For those who live in suburbs like McKinney, Frisco, or Plano or even Fort Worth and commute to Downtown Dallas for work, what’s your experience with the daily drive? With the time in traffic, tolls, and gas costs, what makes living farther out worth it for you?
Posted by Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 180 comments
With the time in traffic, tolls, and gas costs, what makes living farther out worth it for you?
It was definitely worth it if driving to leave an hour earlier and hang out at the office relaxing and having some coffee, than to leave "on time" and deal with the traffic. I just made the boundary with my boss, yes I am physically here, but I am not starting my actual work until my shift starts. Many of my colleagues drove to the DART station in Plano, then took the light rail downtown. Saved a lot of money on gas and wear and tear on their car.
I really think it's moronic that our politicians in Collin County are trying so hard to block expanding DART further north. The majority of people here support almost no access to public transportation yet complain about the traffic non-stop and the cost of tolls and express lanes. It makes my brain hurt.
The rail extension that you're talking about has long been shuttered, from Parker road to Fairview. Mckinney still uses the old Katy Trail all the way North across the country. It would cost millions and take decades to recoup the money since a lot of people don't use the DART rail in Collin County. Allen isn't big enough to be forced to have mass transit, much less Fairview. I'm not debating you, hust pointing out the facts as I've read about some information, but I don't consider myself an expert.
Now that you mention it, I could totally picture it connecting to the shops on Stacy Rd, and the outlet mall in Allen. I was mainly thinking of how much it could help the traffic on 75. I'm also no expert. I know the rail was popular when it first launched. My friends and I would get a $2 day pass to go around downtown for fun. I lived in Austin for a while too, and they scrapped their light rail plan during the '08 recession that would go along 35. I used to drive by the lot in Austin where they were storing the train cars that would have been used. Such a waste, imo.
To hell with Dart coming to Collin county, I’ll pass on that nonsense….. that train brings nothing but crime…. Collin county and McKinney are ran by greedy tax thieves who have failed to build new roads to alleviate the traffic problems on the eastern side of the county, much less repair and maintenance the existing roads.
"what makes living farther out worth it for you?"
Being able to afford somewhere to live.
I literally have a one bedroom in dallas right by northpark for $900. There isn’t an excuse
I have a 3 bedroom house with 1/5 acre yard in a safe neighborhood. Bought last year with 1% down and my mortgage is only $1300/m. Of course there are many other expenses besides the mortgage but the point is I would never be able to afford a house like this in a non-sketchy area in Dallas.
For science and comparison: could you share what the total house price was to get that mortgage
Wow that’s awesome congratulations 😭
Thanks. It comes with a pretty long commute, but for my specific situation it's worth it.
Kinda depends on what one needs tbh. I’ve found some good housing stock in parts of town that are pretty and quiet, but not a lot of good retail nearby and schools are mediocre. Fine for me since I don’t have kids. Someone with kids might think otherwise
Exactly a studio is cool if it’s one person. It’s hard to find affordable options for a family
Five Points?
I have two big dogs, a 6 month old baby, two cars to park and a spouse who works from his home office full time. A one bedroom apartment near Northpark is not even kind of a good option for some of us.
Lol are you in cross creek?
If McKinney was closer I’d buy a house there. Brand new builds go for the same as the 1987 Plano house we bought and with more land. Only downside is an HOA in McKinney.
Tbh McKinney isn't even that much cheaper than Plano anymore unless you are going out almost to the countryside.
What countryside? The traffic in McKinney is horrible, it takes me an extra 22-25min to get to 75 from my house on fm546….. seriously 22-26 min to go 5 miles…. Not only that, it’s impossible for me to turn out of my driveway onto 546, unless someone’s let’s me in.
I mean I didn't say the commute would be good.
I've been house hunting for about 6-8 months in Plano/Allen/McKinney and this is 1000% true
hell nah i work from home, so much happier 😂
Cost of rent, there just isnt anything affordable close to work
The key takeaway for me, is people get on the road when the sun comes up. If you can be on DNT as the sun is coming up you’re golden. Otherwise every 5 minutes that pass your commute get exponentially longer.
