Do GenXers really not care anymore, or does it come down to home life and upbringing?

Posted by emax4@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 313 comments

I'm 51, and recall seeing on Facebook an image of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman (yay!) with her eyes halfway open, as if she was tired or just had enough, and the caption was about GenX and how we made "Whatever" a statement. Do other GenXers feel that way?

Background: I got bullied, picked on, excluded, molested, no friends in High School (the kind that invite you out or call up to heck in on you). I was raised by my Catholic parts to always treat others as I want myself to be treated, to always put others ahead and I'll go far in life (thanks for nothing, Dad), and to turn the other cheek. I was a latch key kid for a while and learned street smarts and key smarts. All those factors have made me feel useless. I have written some helpful computer eBooks on Amazon for non-computer people to understand tech better and have done a lot of volunteer tech writing on the net, yet I feel unfulfilled compared to others I would see on Facebook. I left Facebook last year as I felt myself only contributing to make other people laugh with my humor, but it never got me in anyone's inner circle or expanded my social circle. I left my ex of 10 years last year when I was falling for a coworker who turned out to be a mean girl while I was still settling things with the ex (as I was contributing to her mortgage as I cosigned). When I had to call the cops on my ex coworker, I shut down mentally and emotionally. I felt like I was simply existing. I know people who have been through worse, but part of me doesn't care if I get better.

The ex and I have been rekindling things to where we're basically a couple again, and I have been doing TeleHealth sessions; but part of me doesn't care if I die tomorrow. I don't care that the US is going to shit. Disconnecting from the few handful of people that knew of me and care for me on Facebook, I feel liberated that I can get a passport and just escape (but I would miss my gf). I've tried and can't get to the same level as others my age (which is another reason why I removed myself from Facebook, so I don't have to live in envy of others, and it's helped).

Are other GenXers the same way in that they've experienced enough to take the brunt of the rest of life? I take meds, but a part of me doesn't want to go to the doctor and find out if I'll need new meds. I still haven't gotten the colonoscopy that I'll need because of my age. I don't want to face bad news, so I'd rather just see how long I'll last.