What is ‘VCC’ on my controller
Posted by Camen93@reddit | ebikes | View on Reddit | 5 comments
Hey guys, I posted here yesterday about testing a throttle. I now have an update. I plugged the throttle into my known working controller and the throttle does in fact work.
Anyway, I now have a new question. I decided to pull apart the controller that didn’t work to see if there were any markings for a power switch or key. There was nothing immediately obvious however, I did find that there was 1 plug that had a wire going to the positive input and another going to ‘vcc’ then there were two other plugs that had one wire on each going to ‘vcc’ as well as both having another wire going to the batteries input ground wire.
Would these be anything that would enable the controller to power up? I will attach photos of what I mean as I’m not sure how well I explained it. Thanks
Where some of the wires go. Note p+ and p- for main battery power inputs
Vcc on a circuit board usually refers to the supply voltage. It can be 5 volt , 3 volt or whatever supply voltage the circuit is designed to operate with.
Camen93@reddit (OP)
Would you have any idea how the VCC applies In this situation? And isn’t the supply voltage the 48v from the battery? I’m just trying to get as many answers as I possibly can to try and get this to work…
Yes it must be fed from whatever is powering up ur whole controller same voltage but with a 2 amp fuse from the security red & black plug together
But just use red obviously
It's to turn it on