My parents were not rich, but could be quite susceptible to a good sales pitch, which is how we ended up with three sets of encyclpaedias (including a children's set). When they discovered the shopping channel, random kitchen gadgets would start popping up in the house. There was a period of time when I was in my late teens/early 20s during which my parents would buy stuff, but try to hide it from me because I would scold them for their impulse purchases.
It's bizarre, because they are otherwise so sensible and responsible!
We weren't actually poor by any stretch, solid middle class. We always had bookshelves full of books, but I think my folks realized even then that a set of encyclopedias are outdated within a few years and we had a great public library system, so why waste the money.
That was the really weird part. We were foodbank poor, but I think a grandparent bought them for us. Nothing quite like browsing a fortune in books, while eating all-bran with powdered milk+water.
We had these World Books, the reddish brown one was the gold lettering were Funk and Wagnalls, a brand that I forgot even existed until another redditor mentioned them.
This may be TMI but there was a picture of a marble statue of, like Napoleon's sister, nude. It was part of my, uh, awakening.
It's bizarre to think about how hard up we were back then. And my parents didn't even have cable so I couldn't watch scrambled Skinomax. Shamefully, horneyness is what fostered my interest in foreign cinema and Masterpiece Theater because they could show boobies on PBS.
But at least that ended up being a positive interest. Maybe the only good thing that came out of teenaged hormones.
I think we had some world books as well but I think they were the white ones or cream colored world books maybe and then we had the funk and wagnalls that name had completely left my brain until you just said it!
We had a set of World Books my grandparents bought for my mom and uncle. 1966, maybe? Blue. I loved them to death.
I scored a zero. Was surprised "owned a dictionary" was on there but the I thought about it and realized I haven't touched mine in ages. Used to love that too.
Aw man I genuinely liked looking at the set of world books my grandma had. They were like... thirty years out of date when I was a teenager but I thought it was neat to just... sit and flip through them.
I remember when I learned that simple Encarta disc had all the information that was on what took up the entire bottom half of the family book shelf. Blew my mind.
Lol. My teacher suspected plagiarism in my report, but couldn’t prove it because he wasn’t as tech savvy as my 15 year old ass with Encarta on LaSeR DiSk!
Loved growing up then. Papers were just put up online without worrying too much because teachers hardly knew the tech. Freshman typing teacher didn't know about copy paste when we did it in notepad/word.
I'm going with household, too. I've never owned a set of encyclopedias, but my family did when I was young. It also had an entry on the war in Vietnam but it was an unresolved conflict at the time of printing.
Needless to say, it wasn't the most reliable reference material when I got to high school.
Could even stretch that to grandparents owning a set qualifying.
I remember dad looking up stuff in the encyclopedia at home and not being satisfied and then looking up the same subject on my grandparents encyclopedia because theirs was "better".
I can't remember if it was that they were newer (or older...) or fancier or more in depth but at least a few times that happened.
We had World Books that my mom has been buying piecemeal from the grocery store but we moved before we finished the set. That meant that every report me or my siblings wrote has to be sourced from the first half of the alphabet. No reports on trains or Zimbabwe or radon
Owned like four parts of the Charlie Brown encyclopedia my mom was buying for us at the supermarket, not a complete set but in counting it. I also got a zero
So like, Mom signed up for some kind of Encyclopedia subscription through the local grocery store? We had about 1/3 of the books...I don't know how to score that. Without that, I have a 0.
I don't remember if we ever got the full set but I do remember buying them at the supermarket where they were sold one volume each week/month whatever. Better hope you don't go out of town or miss a week because that set will never get complete.
2 points. I never used a Walkman (although I did have a discman so do I get half a point for that?). And I never sent a post card. That seems like a strange one to add to the list.
Hey, vinyl (vynil?) is coming back now. My parents had a record player when I was a kid but my wife and I just got one a few months ago. There is something warm and fuzzy about the comforting crackle of a record.
yeah some could, but I thought the ones that were more meant to sit on your entertainment center were called modular or component stereos or hi-fi stereos for a bit
I've heard them called Ghetto Blasters in the past... Not sure how kosher the term is.
I had one that had detatchable speakers. yet I tended to just plug headphones in because my taste in music is my own and honestly I preferred a walkman for that reason.
I work in healthcare. I'm forever faxing doctors who failed to follow up on escripts that were promised or faxing paper scripts residents somehow manage to bring back to the pharmacy our facility uses.
I think I was the last person to use our office's fax machine (albeit, about 5 years ago). I was hired to replace a Boomer who'd retired, and he still used it a fair amount, so some of his clients were still accustomed to it. I used it a few times starting off, before transitioning over to email for everything.
The office manager popped into my office and asked how much I needed the fax machine, because they wanted to change copiers and I was the only one still using it. I told her, "no way, get that thing out of here."
I'm giving myself a negative point because my father still used 8 track tapes when I was in high school. With my BOOK of cds. I also used one of those tape-to-cd adapters. 😫
Paper maps were great. Once you finished re-reading your Roald Dahl book and the batteries died on your gameboy, the only form of entertainment on family roadtrips was comparing mileage markers in the road atlas against the current speed of your minivan to calculate how much longer it would take to pass the next major exit. Then you'd hit a winding section of road, get car sick from concentrating on the map, and puke into a gallon ziplock bag. Good fun.
1 Point, I don't think I ever rented from a blockbuster considering it was in the next town over about 25 minutes away and we had like three or four rental stores in our town. I definitely bought from them a few times though.
I'd say that just going to a video store counts. Blockbuster isn't any more retro than any other video store that was around at the time; it's probably more retro to have gone to a store that had an adult section.
Some of these are just a function of having a job, even today.
For example, I've faxed in 2024 because the IRS primarily accepts paperwork through faxes from attorneys.
I have a dictionary because we have Black's Law Dictionary - what every attorney uses.
Even checks, I loath using them, but some places will only accept checks or they'll give you a discount because you're not using a credit card. Though, I will say, I think I'm still using the same check book I opened my bank account with like 10 years ago.
I did this quiz with my 18-year-old kid. On the Blockbuster question, she said um...oh yeah, we did rent a video that one time. I'm like ??, no that was a Redbox, they had DVDs. She said, "Wait, what was the question?" omg I lost it. I had to explain that a video from Blockbuster means a VHS from the walk-in store. I guess they had DVDs in the later years, but Redbox doesn't count.
On an interesting note, she has listened to music from a wax cylinder on a phonograph, because of this one time we went to a museum. But she hasn't ever listened to music on vinyl!
My parents literally still do this. Just had their agent drop off a set of tickets at their home yesterday while I was visiting and I couldn't compute.
Half a point. I never rented a video from Blockbuster, because there weren't any around here, but I did rent from a mom and pop, and then Hollywood Video.
We definitely weren't even millionaires but we had the adult set and the child set that was beige and red. There were so many good stories at the end of the child books I'd read over again when I was bored.
Same. I used to love to just sit and look through them. I can visualize how they felt and smelled even though I haven't seen one in decades. If I recall, someone sold them to us door to door.
Duck billed platypus was one of the first things I looked up because of the commercials they'd run.
This is the closest I ever had to an encyclopedia in my house. Of course by that point I also had the Internet. Oh, and maybe a few random volumes of Funk & Wagnalls, but never a complete set. Parents were frugal and didn't see a point when I had easy enough access to proper encyclopedias at school and the library.
