Do GenXers really not care anymore, or does it come down to home life and upbringing?
Posted by emax4@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 313 comments
I'm 51, and recall seeing on Facebook an image of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman (yay!) with her eyes halfway open, as if she was tired or just had enough, and the caption was about GenX and how we made "Whatever" a statement. Do other GenXers feel that way?
Background: I got bullied, picked on, excluded, molested, no friends in High School (the kind that invite you out or call up to heck in on you). I was raised by my Catholic parts to always treat others as I want myself to be treated, to always put others ahead and I'll go far in life (thanks for nothing, Dad), and to turn the other cheek. I was a latch key kid for a while and learned street smarts and key smarts. All those factors have made me feel useless. I have written some helpful computer eBooks on Amazon for non-computer people to understand tech better and have done a lot of volunteer tech writing on the net, yet I feel unfulfilled compared to others I would see on Facebook. I left Facebook last year as I felt myself only contributing to make other people laugh with my humor, but it never got me in anyone's inner circle or expanded my social circle. I left my ex of 10 years last year when I was falling for a coworker who turned out to be a mean girl while I was still settling things with the ex (as I was contributing to her mortgage as I cosigned). When I had to call the cops on my ex coworker, I shut down mentally and emotionally. I felt like I was simply existing. I know people who have been through worse, but part of me doesn't care if I get better.
The ex and I have been rekindling things to where we're basically a couple again, and I have been doing TeleHealth sessions; but part of me doesn't care if I die tomorrow. I don't care that the US is going to shit. Disconnecting from the few handful of people that knew of me and care for me on Facebook, I feel liberated that I can get a passport and just escape (but I would miss my gf). I've tried and can't get to the same level as others my age (which is another reason why I removed myself from Facebook, so I don't have to live in envy of others, and it's helped).
Are other GenXers the same way in that they've experienced enough to take the brunt of the rest of life? I take meds, but a part of me doesn't want to go to the doctor and find out if I'll need new meds. I still haven't gotten the colonoscopy that I'll need because of my age. I don't want to face bad news, so I'd rather just see how long I'll last.
I care, but I'm too tired to do anything about it.
I’m dead inside at this point. Care very little.
we're tired because a lot of us won't have to be able to retire like previous generations and we feel like we really want to retire right now
Would you consider some sort of medical/psychological help? You experience some issues that are alarming and could be explained by something simple like a vitamin deficiency, anaemia or something more psychologically related like lack of meaningful social circle or even some sort of psychiatric issue that could be managed better.
emax4@reddit (OP)
Thank you but I'm already getting therapy. That doesn't mean all possible causes have been addressed, so I genuinely appreciate the feedback.
True that I don't have a social circle. I had one good friend but got tired of his unreliability. Other people say, "Let's hang out", but that's simply a placeholder for something that never happens, and I'm no longer making the first, second, and third moves. I have come to the realization that it's impossible to get into someone's Inner Circle at this age, especially when they have a spouse, kids, and other obligations whereas I don't. For those reasons I default back to Simply having to rely on myself. After seeing Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade with his father talking about being self-reliant, I always told myself that my actions were a good thing. Also having grown up with the idea to put others ahead so I'll go far in life only to have it get me nowhere, I've dedicated the rest of my life to putting only myself above others. That doesn't mean I don't care nor will I be inconsiderate, but that I will put my needs above others as most have done for me all my life.
I’m tired boss
I say this almost daily!
I just woke up from a 5:00pm (central time) nap.
I am very mentally checked out.
Me too. The last few years, I feel like I've been fighting just to survive. I'm in a better place finally, but I just can't get there mentally yet.
I have the same feeling. Born 73. Just signed a 30-year mortgage. I don't think I can retire until I'm 80
I won't be able to retire until the day before my funeral 😂🙄🥺
I'm pretty sure my soul will still try and show up for work.👻
Same…that just sums it up perfectly
What has caring ever got me? Got me hurt, disappointed, rejected, ignored, taken advantage of, and pushed aside. And that’s just on a personal level growing up with boomers for parents. Now I have to watch my country descend into fascism and know that millions of GenXers are following in the path of the boomers who created the problem. I should care more now? After the game has been lost?
Right there with you. I've lived a very similar life, though my parents were Silent Generation...and you can toss in an older brother who spent most of his free time bullying me. At this point I'm just waiting for the asteroid or the nukes, whichever is going to fall first. 🤷
The planet will be fine, humanity is dying.
Humanity and much of the other species. The rocks will be fine, yeah.
The Earth doesn't really give two fucks. Something goes extinct; another species slides right in. Saber Tooth Tigers gone? Make room for Siberians and little house kitties. Hitler died and a long line of other monsters took up the mantle. Resist but know more will come. All we can do is enjoy the little things - marvel at a sunset, do absolutely nothing next Saturday, eat a cheeseburger every once in a while. Don't work so hard it kills you - they'll replace you when you're gone too.
You're assuming we lose the ability to survive on the planet but leave it in good enough condition that other things can evolve. We've got a lot of nukes.
I've read that no matter what we do, on a geological time frame it will be completely erased. And not even that long in a geological time frame.
Those too shall pass. The Earth is seriously old. She'll shake us off one day.
Well said! 🏆
This speaks to me. Going to save this as a reminder to go watch the sunset.
Mother nature doesn't ask for permission. Humans are nothing more than parasites and it always makes me chuckle when smug people think they are in control.
We won’t be missed.
I feel this so hard. Yep. Eat shit & die America. I don’t give a fuck.
I think you’re my soulmate.
Caring at 50 looks and feels different than at 20, I think that’s true for every generation. That said, we started off at a fuck-it/whatever level and just got to work, so it makes sense we’d be extra over it all by our age.
I’m over it...all. Tell me just about anything and I’ll respond with “it is what it is”.
emax4@reddit (OP)
(holds up a fork) "What is this?"
You: (shrugs) "It is what it is..."
we just sit on the sidelines and watch the world burn
“We didn’t build the fire.” - Billy Joel
We Care A Lot …
It's a diet job..........
Care Bear Stare?!!!
RIP Chuck Mosley
“…about you people… about your guns… about the wars your fighting, gee that looks like FUN.”
Well there is more than meets the eye to transformers
Perfect response!
about disasters, fires, floods and killer bees (We care a lot) about Los Angeles falling in the sea
I find myself still caring, just less as much as when I was younger. It was a shift in perspective for me. I used to worry a lot and now I pause, think about if I can change any part of it. If not, I move on to focusing on what I want to do and can do. I also think that our generation is really resilient, we fended for ourselves from a young age and don’t get flustered easily. It just isn’t worth my time to be concerned about trivial things.
Do the colonoscopy so you don't end up with a colostomy bag like my grandpa.
emax4@reddit (OP)
Ugh. Sold, brother!
54 M here and I had to manage my elderly uncle's life for the past 15 years bc he had dimentia and I've spent a lot of time in assisted living communities and rehab. Everyone here should go volunteer at one of those places and it will make you grateful as F for being able to walk around, cook, even exercise and not worry about falling or crapping your pants. It's only going to get worse. Old age is not for sissies they say. Get tough. Get in shape. Get good sleep. Cut back on booze. Whatever you have to do to conserve and grow your energy. Society is designed to make us depressed. Immobile and indoors. Don't let it happen. Get outside into nature every day and you'll feel 100x better. When I look back on the 80s and 90s I biked a lot. I walked everywhere. Don't fall for the trap of old age where you sit around all day. It's not conducive to good dopamine production.
emax4@reddit (OP)
I had to be descriptive because I wanted to know if it was just me, or simply me falling into the ideal that is our generation.
Ok.. I'll try to sum this thread up quickly. "Do what makes YOU feel happy" That's it, full stop. The world will respond accordingly. If you don't like the worlds' response, does the action still make you happy?
Repeat as necessary.
I had a Charlie Brown moment after the first sentence
I mean, we’re surrounded on both ends by narcissistic generations… so we’ve learned the hard way that caring too much only gets you used and hurt.
I think us GenXers DO care, but because we aren’t flashing our “care” points all over TikTok or Instagram or wherever, nobody notices.
Every GenXer I know is just trying their best, myself and husband included. We keep working and keep saving and keep trying to help our kids have it better than we did. I think, even though most of us are depressed, all of that low key activities shows we care.