Try Park-and-Ride. You can even get some extra time to do your personal stuff before and after work.
Denton to Love Field
I may die on 35 but at least I’ll die knowing it was all for nothing.
your poor vehicle gets shit tossed all over 35. that drive is such a beating...literally
Lol what…can you explain this?
Denton to downtown dallas. I feel this 100%😂
Lmao, fuck this comment got me good 🤣
My recommendation is to live right by where you work. If you want to work in Dallas, live in Dallas. It will save you money, time, and frustration. Dont apply to jobs more than 20 mins away from where you are or you will be paying tolls and wasting hours driving in traffic. Dallas is a lot cheaper than the suburbs apartment wise. I pay $900 for a one bedroom 10 mins from downtown dallas off of greenville ave.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
I agree, not worth the gas and tolls. I saw a comment saying $600/month on tolls… that’s unbelievable, I would sell my home. I’m not spending $7k/year to sit in traffic lol.
I would say even moving closer is better than nothing I'm from irving which is literally a 10-15 min car ride from downtown Dallas. House prices are pretty normal around here and it's super close.
Yes. Home buying in the city is a lot more complicated granted, but you will definitely be happier living closer to your work. If you can afford a home in Allen, you can probably afford one in Dallas. You need $350,000+ to even shop the dfw market.
I live south of i20. I have decided to never work north of i20. It’s working out great for me. I get gas once a month.
Driving across the metroplex is pure hell. Tons of crossing overpasses
When I lived in Plano and worked downtown I did everything in my power to not drive it. I took the DART every day and it was 100% worth it even with a longer commute to not have to deal with traffic or parking. But that's where my job was and I wasn't about to move to be closer to it.
I hope anyone that relies on taking DART from Plano is aware that Plano is pushing to slash DART's funding due to Plano's inability to manage their finances, which would severely reduce the safety, reliability, and cleanliness of DART trains and buses.
If you live in Plano, there are some things you can do:
If you don't live in Plano, still join DATA, follow /r/dart, and spread the word about the funding cuts. They'll only get away with it if we let them.
That's a shame. When I first moved to Dallas my first job was in downtown. The DART was a great way to commute without the hassle of traffic.
Well now the train is a nightmare of homeless people living on it. Dart police have vanished. The parking lot at the Parker station used to be packed with cars. Not anymore.
Plano has a real problem with vagrants coming up from Dallas on the train. Dart is doing nothing about it
That's the bane of public transportation. Everyone gets to ride.
That’s fine if they pay. But they don’t
I ride the DART to work to avoid traffic and I do not have that experience. Most people on there are going to/from work. I take the orange line. And every time dart patrol (I don’t know if they’re cops or security guards) are always on there and they check your pass.
Look at the downvotes. I guess I made it all up.
DART is highly policed. I use it daily. Not that cops solve problems, mind.
Good Dart Bot
thank you for sharing this
I loved taking DART to downtown.
Someone I knew would also do this. Took the DART.
Honestly, we only moved to McKinney because we work from home. Now my husband is thinking about getting another job in office, and if he does, we are just going to move, either closer to the office, or closer to a DART station.
(Since McKinney is so kindly missing any kind of public transportation options.)
what is DART?
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
Fair, I take DART too, what a life saver. I save so much on parking and gas 🙏.
So just going back to what made it worth it is that there's really no where I would want to live that I'd be able to get to an office in the heart of downtown, find parking, and get to the building within 30 minutes even ignoring the costs. Doubly so when the place I worked paid for my DART pass. So why not live 60 minutes away by train, somewhere nice with nice parks and good libraries, and then just take the train straight to my office building since it was literally on the line. I don't actually live in Plano anymore but I would 100% still live there if I could afford it. Adding an hour to my daily commute was worth it to live somewhere safe and nice especially since I could spent at least some of that time reading or listening to music on my headphones.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
I think that’s a good compromise 👍
If you can work like a 7:00am-4:00pm it’s way better
This guy commutes
Only 25 min
I start at 6, generally off by 2:30. If I get out of the office any later than 3:30 it’s just starting to get messy.