My parents bought a set from a door-to-door salesman when my mom was pregnant with my older brother as an "investment in his future". Fast forward to me in high school still using them as twenty year old reference material.
I’m pretty sure we don’t have a complete set. We bought them from a door to door salesman on some kind of a book of the month plan that my parents stopped paying for.
A few months before I was born, my dad was in an accident at work and got a fairly nice payout. He was flat broke and deep in debt again by my first birthday. But despite being poor, I grew up with the World Book encyclopedia set and the complete Child Craft set. We also had a Commodore 64, an Atari with maybe a dozen games, a laser disk player with several movies, and the best stereo/record player 1980 had to offer.
I remember my parents buying those sets they sold at the supermarket. You’d buy like one book at a time. You have an upcoming school report on snakes? Sorry the “S” volume hasn’t been purchased yet.
No rotary phone use here. My friend had one in his house, but I never used it, and by the first time I used a pay phone they’d all been replaced with touch tones.
Australians stopped paying with cheques a LONG time ago. That said, there are still some official transactions that require one, like buying a home for instance. I missed out because we bought our home during lockdowns and everything was online.
Never really used a rotary phone here. My parents were young, so had a newer phone, never really spent much of my young childhood with other family to be around them
1 point for me because the nearest Blockbuster was like 2 hours away. We had video rental places, but no big chains until later when family video showed up.
I owned A encyclopedia. My parents got World
book volume A for free, were too cheap to buy the rest. Throughout school, I wrote lots of papers on A subjects.
My grandparents got the encyclopedias for my family, so they weren’t mine per se, but I used them the most. If that’s a point for me, it’s the only one.
I'm trying to understand how people don't write checks anymore. All of the contractors that I have paid to work on the house ask for checks and any municipal bills aren't online yet where I live. Do they ask their bank to issue a check instead? I'm so not with it.
Are you American, by chance? Electronic transfers down there seem to be a decade or so behind everywhere else. When I hire contractors here, I just send them electronic fund transfers to pay them, if they don't take credit.
A couple of contractors I've worked with took Zelle or Venmo, but most want checks. Some tree trimmers were pretty excited when my husband didn't know where the checkbook was and just paid them in cash.
I hired an interior designer, and I went to pay her the other day. She accepted Cashapp, which I have, but I've never paid with it, so I was fumbling with it. Gave up and wrote a check.
But because I do it so rarely I forgot to sign it, and didn't think about it till hours later...
Never sent a postcard, but mailed tons of letters. I also never owned a dictionary or encyclopedia myself but used ones in different libraries. I can navigate a card catalogue tho lol 😁
More than likely bc of where I'm from and being poor had a hand in that, so I still think I should get a zero lol
Renting a viedo from Blockbuster is the only one I've never done but to be fair my small town didn't have a Blockbuster but my first job was at the locally owned video store if that counts instead.
Screw all of you infants! I have done all of these things, including used an 8-track player and gone to bed after Television signed off. Harrumpphhh!!!! (walking away as quickly as my creaky knees will let me).
Either a 1 or 0 depending on what counts for using a rotary phone. When I was old enough to use the phone at home I recall it having buttons, but I used to play with the working rotary phone my grandparents still had connected when visiting because I thought it was interesting, but I didn't meaningfully "use" it. A quick search reveals that button dial phones where introduced in 1963, so I guess it's not unexpectedly my parents had button dial by the 80s.
I am close to you age wise and I had to fudge the radio to tape one. Probably did something to that effect as a kid playing around but not to really listen too.
I did burn a shit load of CDs from downloaded music, even made a few bucks doing it for other people.
And definitely used that illegally downloaded music, played over shitty computer speakers, recorded by my crappy pre flip phone cell phone to make my own "custom" free ring tones lol.
I had cassettes but never had an urge to copy, or record from radio.
Never had an Encyclopedia set, Though relatives and my grandmother had an older set.
And oddly enough I never traveled enough as a kid to have made out a postcard and send it anywhere, although I may have purchased a few as a memento.
I burned a few CD's in my time and my current Mp3 collection may or may not have a significant amount that were dubiously obtained in the early 00's
I have had faxes sent and received on my behalf, and I have troubleshooted fax machines as recently as 2024, but I have never actually gone through the process of sending a fax with my own hands, nor have I received one addressed directly to me.
I used printed-out google maps with directions in the earlier google maps days, but never actually used a real map.
My first internet connection was at uni and there the connection was definitely not a dial-up. I also thought the computer lab was the best place to hang out on weekend (nights).. okay, I know how that makes me sound and yes, I was never cool nor popular.
Paper checks haven't been a thing here since the 80s. I got a basic ATM card in the early 90s.
Scored 0. But I always had to go to the library for updated editions of World Book. Our family set was about 5 editions out of date - dad bought it when he and mom got married - in anticipation of having kids.
I must have paid for some things by cheque because I remember have stubs. Although I dont recall ever actually using one in a shop. Perhaps it was for mail order things?
I mean I don't know what a "vynil" is, but I have a turntable, great Bose box speakers that were my dad's from the 80s, and a great record collection.
I guess technically my parents owed the encyclopedia, but it was for me and my benefit (along with the National Geographic CD-ROM set, man that thing was awesome). And I'm sure I had a children's encyclopedia at some point, so it counts.
I still pay my water/sewer/garbage bill with a paper check, because my city is stupid and charges a fee for online payments. So waste your expensive government employee's time processing my paper check each month, jerks.
I'm a one. We actually did not have blockbuster in my town during my prime renting years. We had a local place that also rented out videogames that was awesome, then we discovered our local library had excellent videos for rent including a full set of wrestle manias.
Not that old but l grew up in a small town that was like 20 years behind. With almost a complete set of encyclopedias! The salesman stopped coming around V.
2 points. Rented movies in other places and never used a check (I think I haven't seen one of those since I was a child). I was about to add the fax one, but I think I ONCE sent one.
Federal Blue Cross still pays for prescription drug reimbursement with paper checks. Is part of their wait until the last minute to pay scam. Also, is just for overseas claims that I know of.
12 and 13 are the only ones I never did. I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. We didn’t have a radio station worth recording songs from and we didn’t have a blockbuster within 90 miles of where I lived. There were other movie rental businesses in my town.
Never rented a movie from blockbuster because we were a podunk town who only got local chains. And to be honest, I wouldn’t change it for all the world. Local stores were always the shit IMO
My two horse town didn’t have a Blockbuster. To be fair, some of the stuff on the list are still a part of normal life. Paper checks are still needed. Faxing was still essential until a few years ago with academic records. Sending a post card is a cool way to send yourself a souvenir.
Gonna miss Trudeau from our neighbors to the north, mostly because he's been around for nine years. Guess that's still better then trying to remember who the current Prime Minister of the UK is. Well, before the liberal government most recently took over.
This is the one thing I’m like 80% sure I’ve never done. OTOH I was a journalist for an actual physically printed newspaper so I feel like that should count.
So the dreams of the '90s being alive in Portland is a true statement? My typewriter is electric which doesn't make it portable and/or douche-baggy (I think).
I never used a real/mechanical typewriter. We had an Apple 2e when I was a kid, and then a 486, and then when I was 16, I got a job and built my own PC from inexpensive parts that I picked up at a computer show.
