Dallas police won't join ICE deportation raids, interim chief tells immigrant meetings
Posted by Ferrari_McFly@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 135 comments
then you have violated your oath, and you will go to prison, also you federal funding will now be cut!!
The decider of this is going to get fired. Addressed published. All kinds of horrible shit. That’s what happens when you buck the Fuhrer’s orders.
While I don’t know the standard northern district practices… usually local PD is informed and they handle traffic if necessary.
Usually it’s sheriff’s offices that might assist on raids, or swat if the tactical need is there. Mainly because the jails are run by the Sheriff’s dept, where feds rent beds.
For prior ICE raids that is.
Fuck you Feds, we know you ain't going to pay. Go stiff White Settlement and Shitlake for some money.
Dude i always point out to people that at one point like a bunch of the people in the city lock up were waiting for ice to pick them up and they never did costing the city millions
Dallas police aren't paid to join ICE raids, so that makes sense.
It's probably more of a resources problem for DPD. We've seen them having problems with just normal operations.
Still trashy optics.
I think they are trying to appease the protesters so that DPD doesn't have to allocate resources to it.
But they're paid double time for regular hours worked and then won't hire new officers because it affects their cash flow.🤔
Seriously though, everyone should look up actual pay of cops. Both in Dallas and my town of Frisco, cops have a base salary double that of other jobs offered by the city, some of which are skilled hard physical labor. And these are only higher when included overtime.
I saw a article about overtime in my previous town, Nashville, and a lot of the cops were making $250,000+. These were not just police chiefs. These are cops in the rank above trainee, with just a few years of experience and no previous training or skills.
Suburbs make good money.
DPD don't make much without overtime
Yes they do.
Literally no experience required, just 1.5 years in college or 3 in the military, and you can make $75k a year.
And milk that OT and you are easily making $200k a year. EZ money, as long as you have no morals and like working with POS thugs.
Makes sense, the last time I looked was years ago and they were making about 50 for base pay and couldn't find anyone... especially after the sniper dude.
I mean you can make that in sales too with no experience.
Idk we had officers at hotels and restaurants late night as deterrents, they were just regular people doing a job
You CAN.. but few jobs will let you get in there without a college degree.
How much were they making? The usual rate I see is 40-100 an hour for just standing there.
That's just what security does though lol.
Lots of security make decent money and I'm not gonna hate on people making money.
Do some cops suck? For sure, but that's not just a police problem
Only if you have a badge. Most security jobs only pay like $20 bucks, you need a badge to pay more.
And if you get $40-100 just for having a badge, something any dumb thug can get, then it becomes an issue if businesses are paying THAT much more just so that their bouncers have that power to arrest people.
At that point, you're paying those thugs-in-blue so they actually do the jobir and handle the trouble makers in your area, while on the job, while those same people in uniform will just complain about being defunded because they're merely being paid 6 figures.
If you have a guard license you can make the same as a police officer. Like I said there are tons of good paying positions.
It's not about bouncing people, it's about deterring crime. My job at a hotel had a police officer there because people kept getting robbed. It stopped as soon as he got hired.
They pay the police to do it because it helps the business or they wouldn't. It's better then taxpayers paying the salary.
Police can't be everywhere unless you want cops on every corner, which costs taxpayers even more.
Everyone complains about pay, it's part of life. Elon Musk thinks he's underpaid.
Having to do overtime to make six figures is a ton of people in life.
I get it, you hate cops lol. They serve a purpose though. It's up to the people of Texas to hold them more accountable, so vote in people who will.
Believe it or not tripling your salary with overtime is not easy money. And also believe it or not, most of us don't like working excessive overtime. Overtime happens and can be unavoidable, but most of us like to have a life outside of work. There's outliers of course. And firefighters in the city also kill it in overtime too.
Well since yall work so much overtime can you please tell your buddies in SWAT to get these longtime drug houses shutdown. Everyone can’t afford to move to the Burbs.
That's what I'm wondering. How come there's so much crime and nobody does anything about it? I'm shocked they cleaned up Harry Heines last year. It took them decades to do it, though.