In the morning I’m on the road by 5:20, into the office at 6:00.
What sort of industry or company starts work at 6am?
Big companies with a presence all over the world. Time zones no longer matter.
The kind where they could probably work from home anyways. Meaning there probably isn't a set start/stop time for them. If they wanted they could go the opposite side and drive in by 10am, after the morning rush, and bail around 7pm.
Lab/chemical manufacturing
Manufacturing. I am a manufacturing engineer, same schedule.
I actually get butt in chair by about 5:30 and leave at 3 and I am in Fintech.
Schedule management - also if you beat everyone into the office nobody questions it if you leave a bit early.
This is what i do
Live by Benbrook lake and commute to downtown Dallas. Leave by 5:25 AM gets me there by 6:25 AM. Leave by 3 and home by 4:15. Traffic is stop and go but it seems to be close to same commute time as my coworkers who live north of downtown in Richardson or Plano.
A fellow Benbrookian. I drive to Plano 2 days a week (soon to be Richardson 3 days a week). We were looking at the potential of moving with the increase from 2 to 3 days. But we have a golden handcuff interest rate, so we're holding on for now. If it ever goes to 5 days, there is going to be a tough decision to make.
Im in Richardson and work in uptown. Should take 20 mins. On a good day it’s 40 but it’s usually 50 mins +. I started taking the dart last month and it’s totally worth it. It’s less than a mile walk from the station to my work. My husband drops me off and picks me up at the Arapaho station.
I go the reverse way and take the bus. Saves so much on gas
I’m in Frisco and make the drive to Fort Worth 3 times a week. For me, what makes Frisco worth it to me, is the less congestion, places like bars and restaurants aren’t as packed, it’s very clean, not many (if any) homeless people. I moved from Dallas in 2021, and absolutely love it. It’s close enough to Dallas or FW to have a good time, but far enough away from the traffic and daily congestion.
I’m in Frisco, it’s all relative to when I leave.
If I leave before 6:45 I fly down the tollway to Love Field in about 35 min.
If I leave between 6:45 and 7, it’s about 50 minutes.
If I leave after 7, including 7:05 it’s an hour or more.
Heading home…if I leave the office before 4 it’s about 35-40 min.
If I leave after 4:15, it’s easily 55-60 min.
Gas wise; I’ve got a sedan, a tank of gas a week but I’m only in office 4 days, I get gas on Sunday.
Tolls…I try not to think about them too much. It’s on autodraft and higher than I’d like.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
Wow, sounds like one wrong move and the commute goes from 30 minutes to an hour real quick lol. The tolls here are outrageous too. Someone commented and said $10 one way 😵💫.
Some toll gates use a dynamic pricing model too, so during busy times the toll could go from $1 to $15 as an example.
The biggest thing for saving with the tolls though seems to be avoiding the express lanes as they are more costly.
When I used to drive home north on 35-E where there is dynamic pricing on the express lane, I would never take the express lane except when the price was really high. A high price meant really terrible traffic was coming up. A low price meant I was good to stay on the freeway. It worked well for me!
a LOT more 😬
this doesn’t consider days where there are accidents on your route and it become 2-2.5 hours
For me I take Plano pkwy and go all the way to downtown. It’s 7$ round trip
This is exactly my experience when i lived in Frisco 😂 that extra min or 2 leaving was 5-10x added time to the commute.
exactly my situation, down to the commute times and 4 days in office. im in sachse, and work in north dallas (not downtown i know, but effectively similar commute wise).
i have to leave at 6:30a for a brisk 30-35 min drive w/ very moderate traffic. anything after 7a until 10a, it's an 1+ hr commute.
i leave the office exactly by 4p, and its a 35-45 min drive. at 4:15p, it's 1 hr+ drive
i also pretend my tolls expenses dont exist😖
Yup. I moved in December from the Firewheel area, it’s been largely lateral shift tolls and time wise.
But it’s nice to hear I’m not the only one doing this.