I never had a paper encyclopedia, but we had "prodigy bbs" which came with an encyclopedia as part of the subscription. Eventually prodigy became our ISP, though after my folks split up, when I lived with my mom we didn't really have internet until I built my PC in 96 and signed up for a local ISP called netwave.
You know, I never had to use a paper map to get around. I just kinda knew where I was going when I was driving. Now, I have been in the car on family road trips when a map was used, but not me personally.
Those encyclopedias were the biggest con! I remember the dressing downs my Dad would give my Mom over their price. He gloated once encyclopedias on CD-Rom came out. We'd devoted two coveted shelves to those family fracturing, instantly outdated badboys. Ah, the 90s. Score 0.
I’ve never recorded the radio to a cassette, and I’ve never owned an encyclopedia. Technically I’ve also never rented from Blockbuster - my family went to Hollywood Video instead.
I guess I have one point, cause I never personally sent a postcard, but I went on family vacations where my parents sent postcards from “all of us”.
Also scored a 0
19/20, I didn't have a Walkman
Oh yeah fat zero. Does it count for negative pts if your mom bought the encyclopedias from a door to door salesman?
1, unless you count Encarta as an encyclopedia
19, never owned an encyclopedia
2 never owned an encyclopedia nor sent a post card
1 point -- I never owned an encyclopedia.
My dad got us a whole set of encyclopaedias. Going through it was basically my Facebook scrolling habit back in the day.
I’ve owned individual encyclopedias but never a whole set so I’m not sure if it’s 0 or 1
* Not even this one? I mustve read this every night
Same. Grandma had the World Encyclopedia set from 1962. I had Microsoft Encarta.
At our age, I'm pretty sure "household" is good enough for the encyclopedia.
What was it like to have rich parents? I was library encyclopedia poor.
My parents were not rich, but could be quite susceptible to a good sales pitch, which is how we ended up with three sets of encyclpaedias (including a children's set). When they discovered the shopping channel, random kitchen gadgets would start popping up in the house. There was a period of time when I was in my late teens/early 20s during which my parents would buy stuff, but try to hide it from me because I would scold them for their impulse purchases.
It's bizarre, because they are otherwise so sensible and responsible!
Same same. Encyclopedia poor. But library rich! The excitement from my first library card. What a day. What a smile I wore.
Every time I stumble on a thread like this I’m like “was I (and everyone I knew) really that poor? No! Everyone on the internet grew up rich I guess!”
Anyway this was a nonstarter, I did not know a single person with an encyclopedia set at home.
We didn’t have a set either. I guess my score is a 1 then!
Technically you don't need a multi-volume set. A concise encyclopedia can be a single book.
We weren't actually poor by any stretch, solid middle class. We always had bookshelves full of books, but I think my folks realized even then that a set of encyclopedias are outdated within a few years and we had a great public library system, so why waste the money.
That was the really weird part. We were foodbank poor, but I think a grandparent bought them for us. Nothing quite like browsing a fortune in books, while eating all-bran with powdered milk+water.
Yeah, that set of encyclopaedia Britannica
I thikn we had World Books maybe - they were brown with a gold embossing....
That was britannica. World book was light brown 70% top. Navy blue 30% bottom. Gold lettering
We had these World Books, the reddish brown one was the gold lettering were Funk and Wagnalls, a brand that I forgot even existed until another redditor mentioned them.
Those must have been made been made with papyrus. I think the set my folks bought was either green or blue
Ours were a set from the 1950s that my mom found for cheap in the early 90s. I can smell that memory.
Samsies. Also the childcraft encyclopedia books. Those were fun.
Flipping to s to see if it has 'sex'.
This is how I learned how a baby was made. No shit.
This may be TMI but there was a picture of a marble statue of, like Napoleon's sister, nude. It was part of my, uh, awakening.
It's bizarre to think about how hard up we were back then. And my parents didn't even have cable so I couldn't watch scrambled Skinomax. Shamefully, horneyness is what fostered my interest in foreign cinema and Masterpiece Theater because they could show boobies on PBS.
But at least that ended up being a positive interest. Maybe the only good thing that came out of teenaged hormones.
Totally, lol
Totally, lol
Childcraft was great!!!
We had a set of World Book encyclopedia s my grandma gave us. They were dated 1969 😂 for real though, I’d love to have them today
Sounds like Funk and Wagnalls. That's what my family had.
I think we had some world books as well but I think they were the white ones or cream colored world books maybe and then we had the funk and wagnalls that name had completely left my brain until you just said it!
We had a set of World Books my grandparents bought for my mom and uncle. 1966, maybe? Blue. I loved them to death.
I scored a zero. Was surprised "owned a dictionary" was on there but the I thought about it and realized I haven't touched mine in ages. Used to love that too.
Aw man I genuinely liked looking at the set of world books my grandma had. They were like... thirty years out of date when I was a teenager but I thought it was neat to just... sit and flip through them.
🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫. World book gang over here
Or Encarta 95
Had that cd 😂
Does having encarta on cd count?
Because having the britannica books is bougie af (I think they were thousands of dollars in Australia)
I remember when I learned that simple Encarta disc had all the information that was on what took up the entire bottom half of the family book shelf. Blew my mind.
Lol. My teacher suspected plagiarism in my report, but couldn’t prove it because he wasn’t as tech savvy as my 15 year old ass with Encarta on LaSeR DiSk!
Loved growing up then. Papers were just put up online without worrying too much because teachers hardly knew the tech. Freshman typing teacher didn't know about copy paste when we did it in notepad/word.
It came with our family's first computer. An AST 486. The game was fun in it.
We had leather bound ones from the 1960s.
I'm going with household, too. I've never owned a set of encyclopedias, but my family did when I was young. It also had an entry on the war in Vietnam but it was an unresolved conflict at the time of printing.
Needless to say, it wasn't the most reliable reference material when I got to high school.
This was my question! I didn’t personally own them but my parents did
Could even stretch that to grandparents owning a set qualifying.
I remember dad looking up stuff in the encyclopedia at home and not being satisfied and then looking up the same subject on my grandparents encyclopedia because theirs was "better".
I can't remember if it was that they were newer (or older...) or fancier or more in depth but at least a few times that happened.
My grandma had a set, but we never did
We had World Books that my mom has been buying piecemeal from the grocery store but we moved before we finished the set. That meant that every report me or my siblings wrote has to be sourced from the first half of the alphabet. No reports on trains or Zimbabwe or radon
Ok, Richie Rich. You know who owned the encyclopedia? The Library. So many nickel xerox copies.
I remember when they were records or LPs LOL
Owned like four parts of the Charlie Brown encyclopedia my mom was buying for us at the supermarket, not a complete set but in counting it. I also got a zero
Same here.
1 point as well. I never sent a postcard. I just never bothered to do it
Exactly. Technically my parents owned it.
Are you sure? They came with every computer after cd-roms were standard equipment.
Same, did borrow certain volumes from the library though
I'm counting my grandma's encyclopedia bookshelf. I didn't own them myself, but I did use them as a kid.
I guess I get a 1 for never listening to vynil
Before you give up on this. Did you or a friend own a fisherprice record player as a child.
I mean, considering it doesn't exist... :D
It’s never too late!
Yeah…my family couldn’t afford that, so I got a 1
Came here to rep the never owned an encyclopedia crew.