Idgaf anymore
Same here
I’m 56 , I read a bunch of responses to this post , for like 20 minutes or so . A lot of people here are having similar feelings, as I am , yes it sucks and it’s depressing !!!!! I think it’s our age , not just the times . We are all a decade away from retirement or so and sound tired and frustrated . I have read some stuff on Buddhism, it talks about a lot of these feelings. How expectations will always lead to disappointment, don’t expect people to do things or things to go a certain way . Don’t feed your ego , it’s not healthy and explains why. It also talks about jealousy and envy and how those thoughts ruin your focus and are deceiving. Also lots to read about growing old and accepting those changes and challenges . Everything changes, it’s the way things are , people, relationships, your life and you , are in constant change . Accepting these things and understanding that Nothing stays the same can help . I’m not saying it has all the answers or it can fix anything. But it’s a good read of some very ancient ways of thinking that I feel still hold true today, when looking at yourself and your life .
My life is peachy. I am fine with growing old.
The stuff you are talking about i accepted decades ago. I have no expectations for anything.
I just don't care what happens from now on. The things I can control, I will to get the best result for me. Anyone else is not my problem.
Yep! I'm good with continuing to have birthdays and dancing to my own beat. As for the rest of it, not my circus, not my monkeys.
Fuck man, did we ever.
Yeah, for about 30 minutes. It was awful. Do not recommend.
I was also born in 1968! Great year if I do say so myself!
Not great probably because it's political but for me personally after this last election I definitely have this attitude.
I'm starting to think like this
We did care, but we were outnumbered and shut down pretty damn quickly.
Boomers screwed is the hardest
We are the second children of history.
But that's got it's adavantages.
It's great to be able to hide out in plain sight of everyone.
Gen X? Who's that? 😆
It’s not that we don’t care anymore. We never cared in the first place. 😂
Seriously, though, I care about my husband and kids A LOT. People in general? Meh. I do my own thing, and I protect my peace of mind and small portion of happiness at all times. That’s how I get through.
I'm 54, never got married, never had kids, never had pets, never got into politics, never got into religion, all because I don't care enough about any of those conformist yawnfests.
But there's still a whole bunch of non-conformist stuff that I care about quite passionately (curating my awesome comic book collection, performing live music at private parties and corporate events in the Las Vegas valley, coaching Qigong sessions for my Qigong students, enjoyment of my enormous music collection, same goes for my blu-ray collection, same goes for my PS2 collection of games, and so forth.)
Life is still all sorts of awesome, even if I don't care about conformity.
I'm almost 50. At various points in my life, I've been homeless. At others I've dropped a few grand on a single bottle of wine. I can top just about any story you might want to throw at me.
And yeah, I'm sorta tapped out.
People talk about growing conservative as you age. I don't think I'm more conservative now than when I was younger, probably just a hell of a lot less giving and generous. And the circle of people that I'm willing to go to bat for has shrunk considerably. But I think that's also just a function of getting older, seeing enough outcomes, and learning to trust my gut when I'm seeing red flags.
Enough people have come and gone that I'm not an excited 21 year old that is thinking that a random person that I bumped into at a bar is going to be my new bff.
I'm not throwing in the towel, but I have a hell of a lot fewer fucks to give to random people. And I've already lived a hell of a life.
Amen, friend. Just wanted to tell you I heard you, and agree completely.
emax4@reddit (OP)
The BFF at the bar.... That got me. I was tired of putting in all the effort to make friends. It came to a point where I thought I was too friendly or too eager or too something that made it negative. That's why I gave up on Facebook.
Do you see red flags by default, or do you wait and see what happens? I think we can agree that a tired attitude makes a difference, a typical outcome we've seen makes a difference.
I generally play that by ear. And my default mode is to give people a chance or two. But I'll also watch what people do with their chances.
Soooooo you're a one upper eh?
Got it.
Cool story bro.
Thanks for sharing.
Go x rules. Coolest fucking gen of all time!
LOL we never cared
It's about your attitude. I got bullied, picked on, blah blah and I just feel stronger for surviving it. I was raised Dogmatic Baptist and while I've developed a more nuanced understanding of The Lord as an adult, I've been pretty fatalistic since I was a teenager. People, friends, who shouldn't have died did and out of nowhere. Meanwhile friends and I who probably should have, instead came through and sometimes even without a scratch. I'm convinced I'll die when it's my time, and if I put a shotgun in my mouth some other day I'll be that poor schmuck who survives the attempt. So I guess you went one direction and I went another grom the same starting point. I don't care that the world or specifically the U S. is going to Hell either, but that's because these younger gens are driving themselves over the cliff, not because I don't care for myself. Many of us have told them their idealized nanny government will never exist and they couldn't afford it anyway but they use violence (often in their own neighborhoods no less!) to change public policy by creating fear in that public. They will simply reap what they sow, an immutable truth that they seem unable to hear. I don't envy the success of others. I celebrate their victories along with my own. I try to learn from those that have done it better than me and I just keep climbing. My strength doesn't come from the gym. It comes from lifting myself back up every time I get, kicked down. Do what makes you happy and if that causes someone else to be unhappy, too bad. Be ethical, but on your own terms. You know the difference between right and wrong. Font let others define that for you in their own best interest and against yours. Don't let yourself be bullied now, you suffered enough in high school. You need to stop living for others and start living for yourself. You owe that to yourself before you owe others anything more than letting them be.
I care about my paycheck and my family. That’s it. Screw politics and small talk. I just want to retire, play my guitars and walk my dog.
“All I care about in this goddamn life are me, my drums, and you!”
emax4@reddit (OP)
Was that a twist on the quote by Brendan Fraser in Airheads?
I think this is from Some Kind of Wonderful.
Bouncing Souls - These are the quotes from our favorite 80s movies
That’s where I 1st heard it.
Some kind of wonderful.
Nothig wrong w a simple life wife plays the guitar and I walk the dog lol
emax4@reddit (OP)
I woke up minutes ago and thought you were going to say that your wife walks the guitar and you play the dog, haha.
i am spent, and i’m done worrying about the world. i’m just focusing on my inner circle… good luck everyone else… or whatever… not my concern.
You have to remember what is on Facebook is the Facade people want others to see. IF YOU are comparing to others, especially on social media, you will be below the mark. Who advertises their failures and dirty kitchens?
Mentally checked out these days. I'm tired.
I care a lot (and am supremely disappointed & pissed) at the thought of so many of my fellow GenXers putting a lunatic fascist (and his unelected oligarch buddies) into power.
Ffs. We were supposed to be better than this.
Everything you're saying sounds like a combination of being a realist, in that caring or not caring the outcome isn't so different, and of being clinically depressed. Over years depression can chip away so slowly you don't even notice until one day you simply don't care even about the very few things worth caring about. That's what happened to me anyway. It took some chemical intervention and therapy and a few years to get me back on track. The most insidious part really was that I didn't even realize I was depressed or that I had changed because it was so gradual. I wish you luck either way, and well done ditching Facebook. Comparative living is destructive to self worth.
All this bullshit going on right now? I don't give a fuck. I lost 10 years of prime income earning years to the Great Recession and lived like a fucking pauper for a decade. I didn't buy a pair of shoes for 8 years, didn't take a vacation in 10 years, and couldn't afford to have children. Fuck it all.
Yeah man. I think for GenX particularly, 2008 was more than rough. A lot of us were just hitting our stride, most of us that were going to have children, did. I lost almost a decade worth of work and savings, as well as many others, like you said. I had a complete mental breakdown at 32 years old, 16 ...ugh, make that 17 years later and I have never recovered financially.
Now I'm just too fucking tired and in pain to care. My children are healthy and doing well, all I can do is hope that there is a world left living in for them.
Its not the generation. Its the age. Show me ANY generation that has collectively led a movement in their 50s or above.
GenX cares, cared, and will continue caring.
We are just to tired to show it. 🤣
I checked out of society when I was 9 years old
I was in school and turned in my homework which included a question of what my opinion was on the related subject.
My opinion was marked as wrong.
Fuck society
My wife is the only person I actually give a complete fuck about. Her family aren't the worst but I only care inasmuch as their suffering is her suffering. God forbid something would happen to her, I could happily never speak a word to any of them again. I've blocked all my family that only ever contacted me when they needed something.
The world needs to burn at this point. Humans are a failed species. Most are nothing but mindless breeding animals contributing only to the collective suffering of all living things. Sitting at four times the sustainability level the planet can handle. We don't deserve Mars. If the people can't slow down the needless breeding on our home planet, we aren't responsible enough to go interplanetary.
For me it’s about just giving up on the ideal that people are inherently good. I’ve just let that go and it really does change your expectations and where and when you’ll invest energy and time.
I certainly don’t care ….
Did we ever really care, lol.
At 52, I’m starting to less politely suggest people should remove themselves from my lawn.