Lake Highlands in (north) east dallas. I can actually take local roads if 75 is bad to get downtown. That is 30 minutes no matter the time of day. It cost more than suburbs, but I don’t waste 2 hours per day on the concrete jungle
I avoid tolls at all costs! Most times my drive to work is quick (40 mins) since I get there around 7, BUT I leave at 5 making my commute home much longer. It can become an hour drive quickly!
I have commuted from Plano and McKinney to downtown Dallas and I prefer the McKinney route. I can take 75 and I’ll still sit in traffic but at least I know I’m not paying tolls to sit in traffic. That used to make me so mad living right off DNT.
Then it’s all about mindset. I put on a podcast and just succumb to the traffic. Leave early enough to not be stressed about being late the whole time. If I am running late, text the manager then fuck it, nothing I can do. Being zen in traffic has saved me a lot of stress and anxiety. I used to get so angry but now, it is what it is. With that mindset an hour commute is more like me time where I can listen to my podcast or call my dad and catch up.
I searched for affordable homes in far north Dallas, Addison, Richardson, and South Plano and the square footage I get in McKinney is just so much better. I found a cute home that was affordable in south Plano but it was extremely outdated with the tiniest showers I’ve ever seen and owners slapping grey paint on cabinets trying to make it look updated.
You know the movie Office Space. The opening scene is of a man driving to work… on a Texas highway. the scene trying to convey the frustration of traffic on an ugly, depressing highway… it’s like that.
Is it worth it ? Obviously yes, that’s why the suburbs have grown so rapidly. Parents trade the extra commute time for a better life for their kids. Better schools, sense of community, safety, like minded people. It can be argued if the trade is worth it, but it is obviously the general consensus that it is.
I commuted from Keller for a short while. Also later ended up commuting the opposite way (Dallas to Grapevine/Flower mound).
Both routes took the same main highway - 114.
Keller to Dallas was always shit both ways.
Dallas to Grapevine was only really shit in the afternoon.
The same theme presents itself in all other highways. Coming into Dallas for work will always be hell. Both ways.
Not living in Dallas. We have safer neighborhoods, better schools, better city services.
Dallas has some really good magnet programs. Other points depends on were you live, although yes property taxes are high. Parkland needs to send all the suburbs patients back to the suburbs.
The Dallas magnate schools, that are nearly impossible to get into, are roughly on par with Frisco or lovejoy schools.
There is a reason there are so many private schools in Dallas. That is an extra like $40k per year just for something that is roughly Frisco isd level
It’s not worth driving. I took the tram.
Recently bought a home in Prestonwood/Richardson. Moved from renting in Knox/Henderson. Commute on the tollway blows at almost any hour Tuesday-Thursday heading to and from downtown. Moved out here for a better price:value ratio and for the public school system; I refuse to have my child grow up in the Park Cities bubble. Was a pleasant surprise when I found that a lot of the creature comforts and restaurants I liked in the Uptown-ish are have a second location up here.
Midtown, Maple n Mckinney , from Bell Hellicopter Hust/Euless Bedford Very easy to Ride TRE /Dart pass , when I contracted for Dell i tried to keep my last apt before 330pm or make it closer to Irving TX mall etc to gtfo.. I doged traffic like a con-artist when possible... Or abused traffic excuses to get travel time pay.. However Dell seems to think you got Scotty... and the Enterprise to beam ya arround town all day... on pushback... But office job in uptown yup train/parking cheeper...
Now doing a bank gig , ppl good... infosec good
635/35/75 theme song 🎵 By AC/DC⚡️ describes my 'love' of Preston rd n 635 on the Highway....... 👿 ... harhar...
It's a living hell, and am so stressed out that I want to kill someone by the time I arrive!
I did Dart for a while from Plano. I didn’t love the experience but was better than driving for me. I live in McKinney now and there is no way I would ever work in Downtown. Especially since I am a quite a ways from the 75. It would be an hour plus commute each way.
I did McKinney to Plano for a couple days a week for a couple years. I wouldn’t go any farther personally.
Defo worth it. Off to work at 10:00 pm. Make deliveries to my distributors, off work by 12:00 w fat stacks. Back in bed by 2:00
I've worked at the same place for almost 2 years and have commuted from 3 different cities to it. Some context, I work nights, 6:45pm to 3-4am, in Lewisville/The Colony border.