We was too poor....
So like, Mom signed up for some kind of Encyclopedia subscription through the local grocery store? We had about 1/3 of the books...I don't know how to score that. Without that, I have a 0.
Does MS Encarta count?
We bought one encyclopedia per week at the grocery stone until we had the whole set. That memory is crazy to think about.
Same as me...unless Encarta 95 counts?
Same. Too poor.
I’m calling that one free volume “an encyclopedia”
But did your grandparents own an Encyclopedia Britanmica set? Or, have you ever touched a cd Encyclopedia??
That misspelling bugged me a lot.
I got 0 points.
Vynil record was the only point I scored. Vinyl yes, Vynil no.
Did you have Encarta on your computer though?
Also 1 point - never recorded off the radio. I wasn't really ever into music.
This was my one point too.
I copied music for sure, but never from the radio.
I'm counting the one I owned on CD-ROM.
Encarta DEFINITELY counts.
1 - I’ve never used paper maps unless you count Mapquest print outs of my route lol
Still counts.
No points for you!
My parents did but the closest I came was Encyclopedia Brown
Same. I have no idea of where I would even put a whole Britannica set.
Thank you. I was highly disturbed by their spelling. Also: score zero! Represent!
I don't remember if we ever got the full set but I do remember buying them at the supermarket where they were sold one volume each week/month whatever. Better hope you don't go out of town or miss a week because that set will never get complete.
2 points. I never used a Walkman (although I did have a discman so do I get half a point for that?). And I never sent a post card. That seems like a strange one to add to the list.
I’d give you a zero for sure - Walkman, discman, RadioShack generic - a portable CD player was a portable CD player.
Bonus zero point: anti-skip tech
Can't spell vinyl, yet spells '80s correctly. Weird, right?
In the spirit of this list, without being a Nazi (surf, grammar/spelling, or otherwise), I got a 0.
0 points. I did a few of these things today…
Hey, vinyl (vynil?) is coming back now. My parents had a record player when I was a kid but my wife and I just got one a few months ago. There is something warm and fuzzy about the comforting crackle of a record.
Perfect zero
0 points.
I've never used a real rotary phone, but I've used a toy one.
I mean, some of these things I’ve done in the past year
I used a paper map today.
This one boggled my mind… have you ever visited a park?
It should say “use a street map book.” That’s some old school stuff.
Isn't a boombox just what we now call a "bookshelf stereo"?
If you can't hold it up in the air playing In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel outside your crush's window, it ain't a boom box, brother.
not quite, most boomboxes you could run on batteries and carry around with you - they were big though, it was not a walkman by any means.
🤷♂️ I've had both. I know not all boomboxes could separate the speakers, but mine did.
yeah some could, but I thought the ones that were more meant to sit on your entertainment center were called modular or component stereos or hi-fi stereos for a bit
But I think there were some that were both.
If you can't hold it up in the air playing In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel outside your crush's window, it ain't a boom box, brother.
I didnt read the thread yet, just had to stop and ask how you got a picture of my stereo?! :D
Ah, the OG of being on speaker phone in public, lmao
I've heard them called Ghetto Blasters in the past... Not sure how kosher the term is.
I had one that had detatchable speakers. yet I tended to just plug headphones in because my taste in music is my own and honestly I preferred a walkman for that reason.
Google "ghetto blaster"
Sent/received a fax; those guys are definitely still kicking around.
If you work in medical, legal, or finance, you definitely get paper faxes right now.
Yep. I'm sending faxes daily at work. Although, now I can fax straight from the computer, so it's a lot easier.
I use one daily at work.
And yet I'm 40 and haven't ever sent one, not so I really believe i know what they are.
I work in healthcare. I'm forever faxing doctors who failed to follow up on escripts that were promised or faxing paper scripts residents somehow manage to bring back to the pharmacy our facility uses.
I think I was the last person to use our office's fax machine (albeit, about 5 years ago). I was hired to replace a Boomer who'd retired, and he still used it a fair amount, so some of his clients were still accustomed to it. I used it a few times starting off, before transitioning over to email for everything.
The office manager popped into my office and asked how much I needed the fax machine, because they wanted to change copiers and I was the only one still using it. I told her, "no way, get that thing out of here."
I remember the first time I heard about a fax machine and I couldn’t get over how such a magical thing could exist.
Healthcare. Yep.
Especially in Japan.
I never sent fax until I was almost 30.
I had to fax a thing for work recently. I used an email to fax thing, I'm not sure if it counts.
I did use a regular fax machine at work maybe a year and a half ago?
I still have to pay my rent with a physical check.
I wrote a check on Tuesday.
I'm a landlord and I appreciate my tenants pay me with Venmo or Apple Pay
I've done some of these in the last week
I listened to a CD today.
I don't know how, but my score is negative.
-1 for putting tape on a VHS to record over it
-1 for connecting two VCRs so you can play one and make a copy on the other 🤣
-1 because I’ve I’ve done all that plus used a multi home “party-line” telephone?
Oh, I've done that too.
I gave myself a -1 for listening to music on a reel-to-reel tape player.
My score just keeps descending...
What about 8-tracks?
Giving myself a point for the 8-tracks as well.
Our van had an 8 track player growing up. Had one 8 track that had one song.
I've honestly never used one.
I'm giving myself a negative point because my father still used 8 track tapes when I was in high school. With my BOOK of cds. I also used one of those tape-to-cd adapters. 😫
I guess I am at -2 for owning both reel to reel and 8 track players now!
1 point. Never used a paper map.
Same. I didn’t drive until I was in my early 20’s and by then we had MapQuest.
If you printed it out on your bubblejet printer to take in the car with you, I think that's a paper map.
Me, I had a Thompson's guide banging around in my car well into my 20s
Paper maps were great. Once you finished re-reading your Roald Dahl book and the batteries died on your gameboy, the only form of entertainment on family roadtrips was comparing mileage markers in the road atlas against the current speed of your minivan to calculate how much longer it would take to pass the next major exit. Then you'd hit a winding section of road, get car sick from concentrating on the map, and puke into a gallon ziplock bag. Good fun.
Damn that unlocked some memories lol
1 Point, I don't think I ever rented from a blockbuster considering it was in the next town over about 25 minutes away and we had like three or four rental stores in our town. I definitely bought from them a few times though.
1 because there was no blockbusters where I grew up. We had Hometown Video
That counts
I'd say that just going to a video store counts. Blockbuster isn't any more retro than any other video store that was around at the time; it's probably more retro to have gone to a store that had an adult section.
Hollywood Studio was cheaper and closer than Blockbuster so we went there. The real question is who else rented a VHS from a grocery store?
That’s my 1 too. We had one but they wouldn’t give me a card.
0 as well! 🥳
0 for me
The only thing on here I get a point for is never using a type writer.
My dad bought a computer in 85-86 and we always had one in the house after that.
Oof. Yeah, perfect zero score.
Big zero
Yep zero
Some of these are just a function of having a job, even today.
For example, I've faxed in 2024 because the IRS primarily accepts paperwork through faxes from attorneys.
I have a dictionary because we have Black's Law Dictionary - what every attorney uses.
Even checks, I loath using them, but some places will only accept checks or they'll give you a discount because you're not using a credit card. Though, I will say, I think I'm still using the same check book I opened my bank account with like 10 years ago.