At the same time, I decided a couple of years ago to fully embrace that nobody cares about my success, happiness or views more than I do.
I apologize less for what is important to me. I focus on being the best parent and husband I can be. I speak up for people who cannot. I strive to just be a good human and don’t give a damn whether someone else agrees with me or not.
What does piss me off, however, are people taking loudly all through a concert. Seriously. That shit needs to stop.
Between the profound neglect, the devaluing of anyone not a boomer, the ultra dark media of the time...
We all have learned helplessness to some degree.
"I don't want to face bad news, so I'd rather just see how long I'll last." Made me laugh because I do this too! (I'm not on anything luckily)
Dude. Get you ass probed. I did it. And made by buddy do it and they found 7 pollups. He said I saved him from ass cancer and having a bag wear to shit in. So don’t be a dick you asshole and go.
Do you really want to empty a bag of your own shit? Does that sound fun? People will say at least they not full of shit since you are literally a bag of shit.
So do it for this anonymous Reddit user. I do care about you and don’t want you shitting in a bag m’kay.
Trauma therapy has helped me immensely with this. I also spend more time in nature. It really does help to calm my soul. I take time and unplug from people, when I need to. I need to, a lot.
Like, I care about things. I care about the environment and leaving it better for the future. I care about trying to make society a little bit better for the people who come after us. I consider myself a futurist; I think humanity has the capacity to grow and improve. But I don't feel any pressing need for me to be there to see it. I think I've paid my dues in sweat and pain. I'm good.
51 years old as well.
I experienced a very similar childhood and now that the bullies are in charge I see who won the fight. IDK if the good morals my parents instilled in me are practical in this world. I seriously question this reality and how we got here everyday.
My mom actually apologized for reinforcing the golden rule and that respect and hard work pays off in the end. I was completely speechless.
They proved Holden Caulfield and I hate them for a that alone.
I'm five years behind you, looks like I've had a similar upbringing by Catholic parents. Treat others as you would have done yourself, just... never had anyone in my life feel same, even family.
Never married.
However your tone, your tiredness, I'm right there with you. I wonder if we were given too idealistic a view on life just to be crushed.
emax4@reddit (OP)
Being teased didn't help. I told my parents I liked a girl and got teased about. This was maybe in grade school, but from that event I didn't ask for advice until maybe 9th grade, and even then it was mediocre. I learned about the birds and the bees but never knew the Rights and Wrongs of actually approaching someone or making a move, so my entire knowledge of that was based on TV and movies, yawning and stretching to put my arm around a girl, stuff like that.
I didn't have real girlfriend until I had graduated college. Most of my relationships including that lasted 2 years. My current girlfriend, the one I split up with after 10 years, did some research and found that I have a dismissive avoidance attachment Style, which doesn't help. Thankfully she's done research on how to handle people like me. So I find there is hope, but with everything else I just feel like disappearing.
, Not to be hard on you, but you sound kind of depressed. I get it. The world is going to shit right now.
We all need something outside of work that defines us : a hobby or something that were really good at. That’s why I get up every morning.
Sounds like you did something pretty cool with your book deal. Not everyone accomplishes that. I’ve also accomplished some things that were very important to me, but not a big deal to the average public, even though they couldn’t do such a thing.
Facebook sucks, it’s for people who need to feel important and show off.. it’s mostly the popular people from high school who still feel they need to be popular…….”look at me!”..
The only Facebook I use is for hobby or interest groups, it’s not for posting how cool I am lol.
emax4@reddit (OP)
Thank you for this.
What do you mean, "anymore"
For me the not caring thing was always more about given how I was raised, I don't freak out or over react to things that people that lived a more sheltered life did. And at this point with our life experiences, it's hard to get worked up over things. I'm actually surprised sometimes on this group how worked up people get about the younger generations, that seems more like a Boomer thing to do to complain about what other people do or like.
Anymore? I haven’t started yet
I care about my adult kids and having enough money to live frugally. I have two close friends and a wife. Everyone else can go to hell. Does that answer your question?
I care in a not caring way. Right now, I just want to buy a house in the next month or so and live there peacefully until death or a nursing home takes me out of it. I really do not want to talk, especially debate, politics anymore. It has become far too toxic of a subject since people have made their candidates and parties their entire personality. I've stopped talking to family and friends because of this. But because I don't want to talk politics with anyone, and I flat out tell them so, I come off as not caring. Which isn't true, I'm still going to vote in every election until I can't anymore, with the idea that we can do better as a community and nation than the standards of the past and present. I'm just done arguing to walls trying to sway people to be better informed than their one-sided news sources. I'm not wasting any more intellectual and emotional energy on these people. I have better things to do.
I feel everything you just said. I think like I could re-enter the politics game if there was a STRONG progressive movement with, like, leadership.
I always feel so much better when I unplug and stop consuming news/current events. Headlines and stores are designed to get you watch/click and sensationalism sells. I don’t have to play into their hand and can opt out and just read, take walks and not participate in that junk.
Then you have friends come up that say “Did you hear about?”and I’m like “nope, don’t care”.
Same. I care, I vote, I’m kind, and I love the fuck outta my friends and family. I also don’t owe the world my angst and hand-wringing. I do things that bring me joy, connect with friends over common interests, rarely watch the news, and will not engage in political/doomsday talk. Other than Reddit and LinkedIn, I don’t engage with social media. And it’s damn peaceful.
Amen man. Just live a nice quiet life ...nothing wrong we that at all
I'm not sure what you're looking to find out
‘You have to take care of yourself ’cause I’ve got my hands full’
I’m sorry you’ve had it like you have.
I hate to say it but it can get worse especially if you haven’t taken care of your health.
Most of the folks I know my age (53) are cynical optimists. We keep living our lives but are very aware of what’s going on in life around us. We take care of our physical selves however we can and live our best lives. Those that need more mental help do get therapy but most I know just don’t and deal with it.
First never care about people on Facebook. People on social media only show what they want the world to see it’s fake. Social media is a virus. Second life is only what you make it. My brother you need therapy not keeping up with the Jones’s. F the Jones’s.
Agreed. Comparison is the thief of joy.
They only share their “best” unless reality will bring clicks.
Any more? True Xers never cared.
I'm just sick of the bullshit, man.
Y'all too, I bet. So sick of it.
emax4@reddit (OP)
...and tired. Haha
Also my back hurts
I pick and choose what I expend my time and resources on much more carefully now, but I do still care. I’m done with personal drama, professional/career ambitions, and getting upset about things that don’t really matter or that are wholly outside of my control. But I still vote in every election, I still recycle and try to lessen my negative impact upon this planet, and still donate to numerous philanthropic and political causes. Despite having the shit kicked out of it repeatedly in the last decade, I still carry and tend a tiny flame of hope. A lot of my friends think I’m being naive, though.
51f here as well 🙋♀️ I feel the same.
My childhood was similar to yours; upbringing was hell, but teen years were the opposite for me when it came to friends - they helped me escape my home life. But I've been through a lot of trauma. I'm to the point where my mood and attitude is just "Meh".
I absolutely get it 💙
By the way, if you would, DM me with the books you've written, please! I'm not incredibly savvy when it comes to computers 😬
Yeah, it's just being tired. Relative to our size, Gen X has accomplished a ton in the name of others.
We are the generation that does not give a damn anymore. We have seen some shit that would turn your hair grey prematurely.
Now I am at the age I want peace and quiet! Get off my lawn! Damn kids!
I feel ya. I only care cuz I procreated. But my mood is ‘meh. I’m in debt and underachieved. I left FB in 2016 and I’m glad I did. I don’t do insta or any of that. Please get your colonoscopy. My friend literally died a few weeks ago from colon cancer and if they hadn’t put off the screening they might still be here. I’m getting a heart stress test in a week. I’m terrified. I don’t want bad news but am kind of expecting it. I’m also on meds. Been slacking on therapy. I don’t know what to say. I feel under accomplished, under appreciated and am broke and stressed. The thing that helps me the most is a hike with my dog and if I can’t manage that than laying on the couch with my dog streaming shows. I do have a fulfilling job so that helps me feel like I’m kinda making a difference but it’s part time and doesn’t pay the bills. when I’m really down volunteering with animals or sometimes people makes me feel better. But yea I get it, and often just want to throw up my hands and say ‘whatever’. I’m in a shitty marriage so that’s no help. but get your colonoscopy dammit!
Wow, it almost sounds exactly like how i feel. Like on the dot. Going through a bunch of medical tests, on mental health meds, on medical leave from work. The tests I've had done don't reveal anything, very frustrating. To the point I don't even wanna wake up anymore. When I do, it's like bathroom, then to bed again.