When I lived in Addison, it took me about 35 minutes on residential roads and 20 minutes on DNT.
When I lived in McKinney, I only took 121 and it took me about 25 minutes.
I currently live in Greenville, taking 380 to 121 and it takes me about an hour and 15 minutes.
I'm going against traffic on the way to work, and have no traffic coming home. So unless there is a wreck or construction, or I get off later than usual, my commutes are pretty easy.
I won't do it anymore. If I can't take the train to the office, I won't work in Dallas.
A nightmare daily. Born and raised and I’ve never seen it so bad. One commentator told me if I didn’t like it to just move. Wow.
I drove from Trinity Groves to North Park the other day at 5:30 in heavy traffic and it took 30 minutes on 75 alone and had 2 close calls. It wasn’t even raining! ☹️
At traffic time, it's a easy 1 to 1-1/2 hour one way trip. And if it's raining, make it 2 hours, easy. My good friend lives in Allen, he's 10 mins from 75, he was complaining about the drive yesterday in the morning with the rain and wrecks that it took him every bit of 2 hours to Baylor hospital near Downtown/Deep Ellum. If your in Frisco and take the tollway, same amount of time but add in the tolls each way, I believe it's like $10.00 each way, maybe more, depending if your in south Frisco (121) or far north Frisco (380). If you move to eastern Plano, you can park for free and take the DART rail all the way to Downtown Dallas and back. Iirc, it still an hour from the Parker road station, but it's consistent and no traffic or fuel costs. Good luck.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
Jeez, no thank you. People are actually paying $10/one-way in tolls? I knew they were expensive but roundtrip $20 is almost a tank of gas. 😮💨
I had to go look, aince Redditor's are notorious for piling on for wrong or slightly wrong information. It's $4.89 or $7.34 each way with and without a tolltag, from the far end of Frisco to Dallas proper.
The tollways have dynamic pricing that changes throughout the day. I've often seen it cost $7-9 one way WITH a tolltag.
It's $40 a day to drive to Dallas from FW in tolls. My friend told me they paid $600 one month in tolls. Needless to say, they take the train to work now
*half a tank of gas
Hell naw i’d rather pay to live in dallas than do all that. The burbs are way more expensive anyways with those multi-million dollar mansions they are building in Allen.
No drive only train. This is the way.
It’s not worth it. But you do what you gotta do.
Plano to my office near the 35/635 crossing over in Farmers Branch. Im only chiming in as my routes all head south, which you’d have to as well, mainly the Dallas North Toll Road. If you leave early enough, you can fly down any road pretty much anywhere. The most common issue I see is “ghost” jams where nothing really exists to cause the jams or slow traffic other than the drivers themselves. The 75 & George Bush exchange and the DNT George Bush exchange can get really bad really quick. So can the 35E and George Bush exchange as well the 35E to 635. Pretty much every major highway exchange is utter shit if you don’t leave before everyone else. Tolls, especially prime times, can add up very quickly. I easily spend $150 in a month. Gas is what it is as I chose to drive a truck with terrible mileage. It’s paid off though and has a 33 gallon tank, but I’ll spend about $220-$250 a month on gas.
Significantly less chance of getting your vehicle stolen by living away from downtown/uptown.
My commute used to be 80 miles round trip, and it was quite painful. 55 min in the morning, 1 hr or more home - $7 tolls a day, a lot in gas.
It deteriorated me. I did it for 2 and a half years . My recommendation is move within your tolerance
I have a 35min commute into downtown Dallas for work. My hours are 6-2:30 so I miss a lot of the traffic and it's worth it to live in a suburb. I've also had schedules where I worked 8-5 and that may not be worth it. The daily aggravation is just too much.
Factor all that into your salary. I took a decrease in salary for a new job work at home and it increased my “salary” and happiness.
My previous job was pretty much make my hours until I had regular hour meetings. It sucked.
Worth it for me? Nothing makes it worth it because life in the burbs is boring. My job in Dallas is exciting, invigorating in fact. After my youngest child graduates high school I will be moving back inside 635.