I did this quiz with my 18-year-old kid. On the Blockbuster question, she said um...oh yeah, we did rent a video that one time. I'm like ??, no that was a Redbox, they had DVDs. She said, "Wait, what was the question?" omg I lost it. I had to explain that a video from Blockbuster means a VHS from the walk-in store. I guess they had DVDs in the later years, but Redbox doesn't count.
On an interesting note, she has listened to music from a wax cylinder on a phonograph, because of this one time we went to a museum. But she hasn't ever listened to music on vinyl!
Boomer Facebook memes need to find a more appropriate sub
1- No postcard sent.
1 point. We didn't go to Blockbuster, we went to a local place then we got Hollywood Video
I sent a fax yesterday for my work. Listened to Ella Fitzgerald on Vinyl last week. Also, perfect zero.
2-no Blockbusters out in the middle of nowhere and never sent a post card.
Perfect 0 here too
I've never sent a postcard or used a paper map :(
I don't see "listened to 8 tracks" on the list.
Perfect 20 here
I still pay my rent with a paper check. Definitely zero
Yeah we couldn’t afford the encyclopedia so I get 1 point for that
Does the Mac Os Encyclopedia count? With the pre-loaded Cranberries album?
I got 1 point, cause I don’t think I ever sent a postcard.
Book a flight/holiday in a travel agent's office needs to be on there.
That kind of misses a lot of poor people.
Yes! Did that once.
Meet someone at the gate too
Been on a flight where smoking was allowed
And thumbing a lift.
My parents literally still do this. Just had their agent drop off a set of tickets at their home yesterday while I was visiting and I couldn't compute.
I still do that because my cousin is a travel agent and he gets me good deals.
I did that for my honeymoon not ten years ago
0 club….as long as we count the family encyclopedia set as mine
1 - I never recorded onto a cassette from the radio. I recorded plenty of nonsense onto a cassette, but never anything from the radio.
Easy zero
None of these are even deep cuts. Maybe the encyclopedia.
Half a point. I never rented a video from Blockbuster, because there weren't any around here, but I did rent from a mom and pop, and then Hollywood Video.
Also perfect zero!
1, I've never sent a postcard.
Who are you billionaires who owned encyclopedias?
We definitely weren't even millionaires but we had the adult set and the child set that was beige and red. There were so many good stories at the end of the child books I'd read over again when I was bored.
My parents viewed it as an investment in our education.
I think World Book was about $300.
Same. My family was far from rich, but we had a set of World Books. I read them all the time as a kid.
We had World Book 1986 which, aside from its educational purposes, made for great bathroom reading material well into the 2000's.
Mine was probably 89, and yes, they were fun for many, many years.
Same. I used to love to just sit and look through them. I can visualize how they felt and smelled even though I haven't seen one in decades. If I recall, someone sold them to us door to door.
Duck billed platypus was one of the first things I looked up because of the commercials they'd run.
CalebWilliamson@reddit (OP)
They were second hand.
Second hand, I was using a 1968 version of world books in the early 90’s. Well we had them, I only looked at the pictures.
We were also using 1968 World Books in the 1990s.
Yeah my family's set were hand-me-downs from the '70s. World Books, of course.
Ah those 1972 World Books we had really hit a wall in the late eighties/early nineties.
50s here lol
Slot for a library card, here.
World Book!! Fuck yeah!
My cousin had a full, up to date set in 1999. I was so jealous.
Does Encarta count?
I was just about to ask that. That's the only encyclopedia I had. I loved the game on Encarta!
This is the closest I ever had to an encyclopedia in my house. Of course by that point I also had the Internet. Oh, and maybe a few random volumes of Funk & Wagnalls, but never a complete set. Parents were frugal and didn't see a point when I had easy enough access to proper encyclopedias at school and the library.
My parents bought a set from a door-to-door salesman when my mom was pregnant with my older brother as an "investment in his future". Fast forward to me in high school still using them as twenty year old reference material.
They werent all super expensive. A few publishers were selling very discounted sets with cheap bindings and covers for like 2-300 brand new.
Honestly I didn't realize they were that expensive... My dad bought a Britannica set new when I started 2nd grade, so I guess 1987 ish.
I’m pretty sure we don’t have a complete set. We bought them from a door to door salesman on some kind of a book of the month plan that my parents stopped paying for.
My grandma had a set, not sure if she got them new or if she got the previous years set on sale.
You really only needed one of them per family though, so I counted it on my list.
A few months before I was born, my dad was in an accident at work and got a fairly nice payout. He was flat broke and deep in debt again by my first birthday. But despite being poor, I grew up with the World Book encyclopedia set and the complete Child Craft set. We also had a Commodore 64, an Atari with maybe a dozen games, a laser disk player with several movies, and the best stereo/record player 1980 had to offer.
My parents bought them in the late 70s before I was born.
Encarta. Or hand me downs.
Found in a box on the curb. They were probably 20 years out of date but it still counts.
I grew up pretty standard “middle class” and we didn’t have a set. I mean I used the ones from the library plenty, we just didn’t have them at home.
You didn’t have to be rich, but the richer you were the more current the books were. Ours were from the 70’s :)
I have no idea where they came from but they were old at the time. Like they might not have accounted for 50 states type old.
We didn’t have much money at all, but my mom made sure I had encyclopedias because she valued my education… I only used them for book reports though
Lmao your username… your mom has buyer’s remorse
I remember my parents buying those sets they sold at the supermarket. You’d buy like one book at a time. You have an upcoming school report on snakes? Sorry the “S” volume hasn’t been purchased yet.
I think my dad's work gave them sets at some point
Same. My dad worked shipping and motor pool for the local university, so we got all kinds of perks like internet and encyclopedias and shit.
My first computer came with one on CD-Rom.
I think ours were from the late 60s or so
Comptons for the win!
I still do number 7. Like actually at this moment listening to The Claypool Lennon Delirium.
Fuck am I that old (insert sad face)
Zero for me too. Shoot, I've done have these things in the last 30 days.
1 point. Never sent a postcard.
I scored a 0. The paper checks thing surprises me- there are still things today for which I need to write paper checks. Is that unusual?
Yup... zero
One point for number 7. My records were all made of vinyl.
I'll give you a -1 if you've ever rocked out to a wax cylinder
Reel to reel and magnetic wire, yes, but never wax cylinder.
I'm pretty sure my dad still has his reel to reel (and some reels) in his basement
Perfect score here
Got em all. I've seen things.
Don't think I've ever sent a postcard
Same. Never went anywhere to send one from. I have mailed letters.
My mom gave us card stock and had us draw on the front and write on the back to send to relatives.
Close enough.
I think they're interchangeable too. Which, if so, gives me a zero score .
Zero. Also, I just faxed something yesterday...
I did all of these things. I'm an old 40.
Hard zero for me.
VINYL. goddamn that irked me…also scored a 0
People act like this makes them good at something. It just means you were alive in the 80s/90s. Have you ever shod a horse? Crank started a car?
I got a 1. By the time I started driving, we at least had Mapquest.
Perfect 0
0 is my score...I'm officially an old fart😅💨
I wasn’t sure if printed MapQuest directions count as a paper map, ha ha. Because if they do, then it is a zero
1 point! We were too poor for a encyclopedia
1984 millennial
Does a paper map include the directions and map I printed off of Mapquest?