I spent 30 years of my life screaming into the void trying to prevent this country from becoming what it now is. I'm done wasting my breath.
So yeah, the rest of the country can have a blast, but I'm tired and I'm going to bake and do arts and crafts until life takes me out or I get sick of this show, whichever comes first.
Well I just spent 10 minutes looking for one of my favorite quotes so I could quote it verbatim, but no such luck, so I'll have to greatly paraphrase it and more or less make it up.
It is one of the last episodes of DS9 where they ask Mila to hide out in her basement. She is asked what she thinks about the rebellion. Her response was more or less "I am an old woman, what do I care about such matters? Im just trying to live out my life..."
BTW if anyone has the real quote feel free to let me know.
Born in 66. served in the military, a devout cold warrior. And then the Cold War ended. A few years later, I got an advanced degree that really changed my life, but wasn’t lucrative at all.
An abusive childhood with terrible role models lead to me never getting married. I am a few steps away from being homeless.
I fully understand all the sentiments here.
I try to avoid apathy. It's a death sentence.
I think for most Gen X... caring just does not accompish anything..wasted time and energy. Live your life, live in the moment, focus on what is around you and be happy
Unfulfilled promises. We've reached the point of realization that everything that was promised to us is never going to happen. We're never going to be in charge. The world isn't going to get any better and in most facets, it's just getting worse... a LOT worse. All the things - the ideas, the warnings - we've been screaming from the mountaintops all these years have fallen on deaf ears. We spent all of our good years and energy fighting, only to have lost over and over and over again.
So we're done. We're taking our consolation prizes - our jobs, our homes, our families, our retirement accounts - and we're going to enjoy what little time we have left. But we're done fighting because we can't win. We'll help the next generations try to get what they want, but the effort will be minimal. You've got my vote, but you no longer get my energy. I'm running low on that so I'm saving it for me.
This made me think.
GenX, we’re generally not flashy. We were the last generation raised where parents (generally) raised us in a manner that it wasn’t about the children.
Independent at a young age. Caring. We lead by example and generally do things because they need doing and not expecting to receive recognition for it (not that we mind recognition if we do receive it).
So, we care. The thing that people don’t recognize is that the changes that are now normal or what is wanted is laid on the foundation of our efforts (and some of our parents efforts to). But probably the first generation (not all, but a fair percentage ) to consider a better way to do things right for our children. We made it more about them than us (once again, some of the older generations did this)
I’m a 50 year old male version of Daria.
Yeah I am tired of it all and have been for years.
I don't care about my job anymore, but I do care about enjoying my free time and spending time doing fun things. In my mind, I am retired, but I've still got a ways to go.
No, we care, and many of us are actively doing things to try to make the world a better place, but we are also tired and don’t really want to deal with even more bullshit than we already do.
It’s more that a lot of us think some of the other folks need to step up and do their share too, just fucking do it quietly and don’t make a big deal about it.
oh god here we go again
Here’s the thing: Our BabyBoomer parents went from Hippie to Yuppie. They decided to change the world, then got wrapped up in the material. They decided to leave it all up to us to “fix it” and a lot of us just said “Nah. We’re not going to do your job for you. You made the bed, now sleep in it.”
I care, but I also do a mental effort-to-benefit analysis for almost everything. Pick your battles and don't hesitate to accept that some things just aren't worth the effort.
I think it's natural for any generation to stop giving a fuck as they cross that mid life hump. We were primed a bit more for cynicism so it's amped up a few notches. Like OP, I don't really have friends but I like the simplicity of it. I have worked hard enough to where I can to tell my millennial boss idgaf about the job but still show up and get it done within my personal work life constraints.
Sometimes, I feel like Brooks in The Shawshank Redemption.
“I have trouble sleepin’ at night. I have bad dreams like I’m falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway so they’d send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. I guess I’m too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don’t like it here. I’m tired of being afraid all the time. I’ve decided not to stay. I doubt they’ll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me.”
I have that whole thing going on as well. Sort of the vibe where my life feels like it has about as much of a point as an episode of Seinfeld. Just when I feel like I can't take it any more, I'll ask myself the question:
WWBD? | What Would Batman Do?
It's tough being a chick, man.
I care a lot but I know that I can only take on so much of the world and still function. I either limit current event consumption or overload and put my head in the sand. When it comes to designer clothing IDGAF anymore, I remember in high school when I HAD to have the designer jeans and then the designer bags. These days, i don’t care.
GET THAT COLONOSCOPY!! If you leave it and then suddenly care, it could be too late
We’ve reached an age where we’ve been confronted with the realization that we couldn’t change much of anything for the better. We never had a chance.
Did we ever care? Don't think we did.
Hey! I got uveal melanoma in 2024, im much more likely to have been struck by lightning. Its definitely going to get worse, trauma is cumulative and unavoidable, and the mental health tools you used to rely on are no longer functional. So you can either just give up and kill yourself now, or else you really need to scrutinize your values and find out what it is exactly makes your personal life worthy of being lived (hint, it is!). I recommend you read The Myth of Sisyphus, the 1942 philosophical work by Albert Camus, and just choose to embrace the absurdity of your existence with joy. Or, you know, whatever...
When I was a little boy, my mother used to sing me a song. It went like this: "Life is short, life is shit, and soon it will be over."
We were raised watching movies about the end of the world and post apocalyptic wastelands. Told toxic waste and acid rain and holes in the ozone layer were going to kill us before the ages we are now.
We're now witnessing the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
I care abotu things that are wrth caring about.
Otherwiae IDGAF.
I don’t know if it’s our generation or just humanity in general, who knows, but it’s difficult to care.
I used to, I was very positive when I was younger. In college I was active in political fights for gay rights (I’m a gay man), I championed causes, and had a good outlook, I wanted a career.
Fast forward and it feels like life kicked me in the teeth at every opportunity I took. I’ve shared my life way too many times on Reddit to not sound whiny, lol, but everything collapsed during COVID. I’ve had to pick myself up, again, and started from zero to many times now.
I don’t know how much fight I have left. I live with my folks again at 47 - now Mom has cancer and Dad is definitely showing his age. I’m on meds and in therapy, but I feel like I’ve mostly learned to not share how I feel because it makes everyone else sad 😔 I’m cheery for my folks, I help take care of them and they are good people - they deserve that.
But I just want to be done. I can’t heal and there’s shit coming down the line I don’t know how to handle. Not to mention the thought of myself aging and no longer feeling like there’s a secure path to any kind of housing or retirement once my parents pass. I’m only not homeless right now because of them. I’ve had to change careers because I was unemployed for two years post COVID, and now I just have jobs. Apparently being self employed and running a small business for 13 years = resume gap 🙄???
So, yeah, hard to care. I’m taking care of my parents and have started a gay men’s hiking club in my area to try and rally some kind of gay community in the rural area I now live in. But I just want to sleep forever.
You fight until your last breath. No compromises.
My last breath can’t come fast enough. I’ve fought, I’m tired, and when the rest of my life is shit…or when the only future possible is shit…it doesn’t exactly inspire me to keep fighting.
But if you think your life is shit now, imagine what the rest of your life is going to be under a dictatorship where everything costs 25 per cent more. If you want to die, go out in a blaze of glory — like a riot in defence of your freedoms.
Yes, lol, I’m 47 and understand what you’re getting at. Please understand I’ve already marched, been threatened with murder, changed policies for the better, stood with my community, even got some local accolades for the change. But that was 20 years ago.
I’m now broke and living with my folks, who I have to take care of and can’t make them a target. There are a ton more things I now have to balance in my life and can’t just think about me. It’s too much. I’m too old. There’s no “blaze of glory” - just the same old shitty people clawing back what I ALREADY fought for once.
I’m going to do what I can keeping an eye on my communities to stay safe, via my gay men’s hiking club, but that’s it.
It seems my response to crisis is to get a little strident, so I apologize for my tone if not the substance it supports. You’re already doing something by making your own community stronger. The breakdown of community has been the oligarchs’ most fundamental weapon.
emax4@reddit (OP)
I'm glad you were able to rely on your parents. I had to do that when I was struggling with jobs and couldn't pay my rent, and it took me 3 years to get out. Just last year when I shut down, 3 weeks after that my apartment caught fire I lost just about everything. While my ex was caring I didn't want to make things complicated with her despite her offering to house me, so again I relied on my parents. This time it was better as I felt more helpful being able to help out my parents, cleaning up, moving things around the house, getting them groceries. My mom has become a caretaker for my dad, so I can sort of relate to your situation.