I would never do this… because it sounds like hell. Traffic in DFW has just gotten so bad.
It’s not worth it or ever has been. These people hate their lives with that commute
If the mayor of Fort Worth sees that you called Fort Worth a suburb of Dallas, I think he’s going to sue you.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
Boo hoo, everyone knows Dallas is the main character in the metroplex 💪😂
(I secretly think so too)
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
It’s no secret, I said what I said 💁♂️
It sucks. Find a job not in Downtown. Dallas is a cesspool.
30-45 min each way and $7.50/day in tolls. basically 7am-9am i don’t go faster than 30mph on DNT.
The only sane solution is to take dart from northern suburbs to downtown.
I can hardly wait for the tax cuts. My Money coming back. Saving on gas, food, everything.
It takes an hour but luckily I've got a company car and a semi-fleixble start time so I'm able to keep it low stress and I don't have issues with tolltags and gas.
I did Frisco to Deep Ellum for 18 months and it was brutal. On days when I could sneak out before 3:30 I could be home in 40 minutes, but any later than that and you’re looking at an hour and a half. I wouldn’t recommend it.
I live in the Argyle/Justin area and commute downtown 2 days a week. Do not recommend. Its about 75-100 minutes each way depending on traffic.
I live in Josephine (Royse City area) and commute to downtown Dallas everyday. And 30 is just unpredictable. I can leave with an hour to get there and be there 15 minutes early. The next day I can leave with an hour and 15 minutes to get there and be 45 min late. It’s a fun little game.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
That’s unfortunate lol, construction? Or that’s just how it is?
Construction, wrecks, just unidentified Texas traffic. Little bit of everything lol
I would not want to do it personally. Traffic is bad and only getting worse in DFW. I had to commute 45 mins which started to take me 1-2 hours whenever it rained or there was a wreck, which is almost always the case ! I am so glad I don't have to do it anymore.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
I’ve noticed that traffic has gotten worse recently. I decided to live close to my job and after looking at cheaper apartments in Plano, i found the difference in gas and tolls to be more expensive than paying a little extra to not have a commute.
I live in McKinney and work in Carrollton and the commute isn't too terrible but I've gotten used to it. The tolls are a bitch though since my car has good has mileage. Idk if it's worth it but I'm too comfortable with it at this point and I have other stuff to be excited for
I commute 1 day every other week from McKinney. Usually leaving around 6 am and getting to downtown in ~45 minutes.
Gas isn’t too bad since my Japanese shitbox gets great mileage. Parking is free from my company. I avoid tolls like the plague.
Living farther is worth it because I own my home and wouldn’t dare get a new one in this market.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
1 day every other week is probably ideal in that scenario. Sounds like you have a pretty chill commute 👌
I’m in Mckinney and i have flexibility to do 9:30-2:45 and it’s about an hour drive. I do it 3x a week so it isn’t terrible although i’ve only been doing it since Dec after changing jobs.
The people on here talking about how it’s only 40 minutes etc admit that that time can easily double by simply leaving 15-30 minutes later than scheduled.
The reality is not all employers allow or want people starting work super early and leaving at 3:45, so I’d be curious to hear from those doing this drive that need to work 8-5 or 9-6.
The times I’ve been on the Tollway during those hours, it was over an hour one-way to Frisco. And that’s not counting the time on surface streets east or west once you’ve gotten off the Tollway.
As far as reasons why, it’s all relative, but slightly “more” for your money the further out.
For example, I have a coworker who lives in Frisco now & they are moving to Celina. I asked why given the additional traffic & they said as renters, they can get a “newer rent house with better appliances & less issues for less than what is costs for the same in Frisco.”
As others have said: traffic gets bad. Avoid working an 8-5.
75 is flat out scary compared to the DNT, but it's the only way to downtown from the east side of Collin County. Leave as early as you can; leave at 5:30, join a gym near downtown, and work out before showering and heading to work.
When I had to commute to uptown from the Legacy and Alma Plano area, it was about 30 minutes at 6am, 45 minutes at 7am, and could be up to 90 minutes at 8am. One crash can set you back an hour and crashes are everywhere on 75. Almost guaranteed 90 minutes if raining. It's mad max out there.
