Is Józsefváros safe?
Posted by Single_Insect_9716@reddit | budapest | View on Reddit | 37 comments
Hi! I’m apartment hunting and came across a nice one in Józsefváros, also known as the 8th district, on Baross utca. Do you know if it’s a safe area? I’m just trying to get a sense of what the neighborhood is like
I’ve been living on Népszínház street as a girl for almost three years now and I had no issues whatsoever.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
okay, thank you! very nice of you to take the time to answer
I am a female and I used to live right there for a couple of years. I think if the entrance to the building is directly on Baross street and you don’t have to walk through any of the smaller streets it’s okay. Yes the neighborhood can sometimes feel a bit unsafe but I never had any issues (however late at night I always took a taxi). Even if there were drunk/high/weird people on the street, they only interacted with each other. You need to be a bit more aware of your surroundings than in other parts of the city, but it’s very not as bad as it used to be 10+ years ago
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
So it’s getting better? Great!
Yes it is, but it’s a slow process. Old buildings are being torn down and replaced by new ones with new inhabitants who are able to pay the more expensive rent
I used to work in that neighbourhood, very close to the 'really bad parts'. It's poor and drug addiction is a big problem there. But I have never been mugged or anything like that. So you will run into some sketchy people, but it's unlikely that anything violent will happen to you.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
Okay, thank you for this!
The worst parts of Budapest are statistically around 5x safer then the US national average when it comes to violent crimes. Budapest is an extremely safe city.
There's a lot of multiculturalism there, you might end up having louder neighbours if you choose a really really cheap flat in a run down building, but I mean, what do we expect. The traffic noise might be worse than anything else if your windows face Baross utca itself.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
Perhaps I’m the loud neighbor 😎
Used to live near Muszikus ciganyok. It's not the best place in Budapest nor the cleanest, but rent is cheap, bus 9 takes you to the city centre and 909 after midnight. You might see some homeless people, beggars and drunks, but safety wise it's okay. I was never robbed, followed, etc. As someone else pointed out, the closest to Orcy, the worse it gets. If you're still apartment hunting I'd advise against it, but it's also not that bad in case you don't find anything else.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
I’ve lived in Valencia in Spain near Turia park which is filled with homeless people and drunks so I’m a bit used to it, I know they do their own thing. Thank you for your reply!
All of it is pretty much safe nowadays. Very colorful area, and some weirdos here and there. Never had any issues in Budapest really. Of course it’s still a big city, so there ought to be some bad people but there aren’t really areas you cannot walk around at night. I used to take walks around some of these areas at night and nothing ever happened to me. Some houses have people selling drugs and such, but its not like they care about you.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
There’s houses selling drugs all over the world haha not a problem, thank you!
Which part? 😃
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
I believe the flat is located near the Gypsy Musicians park
That's ok, just rather avoid Orczy tér. Not that you are going to get stabbed or something like that but that part is shady. Keep in mind that Budapest is one of the safest capitals in Europe so it's unlikely you'll experience anything serious.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
Thank you, it sounds like a lovely place overall
My flat is in front of the Gypsy Musicians Park in Baross street. As a male I never felt being in danger in the past five years, but I guess a woman might have a different experience. While the locals can be very loud and tend to yell at each other in the middle of the night while being drunk and high on drugs, they never bothered me before. They live in their own little world and don't care about anyone who is not a part of it.
I live in the VIII. District in Jozsefvaros. It is perfectly safe and extremely in trend, particularly up near Corvin Negyed. If it is near Horvath Mihaly Tér, the church grounds have been renovated, and with the mall close by, lots of international folks and easy shopping. Good restaurants down Jozsef u. towards town too.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
Thank you for your insightful reply!
Actually, That's fine, but try to go out with a friend at night.
One does not simply walk into Mordor!
The closer it gets to Orczy ter the worse it gets (except the actual Baross utca / Korut intersection which is a hellhole). I think it’s safe overall but thrashy. Lots of shady people in general, homeless people loitering around, roma people fighting each other occassionally. Source: I used to live at Kalvaria ter.
Én Magyar vagyok, és a Diószegi Sámuel , Kőris utca sarkán lakom már 25-dik éve. Van egy Rottweiler kan, ivartalanított kutyám. Nekem nemvolt gondom. Pedig én, Meleg vagyok a Fiúkat szeretem!
I highly recommended to you to keep on going with apartement hunting near Széll Kálmán tér or Móricz Zsigmond körtér, public transport great, and safetyness is not differenciate street by street as in Józsefvaros could be.
But frankly, overall safetyness is first of all depends on your personality all over Budapest.
Jo-jo-jozsefvaros, sötet ez a hely,haha vilagos!
I used to live near Kálvária tér for almost 5 years, worked in shifts that often ended late at night (11 PM-1 AM), walked a lot, too. I was 25 and feminine, but I never had an issue beyond some guy shouting at me his nephew needs a wife just like me.
I'm sorry but y'all fucking think that BP is Baltimore for some reason.
It depends on where you're coming from. Overall, Budapest is quite safe compared to many European big cities. If you're coming from the honor-system tranquility of the Norwegian fjords, you might experience a bit of culture shock. However, if you're from Paris, even Józsefváros will feel like nothing.
Single_Insect_9716@reddit (OP)
Okay, thank you, it’s good to know this, I think it’s either in the Corvin-negyed or the Magdolnanegyed
Magdolnanegyed: no safe.
Palace district is one of the Best part of Budapest
I live in Józsefváros since I was born. I think some part of Józsefváros are pretty safe (like Palotanegyed and Corvin negyed), but there are less secure parts in this district. I think the area of Gypsy musicians park (Muzsikus cigányok parkja) is not as safe as the safest parts of the district. However, I went to swim often to a nearby school during my early teenage years, and I had no problem with the security at the Gypsy musicians park.
palotanegyed is so good and safe. but the other parts of the discrict is very shit and dangerous but it was more dangerous in the past.
It's a big district with some really nice and some sketchier areas so it really depends.