One of my biggest bullies lost both parents, like a good number of people our age. So I like to think that I have an edge over some people by saying, "Yeah, but my folks are still around", knowing that time is limited. Well I feel my overall drive has been lost, I still enjoy little victories like this.
That said, I'm also proud you took the initiative to start that hiking Club. I threw around the idea of a Meetup Group to cater to those who were picked last, near last or not at all at gym class; requiring membership by bringing one's yearbook to prove that they were not in any sports back then. The group would be seen as a means for inclusion and for Better Health. I should credit my ex-wife for that who treated me to a second chance prom in our late 30s as I never went to mine.
I have realized there is only so much gas in the tank and I spend it on the people I love. I also realized you can only change who you are or what you do, other people do whatever they want and face the consequences. Politics, Causes and other crap is exhausting.
I won't say I'm tired... but..
Between managing my boomer parents and my Gen Y and Z kids, I'm getting real frustrated with always being in charge of this shit.
I've finally gotten used to being the one everyone looks to for an answer when I enter a room. Somedays, however I just want to turn up my CDs too loud and chill out on my bed.
It's hard to fight the man... when you are the man.
A lot of Gen X thought Alex P Keaton was a role model, not a punchline.
I couldn’t even make it through your long post. Meh
I’m 50 , always did the right thing, worked my ass off since I was 16… up until 45 was passable. Now I’m alone, all but broke, and so tired.
Never thought it would be like this that’s for sure….
I don’t exactly know if I’m understanding what the question is… but .. I care deeply about some things and not others. I survived cancer last year (and don’t feel the need to pat me on the back as people are socially trained to do. I was neither brave nor a warrior. I just did what my doctor said.)
I bring that up because - I should probably care more about my health and doing everything right. But what resonates with me with a thing you said - “I take my meds but I don’t necessarily want to keep going to the doctor to find out if I need new meds” - is that I’d like to just enjoy what bits of life I have left.
I care about the politics but also giving up on it. I didn’t create this fucking mess so I am ignoring the news and just resigned to the fact that me and my kids and the kids of all our gen x buddies are going to baring the brunt of whatever terrible bullshit is about to befall us.
If I didn’t have kids, I’d be like you. Passport ready. I’m out. Burn it down.
TLDR: I care and don’t care
And we fucking did this to them. Not me, and it sounds like not you, but we voted for this more as a generation than any of the others. I am so deeply disappointed in us.
It’s true that we all bear some responsibility for our reality. Very disappointed as well.
Disappointed ain’t the word, but I can’t even think of one strong enough to describe it lol
That passport is the key to opening up the world...great point ..I have no kids so just want to see things and relax .
I relate to this a lot, though my life circumstances were different from yours. I've gone what feels like most of my life trying to *act* like I care about crap when I don't, just to get people to leave me alone by giving them the reactions they expect.
The current president was not the candidate I voted for, but my emotional reaction when he won? Eh. Shoulder shrug. Whatever.
Meanwhile, I see both Boomers and Millennials in my social media circles totally freaking out. Like, it's all they ever post about any more.
I've struggled with depression, and through my 40's I also had that "I don't care if I die tomorrow" kind of attitude towards life. Now that I'm almost 60, I think I'd like to continue enjoying the good things in my life a bit longer, like video games, good food, and my cats, but if I found out tomorrow I have cancer, I wouldn't freak out about it. Whatever.
Don’t care. Empathy score of -5.
I care too much for my own good, and I’m actively involved in trying to make things better. Although most of the time I feel hopeless and powerless, I’m not giving up without a fight.
Do I want to die? No.
Do I care if I die? Also no.
I get great enjoyment out of the things I like, concerts, my music collection, hanging out with a few select people.
I was not a popular guy at all, had 2 close friends that while I don't speak to often, when we do, it is like there has been no gap in our communications.
But at the end of the day, I'm often wishing for "sweet release".
Idk 🤷🏻♂️
For my own health and sanityI try not to care. I am disabled on a fixed income so this craziness has a big effect on me but if I think about it too much it gets me sick. And I’m just in no shape to fight anymore.
These are not days you can afford not to care. Ffs people we’re living under a fucking dictator whether we’re American or not. Given our age and the fact that some of us are already retired, we can be a real political force. We’re not misguided teenagers anymore. If this gets me kicked out of the group, so be it. The time for sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring politics is long over.
To be honest I don’t even like to work anymore. My wife often carries me financially while I work remotely as a sometimes consultant in my field.
When I was younger I thought I would be dead by now, honestly. Happy to stick around longer, but I have zero plans for the future and zero desire to make any.
I'm 46, I care and I want to help....but I don't have enough in retirement, I have an assload of student loans, I could start a mortgage but I'd be 76 when it's paid off...and somehow still need to make enough money to pay for all those....I'm too busy drowning to help save millenials, gen z and gen alpha.
We watched the world go from hopeful and exciting to a downward spiral of shit in our lifetimes. Our kids are going to be worse off than we are and our grandkids, if we're lucky to have any, probably even worse than that. It's pretty easy to feel like throwing up your hands and saying "fuck it" these days...
We care
But we also learned to not care about things outside our control.
In a way, we dig Stoicism.
DGAF 100%
I stated to read that, but I didn't really care enough to finish.
I’m not sure if it’s that I don’t care…I’m just tired of putting effort into things, the world, etc…and seeing a lot of other people not. So now, I’m just focused on my own family, and making sure we are surviving in this timeline.
We're the first generation to realize that most of us won't get to retire like our parents and grandparents did. We were already ignored as kids, and now we're being left out as adults, too. It sometimes feels like no matter how much we try, no one listens, but we also get blamed for not succeeding. The world was supposed to get better as we got older, and so far it's just turned into a steaming pile of shit that we now have to live in.
And yet, I still go to work every day so I can find comfort at home in the things I do still enjoy, like my wife's company, movies, and video games. I look forward to it all being over at some point, but not in a morbid way. One day, I'll get to go to sleep and I won't have to get up for a soul sucking job anymore that barely pays the bills. It'll just be peace, and I'm cool with that. For now, I'll just keep chugging along my merry way.
I came from a similar background of sexual, physical and mental abuse. Addiction to heroin kicked my ass.
I fought myself and fixed shit. Thirty years later I still put up with doctors accusing me of pill chasing and never getting any pain management. ( I quit when I had my kids)
I ended up a single mom and did whatever I had to to make shit better for my sons. Now I'm watching the country I had them in going to hell. They work so hard and are spinning their wheels getting nowhere. It's not totally miserable, but not what I ever wanted for them.
I'm sick of it. I've been a good person for years and years. Worked hard and did things the " right" way. My family is still getting fucked over and they don't deserve any of it.
I'm fucking done.
I have 2 children, and that’s what’s important. If I didn’t I would probably be dead since my other half saved me from death. (Cardiac arrest). But due to my genetics I’m not here for the long haul, so fuck it. I do me, you do you boo!
emax4@reddit (OP)
When I was a newbie jn college I wanted to get married early, figured I'd have kids. Even in my 20s I never got the full college experience of dorms, frat parties, and the like. Life passed me up so I feel like I'm spending the rest of my life making up for lost time.
In early 2004 I fooled around with someone who had gotten pregnant. We quickly drifted apart but there was that worry of being a good Dad. However, I also saw myself raising my son and daughter to play the piano, could see myself in a backyard having a tea party with my little girl, teaching my son or daughter how to play ball. The woman I was with had a miscarriage and that was it. Of course I felt relief, but I also felt a bit of sadness; not just for her but for me missing out on that.
As I Grew older, the effects of being bullied, despite multiple therapists, seem to have become my personality. Then I didn't want kids. It got so bad where my excuses were that I didn't want to raise a bully, I didn't want to raise a bully victim, and I didn't want my kid to be on the national news for mowing down students in a school shooting. Maybe that lack of caring, or caring enough not to have that burden kept me liberated as I am now.
I didn’t think I would be a good dad either. I didn’t have time to do all the college stuff since I worked most of the time just to make it since I didn’t have any parents going up. ( dad passed when I was 10, mom was never home) moved out with my brother at 15, he was 17. I’ve been working and fighting to get on my own 2 feet. I’ve been working since I’ve been 13, (48 yr now) it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to retire at all. So here I sit in front of a computer just passing the days. Trying to enjoy and hopefully my little ones have a something to look forward to here in the US, but it looks like that ship is sailing. I hope you find some enjoyment here on this shit hole of a planet for the small time you’re here. God speed. ( psss there was no light or fire when I passed for 10-15 min.)
