thank you.
I haven’t even tried to watch it at all, nope, not putting myself through that.
Same same…🕷️🥺😱
So, my parents thought it would be funny to take me to see this, I was 5. I was also already terrified of spiders.
It was not funny.
Oh gawd! I'm sorry!!
No impact? I'm 38 years old and can't turn a light on with a damn lamp shade without looking.
In the shoe and the snacks. Basically in food. I inspected my breakfast cereals every morning back then after watching that movie.
I think it really increased the phycological impact culturally around the world wherever it was available.
The real spiders were the billionaires we made along the way.
Jesus fucking Christ does shitty politics need to enter every single comment section??
Who said anything about politics?
Do you?
I was little when this came out. My cousin and I were terrified of spiders coming from the floor or under the seat 💺 to get us. Many years later I’m in the basement at my parents playing Xbox/GoW with my brother. Spider falls on my neck, I immediately slap at wtf just landed on my neck. It bit my finger when I slapped it/wiped it away from my body into the dark recesses of the basement. It puffed itched but I was fine. Still. Dislike x1000.
Noped. 👏The. 👏Fuck. 👏Out. 👏 I don’t know we ever finished Gears of War after that.. 🤣
troll job…not often found in this sub I feel like
I haven’t seen it to this day, and not because I hate spiders, but because I kinda like ‘em. At least the big ones. I live in tarantula country, and enjoy gently interacting with them when I need to relocate one. The little speedy ones I’m less fond of, but my firm household rule that all 3 kids know is: if a bug or spider is in the house (with few exceptions, but specifically fuck you, flies) we do our best to relocate it outside. If it’s outside, you’re in their house, so relocate yourself if you’re bothered by a bug.
This movie caused my lifetime Arachnophobia.
What?? I *took my entire bed apart, mattress, drawers, etc. and and I vacuumed the living daylights out of it.
No impact….pffft
Zero cultural impact? It made an entire generation scared of spiders!
It was a fun movie, but still just a high concept creature feature. Those rarely have a huge cultural impact.
Just like Hitchcocks 'Birds' huh
That’s probably one of the rare ones he’s referring to
The song for the end credits is thigh slapping hilarious
I have and always will watch anything with Julian Sands. That man was a treasure.
No lie, a black spider literally just came down from the ceiling right in front of my face while sitting on the toilet, gave me a heart attack. It's winter in February and I haven't seen a spider since October, now 5 minutes later I see this post, c'mon can I get a break...
I think it made a cultural impact in that it introduced the word “arachnophobia” into the cultural consciousness.
Not sure if anyone saw the movie but from that point on we all knew the word for fear of spiders. And that someone made a movie about it.
Zero? Wtf? I still can't go into attics.
Movie still gives the willies no matter how many times I watch it.
This movie has lived rent free in my head for the last 35 years
It took me from the day I saw the movie until the day I brought home a pet spider to break my severe crippling arachnophobia.
I still have a brief moment of panic when putting on my slippers.
For some reason, my 6th grade science teacher thought it would be a great idea to show this to the class. It gave me an even bigger phobia of spiders. Ugh thinking of the shower scene still makes me itch.
I think it helped spread awareness of the word arachnophobia at the very least.
What are you talking about? That was the beginning of my enjoyment of aerosol can flame throwers!
Lies, this movie is my Roman Empire (in a bad way)
A rare example of a comedy horror movie that is both funny and truly frightening.
Yeah well it’s impacted me and I’m 45 and still check behind the toilet before I sit on it 🤣
Not as good. But shout out to Eight Legged Freaks. Fun little movie in it's own right.
Remember 8 Legged Freaks?
What the fuck do you mean no cultural impact every person I've ever met that's seen this movie is terrified of spiders because of it, including me.
It left my ass with arachnophobia, I can assure you of that haha
Scared the shit out of me the first time I saw it. I was expecting the same experience on second watch but nah. That’s when I learned you can’t enjoy things as much when you know what’s going to happen.
I’m still afraid of it!
Really excellent horror movie for a young kid who's interested in the genre but not ready to see gore or heavy topics yet.
it taught me a word I wouldn't have known otherwise.
Zero cultural impact isn't right. It almost was such a big deal that it became cultural bedrock. Like, say, the Sixth Sense. Everyone talked about it until there was literally nothing else to say. It gets brought up, mostly in ways like this, just nostalgia.
I think that the mid internet years, after everyone had it but only about a third of us had broadband, and we started creating memes in earnest, was kind of instrumental in picking which cultural touchpoints really survived into the internet age from what came before. Had we made that transition when everyone was still talking about Arachnophobia, it would have been represented massively, and would probably have multiple sequels at this point. Or had it taken longer, and people would have already come back to it after the saturation point. As it is, it just got missed.
But start a thread like this one, you get people pulling on those memories.
Lifelong fear of spiders from that intro scene with the military cot
False. I have not turned off a lamp switch since watching this movie. Clappers for everything!