During the Public Safety meeting this week Council questioned DPD overtime budget.
I hope they did but doubt anything happened.
It's even more simple than that. Under the Constitution immigration matters are strictly the purview of the federal government. Cities have no jurisdiction or legal authority to be involved in federal immigration matters. All cities can do is arrest people for local crimes, and even then only under processes defined in the Constitution.
My local agencies arrest people for state / municipal offenses.
If they’re within the country illegally, they’re reported to ICE.
They're not even doing work they're paid to do, so it tracks that they wouldn't be doing stuff they aren't getting paid for.
DPD doing the least 🫡
Hey well at least they are consistent.
Wait! So Federal Task Force operations no longer exist? Or. Is that only for drug and "human smuggling" (prostitution) operations?
Exactly. I would like them to do the job my taxes pay them to do.
They're so understaffed, asking them to do something like that is absurd.
They dont respond to 911 calls either.
These comments are amazing. DPD is 3/4ths as big as it should be (https://dallasexpress.com/crime/dpd-response-times-spike-in-2023-amid-lack-of-4k-cops/#:\~:text=A%20City%20analysis%20states%20that,fields%20only%20around%203%2C000%20officers.)
I wonder home many of these "DPD isn't doing anything" folks applied for the job....
That's the point. They do not have the time or money to help the feds. They should focus on what they can do with what they have.
I wouldn’t if I was them too. Always something going on in Dallas they have other stuff to worry about
Last time I called I was told “please hold for the next available dispatcher” so I personally feel like Dallas PD should continue to prioritize actual emergencies.
People that are happy about this, you better be also OK with the crime associated.
Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than citizens. Deal.
Imagine siting an opinion piece as proof lol, the title debunking immediate tells you it's biased.
Cool, I hear you, here’s an actual study https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2024/03/immigrants-are-significantly-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-the-us-born/
That's not a study. That's a working paper (not as extensive), and it mixes documented versus undocumented immigrants together.
Provide some evidence for your takes then clown.
I don't think you understand how basic logic works. If you state "actually undocumented people commit fewer crimes," then you need to point to some evidence that validates that statement. See how that works?
I'll take your response to mean you've got nothing, but don't worry too much about it, most people kind of knew that already.
Nah I already posted my source in another comment. Now apply your same 'logic' to yourself and provide some actual evidence that validates your statements.
You posted a single link for a white paper that evaluates the correlation between (1) the percentage of the population that are immigrants and (2) the total crime rate. That paper doesn't even establish cause, let alone meet the standard for a basic peer review. It doesn't distinguish between undocumented versus documented immigrants.
It's times like this I wish more Americans had basic statistical literacy. These are not difficult concepts.
Try again.
You've posted nothing. Try something.
I'm not making a claim. What do you want me to post, a link to describe to you the basic differences between correlation versus causation?
There you go, I guess?
I did read the white paper. How do you think I was able to identify what they were doing?
Yes... the data points they were correlating...
This seems very difficult for you. I read your white paper, pointed out why their methodology, which they identified in the paper, did not support your claim.
What do you want me to do, teach you some statistical tricks to tease out correlation from causation?
Now please provide some actually data smartass, or you can find someone else to bother.
Imagine copying and pasting your reply
Imagine being a clown who can’t do their own research. https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/debunking-myth-immigrants-and-crime
Proof- Any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something.
That study is talking about incarceration rate. What about the criminals that don't get caught that have committed crimes? That study is also over the last 150 years.
You tell me, your dude won so America is perfect now.
You might want to just be honest with yourself for just a minute and realize maybe this is not the best document to prove your position. The author of this document seems to have an ulterior motive to fool people that don't think for themselves. The study spans 150 years. The influx of people crossing the border into America illegally has accelerated incredibly in the last 20 years - and that is where the crime problem is. This document also only shows people who were caught, found guilty, and incarcerated. Surely you are able to realize the amount of crime that goes unsolved. Just look at the comments here - 90% or more of this sub thinks the Dallas Police Department is doing a poor job of catching criminals. Best of luck.