Whatever, man.
I have been there... am there... slowly changing.
My issue is climate change. No one gives a shit that we are killing the planet. I used to think we had centuries, but recent activity shows its more like decades.
This lead me to despair. Loneliness. I stopped caring about myself. Still don't.
But... I was at my lowest point... I decided to take a heavy shroom trip and try to sort this out. It was a hard trip, but it showed me what I needed to see. It took me a couple weeks of sorting out the message. But I can honestly say... I understand it and I feel it in my soul. It was like years of therapy in a few hours/weeks for me. While I may not care about myself still, I care immensely for my wife and kids. And that's enough motivation to change. To be better for them. My message. Other's may get what they need.
I avoided the doctor for 5 years too... maybe longer. Most of my experience with them has been poor. I decided I would just avoid them unless I needed it. But then I started going a few weeks ago to face the hard truths... all because of that shroom trip for me. Getting healthy for my wife.
I was convinced I had cancer... high chlorestoral... high sugar... high sodium.... but it came back normal. Oddly enough, my blood pressure was also normal (not usual). I am debating that colonoscopy now too... even a MRI... I will do it just so I can be here for my wife as long as I can. Only motivation I need/have now.
Anyways dude... you are not alone. Maybe its an age thing. Maybe its a generational thing. Maybe its because when I open the curtains and look out... everything is on fire.
I like George Carlin’s take that we should look at all this political chaos as entertainment. That’s the only way it doesn’t drive me crazy, because I can’t do a damn thing about it. All the lies we were told growing-up have now been exposed. “Get a degree and work hard, and you’ll never want for anything.” I’ve been laid off four times since 2009, and have always made myself the best worker I could be at every job. For what? To be unemployed and wait to be replaced by AI and robots. After having changed careers drastically since the first layoff, I now wander what type of job should I work towards that won’t be replaced by a fucking robot in five years? It is also discouraging that our generation will NEVER have a voice of power. The mantle will pass directly from the boomers (who will probably still cling to power from the grave somehow) on to millennials. Then just when we get ready to retire the millennials in power will cut off of social security or drastically limit our benefits.
I still care, I think ..... When I was young we were taught that the United States was the greatest country on earth. And I think we were. The trajectory of life was going to be upward and onward. Better living conditions, better education, better social life, which are all the things my boomer parents experienced. Boomers told us they would continue the cycle that was passed onto them. They lied. My State didn't vote for the candycorn skidmark. Life is tough not because there isn't enough wealth, life is tough because who has all the money. The mere existence of billionaires is filthy. So the trick is to hang on long enough to vote and to see if this situation can be corrected. I have kids. I want them to have the life that was promised me in the 1970's. I want you all to have that life. I might not succeed, but I'm not going to give up either. To concede to the current crew of drunks, molesters and traitors is something I will not abide. Good luck to you all....
6 years of recovery from 30+ years of abuse, trauma, drugs and alcohol have taught me to only worry about what I can control. Which isn't much.
It’s all bullshit, and it’s bad for ya
Yeah, I feel this so much. I feel like I spent a good part of my life trying so damn hard aaaannnndddd.... it didn't matter that much.
emax4@reddit (OP)
I feel your quote would be fitting on a t-shirt, one that would be sold on this sub and seen a lot in public.
I’d include the ellipses aaaannnnndddd the extended and
I’d totally buy this shirt.
Only to my two kids, true that nobody else did.
I'm GenX and I didn't care enough to read your wall of text.
emax4@reddit (OP)
LOL, we'll-played.
I feel amazing like a second childhood, maybe because I have an 8 yr old daughter to keep me young lol
I'm (51m) so tired. I feel like all I can do anymore is survive, but I'm not living. But I have young kids, and one is autistic, and I may be caring for him for a long time, so I have to just keep plugging along. Had a meeting with my manager last week, and he's telling me all the stuff I need to do to reach the next level, and I just sat there nodding my head, and thinking "I don't care about the next level anymore, I hate my job and don't even want to be here", but I need the money and medical insurance, so I have to play the game....
When I read "NASA has found a new asteroid that could hit the earth in 2032", my first thought was "2032? So late? why bother us with this?"
I'm at the point where I pretty much ignore the news and I don't feel the least bit inconvenienced by it. I vote diligently when election day comes. I do my research and vote for whoever I think the best candidate is. Then I go back to ignoring it all til next election day. All the people I know who get all wrapped up in politics and current events are stressed and miserable, so I figure why bother. I occupy my time with my family, my many hobbies, music, pets and occasional travel. The rest is just noise that doesn't enrich my life in any way.
Anymore? When did we?🤷♂️
Both my parents just died a year apart, my sister and I are now orphans in our fifties. I just left a grueling job, that I was too old to do to begin with. I've been trying to reinvent myself, since none of us are ever gonna see retirement. I found a subreddit where everyone in the field I'm studying are casting doom about their futures, and mine.
But, I have kids that think I can fly, so I'm gonna take a deep breath, reset my underwear and keep going. I'll probably die in the middle of doing something.
I have gotten to the point that I am quick to disengage from activities and people that are not uplifting. Life became a revolving cycle of "same shit, different day" and I stepped off the carousel. Now, it is like I am just watching the house burn down and really don't care because I do not have the ability to put it out.
The older generations tell you You're Not ready to do this and the people younger than you Tell You ...You FUCKED EVERYTHING UP....
We were all too busy making sure our kids didn't go through all the shit there Are TRIGGER WARNING FOR!
We were being prepared for a Nuclear war where zombies and marauding clans of lawless maniacs roamed the landscape and resources were paltry!
We were preparing our children for the idea of sound choices and well thought out intentions would bring about a better future for all....
And then the follow up is just a bunch of I know better than you I'm smarter bc I grew up in the internet age and that's NOT HOW YOU DO THINGS NOW!
when you ask a young person why they're "Scary.".. they will tell you that they are frightened.
They are " SCARY " BECAUSE they are trying to frighten others.
So logic is out the WINDOW....How do you speak rationally or logically to people who Do NOT NOR CARE NOT FOR ANY INFORMATION YOU HAVE TO SHARE!
I know there were some who seemed to have lived a charmed life. My biggest tormentor was the richest kid in middle school. His life did not end well in his 20's and now I feel empathy for that kid and most others that made my life miserable sometimes.
What you shared stirred up some emotions within my soul I had forgotten about. I thought about it and my life was great until the sixth grade. That's when AI discovered that other kids were fkn horrible.
I pondered what you said and asked. Here is the best thing I can come up with.....
The Greatest Generation (TGG), our grandparents, traditionally speaking, raised our parents, Boomers, in the kept together nuclear family, stay at home mom. TGG went through world war and not having much, wanted to give their kids everything.
Systemically speaking, the Boomers landed on the timeline of probably the Golden age of America. When they finished highschool they could go to work for a company without a college degree, make a good living wage, and retire with a real pension.
Now before deep diving into GenX, think about this. I remember seeing a documentary on YouTube about this tribe of people in which they added these rings around their necks to stretch their necks like a giraffe, by continuing to add more rings over the years.
I thought, that's obviously stupid and unnecessary and probably a bad idea. Why do they do that? But to them, that seemed normal. A product of their environment.
I look at the generations after us and I realize that the Internet and social media did not improve the world, it made it worse. I'm not here to debate that, it's just my take. I accept I could be wrong about any of this. Nonetheless.....
I finished 5th grade Spring 1981. August 1981, MTV came out. Now we all have very affectionate memories of MTV back then, but I wonder if that was a turning point for our generation. I see that as our version of social media and that which had a powerful impact on our world view. This is normal to us. The giraffe people might beg to differ about MTV. The irony.
The point. If you're raised in the sewer, the sewer seems normal. And then you become protective of and connected to, the sewer.
Our parents became the generation of divorce and two income households. America was still "safe" back then, systemically speaking. We were safe from the traditional violence of today but we were left alone. Parental involvement in school dwindled. We were raised by other kids, teachers, and MTV in a world that was transforming us into a consumer nation.
Sixth grade was a game changer in 1982. The kids got meaner, as they all do in the sixth grade. But this was different and we didn't know it was different because it was normal. The world had changed.
Yes, home life and upbringing matter.
Fortunately, for me, a young man with a very high tolerance for risk, living life like a wild man, eventually that which I did not appreciate in church, would be what ended up saving me from myself.