This movie was amazing, never heard of it until it played on USA on old school cable
This movie probably did for spiders to young people what Jaws did to me about open water
It's a great lazy Sunday afternoon movie.
People know what the word means.
thats not true. i can still whistle the theme song thirty years later.
Is it the jaunty harmonica music that plays whenever John Goodman is on screen? Because that slaps.
nah, the south american pipes bit
This movie is where I discovered John Goodman so it’ll always be legendary to me.
Not really, it taught me what that word and other phobias mean.
This is the scariest movie lol
The only character that I even remember is John Goodman
I think that was the scary movie played in a darkened classroom during my 9th grade lock-in.
Do schools still have lock-ins? (Does anyone here know what these are but me)
Spider jumping on you in the shower while rinsing soap from eyes
I watched it for the first time in the past few years, and had a hard time seeing Jeff "Dumb & Dumber" Daniels as an Ivy league educated physician and wine connoisseur.
I never see it on streaming, that probably doesn't help.
That movie effed me up I'm just starting to recover 😅 still won't go to Australia though 😅😅
Watched it ! Gave me the creeps 😳 .. TBH .. Still does .
It left a lasting impact on my phobic ass. I spent years looking under toilet seats and lampshades.
So random, I just rented this today at the library for my son to watch.
Kathy Kinney is from a town I used to live in and was one of my aunt’s best friends. Shortly after the movie came out, she came over to my house and we were so excited to meet a movie star! So my dad brought out his camcorder while we all interviewed her. I look back on it with the absolute cringiest cringe. She’s awesome. A very lovely Wisconsinite.
Agreed. I remember seeing this when it came out and never say it again. Same with Anaconda. I literally fell asleep in the movie theatre.
This movie made me afraid to sit on the toilet for 2 years because every time I went to the bathroom all I could imagine was a spider crawling out and biting me.
Not true. The mall scenes were filmed at Valley West Mall in Glendale,AZ. Was the $1 cinema of my youth. I will always remember that.
I was a little bit scared of spiders before this movie, then my brother and cousin threw a rubber bug on me during an intense sequence, which caused a full on freak out, ended the movie for me, and caused a full on phobia for the next 20-some years.
What I remember, though, is all the fake jumping spiders in jars that were for sale, like at craft fairs and malls.
I can’t reach under a lampshade anymore so fuck you.
Still check the toilet for spiders befire sitting
I very clearly remember seeing this in the theater with my parents. There was a scene where some woman was in the shower and a spider crawls up out of the drain and she starts screaming like crazy.
An usher popped his head in the door and asked my dad "Is everything ok?"
My dad says, "Yea, the screaming was on the movie."
The usher says "Oh, thank goodness, I thought there was a fight or something going on in here."
I wonder why we remember stuff like that. It was really an entirely pointless moment in my life but for some reason it stuck out and I think about every time I think about this movie.
This is the only movie that truly frightened me. The wide pan to the basement with all the spiders gives me bad dreams to this day.
Theres a line I still reference regularly from Jeff Daniels, near the end of the movie. (been a while since I've seen it) He gets scared, and he's about to move thru a web I think, and he says to himself quietly,"therapy!" I say it all the time, and no one gets it.
That movie gave me nightmares for weeks. And probably tonight after seeing this post.
Yah what. I still think about spiders when I sit on the toilet and get in the shower, because of this movie
Im pretty sure this is a satire post. It wasn't a blockbuster but left cultural impact similar to the semi truck scene in final destination
Shut up or they will remake it. With Kristen wiig as the exterminator
Still check my bananas
When we saw this in the theater as kids, my cousin was so scared she peed her pants lol
I 100% forgot this move ever existed despite being scared to death of it at the time.
Great movie with a great cast.
Jeff Daniels, John Goodman and Julian Sands were all stellar in it.
Blockbuster and zero cultural impact. Both great things.
Upon further review, it wasn’t quite a blockbuster. IMDb estimates it cost $22 mil to make and grossed $53 mil. It definitely had a lot of buzz going among us kids though.
It was a horror movie that wasn’t rated R so I could actually see it then.
The spider going down the girls cleavage in the shower is always a scene I'll never forget.
This scared the fuck out of me!!
Nobody ever wants to think about it again.
Who cares? It was a fun movie. I’m too old now to do anything but enjoy Shit that makes me happy and ignore the rest of it.
“At that price, who can afford to drink it?”
Jeff Daniels is a national treasure.
No way, I taught us to combine aerosols with cigarette lighters
Oh it left an impact, I still remember the nightmares
I remember being 9 years old and going to the movies with my older brother and friends. We paid to see Arachnophobia and then snuck in to watch Young Guns II and RoboCop 2. Times were definitely different.
This was my first ever “scary movie”!
Tremors was the flop but it’s more well remembered than the hit. I always double feature these movies, that’s why I compare them.
Time to fumigate!
Only movie I’ve ever walked out of. I noped right out of all those spiders. Watched it since and enjoyed it but at that age it was a no for me.