Aging Out Of Dallas?

Posted by WorriedGarage6711@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 435 comments

This is specifically for people who truly enjoy going out to bars, restaurants, and lounges.

I’m 28F and the last year or so I feel like I am aging out of Dallas. I’m a transplant and a lot of the friends I’ve made through years just don’t go out anymore. If they ever want to do something it’s having 1 drink at dinner and being home by 10PM. I find myself loving my social life when I travel to other cities but when I’m here it feels so difficult to find people who also enjoy doing these things opposed to Dallas.

Is your late 20s old for going out in Dallas? I always read posts on here of people mid-late twenties wanting to meet people and go out so I’m wondering if I’m just fighting against the general culture of Dallas.