Where’s your proof that immigrants commit more crime?
I never said immigrants commit more crime. I was trying to help, pointing out that that document might not be the best thing to prove Iant's thinking. When I read the story, the first thing I realized was what the author wrote had little bearing on the current problems and seemed to be something done to play on people's emotions that did not bother to or are unable to digest the metrics presented in the story. To answer your question, I don't have any proof one way or the other about immigrants committing more crimes because I am not an expert on the subject. Actually thinking about it the argument seems flawed. There are far far less immigrants than American citizens so you really can't compare the two. According to Pew Research the unauthorized immigrant population in the United States grew to 11.0 million in 2022. The population of the US is 334.9 million. You can't really compare the two since the numbers are no where near each other.
Look at all that ideological drivel and zero substance.
Opinion Judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive; may deal with subjective matters in which there is no conclusive finding
Do your own research bud.
Immigrants are cool. Illegal immigrants commit crimes 100% of the time just by being here.
Imagine thinking that hopping imaginary lines makes you a criminial 🤡🤡🤡
This is the best kind of response and it exposes the real thought process. To you guys, there just shouldn’t be borders. Anywhere. Period. Not gonna change anyone’s mind on that online lol, so think what you want.
i don’t know a single dem that believes we shouldn’t have borders. i DO know many who believe we need a better path for citizenship for immigrants. right now there is no easy one unless you marry, and even that’s not easy.
Hey, I agree with that too. Talk to the guy I just responded to though, I don’t think he got the memo…
I mean technically they are committing a crime, it's the law/process that are the issue not people wanting to move to a new area for an opportunity to better their lives.
I see this statement repeated OVER AND OVER by the left, its literally your "go to" when talking about anything immigration related.
The massive "whoosh" over y'alls head about all of this is it does not matter AT ALL about the amount of crime that illegal immigrants commit.....the point is if we had a real border and enforced our immigration laws.....the amount of crime that was committed by illegal immigrants would effectively be zero.
It doesn't matter that illegal immigrants get less DUI's than natural born citizens.....we could completely eliminate the amount of DUI's they are responsible for by simply having a border.
I don't know why this has to be explained to a supposedly smart group of people, the best guess I have is that a large portion of you are intentionally being obtuse.
Sure thing, Sweety
Don't let facts burst your bubble.
That's disinformation....try again
Please prove that its disinformation. THEN we'll get you some more sources.
You provided a slanted hit piece, hardly empirical data.
You've provided nothing.
Same as you....Zero
You have a weird definition of zero when I've provided a link to information. You've done nothing but chase dopamine.
You posted misinformation. Which I know this is difficult to comprehend, but is the opposite of legitimate information.
Imagine siting an opinion piece as proof lol, the title debunking immediate tells you it's biased.
Are educational sites also "fake news?"
FYI the current administration is attempting to withhold facts from you in order to support their narrative.
"The Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs is currently reviewing its websites and materials in accordance with recent Executive Orders and related guidance. During this review, some pages and publications will be unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
Heh. The Stanford one was like... "30% less than US born citizens, AND 60% less when you add blacks"... lol, like.. aight. Why didn't we just include blacks in the first place?
Wait until you tell them immigrants have constitutional rights lol
We’re forced to deal with the crime in Dallas from people that are here legally, so what’s the difference? Criminals are going to do what Criminals do, commit crime. Whether they’re U.S. born or not is irrelevant. They’re criminals, treat them as such and keep it moving. Maga loves that immigration fearmonger bullshit.
What is this crime that you speak of?
The dumbest statement of 02/13/2025.
Paulie_Wallnuts 02/13/2025
I guess why they voted to Defund the police, no need for them...
The lie detector determined this statement to be wholly pulled out of an ass.
sounds like you borrowed the lie detector from the Maury show...
Using familiar things and comforting language helps ease communication with people like you.
Now you're judging...you are clearly one of those fascis Nazis...