I'd gladly pay $100 a week in tolls to avoid 75 if I had a good paying job.
I'm about the most defensive driver you'll ever see (2 second rule, NEVER hanging out in someone's blind spot, NEVER on my phone, and never been in a crash) and still, it's just a matter of time until I can't avoid someone basically trying to take me out. Before moving here, in my 25 years of driving, I had one such experience where I had to quickly act to avoid a crash, and that was in a snow storm when a car coming the other way lost control and spun into my lane. In my 2 years of driving 75 daily, I've avoided 3 almost-crashes from someone swerving into my lane, cutting me off, forcing me to brake or be sideswiped at the last second. Coutless other times some methhead or beat up work van would come close to taking me out or run a red light in front of me.
My recommendation is don't live in Collin County and work downtown having to drive 75 unless it's absolutely necessary. The DNT is a lot safer from what I hear. Tolls keep the unlicensed, uninsured paper tag Altima drivers away. But it will cost you.
Paper tag Altimas still drive on the Tollway. If you have fake paper tags, they can't bill you!
listening to podcasts and sports radio. cant beat it
I currently commute to Love Field from north of 380. I leave by 6am and make it there in about 40min taking the tollway. Going home is another story and takes me about 60min when I leave at 3pm. I try not to think about tolls 😅 and I get gas once a week.
We came out here for cheaper rent and it's so quiet compared to the hustle and bustle. We are moving closer though as the construction on 380 has become unbearable, not the commute itself necessarily.
Aa far as it seems, I still have time for a side hustle and the gym.
Take the train or bus if you can. Dallas drivers are scary.
Used to commute from Arlington to Plano on a normal Monday-Friday 9 to 5 office job so I was also right in the middle of rush hour. It used to take me 2 to 2 1/2 hours ONE WAY. It was 4 - 5 hours in rush hour traffic five days a week. Only reason I did it was for a job that I went from making $10/hr to $25/hr at so it was worth it at first. It eventually drove me insane… it got to a point where traffic had me so stressed every day that I was becoming suicidal. I finally caved in after 3 years and bought a place closer to work. That was in 2019, then the funniest thing happened the next year and I lost the job anyways. Fuck.
When I did work downtown Dallas I would drive from McKinney but leave around 7 and leave work around 4-4:30. That cut my commute time down by an hour cause if I leave at 8am or 5pm it would add 1-1.5 hours each way.
It’s fucking bullshit.
I used to drive from FTW to Mesquite. I left the house at 5:30 a.m. to make it to work by 7:00. I worked 7:00-3:30. I had to leave work by 3:35 to beat traffic. The drive is doable, but eventually, it becomes a beat down. The early mornings, cost of gas, wear and tear on your car, etc. is not worth it. I eventually moved to Dallas and now I commute five miles to Mesquite.
McKinney is the only place I could buy a house. My daily drive alternates between "oh I like this song" and "I should just drive off this bridge." I just go down 75 so no tolls. I work in far north Dallas so the commute takes between 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on how many dummies decide to smash into each other. I just stay in one of the right lanes and go between 70 and 50 mph, so I get good gas mileage, average about 32 mpg (people don't seem to realize that accelerating real hard costs you a lot more money).
I drive from Arlington and it's only 14 miles or so. I work nights so evening traffic is usually good. Going home is when it gets busy but I'm westbound so there's usually never any traffic jams. No tolls since it's all i30.
It's worth it for me because Dallas, even though it's nice, is still a crime ridden shithole. Everyone's uptight, uppity, and unusual.
I live in Arlington, too. It’s not bad at all. And I used to work in downtown Fort Worth, which was even better.
I hate any drive that direction as I always get caught in jams. I don't usually go at night, though, which could be why.
I used to live in Richardson and commute to Downtown from 2013 to 2022. 99% of the time I would hop on the DART instead of drive. When I drove I usually would take either Greenville or Skillman. It might be stoplights but it beats going 20mph stuck in traffic.