I went from drug addict crackhead, to supernatural deliverance and forgiveness, from unemployable to an engineer with a hot younger wife and great kids. To this day, and this is wrong on my part, the popular middle school chick who hurt me the most, was "Karen". Not because she turned me down, but because she ridiculed me about the clothes I was wearing to the point, one of the other girls said, "let's leave him alone, he can help it."
And that was the fkn worst. Being felt sorry for. There was a lot more behind that but I'm trying to leave myself out as much as possible while still making it relatable. If that's even possible.
For me, God used that childhood experience to mold me into the parent I needed to be for my kids and husband to my wife. We both hate divorce because we both went through it as children. And homeschooling our children was our only choice. Because, and this is not cliche, but I would end up in prison if my kids were in public school.
I found peace. I learned to love myself, which sounds lame. It's hard to love other people when you hate yourself.
We were younger. Now we’re older and now it’s for real. I’m very aware of entropy and my own slowly declining physical state, and I try very hard to enjoy the ride. I’m still going to get high if I want to, and I’m still going to have a couple drinks and a good meal if I want to, and my brain and organs can just deal with it. Also I have been a golfer my whole life and while there are plenty of fair cliches about the game it has provided me with social circles everywhere I’ve ever gone. It’s impossible to overstate how much that matters to my well being and enjoyment of this part of life.
Wait. We were supposed to give a fuck before now, in the great ago?
It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't. No one else seems to and I can't change the world on my own. So, now I am just detached, I think the biggest issue is that we saw slow positive changes since the 80s and it all get undone in like 2 weeks for the most part, so in our own teenage words, whatever.
I'm too busy trying to get by to care about anything else.
I understand this post deeply
It's not that I don't care at all, it's just that I have very few fucks left so I don't spend them on shit I can't change.
Get the colonoscopy! They are really not bad.
But I also have to say so much of this thread resonates with me. So much more stuff to grind through—and realistically I have nothing to complain about. I just want to be left alone to do whatever I want but the need for money prevents it.
I care about myself first, loved ones second, the rest of the world comes in third. I feel like I’m low maintenance though, I just want to live a simple life and be left the f*k alone. I also only have so much room in my “care cup”. I refuse to take on the emotional baggage of the world. I worked hard to get where I’m at, I earned what I have. If the world wants to burn itself down, so be it.
I care but there’s only so much I can do. When it comes to politics and current events I feel like a drop in the ocean.
I used to get angry over the smallest injustice, thinking I could make a difference. These days I have to carefully pick my battles.
I’m tired of having to compete for EVERYTHING to get by while the billionaires compete for who owns the most politicians and gets to be the first trillionaire.
Fuck this, fuck them and everyone who enables them. You want enthusiasm from me? Break out the pitchforks and light the torches, until then leave me alone.
Not care about what? I always cared, I’ve always had sort of a rage for lack of a better word. I just don’t give a fuck about the same things as other people. I reserve the right to care about what I want when I want.
When did we care?
We care a lot A-ha about disasters, fires, floods and killer bees (We care a lot) about Los Angeles falling in the sea (We care a lot) about starvation and the food that Live Aid bought (We care a lot) about disease, baby Rock, Hudson, rock, yeah! We care a lot! We care a lot! about the gamblers and the pushers and the freaks (We care a lot) about the people who live up the streets (We care a lot) about the welfare of all you boys and girls (We care a lot) about you people cause we're out to save the world Yeah! It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it
We care, we’re just tired of all the shit we care about getting fucked up by idiots while all the other gens vote the shit into reality. We’re also powerless to stop it and annoyed as fuck about it.
Am tired of dealing with millennial entitled people around me. The Covid pandemic changed me socially. I prefer staying in and just having a peaceful time in my space. I don’t care for trash talk at work. Just I have a partner that I care of and one living member. My circle is small.
when you are young you are full of energy. you get older you get to meh. its just age and dealing with stress for too long and not having the same young body. shit gets old.
Also since we have lived so much longer now things don't get exciting. I went to dinner w my wife and made sure we got the earliest reservations. I don't wanna be near people. I just wanna eat my food and get the fucn out
emax4@reddit (OP)
Is that all restaurants or some? For me, I like to sit down and enjoy my meal, not feel like I'm rushing. There's a Ponderosa miles away from us that I feel the same way about. Maybe it's the Nostalgia and I like to indulge in it as much as I can. On the flip side, because I used to work retail, I know not to stay long so workers can clean up and get home ASAP.
Also, if you’re Gen X you’ve learned to not whine, suck it up, put some dirt on it, and get back to work because it’s only going to get worse from here
Social Media rarely shows the truth…
I care.
Yeah I care. Most of y’all got your noses in the sand the world is fucked
I think we buy into our own hype. Our generation isn't a monolith.
This is my United States of whatever…
I care for my kids, me not so much.
I'm tired but I still care. I care about my family and how are we going to survive these changes in the USA. I care about a lot of things but my fight has petered out.
We. Never. Cared.
Honestly. What the hell can I actually do about it?
If you want to know what I think. I think the US is a very evil country ran by people that only care about themselves. Making it a Democrat vs Republican thing is stupid there are no real sides. Just teams on the same sport both owned by the same people throwing out breadcrumbs for their imaginary base while they fuck over anyone if it means making themselves a dollar.
Yeah man ,one can get drprees about it or just say fuck it ,,, let them place that game I'm gonna take my ball and go some place .right now just setting myself up to move out of the countrbins few years .
I hate to say it, but many of us have fully morphed into self absorbed boomers.
And the world suffers for it.
We can represent we're still aloof and bad ass, but many are just slightly younger boomers.
I've seen some of the boomer morphing, but it really feels to me like we are still dominated by our feeling that our generation has never had the majority and therefore never had voting power. Our opinions don't matter as much as opinions from a larger base because the nature of politics is to focus on the numbers. If what I say and/or do won't have impact then, whatever...
One of those wonderful stories I love to talk about with my therapists...
Back around the time I was in 6th or 7th grade, I started doing poorly in school. Bear in mind, I was the guy with highest SAT score in my graduating class who also didn't graduate and took a GED instead, but...
My father decided that the reason I did poorly in school was lack of discipline and respect for authority. So he decided that our house would be run like boot camp. I missed test questions, I had to run sprints on the stairs. Didn't make my bed properly? Random sets of pushups.
This went on for a couple of months before my father walked into my bedroom, pointed to a ruler on my bookcase and said that because it wasn't perfectly parallel to the edge of the bookcase and 1/8" offset, I had to do 40 pushups.
Given that he'd never suggested that this needed to be done this way, I thought he was being absurd and told him so. After arguing it for a few minutes, he told me that it didn't matter whether I thought he was being stupid, insane, irrational, whatever... The point of the exercise was that he was the authority and I was to respect that regardless of what I thought. Which is when I told him he could go fuck himself and his belt came off.
The moment his belt came off, I bolted. We spent the next 30 minutes with him chasing me throughout our house with a belt in his hand. I was 13 and had been doing wind sprints on our stairs for a couple of months. He was an alcoholic who smoked at least a pack or two a day and passed out at the kitchen table during dinner at least once or twice a week (can't imagine why I didn't quite respect his authority). He eventually cornered me on the far side of his bed in my parents bedroom, blocking the door. And when he moved to go and the bed I ran over my mother, who was laying in bed reading and dashed for the door. Which was the point where my mother snapped that she'd had enough.
I suppose the reason that I bring it up is that his whole ruler strategy was basically a massive misfire from the start. He assumed he was teaching me respect for authority.
In reality, all it drove home was that it really didn't matter what I did, he'd be an asshole at whim. And since his reactions weren't based on my actions, I might as well not give a fuck.
It's sorta the way I feel about some large percentage of the larger world's problems at this point.
An old friend of mine suggested that we've had decades to tackle global warming, yet haven't. His response was that if we weren't going to fix it, he might as well invest in HVAC and be as comfortable as possible while the handbucket made its way down.
Unfortunately , this is the case w most of society. I'm with you ..fuck it
We still don't have voting power. Boomers still won't die off in congress and millennials still think they're something special. We've been told all our lives that we don't mean shit politically but now millennial reddit wants to start blaming us (because his noodly appendage forbid THEY take accountability) for their losses.
Fuck em all... vote chaos. Give em what they told us we were for 50 years. No Ragrets
I like the cut of your jib guy.
My terms: admit John Cusack holding a boom box over his head in Say Anything was the best movie scene ever.
They'll never agree lol
Stick together and they'll bend the knee. Just don't put me in charge because.... ya know
Nah. I still want chaos. Everyone want punk til it's time for punk
I know we have no power, I know we never will. I do what I think is right, but I’m not going to waste my breath beyond that. Those days are over
I gave them what was right since I was 18. I'm being told I was wrong no matter what. Now I'm going to enjoy the ride
Why is the "US going to shit?"