Perfect zero, but I didn't send a fax until 2022.
0 out of 20. Oh, and I still listen to vinyl. :)
No rotary phone use here. My friend had one in his house, but I never used it, and by the first time I used a pay phone they’d all been replaced with touch tones.
Zero here
I never sent a postcard. We made some in class and my mom was supposed to send them out or whatever.
Listened to a cassette tape TODAY
I was still doing some of these things in the 00s. Life in a backwater, I guess
Im a 90s baby and im still paying some bills with checks? Is that just a having boomer parent thing?
In the words of Elvis Costello, "everything means less than zero.."
2, I never owned a dictionary or a encyclopedia but my sister did!
2 for the same reasons. Although I do own a thesaurus so I'm not sure what that means.
0 here too
I think I have sent a fax or two. Almost had a point there
1 point. I've never listened to a vinyl record. We had 8 tracks and cassettes, but no record player. When I was about 12, we got a CD player.
-1 = had a pen pal
Same… “0”
Zero of course. I could see maybe not using a rotary phone. Everything else was just too common for the time.
Never really used a rotary phone here. My parents were young, so had a newer phone, never really spent much of my young childhood with other family to be around them
This is some boomer shit. I thought we were going to be better
Also a perfect 0.
And, I mean, businesses still use fax machines.
Scored a zero but was born in 84. So I guess I have a seat on the council but will not be given the rank of master.
.5 because I had encarta not britanica
I feel old now.
almost scored a 1. sent a fax from a truck stop in grayson ky sometime in the mid aughts
1 point for me because the nearest Blockbuster was like 2 hours away. We had video rental places, but no big chains until later when family video showed up.
Woohoo! Zero!
1 point for me for the encyclopedia. But do I get -1 point for still using paper maps to this day? Specifically in the BWCA
2 never owned encyclopedia or sent a postcard.
☑︎ Used a rotary phone
☑︎ Used a floppy disk
☑︎ Used a typewriter
☑︎ Taken pictures with a film camera
☑︎ Listened to music on a CD
☑︎ Listened to a cassette tape
☑︎ Listened to a vinyl record
☑︎ Listened to music on a Walkman
☑︎ Listened to music on a boombox
☑︎ watched a video from a VHS tape
☑︎ Sent or received a fax
☑ Recorded music from radio to cassette tape
☐ Rented a video from camera Blockbuster
☑ Accessed the internet by dial-up
☑ Used a phone book
☑ Sent a postcard
☑ Used a paper map to get somewhere
☑ Owned a dictionary
☐ Owned an encyclopedia
☑ Paid with a paper check
My score: 18
Passes with a perfect zero as well!
Do I get an extra point for watching a movie on LaserDisc? What about renting a LaserDisc to record onto VHS?
Same…0 pts. I still get the phone book delivered to my house. I don’t ask for it and it shows up. Goes in the trash 🗑️ right away 🤷
0!! So, did I pass or fail?
I did some of these today
I’m too old for this, 38 years old and got a 0
Id be drunk AF
Easily a zero.
I’m trying to figure out how to make a less than zero reference, but I’m coming up short… it’s been a long week
Zero. And I’m a millennial born in 88.
I only won with 0 because we had the “A” encyclopedia and no others.
I don’t remember how we got it, but if I ever had a report on something with the letter A, I was all set.
1 point for me, never paid via cheque, it was antiquated by the time I was making money.
19 / 20
I never rented from Blockbuster as the closest outlet was 4 hours away.
I’m 35, and I scored a zero.
0, if you count Microsoft Encarta as an encyclopedia
0 points
I don’t know if Ive ever sent a postcard… 🤔
20 dayum
Perfect zero
1 point… never faxed a thing in my life
I owned A encyclopedia. My parents got World book volume A for free, were too cheap to buy the rest. Throughout school, I wrote lots of papers on A subjects.
So, yes, I owned A encyclopedia
19/20. I never rented from Blockbuster. I did have an account at Family Video back when that existed around here.
Zero 0️⃣ and Vynil lol
My grandparents got the encyclopedias for my family, so they weren’t mine per se, but I used them the most. If that’s a point for me, it’s the only one.
Paid for a long distance phone plan.
Waited until after 6pm for free nights and weekends to make a phone call.
Told someone they owe me money if they send me a text.
0 points!
0 for 20... definitely remember having the Britannica, with those shiny gold page edges
Same, and had time left over to spell check "Vynil?"
19 points. 😂
I was hoping i will miss points on boombox but then i googled what that is and, yeah, got that one too... im 35 and im fucking old
Never sent a fax.
I think i have a 1. I don't believe I ever recorded of the radio.
Damn. 20/20. Perfect score baby!!!
20/20 here
Well I guess I need to take 20 shots
Perfect score of a 0. Damn I am getting old.
For number 9, would you also have accepted a ghetto blaster?
Should have on the list: rented a VCR
0 for 20. I still pay some things with paper checks
I'm trying to understand how people don't write checks anymore. All of the contractors that I have paid to work on the house ask for checks and any municipal bills aren't online yet where I live. Do they ask their bank to issue a check instead? I'm so not with it.
Are you American, by chance? Electronic transfers down there seem to be a decade or so behind everywhere else. When I hire contractors here, I just send them electronic fund transfers to pay them, if they don't take credit.
A couple of contractors I've worked with took Zelle or Venmo, but most want checks. Some tree trimmers were pretty excited when my husband didn't know where the checkbook was and just paid them in cash.
Yeah if I had to use a third party app to transfer funds I wouldn’t do it either. lol
Guilty. I use apps like venmo or paypal, but not for large dollar amounts.
Makes a person think a teenager made this list, becaise I assume most adults would skip the check one.
Should be had a credit card "swiped" with the paper transfer machine
I just used one yesterday for a down payment on a car.
I hired an interior designer, and I went to pay her the other day. She accepted Cashapp, which I have, but I've never paid with it, so I was fumbling with it. Gave up and wrote a check.
But because I do it so rarely I forgot to sign it, and didn't think about it till hours later...
Never sent a postcard, but mailed tons of letters. I also never owned a dictionary or encyclopedia myself but used ones in different libraries. I can navigate a card catalogue tho lol 😁
More than likely bc of where I'm from and being poor had a hand in that, so I still think I should get a zero lol
0 and I'm only 35
1, I've never sent a postcard.
20 points for me. Gen X hose drinker here.
Zero here. I still pay bills at my business with paper checks. Wrote 12 of them today! And I still listen to my old cassettes in my 1995 celica 🤘
Goose egg
Omg I got a zero.
1 point- never sent a postcard.
Technically I never rented from Blockbuster. We used the local video rental place.
Tbf im a straight up millennial (born in 87) and scored a zero and I think my brother who was born in 90 would too
0 for me too
Is it weird to have only a score of 3 as a genZ?
Just never had a Walkman or used dial up or a floppy disk.
You guys used typewriters or just saw one and clicked a few times?
hell...I'd only score a 10 THIS YEAR
Lifetime = 0
Perfect O here as well!
I got a goose egg.
Renting a viedo from Blockbuster is the only one I've never done but to be fair my small town didn't have a Blockbuster but my first job was at the locally owned video store if that counts instead.
One point. My parents owned the encyclopedia set.