I don’t think you get out often. I know illegal migrants or committing a crime for just being here. I work all over DFW and I see Illegal migrants are too busy working to do anything else. They boost the economy here in Dallas. Most likely they built your house lol.
Why are you not helping these people, taking them into your home housing and feeding these poor souls?
Actually I know all the workers who built my home, unlike may here they are proud American citizens. 🇺🇸
People are happy that police aren’t overstepping their responsibilities. ICE has their own funding for these raids. DPD does not because it is not their responsibility.
What crime exactly?
Exactly...Dallas does not have any crime
Crime was down under Biden
Tell me how this increases crime
They have enough to focus on.
like what exactly?
ticketing drivers on NW hwy doing 3 miles over or?
Even cops be blasting 10 over speed limit on the stretch between Buckner and Abrams, lol.
I don't know if it's common knowledge but dpd is expected to go 10 over when responding to calls without lights and sirens.
Sounds like a personal attack but I'll oblige;
Maybe they can help out here:
Maybe they could focus on more of a downtown presence as demanded here:
or how about they just put a car on 75 every once in a while to catch the idiots who think they're in NASCAR risking everybody else's life?
There is plenty of stuff to do that doesn't break up working and contributing families.
its not personal at all, the entire city should be asking what exactly they do…
why are you sitting in parking lots, on your phone for hours, why aren’t you responding to robbery calls and so forth.
Did he list what they will be focusing on?
Did he say what they are doing since not allocating any hours to helping ICE?
They’ve got their hands full already. They barely have enough officers to respond to crime as it is.
and when there’s crime, DPD is normally never around to be found
They are found if you have enough money or influence.
doubtful at best.
Look it up but what they're doing is paying themselves for overtime and spending the entire budget that way. They could hire more officers but prefer to have 1/4 the workforce collecting double time pay.
Maybe helping ice remove some criminals would help that idk....
They'll provide support for ICE raids. They just need them to fill out a request in their online portal, and they can expect a callback between six weeks to never.
311 request and back of the line. I expect these potholes filled and my graffiti scrubbed before they join the raids.
"We got detectives working on it around the clock."
Someone is losing their job
Basically, in the article, DPD is reassuring the public that they‘re not part of this and won’t be, so chill and go about your (documented and undocumented) lives:
“...The Dallas Police Department is not assisting any federal agency on detaining people that are either documented or undocumented in the city of Dallas,” Igo said to attendees at Familia Bethel Internacional church in Dallas, per CBS News.”
Another notable paragraph - ”...Igo, who has been interim chief of police since October, told the Spanish-speaking parishioners that his department would not turn in or report anyone here illegally who calls 911 for help or is pulled over for traffic violations.”
If they're not even assisting citizens when the crimes happen to them, it doesn't matter if the criminal is undocumented or not.
They have to go back.
Where would you like DPD to go back to?
They don't need to, that's why there is a federal agency to oversee this.
DPD doesn't even answer calls for burglaries and robberies, they've got more than enough regular police work that they're ignoring than to be joining ICE raids.
I have to say I recently had a person with mental problems break a window at my house. The police were there quickly and called several days later to make sure everything was still okay.
Good to know they respond faster if it's a stranger. My ex-husband broke a hole in my door, and they didn't come for hours.
please say it again for everyone.
they responded hours late to a burglary in progress only to try a using the owner of the crime. what a waste…
we did all the leg work, found out who did it and still met with resistance.
Man those poor Dallas cops never get to do the fun stuff.
They have enough legal hurdles in their real job, without having to support these warrantless goon squads going door to door scaring people.
They don't need to participate in the actual raids. They will assist with locations of where the wanted illegals might be. That can be more useful.
Yea.. they wont... because they don't. What a fucking dumb political based signal virtue.
Dpd told me to kick rocks when my car was broken into. They can go to hell
DPD, as far back as I can remember, has never really actively gotten Involved in Legacy immigration raids, or raids with Immigration Customs Enforcement, other than provided perimeter security or traffic/crowd control. I’m sure that local DHS leadership is pressing and whining about DPDs position on not getting involved