Are morals in the UK determined by the law or ones upbringing?
Posted by beardhoven@reddit | AskUK | View on Reddit | 11 comments
I am often conflicted on this one. I believe those people who have the societal expectation of 'good' morals are often offended when a law prohibits the entire population of a country from adopting an ideology which society would perceive as 'bad' morals.
Upbringing, usually, I'd say. You tend to find that scum begets scum unless the younger generation receives good influences from other interactions than family.
A lot of laws make sense in guiding those principles for order and decency but they can't be upheld absolutely.
You just have to think what would happen if society collapsed. It would be mayhem and chaos. The good would be slaughtered by the bad, “or” the survivors.
So there you have it. Morals are dictated by law.
The law is the law. But I've often found when it comes to morality then people tend to draw the line just slightly below what they are prepared to do themselves.
I’d say upbringing is the single biggest factor in shaping a person’s morals. There are good and bad people in all countries, despite the differing laws.
Upbringing and personal morals.
I generally obey laws, but a few of them only because I don't want to get into trouble; not necessarily because I agree with them.
I think it's right that there's a gap between what is immoral and what is illegal. There are plenty of things which most people would see as immoral (say, for example cheating on your partner) but aren't (and shouldn't be IMHO) seen as criminal.
I am not religious in the sense of of following a certain doctrine, could be considered atheist, but find the 10 comandments a decent moralistic code.
To answer your headline question, upbringing. But the way you’re brought up will be influenced by the laws of the land.
I don’t understand the rest of your post. Maybe just come out with whatever specific example(s) you’re thinking of?
I would hope that the laws of the UK are determined by shared moral values. So it becomes a moot point.
Morals are morals.
I think we all have the basics and then we have the ones that we can justify to ourselves.
Morals like most things in society are just made up things that some of us may snd may not agree on.
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