Zero for me as well
I have literally done all of these except 3.
Perfect Zero
1- because I didn’t have a fax machine.
1 point. Never sent a postcard.
If I can't drive to your house inside of an hour, you're basically dead to me.
Screw all of you infants! I have done all of these things, including used an 8-track player and gone to bed after Television signed off. Harrumpphhh!!!! (walking away as quickly as my creaky knees will let me).
2 points and I’m a late millennial
More 80s and 90s
Do the Fink and Wagnall’s encyclopedia purchased serially through Super Duper’s count.
I think we had maybe half the set.
I don't think I've sent a postcard. Done all the others though.
Perfect zero!!
Wait, what's the point of never-have-i-ever, again? Is it like golf?
Big fucking zero.
Solid 17 points
Dialed 9 to get an outside line should be on there
Perfect zero
2 Blockbuster wasn't a thing in Canada if we say any video rental store then down to 1, unless printing out mapquest counts then 0.
Man I got 0 points. This hurts as I like to imagine I am not yet old.
Aren't we all going to be 0? Maybe 1 point here and there for those who never personally used fax machines or had encyclopedias.
I've been watching Perfect Strangers again. I did the math ... it's 38 years old.
I shouldn't have done the math
Big phat 0.
Recorded music from radio to cassette tape.
"Vynil" no. Vinyl, yes. So not sure if my score is a 1 or a 0
Also, they were called records, not vinyl.
1 - My town was too small for a Blockbuster.
I scored a 23 on the purity test
Ive done every single one.... 0
I never owned a real encyclopedia. Always wanted one back then but we never had the money for it.
Either a 1 or 0 depending on what counts for using a rotary phone. When I was old enough to use the phone at home I recall it having buttons, but I used to play with the working rotary phone my grandparents still had connected when visiting because I thought it was interesting, but I didn't meaningfully "use" it. A quick search reveals that button dial phones where introduced in 1963, so I guess it's not unexpectedly my parents had button dial by the 80s.
Born in 85 so less a xennial and more a very early millennial, I only scored a 3
Which did you get?
I am close to you age wise and I had to fudge the radio to tape one. Probably did something to that effect as a kid playing around but not to really listen too.
I did burn a shit load of CDs from downloaded music, even made a few bucks doing it for other people.
And definitely used that illegally downloaded music, played over shitty computer speakers, recorded by my crappy pre flip phone cell phone to make my own "custom" free ring tones lol.
It was a weird time.
I had cassettes but never had an urge to copy, or record from radio.
Never had an Encyclopedia set, Though relatives and my grandmother had an older set. And oddly enough I never traveled enough as a kid to have made out a postcard and send it anywhere, although I may have purchased a few as a memento.
I burned a few CD's in my time and my current Mp3 collection may or may not have a significant amount that were dubiously obtained in the early 00's
2 points.
I grew up in a small rural town. There were no Blockbusters within 80 miles of us. We had a Movie Gallery like 20 miles up the road, if that counts.
Never sent a postcard, either.
my score: 2-ish
I have had faxes sent and received on my behalf, and I have troubleshooted fax machines as recently as 2024, but I have never actually gone through the process of sending a fax with my own hands, nor have I received one addressed directly to me.
I used printed-out google maps with directions in the earlier google maps days, but never actually used a real map.
Got two points due to 14 and 20.
My first internet connection was at uni and there the connection was definitely not a dial-up. I also thought the computer lab was the best place to hang out on weekend (nights).. okay, I know how that makes me sound and yes, I was never cool nor popular.
Paper checks haven't been a thing here since the 80s. I got a basic ATM card in the early 90s.
Scored 0. But I always had to go to the library for updated editions of World Book. Our family set was about 5 editions out of date - dad bought it when he and mom got married - in anticipation of having kids.
I don’t think I ever used a typewriter.
two... never sent or received a fax, and i've never sent a post card..
I must have paid for some things by cheque because I remember have stubs. Although I dont recall ever actually using one in a shop. Perhaps it was for mail order things?
I scored a perfect ZERO and I’m damned proud of it!
-1 because I’ve I’ve done all that plus used a multi home “party-line” telephone?
I think the recording from the radio was my only point.
0 here! :)
Zero too and I was born in the '90s!
Fuck lol
I have done everything on the list multiple times.
Whelp. I guess my ass is old.
I mean I don't know what a "vynil" is, but I have a turntable, great Bose box speakers that were my dad's from the 80s, and a great record collection.
I guess technically my parents owed the encyclopedia, but it was for me and my benefit (along with the National Geographic CD-ROM set, man that thing was awesome). And I'm sure I had a children's encyclopedia at some point, so it counts.
I still pay my water/sewer/garbage bill with a paper check, because my city is stupid and charges a fee for online payments. So waste your expensive government employee's time processing my paper check each month, jerks.
I point- I never rented from Blockbuster.
Both my parents owed them money, so we were banned.
We had to rent from Hollywood bideo or independent places.
0 and it’s not even a challenge. 😃
I'm a one. We actually did not have blockbuster in my town during my prime renting years. We had a local place that also rented out videogames that was awesome, then we discovered our local library had excellent videos for rent including a full set of wrestle manias.
Well I've never sent a postcard
Well now I'm angry.
CalebWilliamson@reddit (OP)
Same. Club 0 over here. Legit credentials!
I sent a fax yesterday.
Does my parents having a huge 30 book encyclopedia count? No way I was buying that when I was 6.
We never had Blockbuster growing up, we had Family Video, and I was there many times.
I'm counting both of their towards my 0!
Yeah, the encyclopedia set was not "mine," but I did read the hell out of the family's World Book set.
A Blockbuster eventually opened in hometown and we occasionally rented there, but we were pretty loyal to little, local, Rosewood Video.
Fat zero. I did all these things and sometimes, I still do some of these things (listen to music on cd)
Postcards are awesome. Still send them to my parents when I’m abroad.
Perfect Zero as well
Zero hero
When I was a kid, I wanted a copy of Brittanica sooo badly but it was way out of the realm of possibility.
One point.
1 but only because we had Hollywood Video instead of Blockbuster.
Zero for me, too... But paper checks? What's wrong with that?
I still send postcards; postcards are dope!
1 point sort of but that's only because I didn't rent my VHS tapes from Blockbuster but a local store.
Zero. I even sent a fax today.
2 points...
Fat zero plus I played dig dug on atari.
2 points. Rented movies in other places and never used a check (I think I haven't seen one of those since I was a child). I was about to add the fax one, but I think I ONCE sent one.
I’ve never listened to “vynil” 😖
I really missed Blockbuster and Hollywood video. There was so much more vested interest in the movie selection.
I got 3
1 for me. We were not rich enough to own encyclopedias. We had to walk to the library if we wanted to look up G for Genitalia.
Maps were not my family’s thing, and that trickled down to me. I’ve never sent or received a fax.
0 - but maybe .5 because I had like 5 letters/books of an encyclopedia set lol
Federal Blue Cross still pays for prescription drug reimbursement with paper checks. Is part of their wait until the last minute to pay scam. Also, is just for overseas claims that I know of.
Is a point good or bad? Regardless, I don't have any.
1 point
A zero?
CalebWilliamson@reddit (OP)
Zero. Yay I’m old
Done them all lol
1 point, never rented from blockbuster (burned and raised in EU)
I had an 8 track player in the dash of my car.