My normal commute times were 8am and 6pm. I still go into downtown once a month for work but tend to go at 10am and leave by 2pm to avoid traffic.
DART's not perfect. I've got stories of riding the train. But I still prefer it to sitting in traffic.
i grew up here so my friends and family are all close by. i have a nicer house than i could afford elsewhere. i really wish i lived in a more walkable city though.
Richardson to Grand Prairie 4 times a week. Mornings are quicker than coming home. I leave 6:15 to 6:30 to get to work 7:05-7:10. This is 75 to 30 to 161. That’s without heavy traffic that is at downtown and before loop 12. Home is slower, leaves 5-ish to get home 6:10. Some days, I can leave at 5:45 and get home at 6:20. This is 161 to 635 to high five. I pay 3.50 to 4.10 in tolls
Funny. I’ll have the opposite problem soon. Office moving from DT to Irving. Twice the miles. Half the options. Express lane ($10) only real “fast” option. Can I get a flying car already?
It’s a beast when you have to regularly commute. Being separated from all the commotion and nonsense of the city gives you a peace of mind. Also most things are better outside of Dallas like schooling, crime rates, etc…. Suburbs provide that but yes the commute to and from work will penetrate your pocket books without protection against its will, everyday of the week.
Find your balance and take the pros and the cons you can live with/tolerate.
It’s not worth it, don’t do it. Think of the opportunity costs, think of all the other things you could do with your life we’re talking 10-20 hours per week. You could get in shape, have a side hustle, pursue some advanced education… literally anything but people spend all that time sitting in traffic it’s insanity.
Most people don’t have a choice. Not everyone can fit into Dallas proper.
If you can make any drive in the metroplex 30-45 minutes from work to home you are doing just fine
McKinney, Frisco and Plano are next to a LOT of high paying jobs. What are you talking about?
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
Um, I never said there wasn’t. I’m asking people who commute to downtown Dallas in particular.
I got 20 acres and can shoot guns in back yard. Next question ?
If those are the only pros then that’s sad LOL
As an apartment dweller for 15 years of my life, and now I live in a SFH with only a 65' wide lot, not having neighbors on top of you is absolutely a dream.
I’d go for it if I had a wife and kids, and wouldn’t have to commute far.
Sounds great but it's not worth having a long commute for me. I'd much rather find a closer job even if it means taking a pay cut. Or alternatively, move to a smaller area where you can live 10min from work and be in Bumfuck.
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
Fair enough, I guess you can’t go hunting in the city.
You can, it just isn’t legal!! It is like speeding imo, just do not do it in front of a cop or Karen 🤷♀️
Don’t let laws stop you from expressing your freedom 🦅
Aerodynamic_Caffeine@reddit (OP)
I’ll just go to HEB haha
Suit yourself, the crackles this time of year are the best bird you’re going to get!! No bird flu or nothing!!
Try telling that to my neighbors.
You can always take the dart rail if you live close to one and walk to your office building if you work in downtown. I do it every week from garland to downtown and I prefer it to driving!
Luckily I’m permitted to slide my in-office hours to low(ish) traffic times, and finish my day from my home office. That reduces my commute time to about 1.25 hours/day from 2.5 hours/day.
Is it worth living out here? Not really, not now. But when I bought this house in 2003, I worked in North Dallas rather than downtown and there were significantly fewer people and stoplights between my house and the city, so it was worth it then.
I just didn’t have a concept for just how much development and growth would happen during my working lifetime. It’s a nightmare just getting to the closest freeway tbh.
I work in a big office right next to Love Field where people drive in from every part of the metroplex. Plus even further away like Corsicana, Mabank, and Anna. One guy drives from Azle. Idk how he does it.
It helps that it's shift work so we aren't always driving during rush hour. None of them really complain about it though. The only gripes I ever hear are from the ones that live south and have to drive through the downtown loop to get to the north side.
I drive from McKinney to downtown Dallas and its always about 45min unless an accident but i also tried to save money and was taking dart but that added another 30min. So I'm back to driving and $55 a week with a beautiful 5 bedroom home overlooking a creek that make it worth the traffic 🥹