Partly because you feel compelled to ask the question for whatever reason.
I don't understand what is bad about the US. Is there a better place to be? If so, what makes it better?
I just like the idea of optionality. Every place has it ups and downs and there are tons of places that have better situations then the us.just depends on what you are willing to live with. Me I just want some place to slow paced and not have to drive for essentials. Maybe near the water...there are places like that still in the world but I might need to learn a language or a skill , I'm fine w that. After 50 in USA I'm ready for a change
Let's pause with the leading questions, and just you start coughing up some answers first. Have you been outside of the United States? What's your story?
I was in the Air Force for 22 years. I've been to several locations in Asia.
I've been to Australia and Canada as well.
I've also lived in 6 different states.
I completely retired at age 52. I'm well aware of worldwide current events and am very content living in the USA.
Thank you very much for your response. I'm a dual British and American citizen. Born and raised in Northern California. Lived and worked in Tokyo for 9 years, London (UK) for 14 and in Montreux (CH) for two. I did all of that after finishing my enlistment in the US Navy as a CT1, as well as a Bachelor's at Cal. I am now retired, and am under 55 years old.
True patriotism demands that we acknowledge our faults so that we can correct them. Ergo, if you are content, you are not a patriot, but a spent battery. Shiny on the outside, dead within.
As Thomas Jefferson himself said, "We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
By your definition, "content" isn't at all what I meant.
Everyone that I've met who were stationed in Europe loved it.
Unfortunately my oversees service was mostly only in Asia. That was an incredible experience, however.
I can tell you are a good person, and I wish you well. Good luck out there.
Read a little bit about Sweden and how they live
Are you moving to Sweden?
My sister married a Swedish native
That's cool. I've never been, but it looks nice.
There is less inequality there compared to the USA 🇺🇸
Yes bud there are a lot of better places to be. And before you go to why are people...that's SOME people dude there are worse places than the USA as well.
But LOL is there a better place to be yeah sh*tloads
So, you're leaving the US?
Yes and I've been planning to for more than twenty years. And it's not because "running away from the USA". It's because there's someplace else that I think is much better and it's where I want to live.
There are actually a great many super awesome places in the world. Although you can't beat the USA if you like guns, traffic and strip malls, that's for f*cking certain.
I care about judgment day.
Will Jesus receive me as His friend?.
Or will He reject me as a worker of iniquity?
Im deeply concerned about that.
My plans and my choices are all driven by that concern
Not sure why u were down voted I not religious but if that is your goal. May you go about it in peace
I've had depression and anxiety since I was 4. I'm pretty tired of caring. But I still do.
We invented the World. We know how everything works. And now we're watching it being turned on us by people who don't understand any of it, except how to use it.
We're getting older, less tolerant. People aren't necessarily more stupid, but now they have a giant platform to spread their wilful ignorance, fear and hate... so I think we've just had enough. We've done the "things" and did them well... and now it's all going down the fucking toilet. It's hard to get excited about anything right now.
I know this is a miserable post, and is my opinion alone, but I don't think I'm the only one.
10 years ago my wife almost died from aneurism, then from complications has been wheel chair bound since. I spent the past time getting degrees up to a Masters in Robotics to help her get out of the chair. All this while working full time as a first responder. I've burned the candle at both ends so long, I'm not sure how much time I've got left..
I felt a whole lot better when I stopped being a people pleaser, just wish I knew this years ago. I still please my family but not the whole world anymore. Cheers
The whole not caring thing is a stereotype I wish would die.
You first!
I care, I have 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren that deserve an America that is better off than when I grew up and with real leadership in the Whitehouse now we have a chance to get it back there. I lived through the changes that started in '88 with the first Bush. It's time to make our government work for us again and not their Rich donors and Bribers. Prosecute all that broke the law starting with Chuck Schumer for threatening Supreme Court Justices and televised open acts of treason.
Our government IS the rich, on both sides. If you think they are going to make a change that hurts them or who put them in power, you’re mistaken. Sorry to say, but your kids and their kids are in trouble
I care that the USA is a total shit show.
I never felt like the future was going to be good, by 19 I was concerned for our planet and how terribly our country abused it, I didnt have kids because I thought all the things that things that are currently happening politically& environmentally were inevitable and not far off. And yeah whatever.
Will turn 56 this year and I have been getting more and more annoyed about what is happening and how our politics work. My annoyance reached a level that I even joined a political party recently and that I want to get more involved to make up for my laziness when I was younger. I care more about what is happening and I feel deeply concerned on how our world is currently thriving, how people struggle to make their living.
Actually our hips are giving out and we're still out there marching and standing in line to vote. If anything we care more now than we ever did. What we're not is invested. We haven't bought into the idea that we have to do anything a certain way or that we have to harm others for our own survival. We're not worried about what people think about our generation or really all that invested in ourselves. You've heard it a million times. We were raised with the sirens howling to tell us we had 9 minutes to get into a shelter, and we don't understand why we're still here. So if we seem a little non-plussed, we at least showed up.
I like Santa
My "whatever" is a front to the world, a dismissal that this situation doesn't matter to me, it's a way to save time for the things I DO care about which are most definitely not whatever. I'm definitely not tired or disinterested in many things.
But I ain't got time for dealing with everyone's excess drama I accepted long ago not everything is something I can change so *whatever* move along....
I've learned to truly care only a lot about things I can change and protect. Things like our government selling us out to oligarchs, not much I can do that doesn’t get me killed or broke. Same thing with most huge things, I’m nit super rich, super smart, or super influential. But I can be a good father and grand father, a good husband. Beyond that, if I can live with enough comfort (I don’t need much), eat decent, exercise, learn, and feel like I'm doing something useful, I’m good.
For most of what is advertised, in the news, involves celebrities, government clashes or occupying huge chunks of social media, I don’t care.
The only thing caring about shit ever did for me, was to get told that I didn't know shit and I should shut up. Then the things that I kept warning about ended up happening anyway. I'm to the point that I'm ready for the upcoming bloodbath. Hopefully the smarter people win.
I care.
About important things. I care very little for things I have no control over or people outside my sphere of love and influence.
To my mind, you're overthiinking things
I have way less F's to give about some things, ok, a lot of things. But I still care about a few things, basically close friends and family. So because I'm an introvert, less than 10 people, but way more than 10 animals.
I do not watch the news. I'm probably days away from a social media break up, it's just not fun anymore. I don't see the posts from friends and family, it's all ads or other crap. I'm desperate for a new hobby since horseback riding is off the table (DDD). Starting hobbies at this age is strange.
I care about my circle, strongly, flip to bitch if I have to. The rest, I follow then don't unless it affects my circle.
At 54, I don’t believe that memes I see on social media or three second TikToks equal reality,
Im not care bear to care all the time. I'm more of a no heart
The only reason I’m not retired and lying on the couch is because I still have a handful of years left until Medicare.
Never did care
I think we are just slowing down and things aren't as "exciting" as they were when we were younger. For my husband and I, we enjoy staying in instead of having date nights. I enjoy the thought of a simple, peaceful life. I'm tired and feel worn out more often than before.
I'm sorry it was rough growing up. I believe to a degree that we all felt a little like outsiders and imagined that everyone else had a fabulous life except us. Adding abuse to that is heartbreaking. I wish it could've been different for you
It is worth at least discussing with your doctor. Wishing you well ❤️
Couple thoughts: 1. For my core friend group (all GenX) the pandemic marked a shift in our time priorities to focus on our families and immediate communities. I’m good with that. 2. I’ve tried my best to be active and work for issues/causes near and dear to me for most of my adult life, but the way I show up now isn’t the way I showed up in my 20’s or 30’s. Mainly because I’m trying to work on the long game now, and that’s not showy. Example: Trying to get momentum on fixing the clusterfuck that is gerrymandered Texas.
I’m tired. I’ve been fighting my career path for 25 years. I’m dodging neurological diseases like Wonder Woman and waiting for my mom’s death that is so close I can’t breathe…
So yeah, I don’t have a lot of cares left.
I’m 51, and I saw a meme of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman looking exhausted, with a caption about GenX and how we made “Whatever” a statement. That hit home. I was bullied, isolated, and raised to put others first, but it hasn’t led to fulfillment. I left Facebook to escape comparison and envy, but I still feel like I’m just existing. I’m back with my ex, doing TeleHealth, but I don’t care if I die tomorrow. Do other GenXers feel this way?