I score zero. In fact, I am listening to a vinyl record right now, so that should make me a negative-1. (and vynil on this list is a typo)
And I get bonus minus points for knowing how to correctly spell "vinyl".
12 and 13 are the only ones I never did. I grew up in a small town in the middle of nowhere. We didn’t have a radio station worth recording songs from and we didn’t have a blockbuster within 90 miles of where I lived. There were other movie rental businesses in my town.
I'm giving myself a "0" even though my *family* owned a set of Funk & Wagnels, technically *I* did not. I did own an Encarta 95 CD though.
Zero. Fuck I’m old
2 pts I’ve never sent a postcard, never used a typewriter 👏
Zero here.
I received a fax this week…. Some of these things are still being used routinely haha
Does Encarta count as an encyclopedia? Yes=2 No=1
0 points.
1–recorded from radio to cassette
1-No block buster near me growing up. If we count any movie rental place back at 0
Zero ^^
We had disposable camera's placed on every table at our wedding which is only 11 years ago.
Because digital photo's would en up on a hard drive somewhere and never looked at 😅
(Which is exactly what happened with all the digital pics)
0 bro. This is easy mode lol
I'm a lost millennial, I got all of them
I definitely have received postcards, I don't recall ever sending one though.. guess I lose
Well, I’m old. And it’s just common sense to have a paper atlas! We are far too reliant on technology. Now I feel older…
Missing “listened to music on an 8-track” and “watched video on betamax”
I sent a fax like 10 years ago and even then I was like "WHO DOES THIS??"
1 point - somehow I never recorded music off the radio. I’m not sure how I failed to do that.
Perfect zero...
Team zero!
I still fax things.
I still use a paper check to pay my rent 🫠
Just 1 point : foiled by the fax machine.
Zero for me too
My prep school literally gave all of us a copy of the Concise Oxford Dictionary when we completed our final year at the school...
Scored a perfect zero on this test.
Some of these I still do today!
I don't know how people have gotten by without writing a check. Some things I do will only accept cash or check, and I rarely carry much cash.
16 points :D
1 point. Never had a chequebook.
1…never sent a postcard…always thought they were kind of obnoxious for some reason.
Give this test to your partner too. If they score more than 3, congrats.
Donut ( 0 )
Who hasn't at least heard music from a CD
I recorded from tapes to tapes, records to tapes, reel-to-reel to tape. But never off the radio. One.
I don't remember if I ever used a rotary phone. We had one, but I think by the time I was actually talking on the phone, we had a touch pad.
My parents put the rotary phone in our play room, and it was one of my favorite things.
I’ve never sent a postcard.
Ps gonna miss you, Mr. President. 🇨🇦
Gonna miss Trudeau from our neighbors to the north, mostly because he's been around for nine years. Guess that's still better then trying to remember who the current Prime Minister of the UK is. Well, before the liberal government most recently took over.
Same here. What does that mean about us?
Same and same
Same and same.
Same 😔
Hard zero. Like zero x 1000, which is still just zero
1 point. We didn't own encyclopedias
Born 86, scored a 5.
1 point I've never sent or received a fax
I never owned an encyclopedia. My grandma had a Britannica from like 1960 I think-- which was not always the best source for doing papers in the 1990s
Does a discman count as a walkman? I never had a cassette walkman.
Had a transistor am/fm radio though. Fun times.
I never sent a postcard but that's the only one. So 1 point for me.
I’m stuck on Sent or Received a Fax.
There were a few times I tried to send one but the machine never worked. Not even once. And I tried it on many multiple machines.
And I can’t recall if I ever received one or not. I was present when they came in, but I can’t remember one being addressed to me.
People in offices everywhere fax stuff all the time to this very day…
Zero as well
Big zero for me.
2 - we never went to Blockbuster and we weren’t fancy enough to own any volume of the encyclopedia.
Perfect 0, as well
1 point. But only because there was no blockbuster near where I grew up.
1, never owned an encyclopedia
Yup, perfect zero. Seriously this must be for like teenagers.
A perfect 0! Beautiful.
I scored zero, wife got a 1. She’s 7 years younger. Didn’t do the record song on cassette from radio.
Score 0. Born 1985. And yet there'll still be gatekeepers who say I'm not a Xennial.
2... never used a fax machine or written a check . I have written checks for old ladies when I worked at a grocery store though lol.
I'm actually pretty sure I still have my typewriter!
This is the one thing I’m like 80% sure I’ve never done. OTOH I was a journalist for an actual physically printed newspaper so I feel like that should count.
Lot of dbags in Portland using them today.
So the dreams of the '90s being alive in Portland is a true statement? My typewriter is electric which doesn't make it portable and/or douche-baggy (I think).
Zero, woof
I never used a real/mechanical typewriter. We had an Apple 2e when I was a kid, and then a 486, and then when I was 16, I got a job and built my own PC from inexpensive parts that I picked up at a computer show.
I never had a paper encyclopedia, but we had "prodigy bbs" which came with an encyclopedia as part of the subscription. Eventually prodigy became our ISP, though after my folks split up, when I lived with my mom we didn't really have internet until I built my PC in 96 and signed up for a local ISP called netwave.
1 point - never listened to a vynil record, whatever that is; I have listened to a vinyl record, tho, so typo aside it's zero for me.
One point - and that's because I had never had a reason to use a fax machine.
Who could afford those encyclopedias?
What about used a car phone? Most kids would have no idea what that even is lol
Fuckin zero, man haha
I have zero points.
You know, I never had to use a paper map to get around. I just kinda knew where I was going when I was driving. Now, I have been in the car on family road trips when a map was used, but not me personally.
1 point because for blockbuster
Good ol zero.
I never sent or received a fax. Other than that, I’ve done all of it
I've done them at some point. A few of these are still common, paper checks and faxes, hell even postcards.
r/BoomersBeingFools is leaking.
These were just basic things everybody did back in the day. I’d be surprised if almost everybody didn’t score a zero.
Zero but it was tight. I didn’t love anywhere with a Blockbuster until the last 3 years of its existence. And technically a DVD not “video”.
Every last one of them.
i don't think we had tabs back then, i think it was just a new window lol
20 for 20
Those encyclopedias were the biggest con! I remember the dressing downs my Dad would give my Mom over their price. He gloated once encyclopedias on CD-Rom came out. We'd devoted two coveted shelves to those family fracturing, instantly outdated badboys. Ah, the 90s. Score 0.
Yup. Zero. I guess Encyclopedia will be the hardest one, but my family bought a used set that was somewhat out of date :-)
I’m giving myself 2.
I’ve never recorded the radio to a cassette, and I’ve never owned an encyclopedia. Technically I’ve also never rented from Blockbuster - my family went to Hollywood Video instead.
What I've done the least, is send a fax. Only a few times.
I think anyone born before 1990 would score a zero here.
CalebWilliamson@reddit (OP)
The first fax machine was 1846, and the typewriter was 1874, so at least two.
84 here and just 1: never sent a postcard
Easy 0
I think we all have at least 1. Idk what a vynil record is. Vinyl, hell yeah, vynil, tf is that?
Damn. I hit all 20
I’ve never used a typewriter.
My mom still has our encyclopedia set.
And zero.
Samsies. Zero.
They need to put "used flea dip" on here.